Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 517, Enjoyment, New Home, Honor Level Upgrade

Jiang Zhe opened his eyes and heard Chen Yan snoring softly beside him.

He didn't want to wake Chen Yan, so he moved as quietly as possible.

The previous entanglement had consumed a lot of energy for both of them.

I have been busy for a month, and although I have gained a lot, I rarely have the opportunity to calm down and do nothing.

At this moment, he was quietly enjoying the time to relax himself until Chen Yan woke up.

After a while of lingering, Chen Yan vented all her thoughts and complaints and began to understand Jiang Zhe.

She asked about Jiang Zhe's experience.

Although the process Jiang Zhe described were all interesting things and news of victory, she could tell that there was fierce competition involved.

She pinched Jiang Zhe's cheek with her hand: "You've been out for a month and you've gotten tanned. You must have suffered a lot."

This month, I learned how to make sweet soup and mung bean porridge at home. Would you like to try it?"

"Really? I'm a little hungry." Jiang Zhe said with his eyes closed.

"Wait a moment." Chen Yan forced herself to get up and went to the kitchen to make sweet soup.

Jiang Zhe didn't care whether it was time to eat or not. He waited until the sweet soup made by Chen Yan became edible and started to taste it immediately.

After finishing the sweet soup, I felt very satisfied.

Although it is not considered a top-notch delicacy, sweets always make him feel happy.

Jiang Zhe was full of praise.

"If you like it, I'll make it for you often in the future."

"Well, you have to keep your word."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"I'm afraid you'll only perform once and then get tired of it."

"I won't."

"Now that you're full, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't think about it."

Jiang Zhe said, "How about coming with me to see the new villa? I haven't had time to go there since I came back."

Chen Yan said, "You haven't gone yet? Okay, let's go and see it together. It's a pity that you didn't bring Xiao Ka with you."

Jiang Zhe said, "When I move there, I will bring Xiao Ka with me."

He drove Chen Yan to the new villa. It was evening when they entered the Golden Osmanthus Garden.

The remodeled gate and garage are more functional than before.

When I entered the courtyard, I saw that it had completely changed. The green plants, pavement and various furnishings were exactly in line with Jiang Zhe's ideas.

"It's so beautiful here..." Chen Yan shuttled between the roads, lawns and gardens.

Seeing the lounge chair in the courtyard, he sat on it and said, "It should be very comfortable to drink tea here in autumn."

Jiang Zhe smiled and said, "Sure, I'll arrange it then."

After walking around the courtyard, Jiang Zhe opened the door and entered the first floor.

The hall, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and the storage and wine storage space in the basement have all been renovated.

Jiang Zhe checked it and found no odor. After replacing it with good materials and doing some treatment, it should be ready for occupancy.

He came to the studio with some anticipation.

The sunset shines into the studio through the window. The pure wooden floor and wall panels, white walls and various furnishings. The overall style is simple and natural, and also has modern aesthetic elements.

He turned on the lights and adjusted the different lighting effects one by one. The different light intensities met his requirements.

Chen Yan was wearing socks and stepping on the floor: "This floor is so comfortable to step on. I want to lie on the floor. When do you want to move in?"

Jiang Zhe said: "Some things I can only pack slowly by myself. I will move after I am done packing."

The two of them were walking around the villa.

In addition to his studio, Jiang Zhe is most satisfied with his small study, which is a private space he prepared for himself.

It is not big, you can rest, read a book, drink tea, it is at the highest point of the villa.

Open the window and look south, you can see the coastline, patches of lush vegetation, and the tops of buildings of different styles. It can be said that the beautiful scenery of the nearby coastline is in full view.

Chen Yan came over and leaned against Jiang Zhe. The sunset reached its most gorgeous effect at this moment.

She felt that this moment was extremely warm and comfortable, and she hoped that time would stop forever.


The next morning, Jiang Zhe was awakened by the system's prompt sound.

After washing up, he opened the system with a clear mind and saw a new prompt.

When your honor value reaches the top of the current level, you can enter the next level.

Honor value upgraded? !
Jiang Zhe excitedly clicked on the honor value page and saw that the honor value experience bar had been cleared.

I haven't had time to check my honor value since I returned to Binhai. Maybe the previous publicity is gradually taking effect. In addition, some news about him after I returned to Binhai may have also played a role.

The name of the experience bar changed from "Famous" to "Infamous".

There is a text explanation on the page.

As your honor level increases, the rewards you get from learning and accumulating knowledge will also increase, and the system functions will continue to be enriched. Some functions need to be tried by yourself.

He immediately tried to operate it and found that in addition to the increase in rewards, many functions of the system began to become more and more adapted to his personality.

But some functions cannot be realized for the time being. After the excitement, he began to clean up the studio.


Jiang Zhe put a picture album into the box.

Several boxes are already full, and there are still many books on the bookshelves and other locations waiting to be packed.

The things he brought back every time he went out, as well as the increasing number of books, paintings and various collections, have filled up the old studio.

Many items were afraid of falling or bumping, so Jiang Zhe didn't want to ask others to move them, so he had to move them one truck at a time by himself.

The phone rang.

When he saw it was his father's number, he put down the picture album in his hand and answered the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter?" "...Not tomorrow, I have to go back to high school. Our high school teacher has contacted me several times, hoping that I can go back and give a lecture to the lower grade students?
I haven’t been back before, and I feel embarrassed to refuse this time.”

"Let's talk about it another time."

Jiang Zhe returned to Binhai and spent three days going through all the connections he needed to make, but people still came to see him.

Try to postpone activities that can be postponed as much as possible. If they really cannot be postponed, Jiang Zhe will arrange his time well.

He packed a box and there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and saw Liu Yifei standing outside.

"Sister Liu. Come in quickly."

When Liu Yifei heard that Jiang Zhe had returned, she asked if he needed her help.

Jiang Zhe asked her to come over today.

"How was your rest after you came back?" Liu Yifei asked while helping.

"Not bad. How's the kid? Is he ready for school?"

"I enrolled her in a study class to help her adapt to primary school life in advance." Liu Yifei helped move the comic books.

Jiang Zhe said, "The albums and books are too heavy. Can you help me pack up the kitchen utensils and daily necessities?"

"it is good."

The two of them quickly packed up a car full of things.

"Sister Liu, come with me to get acquainted with the place. If you need a model in the future, go there."

"Okay." Liu Yifei was also very happy. Before, Jiang Zhe had never taken her there, which made her worry whether she could maintain the relationship here in the future. After hearing what Jiang Zhe said, she finally felt relieved.

On the way, the two talked about their experiences in the past month.

Liu Yifei's child's expenses increased, and her income was reduced because Jiang Zhe was away. Although she didn't say it, Jiang Zhe heard some information.

"Sister Liu, once I have the studio set up, I will concentrate on my creations. I may ask you to be a model or help clean the studio more often."

Liu Yifei immediately said, "In August, I can come over on weekends. I can also come over during the weekdays at noon."

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes." Jiang Zhe was thinking about providing help in the most reasonable way possible.

The car entered the community.

This was Liu Yifei’s first time here, and she found everything new to her.

Entering the villa courtyard, Liu Yifei was immediately struck by the elegant and grand environment.

After she followed Jiang Zhe to visit the villa, she couldn't help but ask, "How much does this villa cost?"

“Nearly 300 million.”

When she heard this number, Liu Yifei suddenly felt that she had too little knowledge.

At this time, a few hundred thousand yuan could buy a house in the city, and a few hundred thousand yuan could buy a very good house. A house worth several million yuan was something that was not even thought of.

Originally, she thought Jiang Zhe had a great future, but she didn't expect that he had achieved this level in his twenties.

The gap is too big, I don't want to compare anything anymore.

Jiang Zhe said to Liu Yifei, "Move these books of mine to the third floor. Move the kitchen utensils to the kitchen on the first floor."

The two men took items out of the car and started to get busy.

In the next two days, Liu Yifei came to help Jiang Zhe pack and move.

Within two days, most of the works in the studio were moved to the new villa.

The studio suddenly became empty and returned to its new state.

Jiang Zhe loaded the items into the car and returned to the studio to check.

I have lived here for two years. I am reluctant to move away.

Liu Yifei followed him back to check and clean up.

Seeing Jiang Zhe's expression, I understood what he was thinking.

"Are you reluctant to part with it?"

"There are feelings and memories." Jiang Zhe said.

Liu Yifei felt mixed emotions.

In her eyes, the studio is already the best house.

But Jiang Zhe had to move to a new house after only living there for two years.

Jiang Zhe said: "Sister Liu, there is still time. I want to draw another picture here as a souvenir."

"Okay, what pose?"

"Today, I'll draw your back. You don't need to change your clothes. You face the window and look out."

Liu Yifei came to the window and stood still as Jiang Zhe requested.

Jiang Zhe used sketching to describe the scenes he saw.

"Why do you want to draw the back?"

While drawing the character's hair, Jiang Zhe said: "Look forward. We all have to move towards tomorrow and embrace a better life."

This sentence was very simple, but it brought back sad memories for Liu Yifei and made her think of many things.

Jiang Zhe painted this work with nostalgia and anticipation for tomorrow.

"All right."

"Let me see."

This painting by Jiang Zhe is very simple.

The back of a person and the window, with simple light and dark rendering, show that the person is in backlight.

Liu Yifei asked, "Did you pack up your painting supplies so it's inconvenient to paint?"

Jiang Zhe said, "No. This painting is just a record of my feelings. I will draw a detailed draft when I have time.

Let's go. "

He glanced into the old studio and locked the door.

(End of this chapter)

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