Chapter 178 "The Fourth Prince, Cheridonish"

1998:9 p.m. on September 7, 8.

The upper-class nobles, gentry, musicians, painters, writers, etc. of the Kakin Empire all dressed up, and men and women entered the luxurious mansion of the fourth prince in pairs.

The dance started on time.

The fourth prince, Chelidonich, simply said a few words and gave the stage to the orchestra behind him to perform.

After a long time, melodious music filled the entire venue, and many gentlemen and ladies were dancing in the central area like butterflies.

However, Celidonis was still the center of the party. Wherever he went, it seemed as if there was a spotlight shining on him, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

He did not go on stage to dance, but stood outside the venue, facing everyone who came up to chat with him with a friendly and gentle smile, listening carefully from time to time, and always making the other person very excited.

Celidonis took care of almost everyone and made almost everyone who came to the party feel at ease.

The group of six who had just finished talking with the Fourth Prince stood in a circle in the corner, pointing in the direction of the Fourth Prince who was like a moon surrounded by stars.

They were the Fourth Prince's classmates and friends in the military academy. After graduation, they joined the Fourth Prince's private army. Since they had a close relationship with the Fourth Prince, they were of course also invited to the ball.

"Cherry is still as busy as ever." Otosin, who was wearing a suit, put his hands behind his head and said, "Just like when he was in military school, there are always a group of people around him trying to please him."


Boxon, who had a bob haircut, put her index finger on her lips, signaling Ottosin to keep quiet, then looked around cautiously, and then patted the chest of her evening dress with relief.

"Otosin, why don't you learn your lesson? You should use honorifics when addressing His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince. You must never address him by his name, let alone his nickname!"

Otosin opened his eyes wide and defended himself, "But that's how we called him 'Cherry' before, and he never said anything. You guys are really worrying too much."

Poxon frowned unhappily, then looked at the other four people, who all shook their heads and spread their hands.

One of the women, Mo Moli, who had black bangs and a cold expression, said, "Even in the military academy, only Aoto Xin calls the Fourth Prince His Royal Highness like that. Please don't involve us."

Poxon pointed at Mo Moli and looked at Otosin with an expression that said "just watch".

"How cold." Otosin put his hands on his hips. "We are friends. What's wrong with calling me 'Cherry'? Don't you understand? Cherry has a different view of us."

The other five people looked at each other.

"Still don't understand?" Aoto Xin explained with a look of "I can't do anything to you" and said, "There are too many flatterers around him. We are the only friends who truly care about him."

"Didn't you notice? When Cherry talks to other people, he always wears the 'proper smile of a prince', and only when he faces us does he show the 'smile of relief'."

"That's because he feels much more relaxed around us!"

The other five people looked at each other again, and Mo Moli shook her head.

Poxon pursed his lips and decided to warn Otosin: "Listen carefully, Otosin, things are different now than they were before. School is school, and society is society."

"Not to mention, we are now the private soldiers of His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, and we must have a sense of respect and inferiority. If we call His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince by his nickname, how can he establish his authority in front of other private soldiers?"

"This..." Otosin muttered to himself for a while, and finally said, "Okay, okay, at least in front of outsiders, I will call him 'His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince'."

Finally, this stubborn bull was persuaded. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and secretly gave a thumbs up to Boxon who was very resourceful in this regard.

Boxon smiled smugly, but when he turned around he didn't notice and bumped into someone who was walking next to him.


She almost fell to the ground, but was hugged by the other party and helped up.

Then Boxon heard the other party ask with concern: "I'm sorry...are you okay?" Boxon looked up and saw a tall waiter in a tuxedo, with a shiny slicked back hair, a mustache on his lips, and eyes as deep as black agate.

This is a man with a mature and heroic temperament, probably over 30 years old.

Poxon made a judgment subconsciously, as if it were an occupational disease. Then she smoothed her short hair by her ears and said softly, "I... I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I was careless just now."

The man smiled at her gently and said, "I'm glad you're alright. If there's nothing special, I'll go to work."

He pointed to the plate in his hand, on which were many wine glasses with wine swaying slightly, reflecting the crystal chandelier above his head.

"Okay, go ahead and get busy." Boxon nodded in response.

So she watched the man in a tuxedo leave with a basin of goblets.

Aoto Xin, Mo Moli and others asked her if she was injured, and she replied that she was not made of glass, so there was no reason for her to break with a slight touch.

Later, the six-member group talked about other things and completely forgot about this episode.

The man had already come to the vicinity of the fourth prince, Celidonisi, and while serving the people around him, he seemed to listen unintentionally to the voices of Celidonisi talking to others.

He occasionally touched his beard. The disguise on other parts of his face was fine, but this beard made him feel a little uncomfortable.

His age should be about the same as Kuroro, Nakuru, Xiu Tuo, and Cheridonish who was not far away, but because of the disguise on his face and the beard, he looked at least seven or eight years older.

However, he did not feel dissatisfied. After all, when it comes to disguise, of course the bigger the difference from the original image, the better.

Germain began to eavesdrop.

He is a user of Nen, and his current physical condition is extraordinary. Even at this distance, he can hear what Celidonisi is talking about with others.

Celidonich was talking about philosophy, and he mentioned the names of philosophers such as Kant and Hegel, and it seems that he is deeply immersed in this area.

Everyone else was smiling and applauding, praising the Fourth Prince's erudition. This was not entirely flattery, as the Fourth Prince did have his own insights in this regard.

German is basically immune to the appearance of names like Kant and Hegel, and he is not surprised at the appearance of other terms such as Goldbach's conjecture, La Liga, and Serie A.

This world is a parallel world to his original world, and many things are seemingly true but false.

German listened for a while but didn't hear any important information, so he looked around the ballroom quite naturally and finally saw the "two ladies" in evening dresses.

Xiaodi and Kurapika have gone through more disguises, and now the former has black hair like a waterfall, and the latter has blonde hair draped over his shoulders.

“They” are all dressed up very beautifully, and coupled with their good looks, they appear to be “two beauties”.

At this time, the two were being approached by a man in a suit.

The man pointed in the direction of the fourth prince, Chelidonish, and whispered something with a smile on his face, then handed over a business card.

Xiaodi and Kurapika took the business card, looked at the fourth prince Celidonich in the distance, then looked at each other "awkwardly", hesitated for a while, and nodded.

So the man pointed in another direction and wanted to take "them" away.

Xiaodi and Kurapika followed obediently.

As he was about to disappear from the corner of the venue, Kurapika turned around and quickly made eye contact with Mr. German before following him out.

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(End of this chapter)

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