Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 179: The Ambition of the 2nd Line Agent Melena

Chapter 179 "The Ambition of the Second-tier Merlina" (Part )

When the dance was almost going on at nine o'clock, the fourth prince, Chelidonich, left the venue on the pretext of wanting to rest.

"Your Highness, the Fourth Prince, you must rest more and don't overwork yourself."

"Well, don't worry, sir."

He smiled and nodded to the guests he met, then walked outside alone, passed through the dim corridor, and rummaged around in his pocket for a while before taking out his cell phone.

"It never ends." He muttered under his breath.

The smartphone in Celidoni's hand was the latest model, specially made for him by the company. He had more than a dozen such phones, and this was just one of them, the one he used most easily.

The smile that Celidoni had on his face just now had long disappeared. At this moment, he pursed his lips, like a different person.

He turned on the screen, and the dim light only illuminated his unshaven face - but others generally declared it to be a "sexy face".

After looking at the contents on his phone for a while, Chelidonich suddenly frowned, stopped and turned around.

A beautiful lady in a purple dress appeared before him. She exuded a mature and charming aura and was looking at the Fourth Prince with a curved eyebrow.

However, the only flaw was that there were two straight scars on her left cheek, passing through her left eyelid, which destroyed the woman's delicateness and brought about an indescribable chill.

This person is Melina, the illegitimate daughter of the king and his lover. Because she was destined not to have the right to inherit the throne, she was given two wounds at birth and was called the "second-line one."

At the same time, she is also the leader of the Aiyi Family, one of the three major gangs in the Kajin Empire.

In fact, the leaders of the three major gangs in the Kajin Empire are all "second-tier guys".

The only difference is that Melina is the illegitimate daughter of the current king, while the heads of the Xiuwu family and the Jiasha family are the illegitimate sons of the previous king.

Strictly speaking, Melina and Celidonisi in front of her are related by blood; they are half-siblings with the same father but different mothers.

However, there is obviously no sibling relationship between the two. No, it should be said that Chelidonich has no feelings for any of his brothers and sisters.

Cheridonish looked at her coldly.

"Why are you following me? Is there something urgent?"

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince." Melina smiled pleasantly at Celidonish, "I am here to express my gratitude to you and to invite your most loyal ally and partner to this ball."

She was referring, of course, to herself.

Celidonis stared at the woman for a while, suddenly sneered a few times, and without even responding, he turned around and continued walking on the corridor.

Melina didn't care about Celidoni's attitude. After all, this was not a one- or two-day thing.

She followed behind Cheridonish at a leisurely pace.

Melena noticed that Celidoni was looking at his phone without saying a word. After blinking, she asked, "Are you concerned about the underground auction in Youkexin City on the other side of the ocean?"

Every year from September 9st to September 1th, Youkexin City holds an underground auction, and this year is no exception.

However, in the past, the organizers of the underground auction were only the "Ten Old Men", but now the forces of the three major gangs in Ka and Jin have joined, which means that a total of thirteen major gangs are organizing this auction.

Since the beginning of July, when German and his accomplices wiped out the "Ten Yin Beasts", the ten major gangs under the "Ten Old Men" entered a period of chaos under internal and external pressures in the next two months.

Although the ten major gangs would not be wiped out, they would suffer some setbacks. The ten old men had to give up a lot of profits in exchange for the three major gangs in the Kajin Empire to stop.

This includes the right to host the Youkexin City underground auction, which can demonstrate prestige and power to the world.

Therefore, the grand occasion of this year's Youkexin City underground auction can be seen.

Celidoni still did not answer Melina, but quietly tapped the keyboard of his mobile phone with both hands, typed a message and sent it out.

Melena smiled as if she was thinking of him and said, "Your Highness the Fourth Prince, don't worry. As long as there is something you want, such as the Fiery Red Eye, I will report it to you as soon as possible."

"Those are just small matters, and shouldn't be paid so much attention by a big shot like you. You should be more concerned about what's happening in the Kajin Empire."

"No one knows the king's requirements for selecting an heir, but being familiar with domestic affairs and having connections with nobles and celebrities should be necessary."

"Like at the social dance just now, I was watching you quietly from the side. You faced many dangerous questions and your responses were all quite clever. It was really beautiful."

"As for your classmates from the same period, even though your status was very different, you never neglected them and even invited them to such an important occasion to show that you remembered the old friendship."

“It’s just outstanding.”

"Well, let me think about it. Is there anything else I should report to you? Oh, by the way, do you know about the 'train terrorist attack' that happened half a month ago?"

"The investigation results said that it was the Phantom Troupe. However, I also found some very interesting information. For example, many members of the Kasha family are fans of the Phantom Troupe."

"For example, the Xiuwu family once sent two people to the Kakin Empire by boat, and these two people boarded that train and had a fierce conflict with the Phantom Troupe..."

Before Melina could finish her words, she saw the originally calm Celidonisi, holding the cell phone in his left hand, suddenly become angry.

He turned around, grabbed Melena's throat with his right hand, and pressed her against the wall next to him with a thud.

Cheridonish's fingers gradually became stronger.

Melina held Celidonish's right arm with both hands, her expression calm. She didn't beg for mercy, nor did she struggle. She just looked at Celidonish.

Celidonish looked Melena up and down coldly.

"Melena, it seems that you really don't know what it means to stop. Don't think I don't know what you are up to. You just want to stir up trouble."

"You want to magnify the fight between Germain and the Phantom Troupe into a fight between the Xiuwu family and the Jiasha family."

"You want to remind me that the three major gangs in the Kajin Empire are fighting over and overtly for the right to host the underground auction in Youkexin City."

"You want to remind me that the Third Prince, that blockhead, is behind the Xiuwu family, and the Seventh Prince, that idiot, is behind the Jiaxia family."

"You mean to say that the 'War between Princes' has already begun, right? If we don't seize the initiative, we will be in a passive position when the real battle for succession begins, right?"

"You just want us to go to war and make the Kajin Empire as chaotic as possible. Chaos is everything you love most, right?"

Celidonis lifted Melena up with one hand, his fingers almost pinching her snow-white swan neck.

 Thanks for the reward from Tiejia Wusheng
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(End of this chapter)

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