Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 373: A former member of Greed Island

Chapter 373: A former member of Greed Island

When German handed over a large number of sub-human languages ​​and texts collected by Jin and Nakulu to Piyou, she finally showed obvious changes in expression and movements.

Piyou only glanced at what Germain was holding, then dropped his phone and jumped up like a real rabbit.

"Oh oh oh oh oh - Germain, why don't you give these to me first! Please sit down, there is a seat here, let me take a look at these first."

After that, Piyou's attitude towards German became much better, a complete 180-degree turn.

In the newly built plant breeding laboratory in Limeilu Castle, German saw the figure of Gugu.

This plant hunter was sitting on a retractable high-legged bar stool, resting his head on the violin in his hand, playing a tune slowly.

Seeing Germain coming in from the corner of her eye, she put the violin in its case beside her, pointed at the plants in the cultivation cabinet, and took the initiative to explain:
"There are many research theories that prove that music can have a certain positive impact on plant growth."

German nodded, and as if he was a leader inspecting work, he bent down and looked through the special glass at the herbs that could cure all diseases growing in the clumps of blood and flesh.

Gu Que fiddled with the towering hair accessories on her head, and she always spoke in an involuntary domineering tone, even if she didn't mean to.

"This is the first batch of successful ones I have made in the past few months after simulating the flesh and blood environment and extracting some tissues of the herb that cures all diseases for planting."

"However, after testing by Qiduo, their medicinal value is completely different from the original herbal medicine for curing all diseases."

"I'm already trying to improve it, and I hope that after a few generations of screening and cultivation, I can produce medicinal properties similar to the herb that cures all diseases."

Germain pointed at the flesh and blood inside and asked, "What are these?"

"At first, it was the flesh and blood of poultry and livestock." Gu Gu crossed her arms across her chest, looking like she was not to be trifled with. "Then it was all kinds of wild beasts, and finally we found that the corpses of the monsters you brought back from the Dark Continent were more useful."

Then, she loosened her hands and said, "I will leave the subsequent cultivation work here to reliable plant hunters and experts."

"I will have to participate in the next Dark Continent joint battle and use my Nen ability to help us communicate through letters."

The quail can use birds to deliver letters, documents, etc. to designated objects.

In the election chapter of the original storyline, she managed to use this telepathic ability to deliver votes to almost all professional hunters.

You know, at that time, most professional hunters were distributed throughout the six continents.

It was okay for some people who left accurate addresses, but there were also cases where they did not leave addresses or the addresses were outdated or unclear, which greatly increased the difficulty of delivering letters.

However, Gu Gu still roughly completed this almost impossible task, with only the dead people not receiving the ballots.

The entire route from the Six Continents to the Dark Continent, as well as the entire land route from the coast of the Dark Continent to the ancient labyrinth post station, will undoubtedly rely on Nen users such as Yugu for communications.

Electronic equipment has become unreliable in the Dark Continent. Instead, the most primitive methods are the most effective.

The role of Gugu is of utmost importance. No, in fact, there is no member of the Twelve Zodiacs who does not bear important responsibilities in the exploration of the Dark Continent.

German finally finished meeting with a group of members in the morning and had lunch with Xiaodi at noon.

Xiao Di took a few bites of food and suddenly said, "I plan to go back to Meteor Street tomorrow. Sheila said Meteor Street is being rebuilt, and I want to go back and see how I can help."

"Okay." German nodded and then asked, "Do you want to rebuild a cathedral?"

The original cathedral had collapsed and turned into ruins. The old priest was transformed into a monster by Zazan, and finally Xiaodi killed her benefactor personally.

German thought that the cathedral might be of great significance to Xiaodi, but unexpectedly she shook her head.

"Forget about the church, but we can build an orphanage... Um... Sheila said it's better not to call it an 'orphanage', but a 'children's welfare home', which has a better connotation."

Xiaodi put down her chopsticks - a habit she developed from following Germain in eating Chinese food, and then she reached out to touch the golden inverted cross.

She blinked her big eyes and looked at Germain: "I think Sheila is right. Starting from our generation, let's make sure there are fewer and fewer orphans on Meteor Street."

Until now, German has not been able to share the sense of belonging that Xiaodi has for that piece of land full of garbage and stinking air, but as before, he still respects Xiaodi's choice.

What's more, there is a possibility for the current Meteor Street to change, at least to cut off the ugly and vulnerable cycle.

Germain said, "Greed Island will also provide funds to support the reconstruction of Meteor Street. If you find that there is anything else you need, please let me know."

Xiaodi nodded.

In the afternoon, German was walking on the grassland when he was caught by Duen and dragged all the way to the Limeilu Castle.

"Come on, I'll take you to see someone."

In fact, it can't be considered a person, because he appears on a computer screen and calls himself a "resident of the Internet world." The image of the resident of the Internet world is like Mickey Mouse wearing a mask, but his eyes are misaligned, making him look more like a mental patient.

There was also a "Pe" mark on his headgear, which he later explained meant edge router.

"This person is Ikshanpe Katocha," Duen introduced him. "He is a hacker hunter and a two-star hunter. Besides that, he was once one of us."

"'One of us'?" German seemed to have some impression of the man on the screen, but before he could think of anything, he was attracted by Duen's words.

"Ikchamp also participated in the production of Greed Island." Duen said, "Think about it, isn't the abbreviation of Greed Island 'G.I.'?"

"'G' stands for Jin, and now it stands for you, and 'I' stands for Ixhampe. The general framework of Greed Island was designed by Ixhampe, and we are more of a tinkering on his basis."

German didn't expect that there was such an old connection. While he was a little surprised, he also thought of Ikshangpe.

This person appeared in the Hunter Association election chapter of the original storyline and was one of the candidates for president who was able to advance to the next few rounds of elections.

What’s funny is that later on, Bisiji and most of the twelve members were eliminated, but Ikshanpe was still on the list.

He has never even been to the scene, has always stayed in the online world, and has no interest in the position of president.

Ik Shangpei yelled on the computer screen: "I quit a long time ago. Why are you talking about such old things? Let's get down to business!"

His eyes moved up and down, and he had no intention of looking at anyone, but German could still tell from the way he turned towards him that he was going to talk to him.

"You're the one who came up with the updated version of Germain, aren't you?" Ickchamp shouted at Germain. "Well done! You did a great job!"

German thought that Ikchampé came to call him to task, but he unexpectedly received a compliment, which made him a little confused.

"Jin and Ikshanpe parted ways, and one of the points of disagreement was version update." Duen explained, scratching his belly.

"Ikshamphe wanted to update the game content intensively every week. We couldn't accept this workload, so it was Jin who negotiated with him."

"Jin proposed to have an online game duel with Ikshanpei. The winner would decide everything. Of course, Jin won in the end..."

"How can a match determine the winner?!" Ikshanpei on the screen screamed. Germain could almost imagine his red-hot appearance. "If he wins, he'll run away. Is this still my problem?!"

"In short," Du En brought the topic back, "It's been several months since Greed Island's biggest update, and the game has been very popular and well received."

"Now that more players are pouring into Greed Island, the main quest is being pushed more and more intensely. We have observed that three groups of players are very close to completing the quest."

"Which three groups?" German asked.

Du En said: "One group is the bounty hunter team of Juezjuela hired by the tycoon Batla, one group is Jia Zishu's team, and the other group is Nickens' team."

"I think it's only a matter of time before they clear the level, and Lister and I agree that now is the time to consider a large-scale copy of Greed Island Z."

"However, soon, Lister will set out with the Hunter Association's exploration team, set up base stations on the small islands along the way, and try to connect Greed Island Z to the imaginary Dark Continent, and then to the Dark Continent."

"So, the design and improvement of large-scale dungeons requires other experienced people. It took me a lot of effort to invite Ik Shangpei back."

"After trying out Greed Island Z, he was very satisfied with the content of the updated Greed Island version, which was one of the reasons why he agreed to come back."

Ik Shangpei interrupted, "It's just a large-scale copy, no problem. I'm actually interested in your plan to connect Greed Island to the Dark Continent. Okay, I'll help with both of these things."

Du En smiled and praised Ik Shangpei: "If you are willing, I have no reason to refuse. In fact, with your help, we can definitely complete it faster."

"Of course!" Ikshanpei was so confident that he almost raised his head to the sky.

Only then did Germain find the opportunity to ask, "What is the main plot of the large-scale dungeon?"

Du En laughed again: "It's the Chimera Ants... The players will challenge the King of Chimera Ants - of course, we can only simulate the "Master" combat power at best, it can't be the real "King of Ants." "

Ik Shangpei also laughed: "Although I don't know what you mean by "master level", but I understand combat power, numerical stacking, crazy desire to attack, reading instructions, and terrible mechanisms..."

The two game designers looked at each other and laughed, as if they saw countless suffering Greedy Island players.

Finally, Du En added: "Besides that, we also have selfish motives."

"That is to let Pom, Mereon, Ikarugo and others appear as positive characters, just like how they helped the Chimera Ants Defeat Team, to help players defeat the "Ant King and the Three Guards" and eliminate the misunderstandings of the world about them."

Although the identities of the surviving Chimera Ants have been hidden, there are still many professional hunters and high-ranking officials who know of their existence.

A game may let the participating Nen users know that there are brutal and kind people among the Chimera Ants.

(End of this chapter)

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