Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 374 Nob is determined to do this

Chapter 374 Nob is determined to do this
German was pulled by Duen to chat with the hacker hunter Ikshanpe for a while, and they exchanged many opinions about Greed Island Z.

We had a very pleasant conversation, after all, we had common topics.

When the curved widescreen monitor went off, it meant that Ikchampé had left.

In fact, he didn't go too far away and must still be in the Greed Island network.

It is now difficult to define Ikshampee’s existence, his location, his actions, etc., because he has “ascended.”

Perhaps it would be better to understand him as an extremely good artificial intelligence rather than a human being.

Ikshampee is a resident of the cyber world. He has given up his physical self and wanders between virtualities.

This is the case today and will be the case in the future.

As if worried that Germain might have some concerns, Duen explained to Germain on behalf of Ikshampe.

"Although he often quarrels with Jin, his relationship with Jin has always been in a delicate balance. Even after they parted ways, they still spend time together playing games."

"In addition, Ikshamphe has a strong professional ethics. He is a resident of the online world, so he pays more attention to the privacy of online information and is very sensible."

"He has never attacked Greed Island's network. He will not break into other people's 'homes' unless he is annoyed or has to complete a task."

In fact, Duen didn't need to explain so much. From the previous contact, Germain also felt that Ikshanpe would not be a bad person with low morals.

Besides, how bad can a person who can associate with gold be?
If he was really the kind of hacker who stole Internet privacy and then showed off his abilities by spreading it, he would never have gotten so many votes in the election episode of the original storyline.

On the contrary, everyone should dislike and hate him for doing such a bad thing.

These have directly or indirectly outlined the image of the Ikshangpechi people.

As Duen and Germain were walking on the covered bridge between the two tall buildings of the Limei Road Castle, he talked to him about another topic.

"Your apprentice Kurapika, Gon's son Gon, and Killua from the Zoldyck family entered Greedy Island in the middle of last month."

"They all fulfilled their agreement with you and received Yun Gu's approval. After that, they went to Whale Island to rest for about a month, and then entered here."

"Kurapika used a new player account and planned to help Gon and Killua get through the most troublesome novice period..."

"The feedback from the forum is the same. It seems that I need to discuss with Ik Shangpei how to solve the problem of the novice period."

Duen almost went off topic while talking, and it was only after Germain reminded him that he returned to Kurapika and the others.

Rubbing the administrator's ring, Duen showed German the current performance of the young trio.

"They have already entered the 'Brave Level Area' from the 'Apprentice Level Area' and have basically acquired the ability to use the 'Grimoire' in combat."

Today, the bounty city Andokiba, the magic city Masadora, the gambling city Dulias, and the love city Aiai are the four neutral cities of Greed Island.

The areas outside these cities are divided into "apprentice level", "brave level" and "elite level" according to the degree of danger.

The locations where the main quest is completed - the seaside city of Shoufulabi and the hidden Limeilu Castle are naturally deep in the "elite area".

However, players do not need to clear the "Elite Area" to complete the game.

As long as they meet certain conditions, they can use cards to fly directly to the locations of the two cities.

Players who want to complete the game don’t even need to reach the “Elite Level”; the “Brave Level” is enough. Greedy Island is ultimately a card collecting game.

However, no matter what, since these areas are interconnected, there will always be players who mistakenly enter areas that they cannot safely pass through at the moment.

Fortunately, the punishment for players accidentally entering the late-game maps is not that severe.

"Kurapika met Elena once, Killua met Elena 1 times, and Gon met Elena 4 times, but they also sent many players to meet Elena."

"Meet Elena" is a phrase that is currently popular in the Greedy Island forum, which means being defeated and "dying" in the game.

Players often tease each other, so much so that it has become a special greeting.

Duen, who had been silently watching the content of the forum, naturally memorized this word and often mentioned it, especially in front of Elena.

Elena was helpless about this, but there was nothing she could do.

However, the twins also have their own way of dealing with pranks, and they often swap positions to see if any player can tell them apart.

They look so similar that after wearing colored contact lenses and changing helmets, there is almost no flaw.

So far, only Xiaojie has noticed and pointed out the "twins' prank" based on his wild intuition.

"Is Kurapika still in the Brave Zone?" Germann asked curiously, "More than a month has passed, so Killua and Gon should have passed the novice stage, right?"

"Yeah." Du En nodded, "Killua and Gon must be familiar with Greed Island now. Kurapika is still with them because..."

"It's because of me."

At this time, a thin figure appeared from the corner at the end of the covered bridge. He was wearing a neat black suit, but his face looked sick. A soft hat covered his bald head, but his eyes under the glasses were still sharp and intelligent.

"Nob." Of course, Germann noticed him at the end of the bridge, but he didn't expect him to show up and join the conversation in this way.

Nob adjusted his glasses and said calmly:

"I have not yet repaid you for the kindness of the Republic of Dongguotuo. After knowing how important they are to you, I took the initiative to contact them in the game."

"I appeared as a traveler NPC in the side story accidentally triggered by Killua and Gon, but Kurapika still recognized me quickly."

"So, I asked him to cooperate with me, deceived Killua and Gon, and began to teach Killua and Gon advanced techniques of Nen ability by issuing a series of tasks."

"The reason why I didn't show my true identity and purpose is that I wanted Killua and Gon to feel nervous when they were on the mission. This will help them improve faster."

"Kurapika's cooperation saved me a lot of trouble, and also allowed Killua and Gon to immerse themselves in the Greed Island game more."

"German, you can go and see them when you have time. They have made great progress, and the speed of their progress surprised me."

"Thank you for your guidance to them." Germain's gratitude was sincere. Nob was fully qualified to be Killua and Gon's advanced Nen teacher.

Some of Kurapika's current problems can also be solved by Nob, after all, Nob's rich combat experience in the past is there.

“You’re welcome.” Nob adjusted his glasses again. “Like I said at the beginning, I’m here to repay a favor.”

“However, all three of them are indeed very talented and insightful young people. Being able to guide them has benefited me a lot.”

Nob was not being polite; he was speaking from the heart.

No matter how slow they were, the members of the Chimera Ant expedition team were able to realize that Pom was alienating them, especially her teacher Nob.

Although they met, Pom could communicate with them normally, but she was far less enthusiastic than before.

You have to know that Pam's love for Nob was almost undisguised at the beginning.

What changed her was naturally the part of her body that belonged to the Chimera Ant, as well as the various mental experiences she had during the crusade until now.

Temperamentally, she has changed.

Pom became much braver. She no longer covered her face with her long black hair, but showed it openly. She also learned to communicate with others through eye contact when speaking.

She has demonstrated outstanding work ability on Greedy Island, and she also deserves credit for the version update.

This also touched Nob, Xiutuo and others, causing them to start reflecting on themselves more.

The decisive battle against the Chimera Ants in the Republic of East Goto was undoubtedly a humiliation for Nob.

As a senior and teacher, he failed to fully play his role, and put his juniors Pom, Nakulu and Xiu Tuo into life-and-death crisis.

A few months ago, when Mo Laowu and Na Kulu took the initiative to request to join German's team and go to the Dark Continent together, he did not express any opinion because of the fear in his heart.

In the past few months, Pom has been changing almost every day, moving in a good direction, and even took the initiative to ask to join the Hunter Association's exploration team.

Her self-recommendation was accepted, and her Nen ability "Lonely Deep Sea Fish" was indeed what the Hunter Association's exploration team needed.

With just one look, the target will no longer be able to escape Pam's lock and reconnaissance. This will be a very useful means of seeking benefits and avoiding harm.

The Chimera Ant and Mereon joined the Hunter Association's exploration team for the same reason.

His "God's alibi" and "God's accomplice" will surely work wonders in the Dark Continent.

As for the NPC plots that Pom and Mereon are responsible for, after they leave, they will be handled by Ikshanpe using technical means.

They will leave their avatars on Greedy Island and become real NPCs.

Other NPC members who left like them will be dealt with in the same way, which is one of the reasons why Duen invited Ikshanpei back.

Only Ixhampe could accomplish such a project.

The three Chimera Ants, Ikarugo, Wilfin, and Sina, will stay on Greedy Island and continue to develop the role-playing business here.

Seeing that Pom and Mereon chose to join the Hunter Association exploration team despite knowing that the Dark Continent was full of dangers, it was hard for Nob not to have some thoughts.

Norbu felt ashamed that his disciple was ahead of him in courage.

During this period, he took the initiative to teach Kurapika, Killua and Gon, and from many familiar scenes, he could recall how he guided Pom to grow step by step.

The positive feedback from Kurapika, Killua and Gon, especially Gon's innocent enthusiasm, infected him and made him finally make up his mind.

"I will also join the Hunter Association's exploration team and set out with them. I will reach the farthest place I can go."

"I've already disappointed Pom. No matter what, I can't let Killua and Gon find out that their NPC teacher is a coward..."

(End of this chapter)

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