Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 391: Counterattack-type telekinesis ability triggered after death

Chapter 391: Counterattack-type telekinesis ability triggered after death

That night, in front of the bright bonfire, everyone was roasting skewers of meat, the surface of the meat had already turned slightly brown, while talking about what had happened during the day.

"It's really strange that the "Double-Tailed Snake Hell Bell" died so easily, and nothing happened afterwards?"

"It's strange. I was prepared for everything. I was even worried that you would suddenly attack me and I would be forced to fight back."

Biscuit's tone was very confused, and she lifted the hem of her princess dress to avoid it being caught on fire.

Jin took a bite of the barbecued meat on a bamboo skewer, the spices sticking to his thick beard, and said:
"I felt the same way. The situation was urgent at the time, and since I didn't know the specific ability of the "Twin-Tailed Snake Hell Bell", I could only destroy it first."

"But after killing it easily, I realized that it was too easy. This is probably a feature of the "counterattack type mind ability."

"What is "Counterattack-type Nen ability"? "

Xiaodi asked, holding a partially burnt skewer of meat in her hand and handing it to Germain.

German took the slightly burnt skewer of meat and explained:

"Under normal circumstances, the ability will not be activated actively. Only when certain conditions are met will the ability be triggered to counterattack the enemy, just like a trap."

Xiaodi blinked her big eyes and asked again:
"But after the death of the Twin-Tailed Snake Hell Bell, we didn't encounter any other attacks?"

As Jin chewed, his lips glistened as he said:
"This is what we all find strange... Perhaps some condition has not been met... Perhaps the trap has been triggered, but we haven't noticed yet."

"In short, after the death of the Twin-Tailed Snake Hell Bell, the black energy and the strange bell sound all meet the characteristics of a counterattack-type telekinesis ability."

"There are some rare counterattack-type mind abilities that require 'death' to trigger, because the resentment after 'death' is the strongest catalyst for triggering abilities."

"'Hell bells', 'Hell bells', maybe it's just a reference to the mind ability that is triggered after death, but it's just summarized with more mysterious words."

Everyone thought in silence.

“It is indeed a possibility.”

Someone responded in the darkness.

Everyone looked up and looked in the direction of the voice.

After a moment, a slender figure stepped into the range of light.

Her chocolate-colored skin and dancer-like footsteps made it difficult to detect her even when she was walking in the dark, just like a beautiful snake.

The lower half of her face was covered with a piece of cloth, so she spoke in a muffled voice. A spear and a shield were wrapped around her back, and her left hand was wrapped in a blood-stained bandage.

"Shield Breaker" Sigman, a member of the station exploration team, had just gone out to scout the surroundings and had just returned.

Biscuit was stunned for a moment, then smiled, asked Sigman to sit over and said:
"It's Sigman. The barbecue is ready. Come over and eat together."

"Okay, Biscuit."

Sigman sat among the crowd, took off half of his mask, revealing a very beautiful face.

She took the skewer of meat handed to her by Biscuit, took a bite, and the aroma filled the air.

Biscuit raised his eyebrows and asked proudly:
"How is it? I baked this. Isn't it delicious?"

Sigman is usually taciturn, but he will respond to his companions:

"It's delicious... The smell of spices reminds me of my hometown. That place is the only way for trade teams to pass through, and the spice trade is always indispensable."

"Hey, if it's delicious, eat more. There's more here. Consider it our reward for your hard work."

Jin looked at the darkness around him and asked:

"Sigman, when you were scouting just now, did you notice anything unusual happening around you?" Sigman thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No. Neither me nor my little snake felt anything strange."

"However, this is the Dark Continent. Our experience may not be useful here."

Jin nodded and said:

"You're right... Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm always worried that the "Double-Tailed Snake Hell Bell" I killed will bring troublesome consequences."

German handed the perfectly grilled skewers to Xiaodi, and asked:
"Are you worried that we will kill each other like the giant rhinos and other beasts here?"

During the daytime march, the giant rhinoceros was not the only group of them that they saw killing each other. There were also many more medium and small species that they had never heard of or seen before.

In order to avoid being attacked by more "Twin-Tailed Snakes·Hell Bells" with unknown abilities, they all watched from afar and then left quickly.

Kim replied:

"That's right. Now we can basically confirm that the fight and killing between them was caused by the "Double-Tailed Snake Hell Bell", but the specific means are still unclear."

"I am indeed worried that we will develop into a situation where we hate each other and are hostile to each other and want to kill each other."

Biscuit laughed and said:
"Jin, don't worry. At least I don't want to kill you yet... 'Monsters that spread murderous intent', 'infectious', 'infectious', maybe there is an 'incubation period'?"

Hearing this, Germain asked as a reminder:
"You all have some spare 'Herb Injection for All Diseases', right?"

Everyone nodded. Sigman searched in his loose robe for a while and took out a tube of "Herb Injection for All Diseases" and showed it to Germain.

"That's good. No matter if it works or not, if you feel something is wrong, just give it a shot. Biscuit, I'll leave the "stress relief treatment" to you."

Biscuit stood up and smiled proudly:
"No problem. I'm incredibly strong now. Cookie can relieve a certain amount of pressure accumulated by the four of us."

Jin looked at Biscuit's chin that was raised to the sky and was about to blurt out sarcastic words.

However, considering that he had encountered the "Double-Tailed Snake·Hell Bell" during the day, he was still unclear about the impact of this monster.

Therefore, he did not want to cause a dispute easily, so he swallowed his words back.

At this time, a cold wind blew over, causing the campfire to sway and the smoke to fly.

After nightfall, there was no more hot rain in the rainforest, so everyone found an open and flat ground nearby to set up camp.

A cold wind blew, and their first thought was that the rain might start again.

However, they soon realized that it was not the heavy rain that brought the cold wind.

A huge, vague outline in the darkness was moving towards here, and the dark shadow outlined by sharp claws appeared at the edge illuminated by the fire.

Everyone stood up at the first moment. This was not the first time they encountered this kind of enemy, and they quickly recognized each other.

A night-attack species. Another night-attack species.

Sigman covered the lower half of her face again. She frowned, pressed down her bandaged left hand, and said apologetically:
"I'm sorry, I didn't notice there was a Night Raider nearby. It was my negligence."

"Don't blame yourself too much at this time!"

A loud shout seems to firm people's hearts.

The "barbarian warrior" Hart, carrying the long-handled knife and wearing leather armor made of animal skins, stood proudly in front of the crowd.

“I’m not afraid of anything!” She was not at all delicate like an ordinary woman, but full of masculinity. “I’ll cover you, you guys hurry up and retreat, don’t let this beast attract a large group of monsters to surround you again!”

(End of this chapter)

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