Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 392: The number of members seems a little wrong

Chapter 392: The number of members seems a little wrong

The roar of the night raiders, the chaotic night, and the double-teaming of monsters were all torn apart after German pulled out the Holy Moonlight Greatsword.

Of course, the post station exploration team could not abandon the "barbarian warrior" Hart alone to cover their retreat, nor could they abandon the others. As many people as came, so many people would leave.

What's more, German is no longer the same person he used to be. With him in charge, the night raids are far less terrifying than before.

It took less than ten minutes for everyone to repel the monsters that were attacking like a tide, and German even killed the leading night attacker.

Everything returned to peace. If it weren't for the corpses and blood on the ground, it would be impossible to imagine what kind of riot had taken place not long ago.

Hart sat down on the severed head of a monster, wiped the blood off the long-handled knife casually with a white cloth, and threw it directly into the campfire.

The blood-stained white cloth burst into flames.

She laughed and said, "The monsters in the rain forest are just like this. They are not as ferocious as the ones we encountered in the steep mountains."

“Don’t be too careless.” Sigman removed the shield from his left arm, revealing the bandaged stump. “This is just the beginning of the journey.”

"Yes, yes, yes." Hart was quite unconvinced and jumped down from the huge monster's head. "You are just too cautious."

"It won't go wrong to be cautious." Sigman hung the blood-stained shield and spear back on her back, not afraid of the tall female warrior standing in front of her.

Hart's face, which was smeared with blue spots, showed an unhappy expression.

Biscuit came over to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, everyone has just been exhausted, let's have a good rest. Who among you needs "Cookie's Magic Beauty"? "

"I don't need it." Hart said, "Let's treat Sigman. I think she is too nervous. Don't let her go crazy."

After the barbarian female warrior finished speaking, she snorted and turned away.

She walked to a large rock far away from here and sat down, shouldering her long-handled knife and closing her eyes to rest.

"Hart is like this." Biscuit sat next to Sigman and said softly, "She is actually a good person, but she is a little sharp-tongued."

"I know, it's okay," Sigman replied.

“Need a cookie magic treatment?”

"No, thanks. Biscuit, thank you for your kindness, I just want to be alone."

"Okay, don't pay attention to what Hart said. Remember, you are companions."

"Yes, I know. We are companions."

Biscuit had no choice but to get up and leave to use the power of "Magic Beautician Cookie" for other people.

Sigman is right, the journey is long and this is just the beginning.

Biscuit could sense that the atmosphere in the team was a little tense, and she had to find a way to cool it down.

Biscuit's verbal negotiation and "Cookie's magical beauty" are her ways of dealing with things.

On the other side, German checked the time on his phone and confirmed that it was already after 8:21 on August 0st in the Six Continents.

He, Jin and Xiaodi moved away the piles of monster corpses and cleared out space in the camp, so that they could rest for a while.

Clank, clank, the friction and collision sounds of armor could be heard.

"Crusader" Reynard stood in front of Germain, raised his visor, and said with a smile:
"You guys have a good rest. There are still several hours before the sun rises. I will take the first shift. Jin, you will take the second shift. I will call you in an hour. Is that okay?"

"it is good."

Jin responded, and he sat cross-legged on a patch of dead branches and leaves, holding the back of his head with both hands, and fell back, just like Hart, closing his eyes to rest.

The "Sleeping Girl" of Greed Island is too fragile and inconvenient to move with.

If they had not reached a relatively safe place to protect the "Sleeping Girl", everyone would still prefer to rest in person.

Leonard turned and left, and the sound of armor clashing became quieter and quieter.

Germain sat down against a big tree. Xiaodi took off her glasses, rested her head on his shoulder, and fell asleep with slow breathing.

Germann stroked the "Hunter Badge" and checked what he had gained from the night raid just now.

"Ring of Darkness": Can transform "spiritual energy" into dark mist and release it.

If it is paired with the previous "Thunder Ring", he will have two rings that can play the role of "Transformation".

Best of all, they don't take up much space, and Germain has ten fingers, so he can wear one of these rings on each.

Just as German was about to put away the "Hunter Badge Projection", he caught a glimpse of the words "Teleportation Lantern" below it from the corner of his eye.

11 special lanterns, 6 ordinary lanterns, and 5 idle lanterns...

His thoughts began to extend.

After that, he would return to the ancient labyrinth. The "Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle" would soon revive. By operating on it, he would be able to obtain another free lantern, which would be enough for him to travel between the Dark Continent and the Six Continents.

As he was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed something strange.

In fact, before the night raid began, Germain had already felt something strange, but the attacks of the night raiders and monsters interrupted his thoughts.

Now that the battle was over and the surroundings had calmed down, with the help of the "teleportation lantern", some thoughts that had been blocked became clear.

Not right.

The "Teleportation Lantern" can only teleport four people at a time, and this time, I remember that I only teleported once and only brought three people.

We even held a meeting to finalize this matter, and everyone agreed to keep it a lean team of four.

In other words, the number of members of the post station exploration team should be four.

Germann's eyes swept around and he began to count.

one two three four five six seven……

Why are there seven people here?

German frowned, trying to recall which three people were teleported with him, but the figures standing beside him kept changing.

One moment it's Sigman, Xiaodi, and Biscuit.

One moment it was Jin, Hart, and Xiaodi.

A little while later it was Xiaodi, Leonard, and Biscuit.

The composition of the station exploration team members traveling with him keeps changing, and each time the memory seems quite credible.

But Germain knew that only one of them was true and the rest must be false.

He thought of his experience in the steep mountains. There must be something that affected his mind, his memory and cognition.

Jin's worries were right. After the death of "Twin-Tailed Snake Hell Bell", something was indeed triggered, which subtly made us accept the three members who did not belong to the team.

But does this mean that Kim Fulisi is reliable?
If all this was triggered only when "Double-Tailed Snake Hell Bell" was killed, then could it be that Jin Fulishi deliberately pretended to be attacked and took advantage of the opportunity to attack?
And there’s Xiaodi Murasaki next to me, is she a real person?

What is the purpose of these members who infiltrated the exploration team?
For a moment, countless questions came to his mind, and German almost wanted to wake up Xiaodi beside him and prepare to interrogate her alone.

However, it seemed that someone reacted faster than him.

"Do you feel that something is wrong?"

Dubisk, the Cursed One with scars on his face, a perpetually exhausted look, and chains all over his body, spoke in a cold tone from where the bonfire could not reach.

"There are eight of us here. Doesn't that seem like the right number?"

(End of this chapter)

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