Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 461: Half a Year's Journey, One Day and One Night Are Coming to an End

Chapter 461: Half a Year's Journey, One Day and One Night Are Coming to an End
"'Shuttle'?" Xiaodi obviously didn't pay attention to the conversation between the people and the group of strange guides when he boarded the ship.

Germain explained: "From here to the Dark Continent, a normal voyage would take at least half a year, and that's without any interference."

"So, we need to 'shuttle'?" Xiaodi tilted her head.

"Yes." German repeated what the captain had said, "The entire ghost ship will make a long-distance trip every two hours."

"Just like your teleportation?"

"That's right. After a day and night of nearly ten trips, the ghost ship will reach our destination."

"So, we don't have to do anything and just stay in the cabin?" Xiaodi adjusted his heavy black-framed glasses.

"That's true," Germain replied patiently.

Xiaodi nodded in recognition and understanding.

"Look." At this time, Mo Laowu made a new discovery, "Look outside!"

German turned around, moved closer to Mo Laowu, and looked out.

Xiaodi and Biscuit walked to another round window tacitly and looked outside.

Light... They actually saw light in the deep sea, and colorful lights reflected on their eyeballs.

The ferry ghost ship shuttled to a strange area full of deep-sea monsters.

One after another, strange and huge sea beasts swam around the ferry ghost ship, floating slowly forward like turtles.

There are squids with tentacles hanging down like hyacinths, strange fish with a tightly closed wide and long mouth, and sea snakes that you can't see the end of...

What is even more bizarre is that they all have transparent shells, and people can see their internal organs inside their shells. These crowded organs are the source of the light on the seabed.

"Incredible..." Biscuit exclaimed, "As gorgeous as a gem... If I could take it away, I would really like to take it back."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Di took out the camera from the bulge-eye fish and handed it to Biscuit: "You can take it back this way."

"Oh, yes. I never thought that there would be a day when you would remind me of this." Biscuit took the camera with surprise and joy, and started taking pictures outside.

"I have never seen these sea beasts, nor have I seen so many sea beasts gathered together." Mo Laowu almost pressed his entire face against the round window. This trip was worthwhile for him.

German could only look out from a small corner that was not blocked by Mo Laowu's tall and strong body.

It is indeed beautiful.

The scene outside the window reminded him of the scenes of nebulae in the universe published by NASA that he had seen in his previous life. Of course, the colors of those gorgeous nebulae were artificially selected and embellished.

But they are indeed equally beautiful.

After the excitement wore off, everyone sat back at the round table, discussing the future while eating the lunch they brought - the guide did not provide any meals or water.

Du, du, du—

German opened his eyes alertly and turned over in bed. He keenly heard the footsteps of someone approaching the cabin.

Judging from the unique footsteps and the spiritual energy, Germann was sure that it was the captain who was leading the way.

What is he doing here?
Have we arrived at our destination?

Sure enough, when the others woke up slower than German and stood up, the closed door of the cabin was pushed open by the captain's crab claws.

The sea water rushed in, but not much, only covering the floor a few centimeters.

The captain came in, his sallow face showing neither sadness nor joy: "We are almost there, you guys should pack up. If you abandon anything here, I won't come all the way here to return it to you."

After saying this, the captain turned around and left without any hesitation. The sound of his footsteps gradually disappeared at the end of the aisle.

He came here specially not to tell everyone that the ghost ship was about to reach its destination. He could have let his crew do that.

The reason why the captain came here was because he needed to do it himself to unlock the seal that separated the cabin from the outside sea water.

Several thick candles on the table had long burned out, with only one left struggling to hold on. The room was dark and it was impossible to tell what time it was.

However, everyone also vaguely felt that a day and a night had passed. "Pack up, don't forget to bring your things." German stood up and reminded everyone.

Everyone was bleary-eyed, but they all counted the things they had on hand as instructed, and then stuffed them all into Xiaodi's bulge-eyed fish for storage.

After confirming that nothing was left behind, everyone was completely awake.

They walked out of the cabin together, the water reaching up to their ankles, and they moved forward with a splash.

At the end of the corridor is a layer of transparent rippled water curtain. It seems that the seal has not been completely lifted here. However, everyone can already see the faint light from the outside world through the water curtain.

This means that the ghost ferry ship has unknowingly dived to an area close to the sea surface.

Immediately afterwards, there was a creaking sound, and the entire ghost ferry ship began to tilt upwards.

Everyone had to grab the wooden boards or pillars around them to keep their balance and avoid slipping.

Then a huge force made them lean back, and the ship shook, making people wonder if it would be destroyed.

After another loud bang, a dazzling light shot in from the water curtain.

After a heart-pounding feeling of being suspended in the air, the ship shook and fell onto the sea, with waves splashing everywhere.


The water curtain in front of everyone's eyes broke, and they were thrown forward by inertia, but they did not fall. Instead, the seawater in the aisle and cabin rushed out.

"It looks like there's no problem... Let's go out and take a look." German said.

Naturally, everyone had no objection. They climbed up the ladder one by one, got out of the cabin of the ferry ghost ship, and came to the slippery deck outside with residual sea water.

Some nimble fish, such as crabs, have returned to the sea with the tide, but several dull fish are lying on the deck, desperately wagging their tails, trying to twist themselves out of the ship.

The wet starfish and barnacles looked lifeless, but they were moving silently.

The sun had risen outside, and the light of day illuminated the entire sea.

The strange-looking crew members were shouting loudly and raising their sails vigorously, on which were printed patterns of deep sea waves.

The captain stood at the bow. He turned his head and pointed to one side with his yellow tentacles wriggling. “Siren Gorge, your destination, is also the landing point of the previous group of people.”

He had no interest in remembering the name of anyone in Biyangde's exploration team, just as he had no interest in German and his group now.

Everyone looked at each other, then curiously gathered around the bird-beak-shaped bow and looked out. Sure enough, they saw the ghost ferry ship riding the wind and waves and heading between two precipitous sea cliffs.

There were reefs everywhere along the way, like ghost claws, trying to hook passing creatures and ships, but the ferry ghost ship easily bypassed them.

However, the ferry ghost ship could not escape the singing from the melodious voice, and a kind of fascinating charm arose spontaneously.

When Germain looked over, he saw a naked, graceful mermaid lying in a clam shell on a flat rock, singing a beautiful song with flushed cheeks.

Such mermaids are distributed in reefs, cliffs, and sea caves on all sides. They are everywhere, and everyone seems to have entered the land of beauty.

Mo Laowu was almost bewitched by those charming eyes, that face, that figure, and that singing voice, until German tripped him and he woke up from his dream.

"I almost fell for it." Mo Laowu shook his head, "Thank you, Germain. I almost made a fool of myself."

"It's okay." Germann would not be affected by such tricks now, not to mention that he had seen and touched better ones.

The captain spat in the direction of the Siren and pointed the direction of the ferry ghost ship.

"In this direction! Sail fast!"

When the sirens saw that the entire ship had passed by and no one jumped into the sea alive, they had to shake their tails in disappointment, stop singing, and lick their fangs with their tongues.

Soon after, the ghost ferry ship docked in a quiet bay and cast down wooden boards for people to disembark.

"Let's go." The captain handed Germain an empty conch shell. "When you want to return, blow it. We will arrive in one day at the latest."

(End of this chapter)

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