Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 462: Casualties of Biyangde's Exploration Team

Chapter 462: Casualties of Biyangde's Exploration Team
After landing at Siren Gorge, German and his group went into a forest.

The shadow of the luxuriant leaves fell over them.

"Let's go this direction."

Biscuit spread out the route map drawn according to President Netero's dictation, took out a compass, and spoke excitedly.

"I already smell my baby Crystal."

"First of all, there is a long way from here to the volcano. President Netero walked there for nearly a week." Mo Laowu adjusted his sunglasses and said, "Secondly, crystal has no smell... Well, maybe it smells like mud."

"You are a sea hunter who has come ashore. Do you understand me, a gem hunter?" Biscuit pointed to his head and narrowed his eyes. "This is my 'hunter's intuition'!"

"Okay, okay, I can't argue with you." Mo Laowu raised his hands to show surrender.

Biscuit had no intention of pursuing his victory, but instead stroked his chin, frowned, and said:
"However, the actual distance is indeed quite far, and we can only walk there, which takes a long time."

"Maybe not." German said suddenly at this time.

Everyone turned to look at him in surprise.

"You have a solution?" Biscuit was a little surprised. "Ah... I knew you would have a solution. You never let us down."

"It's the same as before." German ignored Biscuit's boasting and said, "I can materialize a yacht, so I can also materialize other things."

Biscuit understood what Germain meant, and with his eyes widened, he suggested, "You mean the airship? If it's an airship, we might be able to get there within a day."

"Yes, it's an airship." Germann said, "However, the airship I materialized is just like the yacht before, it is just for show and has no other functions besides flying and carrying."

"Understood, understood." Biscuit responded quickly, "'Fuel' is our mind energy. There is no machinery or equipment. It is just pure 'power to make bricks fly'."

German was a little surprised. He remembered that he and Xiaodi said the term "powerful brick flying". It seemed that Xiaodi mentioned this term to Bisiji later.

"Yes, that's what I mean." He saw a relatively open flat area ahead, so he asked everyone to stand there while he walked over.

In fact, if he didn't mind the time and energy, German would rather materialize a carriage and carry four people across the Dark Continent.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and they solved some difficulties and obstacles on the road from time to time, which was pretty good.

However, Biscuit was probably already itching for the rare crystals from the volcano, so there was no need to waste time in these places.

The powerful spiritual energy emanating from Germann startled a large flock of birds around him.

They flew into the air in dense groups, not to mention some small animals, all of which left the place in a rustle.

The mental energy poured back onto the flat ground, and quickly condensed into the outline of an airship, gradually adding details, and finally a real airship materialized.

The only tools that Germann can materialize now, besides the weapons gifted by resentment, are things he has observed before.

Whether it is the yachts of the past or the airships of today, they all have prototypes.

There are pros and cons to taking an airship. The advantage is that you can reach your destination quickly and directly without having to climb over or go around mountains, rivers, jungles, and wilderness, thus saving time.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of mental energy, and low-flying targets are too large, which is likely to attract the covetousness of aerial beasts or beasts with ground-to-air hunting methods.

However, Germain could fully accept the disadvantages of riding an airship.

The so-called "consumption of a lot of mental energy" is not as fast as his recovery. As for the "covetousness of the giant beast", it is even more unnecessary to mention it. Just be careful. As soon as German raised his hand, the door of the airship opened and a ladder was automatically lowered.

Then he turned around and said to everyone, "Now we can fly to our destination in the air. Biscuit, I'd like you to continue to confirm the route and direction."


The sound of firewood burning and breaking could be heard in the campfire, and the pungent smoke was blown diagonally to one side with the evening breeze, and the people on that side all moved away.

A handsome man with short blond hair walked out from the darkness with an annoying smile on his face, and sat on a wooden stake nearby.

Pariston's exquisite suit had long been thrown into some corner, and at this moment he was only wearing a white shirt covered in sweat and mud.

This is in stark contrast to his previous neatly dressed and gentle appearance.

Sitting by the same campfire with him were Bi Yangde, who had a long black beard, and Xiyou, who had a strong build and wore a golden hoop.

They were covered in blood and bandages, but they looked calm and composed.

Bi Yangde was supporting his knee with his left hand and holding a roasted hind leg of some unknown beast in his right hand. He bit and chewed it with his teeth and finally swallowed it.

He didn't seem to care what Palliston's return meant.

Xiyou couldn't sit still anymore. He placed the Ruyi Stick flat on his knees and asked, "Parishton, have you figured out the casualties of our team?"

"It's out." Pariston replied in a relaxed tone, flicking the pages of the notebook in his hand with his fingers.

"When we set out from the Deep Sea Gate, there were 25 people in total. One person drowned because he foolishly left the cabin while on the ferry ghost ship. One person was lured into the sea by the siren's song in the Siren Strait and was dragged into the sea. He is confirmed dead."

"Using the power of mind to quickly travel through the Dark Continent, the two people felt extremely uncomfortable, dizzy and vomited. After the journey was over, they contracted a disease from the Dark Continent, and then died and their bodies were burned."

"After arriving at the crater, one person fell into the lava and died. After sneaking into the dragon's habitat, two people left the team without our permission. It is likely that they were greedy. The whereabouts of the two people are unknown afterwards."

"Our infiltration was discovered by the dragon, and the three people who used telekinesis were killed. Then we started a chaotic battle in the volcano."

"Use the Poor Man's Rose Bomb to blow up several dragons including the Scaled Dragon and the Thunder Dragon. We worked together to kill two dragons. Then..."

Having said this, even Pariston paused for a moment before continuing.

"Then the most powerful dragon here, the Dragon Disaster, the Flame Dragon, came. It absorbed the flames of the Poor Rose and became even more terrifying."

"We finally evacuated the volcano successfully. The team's current situation is 8 injured, 13 dead and 4 missing."

Pariston closed the notebook with a snap. He sat there calmly, first looking at Xiyou who seemed a little anxious, and then looking at Bi Yangde.

"What do you think of the current situation?" he asked.

"What else can we do?" Xiyou held the Ruyi Stick tightly with both hands, "We have almost used up all our trump cards. We can't even get past that Flame Demon Dragon..."

"Bijande?" Palliston stared at their leader and asked with a smile, "Do you think that our attempt this time will end in failure, just like your attempt half a century ago?"

"Hehe——" Bi Yangde was not at all irritated by Pariston's usual sarcasm no matter when and where, "Failure? You are still far from failure now, kid."

(End of this chapter)

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