Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 73 The God of Toilet Invites Me to Meet at the Hunting Ground

Chapter 73 The God of Toilet Invites Me to Meet at the Hunting Ground
German shook his head. "This is a crude plan. What if you lose to Chrollo?"

"How could I lose?" Hisoka declared confidently, "As long as you successfully lead his followers away, I will definitely be the final winner."

"Confidence is a good thing, but arrogance is not necessarily a good thing," said German.

If Kuroro and Hisoka were to fight each other now, it would be hard to tell who would win. After all, Kuroro is the type of person who will only take action after being fully prepared.

The reason why Kuroro was able to kill Hisoka in the future of the original timeline was that he "stole" a set of "psychic abilities" and took advantage of Hisoka's willingness to put himself in danger, so he was able to win almost unscathed.

However, this also forced out the even more terrifying Hisoka, a product of chaos and evil.

At this time, Hisoka said with a smile: "Don't worry about what happens between me and Kuroro. In short, do you want to join this plan or not?"

German thought for a while and replied, "What practical benefit will this bring to me? I can't become the new leader because of this."

Of course, he didn't want to be the leader of the Phantom Troupe.

Unexpectedly, Hisoka laughed slyly and pointed out the key point: "You don't want to be the leader of the Phantom Troupe at all, but you want to get rid of the Phantom Troupe completely. You want it to disappear, right?"

Germain remained silent.

"I am the only one among them who has fought against you. From your combat habits, I know exactly what kind of person you are. It is impossible for you to covet that kind of position."

"You don't care about power or killing. The pleasure you really pursue comes from something else that I don't understand yet."

"If they had fought you once, they would probably feel the same way."

"They don't understand you. You don't want to seize power, but to become a traitor to the Phantom Troupe."

"And you know very well that Kuroro may not care whether you quit or not, but Feitan, Ugin, Finks and others will never let you go as a double traitor to Meteor City and the Riders."

"They will hunt you down."

"Once they attack you, you must fight back with the goal of killing them. Once you kill them, even Kuroro will not be able to stop the entire Phantom Troupe from taking revenge on you."

"So, you need to dismantle and destroy the Phantom Troupe before the endless future of dodging arrows and slingshots arrives."

"However, the necessary condition for the Phantom Troupe to be destroyed is that Chrollo must die."

Hisoka analyzed him and lured him into his trap.

"Besides that, the entire combat group must be wiped out. There is no other possibility."

The so-called combat team refers to Nobunaga, Feitan, Finks, Knight, Franklin, Peeler, and Ugin.

In contrast, the auxiliary team consists of Machi, Paknoda, and Kubi. Of course, this does not mean that these three people have no combat capability.

In fact, they have more detailed groupings, which I will not elaborate on here.

Hisoka continued, "When you were alone, you could only continue to tangle with them and maintain the status quo, but now with me, the situation is different."

"You just need to act as a bunny girl and attract the audience's attention while I perform my little magic. The Phantom Troupe will lose its leader, and then we will have the opportunity to defeat them one by one."

"What if you kill Kuroro and they elect a new leader?" German raised this possibility.

"There is no such possibility." Hisoka smiled, "Kuroro's role in the Phantom Troupe is far more important than those members imagined."

"As long as he dies, the new leader will most likely be Ugine, right? Even if it's not Ugine, can you imagine what it would be like if other members of the Phantom Troupe became the leader?"

"You helped me, and I will help you break these legs one by one. Then you will be free, and I will be happy. This is a future that is completely beneficial to both of us." "It's too risky for just the two of us." German was still reluctant to nod easily, "There will be quite a lot of variables during the process. If we are not careful, we will fall into the spider web."

Hisoka hummed, "That's why I asked you to meet with me to discuss the details. Come on, Germain, there is no better 'partner' than me."

This time Germain didn't think about it for long.

The issue of the Phantom Troupe has to be resolved sooner or later and it cannot be dragged on forever, so let's listen to the ideas of Hisoka, the future "Toilet God of War" and "Troup Killer".

Even if you have to be reckless, there is a way to be reckless.

Speaking of which, the record between future Hisoka and Kurapika and the current members of the Phantom Troupe is two to two, which is a tie.

Hisoka killed the knight and Kubiki who lent their abilities to Kuroro, Kurapika killed Ugin, and planted "thought" in Paknotta's heart, so Paknotta had no choice but to commit suicide.

If German can really bring about the final battle between Hisoka and Kuroro in advance, I wonder what impact it will have on the future.

3 month 11 day.

Germain took an airship and arrived in the eastern part of the continent where the Republic of Batocchia was located.

He found the Alice Café where he had agreed to meet Hisoka. He was supposed to wait indoors, but many women came over to chat with him. He had no choice but to sit in a seat under the parasol outside.

German pulled up the mask to cover the lower half of his face, then pushed down his black triangular hat, put earphones in his ears, listened to music on his cell phone, and looked like he wanted to keep strangers away.

This time, no strangers came near.

The music that German listened to was his recently favorite "Requiem-in-D-Minor, K.626:VIII.Lacrimosa", which is Mozart's Requiem and Memorial Song.

That unique beauty is hard to forget once you hear it.

From where German was sitting, he could look up and see the majestic building that was nearly one thousand meters high and towered into the sky - the Sky Arena.

It is a holy land and paradise for fighters. Bloody and violent or spectacular battles unfold every day. Countless people flock there, place their bets, and try to change the trajectory of their lives here.

German didn't have much interest in this place, even though with his ability, he could make a lot of money here.

As long as he didn't meet those top-level OPs, he was basically just fishing in the Sky Arena.

Generally speaking, he would not attack people who are much weaker than himself, unless the other party cannot understand the situation.

However, Hisoka liked this place very much and specially arranged the meeting place at Alice Cafe which had a view of the Sky Arena. Perhaps it was some kind of hint to Germain.

The agreed time has passed, but Hisoka still hasn't shown up.

Germain put the pocket watch back into the hunter's black robe. He was not surprised. It was normal for Hisoka to be late.

At the moment he put the pocket watch into his arms, a small, fast-moving object suddenly entered the range of his "circle" which had expanded to a radius of eleven meters.

German raised his hand and caught the thing firmly!
It was still shaking and spiraling, but Germann cut off the "qi" that was wrapped around it, and it finally stopped obediently.

He took off his headphones, looked at the metal gyroscope lying quietly on his palm, then raised his head to look in the direction of the attack.

There were three people standing there, maintaining a very tight formation, and all of them were familiar faces to Germann - the kind of familiarity that he had seen them before, but the other party had never seen him before.

(End of this chapter)

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