LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 115: Do you want to catch a Level 2?

Chapter 115: Do you want to catch a level player? (Vote for me!)
"This is outrageous. Top Esports is about to lose, and Uzi is still smiling?"

"No, isn't Kuroko a bit too strict? He doesn't even allow us to laugh, right?"

"Maybe when I saw my crazy brother Hong Wen, it was as if I saw myself."

"I see, he's looking in the mirror!"

"Does it mean that the life of the Void God is destined to end in sorrow? Even the Second Void God cannot break free from the shackles and win the S-Crown?"

"Don't be so mean, the first Void God had an S crown, even though he had an olo, it's already been eaten by the evil god!"

"From the moment Galio landed at the opening ceremony, I knew Top Esports couldn't win today!"

The barrage of comments in the live broadcast room kept scrolling, and the expressions of the members of both teams on the big screen also formed a sharp contrast.

“Well, we can see that the fourth game between the two sides has started today!

In this round, DWG is on the blue side, able to move first and pick first, while Top Esports is on the red side, having the final counter position! ”

As Miller's voice fell, DWG still refused to give up and immediately knocked down Chen Feng's head.

Even though Beryl insisted that he could play it, Liang Daren had never seen it before, so to be on the safe side, it was better to move it away directly.

This is the final, and it is the most crucial moment, so there is no room for carelessness!
Seeing the big head being pressed off again, Luo Sheng felt mixed emotions.

The auxiliary made a move, which should have been a good thing, but it also meant the loss of a major weapon.

After discussing with a few people, Luo Sheng directly removed the Nidalee that Canyon played very well in the second game, as he didn't want him to get it again.

Because Canyon's Nidalee played so perfectly in the second game, with such explosive pace in the early game that Karsa was breathless.

Seeing his Leopard Woman being defeated, Canyon raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a smile. For him who had already fully exerted his momentum, this kind of targeting was not very fatal.

"They are scared!" Xu Xiu is now in a very relaxed state of mind.

There is only one step left to restore the glory of LCK!
"Then do we need to move the ice?" Liang Daren asked.

"I don't think it's necessary. We can grab it first hand and save space by grabbing it instead of moving it!"



The first round of moving characters between the two sides ended quickly. After DWG eliminated the Galio, they added a Lucian and A Shui's signature Senna. However, Top Esports still targeted Xu Xiu's Card and Kennen, who played very well in this World Championship with Nuguri.

Mainly there is no other way, because the condition of his left hand is so damn bad, he can only help a little by moving someone else to reduce the pressure on him.

"Huh? Frost is out!" Wawa discovered this, "Do you want to take it, Topbo? Varus is also out. Topbo played this combination very well in the first game!"

“But I feel like DWG might grab it themselves.” Guan Zeyuan continued.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, DWG locked down Ashe with the first move!

"Han Bing was robbed, so I wonder what Taobo will do to deal with it?"

"The main thing is that this Ashe doesn't necessarily play as an AD! The opponent might also imitate Creator and play Ashe as a support!
After all, their support player Beryl actually likes to play a more alternative support role.”

"Sindra is released. I think Top Esports can give it to Zuoshou because this is his best hero!"

Several commentators were analyzing the situation at the same time.

Tao Bo over there.

Luo Sheng was also asking Chen Feng and the others.

"EZ, right? If it's EZ, Xiaofeng, you can roam around more."

"Roam?" Upon hearing this, Chen Feng was amused. "Roaming is fine, but who should I help? What if the opponent uses a combination of Frost and Varus? Do we still need to play in the bottom lane?"

These words made Luo Sheng suddenly not know what to say.

Even though the tone was very aggressive and made people feel uncomfortable, they just couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Not to mention whether the opponent will try to steal your skills on the spot, just use Frost Varus to go to the bottom lane.

Even if it's normal for Ashe to go AD, then letting EZ stay in the bottom lane and the support roaming seems to be the only lane where they can help the most is the mid lane.

But Zuo Shou’s condition in the past few games is really bad. If we help him, wouldn’t it be equivalent to handing the championship to the opponent?
"So what heroes are you two going to play?" Luo Sheng asked.

With his level, he now has no idea what to do. He could steal from other teams before, but now there is no team to steal from. He has been eliminated. He can't steal from the opponent on the spot, right?
“Play every game as a BO1, so you must use the hero you are most confident in. This way, even if you lose, at least you have tried your best!”

"That seems to make sense." Luo Sheng muttered.

He then helped Zuo Shou take down Syndra, and then snatched Kindred for Karsa.

Kindred is not what Karsa is good at, but the fundamental purpose is to prevent Canyon from getting it. In these two games, Luo Sheng could clearly feel that the opponent's jungler was getting better and better.

"Sure enough, Syndra has been released. There is no reason for Top Esports not to take her!" Miller finally forced a smile on his face.

Seeing that Top Esports had revealed its mid and jungle, Liang Daren discussed with Xu Xiu and the others, and immediately decided to help Canyon get the remaining Graves. He then locked a crocodile for Nuguri in the top lane to strengthen the early combat capabilities and to better assist the jungler in controlling resources.

As for the hero to pair with Ashe in the bottom lane, Liang Daren was not in a hurry to choose. He wanted Top Esports to guess for themselves whether this Ashe would play as a support or AD.

If you think you are a support, then do you want to move Varus?

"Ashui, what about you?"

Luo Sheng asked and decided to give him AD in the third hand, otherwise he would be easily targeted by the opponent in the second round.

As for 369, he will be the last choice, look at the opponent's lineup, and enjoy the final counter position.

Hearing the question, Ah Shui subconsciously turned his gaze to the familiar purple figure.

This hero carries too many memories for him.

However, Kaisa was a little too weak in the beginning, and after hesitating for a while, he finally showed his Draven.

"Just him!"

"Yeah!" Luo Sheng nodded.

Now that it has come to this, you have to use the hero you are best at and most confident in!

In the commentary box.

Looking at Draven who had confirmed his decision, Guan Zeyuan seemed to realize something.

He said with emotion, "At the most critical moment of the game, we can see that Top Esports' mid and bottom two Cs both took out their most confident and best heroes!
In fact, I once asked some professional players privately, that is, when the team enters a life-and-death game, would you choose to believe in the version or in yourself?

The answer that Topsports gave us was that they chose to believe in themselves!"

Following Guan Zeyuan's inspiring words, both sides began the second round of moving people.

The second round of moving people was much simpler than the first round.

Seeing that Top Esports had taken out Draven, Liang Daren naturally pressed down Pike, because in the match against Suning, the Pike and Draven combination of Chen Feng and A Shui had left a deep impression on him, and he absolutely could not let the two of them get it!
Kill Pike and add Ornn!
In three consecutive games, 369 played Ornn three times, which made it impossible for the extremely offensive Nuguri to perform at all.

Although there is an advantage in laning, this advantage is not enough.

Moreover, Ornn is the kind of hero who can still be effective in team fights even if he is under pressure and has fewer soldiers to replenish, and he can even provide equipment to his teammates later on.

So just move it away, don’t let 369 drag Nuguri along anymore.

On the other hand, Top Esports removed Titan, a hero that is more effective against Draven, and then killed Xu Xiu's Clockwork.

As for whether the opponent will bring out Varus and let Ashe play as a support, Chen Feng is not afraid of this.

Although the double AD suppression power is indeed very strong, it depends on who they are fighting against. It is still not enough in front of Draven.

When the commentator came over, Luo Sheng asked Chen Feng what hero he wanted to choose.

“Thresh, of course! Draven has been taken out!”

"Yeah." This time, Luo Sheng surprisingly didn't say anything else, he just nodded and agreed.


"How are we going to carry out that pleasurable torture?"


As soon as Thresh came out, Wawa couldn't help but say, "Creator also took out the hero he is most confident in. Although this hero may have brought him a lot of ridicule, but at this critical moment, he still chose to believe in himself!"


"Fuck, you're taking out Thresh at a time like this? Shit!!!"

"You crazy guy, you don't really think that you are really good at Thresh, do you? It's just that Ice King Draven is good at playing."

"You dare to use this hero when you are two games behind? I'm afraid you forgot that your Thresh was under a lot of pressure and missed the target with one hook."

"If we have another match, this beast will show his true colors. He tried to scam me, but he didn't even know what he is!"

"Maybe he thought that he couldn't win the game anyway, so he decided to prepare a meal for his brothers."

“Great flavor, no need for more salt!!!”

People in the live broadcast room were not optimistic because the first impression was so important.

It just so happened that Chen Feng's Thresh in his first LPL match left a deep impression and a lot of fun.

Seeing that Top Esports left the counter position to the top lane, Liang Daren was not worried because he did not think 369 could beat Nuguri.

However, the hero Draven does have a strong ability to suppress the opponent in the early stages, so after discussing with Xu Xiu, he gave Xu Xiu an Akali so that he could target her during team fights.

Locked on Akali and gave Beryl another Pantheon.

"DWG's lineup has been confirmed, so what kind of hero will Top Esports give 369?"

"How about Sion? This is also a hero that 369 is very good at. He performed quite well in this world championship."

"But isn't it a bit of a waste for Conte to take Sean?"

Guan Zeyuan, Miller and Wawa were discussing at the same time.

Listening to several people's conversation, Uzi, who was sitting in the middle of them, with his suit about to burst due to his fat, felt extremely happy.

Especially when he saw Chen Feng’s still rosy cheeks through the player’s avatar frame in the lower right corner of the big screen, he felt even more comfortable.

You like dancing, right? If you lose the game later, you will be crushed by public opinion!

"369, what hero do you want to play? Sion?"

Hearing Luo Sheng's inquiring tone, 369 briefly suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

Is this still the same coach who kept asking himself if he had reached his rebellious stage?

In the past, at this time, I would basically use a commanding tone to decide on the hero to be used in this game.

Upon hearing Luo Sheng's words, Chen Feng felt his blood pressure and temperature rise instantly, "Where's Sean?
If you mess up again, you will lose the championship!!!"

"Then tell me what we should do." Luo Sheng was at his wit's end and had no other ideas.

After losing two games in a row, this half-baked coach was completely at his wits' end. He could only think about how to prevent the players from making mistakes and didn't even think about fighting to the death.

“The opponent doesn’t have a true solo lane hero, so we can use a solo lane as a backup.

By then, even if Ah Shui and I don’t perform well in the bottom lane, we can still engage the enemy through single-player lanes!” Chen Feng expressed his thoughts.

After Luo Sheng heard this, he thought about it in his mind and it definitely seemed to be the case.

"What about the sword girl?"

If you want to solo, then Fiora is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Salvin, Fiora is not good at teamfighting."

"Which one do you want 369?"

"Hmm..." 369 thought for a moment.

Because he is not a player like Abin, he is more concerned about the team, so after thinking about it, he said, "Let's go with Shen."


“Precision is the difference between slaughter and surgery!!!”


"Top Esports didn't plan to let 369 handle the pressure in the top lane this time, so they gave him a Shen!

But if you use Shen to fight against Crocodile, this fifth-floor counter position will actually feel like being countered in reverse.

Although Shen can easily beat Crocodile in the later stage, he really can't beat him in the early stage. "Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but say.

"But as long as we can drag it out in the early stage, by the mid-term and beyond, Shen won't be afraid of Crocodile so much."


After the BP was over, Luo Sheng also spoke up to cheer everyone on before shaking hands with Liang Daren.

After both sides exchanged the heroes to their respective users, the lineup was presented to everyone.

DWG has Crocodile on top, Graves in the jungle, Akali in the mid lane, and Ashe and Pantheon in the bottom lane.

Top Esports has Shen on top lane, Kindred in the jungle, Syndra in the middle lane, and Draven and Thresh in the bottom lane.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two sides entering the game, Guan Zeyuan began his daily analysis.

"Both teams had pretty good lineups in this game, but DWG focused more on the early and mid-game, while Top Esports focused more on the mid- and late-game.

And the most important thing is, if 369's Shen develops smoothly, he will be able to put a lot of pressure on the opponent in single laning.

Because DWG doesn't have a real solo-lane hero, no one can beat Shen in a one-on-one fight later on.

In other words, Top Esports must try its best to defend against DWG's offensive rhythm in the early stage!
As long as they drag the game to 369 minutes, with 's Shen's single laning, Top Esports could easily win the game."

Upon hearing this, many Topbo fans at the scene and even in the live broadcast room panicked.

"Oh no, this has started again!"

"Colonel, love means restraint, love means keeping your mouth shut!"

"I used to believe in science, until I saw management science!"

"The water ghosts have started again. The classics can't beat the weird commentary, right?"

"Heh, speaking of this, you GSL may have forgotten how the title of Colonel Park Zeyuan came about!"



Both sides entered the game amid the cheers of the audience.

Chen Feng still used his super fast hand speed that he had acquired after being single for 18 years, but after purchasing the equipment, he moved the mouse and clicked to go on the road.

"Brother Ka, would you like to consider catching him at level 2?"


(End of this chapter)

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