Chapter 116 Red Wenbobi, start!!! (asking for monthly ticket!)
"Caught on the second level?"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Kasa became a little hesitant.

Because the consequences of failing to catch Canyon at level 2 in the first game are still fresh in my mind.

"Right! We don't have to kill him, just give him a hand." Chen Feng nodded, "Because as long as Shen gets stronger, we will definitely win!"

"But if that happens, your bottom lane..." Karsa was a little worried.

Top Esports relied on Draven and Syndra in the early and mid-game, but Zuo Hand’s current state basically made them unreliable. Giving him his signature hero was just to prevent him from being beaten by the opponent.

As for beating Xu Xiu to death, that was something that he couldn't even dare to think about.

In other words, the only one who can support the rhythm of Top Esports in the early and mid-game is Draven. If he is targeted by the opponent's jungler because of his level 2 gank, it will be no joke.

Everyone who knows about Draven knows that if he can't withdraw money and dies once, he will be almost half-crippled.

"Ashui and I can handle it!"

Seeing Chen Feng so confident and A Shui also nodded, Karsa controlled Kindred and walked towards the red lane.


“No one has any intention of invading the river.

In fact, I feel that Top Esports' bottom lane lineup is relatively strong, and Showmaker's Akali in the middle lane is very weak at level 1, so they can try to invade the opponent's jungle."

"But now they have no room for error, so we have to be cautious. If there is any mistake, the game may be over.

Moreover, 369 was playing Shen in this game. Even if he used the level invasion to drive Graves to the upper lane, he couldn't just leave him there like he did with Ornn.

For Top Esports, 369's Shen is very important in this game! As long as they can drag the game to the mid-to-late game, they will basically win. "

Seeing Guan Zeyuan speaking so confidently, Miller on the side quickly said, "I think it will depend on the operations of both parties at that time.

However, both junglers started the game on their respective red servers, and it seems that Top Esports was planning to focus on Draven in the early stages of the game. "


After standing in the river for a while and making sure that the other party did not come over to provide vision, Chen Feng called out to A Shui.

"Come here and disguise yourself!"



A Shui was not stupid either. After a quick thought, he immediately understood Chen Feng's idea.

He controlled Draven and pressed the Q skill to slash at the newly appeared Blue Tyrant. In order to make the performance more realistic, Chen Feng even deliberately took a punch from the Blue Tyrant, causing himself to lose some blood.

Then, at just the right time, the two of them walked along the river toward the lower road.

As soon as I arrived at the bottom lane, I saw Ghost's Ashe and Beryl's Pantheon.

"The opposing jungler should start with blue."

Seeing that Ashui's Draven's double axes were online, and Chen Feng's Thresh's health and mana bar were also depleted a little, Beryl immediately passed the news to his teammates.

"Got it." Canyon responded without any surprise.

Because Top Esports' lineup in this game is that Shen is fat, and he can pull his side to death alone, so it is not surprising that the jungler will farm from the bottom to the top.

Although there is indeed no way to deal with Shen in the late stage, the prerequisite is that you can smoothly transition to the power stage, right?
Otherwise, everything is empty talk!
Returning to the bottom lane, Chen Feng started to help A Shui get the second position.

If the opponent really uses Ashe and Varus, he, with Thresh, will definitely go up to fight at level 1, but if it's Pantheon, forget it.

This thing has an enhanced W skill, which is combined with Ashe's Q skill. Draven and Thresh may not be able to defeat it.

So to be on the safe side, grab the second one first!!!

At this time, the picture on the big screen was directly divided into three parts by the director. Erlang Shen's perspective allowed everyone to see the situation on the top, middle and bottom lines.

"Sindra is Zuo Hand's specialty hero. When she uses it against Showmaker's Akali, she should be able to exert some strong suppression power in the early stages.

Then we can cooperate with Karsa's Kindred and do more things in the front." Guan Zeyuan analyzed habitually.

As a result, just as he finished speaking, Syndra, who wanted to use her long-arm advantage to consume Akali's left hand with skills, missed two Q skills in a row, all of which were twisted away by Xu Xiu's positioning.

This made Uzi beside him unable to hold back and burst out laughing.

Even the people in the live broadcast room live in Bengbu.

"I really like what Colonel Guan said. Syndra is a hero who is good at playing with sticky hands."

"Unique skill? More like a terminal illness!"

"To be honest, if my grandma comes here, she might get hit by one of her skills!"

"You have fifteen minutes to surrender now, and stop torturing me!"

"No, Top Esports is at a disadvantage, so is Brother Uzi so happy?"

"Then he must be happy. If Top Bo really wins the championship, won't he be stepped on the head and mocked by my crazy brother?"


Not only the mid lane, but even 369's Shen in the top lane was pulled back.

Logically speaking, Crocodile is very weak at level one, and Shen has a passive shield, so he is naturally not at all weak.

When Shen fights against Crocodile, he must suppress him severely at level 1, otherwise, when he reaches level 3, Crocodile will attack him.

However, when everyone focused their attention on the top lane, they found that the two had been fighting for a long time, and 369's Shen didn't hit the crocodile once. Not only was he pulled by Nuguri and hit by two normal attacks in vain, but he was also hit by the Q skill in the end, causing him to lose some health in vain.

"No wonder 369 got Ornn for three games in a row. It's not that he is not allowed to carry, but he can only mess around and can't carry at all!"

"Where is the person who just said 369 sacrificed himself to achieve the middle and lower level? Come out!"

"No, didn't this Shen learn any skills? What about W? Fight back!"

"White Crescent is so angry. After so much time, you 369 still can't pull!"

"Don't be so mean, pulling on the court, pulling off the court, this can also be called pulling!"

"Okay, this round of Tobo is over. I told you, even Jesus can't save them!"

Not to mention the audience, even Nuguri felt a little proud.

No wonder they always use Ornn to withstand pressure. I thought it was a tactical decision that favored the bottom lane. After all this time, they can only muddle through.

Thinking of this, Nuguri, who was just one step away from winning today's game, couldn't help but feel a little contemptuous.

I don't know.

369 did all this on purpose.

It can't be said that it was completely intentional. It is true that he was pulled by Nuguri and his two normal attacks were wasted, but not using skills was intentional.

As Chen Feng said, after clearing the red server, Karsa decisively controlled Kindred to walk towards the top lane.

"Wait a minute, Brother Ka, what is this..." Guan Zeyuan was stunned when he saw this scene.
"Does he want to catch him at level 2?!"

Nuguri was not aware of the danger at all, because Beryl had just said that the opponent's jungler started in the bottom lane, and it would take some time to finish clearing the jungle and get to the top lane.

During this period of time, you can suppress Shen as much as you can.

You played Biohn against me for three games. Let’s see how you can do in this one!
However, just when he was thinking this in his heart, he saw the Shen in front of him suddenly use the E skill to hook the wall, and the second stage of the E skill kicked towards his face!
"Is this crazy?"

Nuguri didn't think much about it, because it was too late for Shen to take advantage of the crocodile's weakness at level 1 to suppress him, not to mention that the skill he learned was an E skill that was not very useful.

However, just as he was thinking this, he saw a Kindred with a red tyrant robe suddenly running out from the river.

"The opposing jungler is in the top lane!!!" He quickly reminded his teammates, did not dare to hesitate, and quickly retreated.

But even so, Karsa still controlled Kindred and cooperated with 369's Shen, chasing him all the way to the tower and taking away nearly half of his health.

"What a pity that Shen doesn't have level 2. If he could upgrade to level 2, I feel like there would be a chance to kill him in this wave!" Wawa sighed.

"That can't be said. If the second-level crocodile learns the E skill, Top E's top and jungle players won't be able to stay.

Although he didn't catch it, Karsa's wave can help 369's Shen relieve a lot of pressure on the line, and also allow him to reach level first."

Uzi was extremely depressed when he saw Kindred turning around and leaving after catching the crocodile.

No, why wasn’t this guy so smart when he was in the same team with me?

You're playing me, right?


Although the enemy was not killed in the first wave, Nuguri's Crocodile was unable to use his hero's strength to suppress Shen in a short period of time. Crocodile is strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't beat the enemy with half health, right?

"Qian Xi, didn't you say that the opponent's jungler started in the lower zone?" he asked depressedly.

There's a spy in the team, and the information he provided is so fucking fake!!!
But he wasn't too panicked, since it didn't affect anything anyway.

When it reaches level 6, Crocodile has one more ultimate move than Shen, so he can still beat him at will!
There is currently no way to suppress Shen, which makes him very unhappy.

You have to know that when Crocodile fights against Shen, except for the first and second levels, he has to suppress him severely!
"Shit, I got cheated!" Beryl was not stupid and immediately understood what was going on.

Looking at Thresh who was showing off his expression in front of him, he despised him in his heart!
Seeing Kindred showing up in the top lane, Canyon thought for a moment and then directly chose to exchange the jungle area.

Because Xu Xiu's Akali has no lane control, even if Zuo Hand's Syndra doesn't consume too much of his health, he can still push the lane without any problem.

The crocodile in the top lane was caught, causing Shen to reach level 2 first and lose lane control, so they could only exchange jungle areas. If they tried to defend by force, problems would easily arise.

Canyon didn't want to drag the game to the last round, as the pressure would be too great, so to be on the safe side, they directly exchanged the jungle area. This way they wouldn't lose anything, but would just sacrifice Crocodile's suppression of Shen.

"Xia Quan, bear with it for a while before you go on your journey!"

"Yeah, I know." Nuguri nodded.

"It seems that they are also aware that if they drag the game to the late game, Shen's solo push will be enough to drag us down, so they are preparing to attack around the top lane."

"That depends on whether their bottom lane can handle us!"

Canyon is not very panicked. As long as there is no problem with the crocodile in the top lane, after level 6, the Rift Herald is still stronger than the Shen.

Sacrificing the laning ability of the bottom lane to make up for the top lane is just like robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Since their jungler was in the top lane, Chen Feng and A Shui were not too aggressive. If they forced a blood exchange, they would easily be overtaken by the tower.
Pantheon is unreasonable when it comes to crossing the tower. He comes up and makes a noise, leaving almost no room for maneuver when cooperating with the jungler.

Since his jungler is in the bottom lane, Beryl naturally wants to play more aggressively, force a blood exchange, and then cooperate with the jungler to cross the tower!
If your Draven is defeated, even if your Shen develops well in the beginning, you still have no chance to play!

Thinking of this, Beryl controlled Pantheon and used the bushes to block a field of vision, preparing to use the speaker to perform a smooth little combo on Draven first.

However, when he controlled Pantheon to jump out using his W skill Shield Leap, he was interrupted by Thresh in front of him using his E skill Pendulum of Doom.

"Creator reacted so quickly!!!" Miller exclaimed, "We can see that there is no vision in the bush, and Beryl's Pantheon jumped out directly. In this situation, he actually interrupted it!"

"He must have sensed the other party's thoughts, so he made a prediction in advance." Guan Zeyuan said.

Looking at Thresh's reaction, no matter how much Uzi annoyed Chen Feng, he was still a little surprised.

Although I was surprised, I felt very uncomfortable.

Because the better Chen Feng performs on the field, who is the Creator that he kept talking about in the live broadcast room? When I was playing professionally, I had never heard of this person's name. You can imagine that the boomerang that knows him will hurt your face more!


Seeing Chen Feng's Thresh's E skill, Doom Pendulum, interrupt Pantheon's W skill, A Shui immediately controlled Draven to attack Pantheon.

You can be a jungler in the bottom lane, but that doesn’t mean I dare not fight back!
I've died in the game more times than you've eaten meals, so why should I be afraid that a mere jungler like you will come and arrest me?
Facing Draven swinging his axe, Beryl, whose skill was interrupted, didn't care about the surprise in his heart. He quickly controlled Pantheon to activate the E skill to block the damage while retreating.

Want to run?

Of course Chen Feng would not let the opponent go so easily.

Now that you're here, why not leave your life here?

He released his Q skill Death Sentence at the right time, and the cold hook went towards Beryl's Pantheon.

"Top Esports' bottom lane wants to make a move, but judging from the angle, the hook seems to be blocked by the minions!" Guan Zeyuan, who had been staring intently at the screen, said quickly.

However, he had just finished speaking.

Thresh's hook caught Beryl's waistband with a snap, and when his E skill was finished, he was forcibly pulled back!
"No, this can also be hooked?"

"Colonel Guan is starting to exert his strength!"

The people in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

From a bird's eye view, Thresh's hook was indeed blocked by the minions, but unfortunately, it finally hooked Pantheon!

After hooking Pantheon, Chen Feng did not hesitate. He focused his fire on the second stage of his Q skill and while flying up, he directly used ignite on Beryl.

Because the opponent's jungler is in the bottom lane, I let up the line a little bit, and I can continue chasing at this distance!
Beryl didn't dare to save his skills. If the jungler was killed by Draven in the bottom lane, it would be no joke.

He quickly pressed the flash button and retreated.

But at this time Chen Feng had already made up his mind to kill. He directly controlled Thresh to flash and then threw a lantern behind him. A Shui was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He lit the lantern and followed up to control Draven to swing the axe in his hand to continue attacking Beryl!

Ghost on the side was also helpless. He didn't bring any healing skills, but only purification, so he could only deal as much damage as possible.

But how can Frost’s damage compare to Draven’s?

The result is self-evident. The last bit of Pantheon's health was taken away by A Shui's axe!
First blood!!!

A burst of blood!


"This wave of Creator's Thresh is so cool!!!"

In the commentary box.

The doll cried out excitedly.

"Originally, Top Esports was going to sacrifice Jack, LaDou and Draven's laning phase to ensure 369 and Shen's stable development. But even so, with the wonderful operation of Creator Thresh, Top Esports still got the first blood in the bottom lane!"

Listening to the kid who used to yell in the commentary booth, saying that Uzi was still outputing, Uzi had the harvest, and Uzi was super awesome, Uzi actually felt a little jealous.

You know, the excited shouts in the past belonged to you!
"But Canyon's Graves is here, and he's supporting very quickly." Miller continued, "And Creator's Thresh has no skills left, and he's also been stuck by Ashe, so he might have to be replaced."

"But if the two supports were to swap, it would be completely acceptable to Top Esports, because this was Draven's first blood!"


Seeing the jungler coming, Chen Feng had no room to operate because his Thresh was standing in the front with low health and no skills, so he reminded A Shui.

"Let's go, don't worry about me."

But what he didn't expect was that without his reminder, Ah Shui had already escaped.

This made Chen Feng extremely heartbroken.

But that's what a support is like. You do the most work, consume the least economy, and have to sell yourself out from time to time.

After Canyon controlled Graves and came to the bottom lane, he took the kill directly without any hesitation.

"Oh, my." Beryl sighed depressedly.

Although Canyon's timely support helped to stop the loss a little, he knew very well that it was still a huge loss.

Even if the jungler is not in the bottom lane next time, this line may not be able to be controlled again.

"It's okay, take your time." Canyon was not panicked at all.

You, Draven, are good at getting kills, but my Graves is no pushover either!

In line with the principle of bringing into play the excellent tradition of Graves, Canyon naturally helped Ghsot's Ashe push the line.


the other side.

After resurrection, Chen Feng bought equipment and controlled Thresh to go to the middle lane. He was going to take advantage of the time when A Shui finished farming and went home to update equipment to help Left Hand in the middle lane harass Xu Xiu's Akali. In fact, he was also very surprised.

Just now, he used Thresh's E skill, Pendulum of Doom, to interrupt Pantheon's W skill without vision. In fact, it was a completely subconscious behavior.

This feeling made him very strange!
Including the hook at the end, he actually didn't think it would hit the target, but it still hit the target in a very tricky way.

Could it be that……

He suddenly realized that the system had rewarded him with a talent skill - [Red-warm Boy]!
This is a talent that temporarily improves all your attributes and operations when the team is at a disadvantage.

Could this be the power of the red temperature I just experienced?
If that's the case, then...

Red Wimpy, start!!!

 Thanks to the boss “Xiao Shufu” for the reward!
  By the way, I would like to report the results to all shareholders. I originally said that I would not overestimate myself and would be satisfied with 500 first orders. I didn’t expect that I actually overestimated myself in the end!

  Wuwuwu, let me lie on Sister Hisi's legs and cry for a while...

  But rest assured, shareholders. After all, this is my first time writing a book, and as a man of 18 centimeters, I must work hard to write it well.

  Just because the results were not good in the beginning doesn’t mean that we can’t make progress later. Finally, thank you all for your support, Xoxo!
(End of this chapter)

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