LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 201 Fountain Taunt, Everyone's Temperature is Red!

Chapter 201 Fountain Taunt, Everyone's Temperature is Red! (Seeking monthly tickets!)
"What do you mean? The Book of Murder?"

"I thought it was Uzi who didn't take Topbo seriously, but I didn't expect it was Crazy who didn't take the opponent seriously. The support bought the Death Book, right?"

"The other side is not a human being, because there is a god on the other side!!!"

"The pressure is now on Little Phoenix. The support has already bought the Book of Death. How can he survive?"

"To be honest, it's not easy for Xerath to kill. Unless Phoenix focuses on him first, he would have run away even if Top Esports lost the teamfight."

When seeing that there was an extra Book of Death in Chen Feng's equipment column, the barrage in the live broadcast room quickly scrolled.

Not only them, even Liu Qingsong, who noticed the Book of Death, couldn't help but move the mouse and click twice.

"He really dares to offer anything." Poison Coin couldn't help but mutter.

Uzi said nothing, feeling like he was being looked down upon.

the other side.

Looking at the two real eyes in his backpack and then at the killing book bought by Chen Feng, A Shui sighed deeply.

I always feel that the other party treats me as a support, but I have no evidence.


After taking the second Rift Herald, Karsa didn't hesitate. Unable to find a good opportunity, he went straight to the middle lane and knocked down the middle lane tower of the Phoenix.
As soon as the first tower fell, A Shui's Ziggs naturally came to the middle lane.

With the bomber in the middle lane, Top Esports will definitely be able to hold the middle line firmly.

Faced with the lane change, Xiao Fenghuang had no choice but to let Uzi and Liu Qingsong come to the middle lane. While Poison Coin ran to the side lane, he was also ready to look for opportunities at any time.

Even though the middle lane tower was pushed and the middle lane was very dangerous, wasn't it an opportunity for me?

If Top Esports pursues too deep, then Phoenix can use Kled's ultimate to provide quick support and Captain's ultimate to double-team!

"Let's just connect the wire and eat, and try not to push." ​​Liu Qingsong, who was in charge of the vision, reminded them.

Uzi didn't say anything, but he was very unhappy.

I am the advantage, why do I always have to take over the connection?
He was very depressed, but he had no choice but to do it.

But Chen Feng didn't care about that. After he took some vision, he returned to the middle lane to continue to torture Varus.

Taking advantage of the ultra-long attack range of Xerath's Q skill, Arcane Pulse, while consuming energy, it also continues to inflict real damage to Uzi's spirit.

You have to know that the damage of his Xerath is not the same as before. After three or two skills, Uzi can't bear it.

Not to mention that there is A Shui's bomber next to him.

After throwing out a Q skill and hitting Uzi, he controlled the Ziggs to directly use his ultimate skill!

"It's going to explode~"

With a loud bang, Varus, who was at the center of the Ziggs' ultimate move, suddenly saw his health drop significantly.

"Hey, Uzi is going to be killed instantly!"

Looking at Varus's health decreasing rapidly, Guan Zeyuan spoke quickly.

While he was speaking, Chen Feng controlled Xerath to use another flash Q skill to hit Uzi's Varus.

Then, he took two steps back, activated his ultimate move directly, and entered the ascension state.

Facing Varus who was trying to move and use skills, Chen Feng showed a confident smile on his face.

The first shot hits!!!
At this time, Liu Qingsong's Thresh came and threw a lantern from a distance.

However, just when everyone thought that Varus would be able to retreat easily after lighting the lantern, they saw Varus, who was halfway through his flight, was hit hard by another ultimate move from Xerath.

Second shot, hit!!!
Finally, after flying to Thresh, Xerath's third shell followed closely as if it had automatic navigation installed.

The third shot, the kill was obtained!


"My old swan, what kind of prediction is this Creator!!!"

When I saw this scene, I remember shouting out in excitement.

"He's really good at playing Xerath." Tong Xi also sighed.

Both of them were praising the accuracy of Chen Feng's three ultimate skills, only Guan Zeyuan found it unbelievable.

“To be honest, Uzi was a little irrational just now, maybe he got a little carried away by the tension.

He just wanted to attack someone, but Xerath and Ziggs are two heroes that can deal damage without entering Varus' range. "

Ji Dang and Tong Xi both didn't respond. While we were worried about divine punishment, we also felt the same way.

How can this not be insane? This Xerath has simply set the expression and the head-scratching action to be a three-in-one combo.

As long as the skill hits Varus, his expression and head-scratching action will appear instantly. If it were someone else, it would probably be easy to get excited too.

A wave of kills coordinated with A Shui made the people in the live broadcast room also dumbfounded.

"Damn, this Zeratul, has he gone crazy?"

"It's on, definitely on. Varus lit the lantern and flew so fast, he could predict and enlarge it, right?"

"What do you mean it's open? My crazy brother didn't turn it off, so it's open?"

"I don't understand why Bath Dog is so arrogant. Now it's all right. I helped him get two heads and sent them all back."

"Uzi is really my crazy brother's Star Fury. This can make him feel good!"

"We all wrongly blamed the god back then. No wonder he didn't light the lantern. After all, if he did light it, he would die."

"The case is solved. Xiaozao didn't drink milk for half the game, so his divine power is not enough to last until this round."


The director was also very helpful at this time and gave Chen Feng a close-up shot.

After taking the head, he showed a confident smile, then picked up the bottle next to him and took two big gulps of milk.

A confident smile, hearty milking, this whole set of operations highlights one smoothness!
Looking at his gray screen, Uzi's face couldn't get any redder.

While Varus had not yet resurrected, he began the classic thumb-sucking act while frowning deeply.

This shouldn't be the case. I have already lit the lantern, how could the beast Xerath on the opposite side follow up with his ultimate move so quickly?
Seeing that he had committed a crime but remained silent, as if it had nothing to do with him, Liu Qingsong really wanted to curse him.

With good vision, Varus just stayed at the line and took advantage of the situation. Although the opponent's Xerath and Ziggs cleared the line quickly, they definitely didn't dare to push forward.

As long as they push forward, they will be double-teamed by Kled and Captain's ultimate skills.

Little Phoenix had a good idea, but no matter how much he planned, he didn't expect Uzi to go up and die.

The AD died again, so Phoenix had no choice but to give up the little dragon that was about to refresh.

"Don't be anxious, let's fight slowly, it will be easier later on." Du Coin tried to comfort his teammates.

However, apart from Brother Hanzi who responded to him, no one else responded.

Xiaotian was already annoyed with him, Wu Zihong was getting angry, and Liu Qingsong was even more worried that he would not be able to hold back his curse words. So for a while, Xiao Fenghuang's voice was a little scary and quiet.

On the other hand, it was different over at Top Esports. A Shui was very excited.

"Damn it, you lunatic, why don't I just assist you!" As he spoke, he started coughing violently.

"Okay, talk less. No one thinks you are dumb." After showing some concern in an unusual way, Chen Feng asked him and Karsa to fight the newly refreshed dragon.

The game is still going on. Although Xiaofenghuang wants to stabilize the situation, Top Esports doesn't give them any chance.

Because at this time, 369's Shen's solo laning was a little unstoppable.

Once the Divine Sunderer appears, no matter whether it is Gangplank or Kled, they are no match at all.

Taking advantage of the fact that Shen was becoming more and more invincible in the single lane, after the Baron was refreshed, Chen Feng and his team quickly began to make moves around the Baron.

Nothing can happen to the Baron. If the Baron is taken by Top Esports, then 369's Shen's solo laning of the Little Phoenix will be unstoppable.

So Poison Coin and the others had no choice but to try their best to fight for the vision.

However, when the game was tug-of-war, Top Esports' advantage was evident.

Everyone knows that my brother Taobo’s team spirit is pulling!!!
Taking advantage of the consumption capabilities of Chen Feng's Xerath and A Shui's Ziggs, not only did the Little Phoenix suffer, but the 369 Shen in the bottom lane even found an opportunity to kill Hanzi Ge's Captain alone.

"Oh no, Khan was killed by a single player. It looks like Top Esports may be able to take the Baron!!!" Jide said quickly.

Just as he said, after killing the Captain alone, 369 returned to the city to replenish his equipment and status, and then teleported directly to the front.

Relying on the advantage in numbers, Top Esports did not waste any time and started shooting for the big dragon directly.

Faced with this situation, the rest of the Little Phoenix had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

The result is self-evident. Top Esports pretended to fight the dragon but actually started a team fight. After the opponent got close, Prince Karsa used EQ II and connected with his ultimate to start a team fight.

The little phoenix, which had already consumed a lot of health, was no match for the opponent. Even if Uzvirus used flash to escape the prince's ultimate move and started to operate, it was useless.

Because he gave away two waves, the damage could no longer keep up. After attacking for a long time, the damage was not as great as 369's Shen's second stage Q.

Coupled with the long-range support from A Shui's Ziggs and Chen Feng's Xerath's ultimate, Uzvirus had no way to operate at all.

"No, there's no way we can fight a team battle without one person. Besides, their health has been consumed to varying degrees by Xerath and Ziggs just now, so there's no time to replenish." Looking at the defeated Little Phoenix, he sighed with regret.

In fact, the little phoenix played quite well in the beginning, but after someone gave up two waves, the situation became a little wrong.

After winning the team fight and then taking down the Baron, Top Esports was almost certain to win the game, if not 100%.

Even if they only need to let 369's Shen carry the team alone, and the others can pull from the front, it will make Dubi and the others very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the originally good situation soon turned towards Top Esports, Godzilla in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore.

"Fuck, the road is such a pitfall!!!"

"You can blame Hanzi for this, right? If it wasn't for you, the second Rift Herald, who gave away, how could Top Esports have set the pace?"

"Why don't you blame him? If he hadn't been killed by Shen, would Baron have been lost?"

"The classic mid and jungle duo always focus on the bottom lane, leaving the top lane alone. Not only does no one help them, but they also have to take the blame."

"Let's not talk about AD for now, what is the top laner doing!"

"As everyone knows, teams with Uzi in the top lane can't play carry. Not only can they not play carry, but they also have to take the blame when necessary."

"This team is already in the shape of Uzi~"


After taking down the Baron, Chen Feng and his team did not waste any time. After all, A Shui's physical condition was so bad and they could not delay any further.

The five people directly chose the most classic four-one split push.

Chen Feng and his four companions, with the help of the dragon, put pressure on the front line while consuming all the resources of Xerath and Ziggs.

In the bottom lane, 369's Shen continued to push the lane alone. Originally, Hanzi's Gangplank couldn't beat him in a solo lane, and now he was no match for him.

A wave of big dragon domination allowed Top Esports to directly expand the team's economy to seven thousand!
Seeing the opponent's equipment getting better and better, and the lead over him in last-hitting, Uzi couldn't help it. He controlled Varus to walk into the jungle and stretched out his evil hands towards Xiaotian's wild monsters.

"Here it comes, start sucking blood right away!!!"

"I take on three lanes by myself, and I take showers in teamfights!"

"Does Heizi really know how to play games? If he doesn't use the economy to buy equipment for the C position, will Olaf be the one to eat him?"

"The problem is that some people use the economy to make money, while others use the economy to kill themselves."

"Don't ask. If you ask, it's because my teammates are too bad and can't keep me in good shape!"

"That's right, can't we just beat up all the enemies and let my god Varus kill them with one arrow? Do my teammates know how to play!"


While Uzi was working hard to absorb blood, his equipment was upgraded and he became the best on Little Phoenix's side.

At first glance, it seems that only Virus is trying his best and everyone else is just a toy.

After all, the person who tries his best gets the best equipment, right?
But at this time, it was useless. Chen Feng's Xerath's Book of Death was already mixed up, and the damage was also very high, plus A Shui's bomber.

So after the second dragon spawned, Uzvirus couldn't even touch the people, and was beaten to a low health by the ultimates of two people, and didn't dare to get close to the A person at all.

So after Uzvirus sucked the enemy's blood for a long time, spent ten seconds in a team fight, nine seconds moving around, and one second dying suddenly, the Phoenix unfortunately lost the second big dragon.

We were already at a disadvantage, and once the second dragon was lost, there was no hope.

369's Shen has already started to swim in the team battle. His damage is high and he is impossible to kill.

In the end, naturally and not unexpectedly, they lost the first game of today's BO3.

"Now we can congratulate Top Esports and congratulate them for winning the first game of today's BO3 against FPX!"

When the Little Phoenix was wiped out, Guan Zeyuan's voice suddenly echoed throughout the venue.

Because now there is no one in Little Phoenix who can stop Top Esports from demolishing their base.

"You know what, this time Top Esports used Ziggs and Xerath in the bottom lane, and the effect was quite good." Jide said with a smile on his face.

"In the last teamfight, we can see that Uzi's Varus couldn't touch anyone, and Xerath used one ultimate to reduce his health to low. There was no chance of winning at all."

“It feels like Creator has turned a support into a C position.
After he stacked up a Death Book, the damage was really too high."

Just as Guan Zeyuan and Jide were talking like this, they took advantage of the opportunity when their teammates were destroying the opponent's front tower and crystal.

Chen Feng decisively controlled Zeratul to walk to the fountain of the little phoenix.

next second.

The expression of a penguin holding a coconut and lying on a swimming ring slowly appeared in Zerath's head.

Then, Zerath slowly placed his hand on the back of his head and began to scratch his head frantically again.
This provocative and sarcastic action made the four people including Xiao Fenghuang fall silent, and their faces turned red at the same time.


(End of this chapter)

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