LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 202 I am a Creator, a support player, and I also play AD occasionally!

Chapter 202 I am a Creator, a support player, and I also play AD occasionally! (Seeking monthly votes)
"It's bad, Crazy has made all five of Little Phoenix's people red-hot!"

"What does this have to do with my Crazy Brother? Isn't this the Bathing Dog's fault? I took care of the bottom lane for the entire game, but in the end, what kind of game did we play?"

"As we all know, Red Temperature is contagious. I suggest that Little Phoenix rise from the ashes and change its name to Red Temperature Team!"

"I really like what Xiaozao said. The opponent I most want to face is Top Esports, because they are the world champions and MSI champions last year!"

"I like what Godzilla said more. Little Phoenix can already be declared the champion of this summer season."

"My tears are streaming down my face. My brother Zaozi is using his own failure to prove the value of the Top Esports Championship!"

"I can only say that Uzi is really Crazy Brother's exclusive Starfury. If you meet him, he will be happy!"

Looking at Chen Fengzeras' bright expression and his head-scratching mocking gesture, everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

Before the game, he was shouting that he wanted to face Top Esports, but in the end he got stepped on like this?

Looking at the word "failure" on the screen, Liu Qingsong took a deep breath.

He felt his cheeks getting a little hot and wanted to say something, but when he came into contact with Uzi's rosy little face, he had to swallow it back.

He could sense that Uzi was now on the verge of a warning.

If I say anything else, I'm afraid he will use his ultimate move to burn me to death.

"It's okay, this is only the first game, we still have a chance."

At this time, Poison Coin called out to the others.

At his call, the five people stood up from their chairs one by one and walked towards the back with red faces.

On the way back to the temporary lounge, Du Coin tried to communicate and wanted to summarize the reasons for losing the game just now to see if it could be avoided in the next round.

But just like in the previous game, except for Khan's two responses, everyone else was silent.

The five people returned to the temporary lounge, and the first thing they saw when they entered the door was Lin Weixiang's grin.

It seems to be because of the smile displayed on the mobile phone in his hand.

But this still made Uzi very unhappy.

I felt that the other party was deliberately targeting me. The reason was very simple. It was nothing more than that I stole his starting position.

But Uzi didn't say anything, he just walked aside and sat down.

Upon seeing this, Steak, the coach, quickly stood up from the sofa, picked up his notebook, and began to talk about some of the team's obvious mistakes just now.

"Why didn't you mention Varus? I think this was the real turning point of the game just now!"

After listening to what Steak said, Liu Qingsong couldn't help but start questioning.

“Before we fought the second Rift Herald, we had the upper hand!

If Varus hadn't moved too far forward and been hit by Shen, we could have found an opportunity to start a team fight."

After hearing Liu Qingsong's words, Uzi gave him a fierce look and explained, "I am also looking for an opportunity to start a team fight. You know, if we don't start a team fight quickly, we will be consumed by the opponent."

This reason is reasonable, after all, that was indeed the situation at the time.

"What about the second wave?" Liu Qingsong asked again, "In the second wave, you were killed in the middle lane. If you hadn't died in that wave, we wouldn't have lost the middle lane tower and still be able to win the dragon."

Because of the death of Uzi in the second wave, the little phoenix interrupted his own little dragon rhythm, which was also a very important turning point in the game just now.

Now Uzi was silent, not knowing what to say.

You can't say that you were provoked by Xerath and had to touch him to try, so the opponent took the opportunity to kill you, right?

"Okay, okay, what's past is past. Our top priority now is to deal with the next game." Steak spoke at the right time.

Although he knew that these two were the key points in turning the team's situation around, he also knew that if he continued talking, he might not be able to play the rest of the game and would just have to surrender.

For Niu Niang, who once coached RNG, he has experienced this situation many times.

Sometimes this feeling is like coaxing a child.

Don’t hit, don’t talk!!!

the other side.

In Topsports' temporary lounge.

After Chen Feng and the other four, they made a voice call to A Shui and began to discuss how to play the second game.

However, when Luo Sheng was pretending to tell the story, he could always hear Ah Shui coughing from time to time.

"I say, can you still hold on?"

The coughing sound made 369 couldn't help but ask a question.

"No... cough cough... it's okay, it's enough." After Ah Shui finished speaking, a gulp sound was heard, and it seemed that he was drinking water.

This made the group of people suddenly worried.

"We need to make a quick decision in the second game, or just like before, you just need to hold the bottom lane steady and wait for us." Karsa spoke slowly.

Given Ah Shui's current state, we definitely cannot play around him.

"But after the defeat just now, they will definitely make corresponding adjustments." Luo Sheng was also a little depressed.

Because this is completely an irresistible factor, there is really nothing we can do.

Just when a few people were feeling worried, Chen Feng's voice suddenly rang out.

"If it really doesn't work, how about...let me try AD?"

His words made several people look over immediately.


"Stop it, this isn't a ranked match."

Even Ah Shui, who was drinking water, seemed to be choked by Chen Feng's words, "Crazy, I was just joking."

During the game just now, A Shui jokingly said to Chen Feng, "Otherwise I will assist you."

But that was mainly because it was a joke after seeing Chen Fengzeras buy the Book of Killing.

After all, why would a support like you buy a killing book?

He spent all his money on buying the Book of Death, and then asked me to buy a true eye. Isn't this definitely treating me as a support?

But what is the situation now? Why do you really have to play AD?
"Can't I play AD?" Looking at the few people who obviously didn't believe in his ability and cast doubtful eyes on him, Chen Feng spoke calmly and reasonably.

“I’m not kidding you!

Think about it, I often play AD support in games, and you have all seen my performance. "

After Chen Feng said this, several people began to reminisce.

Don’t say it yet!
It seems that this guy is pretty good at playing the characters like Ashe, Policewoman and even Rat as an auxiliary.

Especially the policewoman. In this MSI final, the policewoman directly paralyzed the opposing Ghost Emperor.

"How about giving it a try?" Kasa was a little tempted.

"I have no problem." Ah Shui thought about it and agreed, because he had personally experienced the pulling and suppressing power of Chen Feng when playing AD support.

As for the supporting part, there is no need to worry, because A Shui can play it naturally.

You know, IG once had a legendary AD!

That is Principal Wang, who was praised by many netizens as the peak at his debut, and retired at the speed of light after winning the game. He still maintains a 100% winning rate as AD.

He was assisted by A Shui in that game, and he played quite well.

It's just a pity that the jungler on the other side didn't know much and played Zhao Xin, which stabbed Principal Wang's Fate Master badly. It was after that game that such a sentence was uttered,

You can say that anyone can play a fake match, but it is impossible for Youlang to do so!!!

Luo Sheng didn't say anything, obviously he was also thinking about whether it was feasible or not.

"Xiao Luo, can you please give me some advice? Why are you being so slow like a woman?"

Hearing Chen Feng's urging, Luo Sheng's mouth twitched.

After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded and agreed.

At this time, a staff member came over to remind everyone that the second round was about to begin.

The few people who received the news also quickly stood up and walked towards the stage.

On the way, I naturally met Xiao Fenghuang and a few others.

Seeing the little fat man in the crowd staring at him, Chen Feng didn't hesitate. He simply put his hands behind his head and imitated Zeratul in a real-life version of scratching his head and mocking him.

When Kasa saw this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

But Wuzi blushed.

Not only did her face turn red, she even blamed Kasa in her heart.

Tell me, after all, we worked together before and were teammates who fought side by side. Now that you have changed teams, you don’t have any feelings for each other, right?


“Welcome all the summoners at the scene and in front of the screen to continue watching our LPL summer regular season, the match between Top Esports and FPX.

After the first game, Top Esports is currently in the lead.

But this is only temporary, who will win today is still unknown!"

When the two teams sat in their seats, Guan Zeyuan's voice slowly sounded in the commentary booth.

Second game.

Top Esports came to the blue side and had the right to select players first, while FPX was on the red side and had the last counter position.

As soon as Top Esports came on the scene, they targeted the poisonous coin in the middle lane.

As long as we kill this kid's roaming hero, we can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After the first round of moving people, Top Esports directly gave Karsa a Kindred in the first hand.

This made Chen Feng very unhappy.
"Xiao Luo, what do you mean? You really don't trust my AD, right?"

Luo Sheng: "..."

Isn't this nonsense!?
Can your support AD and the C position AD be the same thing? I believe you are crazy!
Of course you can't say that out loud.

"Isn't this double insurance?"


"Both Galio and Ashe are out there, I wonder if FPX will try to grab one."

In the commentary booth, when Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but mutter, in the voice chat of Top Esports, Niu Pai was also asking the opinions of the two players in the bottom lane.

In the last game, Ziggs and Xerath just pushed the line hard, leaving you with no way to deal with it, which was very uncomfortable, so in this game we must use a combination with strong line play.

"Can Ice or Big Head play?"

Hearing Steak's question, Liu Qingsong nodded.

"I can do anything, but..."

Liu Qingsong stopped talking halfway, and his meaning was quite clear, that is, the bottom lane is a two-person game, and it’s useless if he can play it, the other one must also be able to play it.

"What about the puppy? How about pairing Varus with Big Head or Ice?" Steak asked again.

Compared to Liu Qingsong who answered readily, Uzi seemed a little hesitant.

If possible, he would certainly still like to play the AD with normal attacks. He doesn't really like to play Varus with the magic cut and consumption.

"How about Hanbing + Big Head?" he asked out loud.

"But the opponent has a female police officer to assist!" Liu Qingsong reminded.

In the MSI finals not long ago, Chen Feng's policewoman targeted Zhao Qianxi, who was almost numb. He had a deep impression of it.

"Then how about we just choose the policewoman?" Uzi said again.

"In this way, we have to fight around the bottom lane in the early stage, and if the rhythm is not established in the early stage, the policewoman will be too weak in the mid-term, and it is easy for the opponent to catch the opportunity!"

Even though what Liu Qingsong said was very normal, the policewoman was not a good hero in the mid-game and her position was very embarrassing.

But Uzi didn't listen at all, because the first sentence made him feel very uncomfortable.

What does it mean that we have to attack around the bottom lane? Am I not worthy of being attacked?! ?
"Or maybe just look across and give it to someone else first."

"But if the opponent directly uses Varus and Ashe, we can't seem to find a combination to fight." Steak said worriedly.

"Draven should be able to do it." Liu Qingsong named a hero and asked Uzi, "Can you play Draven?"

Uzi said nothing, the answer was obvious.

After discussing for a long time, they still couldn't come to a conclusion. In the end, they could only give Dubicoin a Galio and a jungle Lee Sin to Xiaotian, so that the two of them could do more things in the front.

When it was Top Esports' turn, they chose the players very quickly, directly getting a Sylas for Left Hand and an Ornn for 369 in the top lane.

Of course, the main purpose is to let Karsa pay more attention to the middle and lower lanes. The support goes to fight AD. Who can withstand this?
It’s the first time for my daughter to get married!
Now that Ornn has come out, that guy will definitely not be polite and will take out Fiora to target him.

Seeing this, I remembered to speak quickly.

“Both sides showed their top, mid and jungle in the first three moves, but I don’t know what choice the bottom lane will make.

Now that Galio and Ashe are both outside, I feel like FPX needs to move because there is an Ornn in the top lane, and this time Karsa's Kindred will most likely be played around the middle lane, which is also a style that Top Esports likes very much."

While I was talking, both sides started the second round of moving people.

Top Esports eliminated Titan, the support that Ah Shui hated the most, and added Luo, who was played relatively well by Liu Qingsong. They targeted all the team-opening supports while also avoiding the ultimate combo of Luo and Galio.

As for AD?

It's just the world's first shock wave.

On the other hand, since Uzi didn’t want to play, Niu Niang couldn’t force him to choose, so he could only choose Ashe and Varus in the end.

"Then can you play Aphelios?" After the move was completed, Steak asked again.

As for Aphelios, Top Esports has no way to single-handedly defeat Fiora in this game, so they can easily develop by taking advantage of Fiora's single-handedness.

"Let's go with Kaisa." Uzi said the hero he wanted and did not answer Steak's question.

"Okay!" Steak nodded and agreed immediately.

"FPX got a Kaisa for Uzi, but both Nathan and Rakan were removed by Top Esports. I don't know what kind of support they're going to get for Liu Qingsong."

Guan Zeyuan was muttering to himself.


On the big screen, when it was Top Esports’ turn for the second round of selection, an extremely exciting hero appeared!


(End of this chapter)

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