LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 203 How dare you play Vayne in front of me!

Chapter 203 How dare you play Vayne in front of me! (Monthly ticket requested!)
"Let's hunt those who fall into darkness!!!"

When the red glasses appeared on the big screen.

Guan Zeyuan's excited voice was heard from the commentary booth.


"You know what, Vayne seems to be really good at this!"

"Do you want to lock it? It seems that Taobo is hesitating..."


Vayne finalized it, causing the commentator to roar with excitement.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also began to scroll rapidly!

"Oh my god, what's going on with the Ice Emperor? He must have done it on purpose!"

"No, what right does the Ice King have to play the hero Vayne? Are you trying to disgust me again?"

"That's right, playing Vayne, have you written the application yet!?"

"What does Vayne have to do with your bathing dog? Godzilla, stop flattering your father."

"The rolling earth woman has become two different people, but only God still misses her."

"You know what, according to the background story, the rolling earth woman is not a good person, and she is a perfect match for God."

"With a few changes, it will be the e-sports version of Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian!"

“This may be the worst time Ximen Qing has been vilified!!!”


Facing the locked-on Vayne, Uzi's brows were deeply furrowed, and the veins on his hand holding the mouse were exposed, perhaps because he was holding it too tightly.

The opponent chooses Vayne?
How much do you think of yourself?

Don’t you know that I’m Vayne’s spokesperson? Don’t you know that Riot’s official World Championship MV even used me as Vayne’s model?

You took out Vayne in front of me, who knows her best. Doesn’t it seem like you don’t know how to write the word death?
After deciding on Vayne, Luo Sheng discussed with A Shui and got him a Lulu for protection.

Although Chen Feng clearly stated that he did not need a soft support, the problem was that others did not know who would play Vayne, but he knew.

So just in case, I picked up a Lulu.

After the support was confirmed, A Shui's voice was heard in the Top Esports voice chat.

"Crazy, I'm itching to play. I haven't played Vayne for a long time. How about I play this time?"

Ah Shui was getting a little restless.

"No, I want to play!"

Chen Feng's firm tone made Ah Shui begin to doubt himself.

"I'm crazy, it seems like I'm the AD!!!"

"AD? He's just a support dog."

A water:"……"

"Then you are my dog!"


“Vayne and Lulu are a good bottom lane combination.

I don’t know what kind of support FPX will give Liu Qingsong.”

Guan Zeyuan spoke slowly.

"I think we need to add a team-initiator. Otherwise, it would be too difficult for FPX to rely solely on Lee Sin to initiate a team fight."

"But Nautilus and Rakan were both moved by Top Esports, and the only ones left seem to be Thresh, Robot, or Alistar.

Or the er is also good, Liu Qingsong is also very good at playing the er."

While Guan Zeyuan and Jide were analyzing the situation, Top Esports also revealed its last move, giving Liu Qingsong a Japanese Lady.

The lineups of both sides were then presented to the public.

Top Esports has Ornn on the top lane, Kindred in the jungle, Sylas in the middle lane, and Vayne + Lulu on the bottom lane!
Little Phoenix has Fiora on top, Lee Sin in the jungle, Galio in the middle, and Kaisa + Diana in the bottom lane.

However, just when everyone started to exchange heroes to their respective users at the last second, Vayne suddenly ran from the fourth floor of Top Esports to the fifth floor!

A Shui finally succumbed to Chen Feng's majesty. After all, they slept in the same room, and taking a bath at night was very dangerous!
But this change left everyone dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Is this wrong?"

Guan Zeyuan was the first to shout.

"I don't think so. No timeout was called. This Vayne was controlled by the Creator!"

"Support plays AD, AD plays support, can this be swayed?"

"I didn't expect that Top Esports would surprise us again today. Other teams only had heroes to sway, but they just had a player to sway!

To be honest, I'm looking forward to Creator's performance in this game." I couldn't help laughing after I finished saying this.

"It feels like Top Esports has started to play tricks." Tong Xi also laughed.

The support went to fight the AD, I just want to ask you if you are afraid!!!

Not only the commentator was sighing, but the people in the live broadcast room were also sighing.

"Oh my god, you crazy guy!!!"

"Crazy Brother? Crazy Emperor? Crazy God!!!"

"No matter who wins or loses this time, at least I feel great that my crazy brother dares to play like this!"

"What do you mean? It's fine that Ice Emperor plays Vayne, but what's your level of madness? How dare you pick Vayne?"

"This guy is too arrogant. Does he look down on my dog?"

"Nonsense, how can Godzilla ask such a stupid question? The support is playing Vayne, so he must be looking down on Xiaozao!"

"Why should a world champion and FMVP winner look down upon a championless Shockwave like you?"

"I can only say that Godzilla will flatter a dog that takes a bath."

"He has been fighting against South Korea all his life, but he has won very few games. But he is always the one who is mentioned when someone takes credit."

However, the more surprising thing is yet to come. When both sides entered the loading interface, everyone could see that the Vayne Chen Feng was using was the champion skin of Da Congming.

"What do you mean? Are you using the champion skin to disgust me?"

"Da Congming and Fengzi were getting pretty close a few days ago. I won't tell you, but you guys will judge!"

"I see. It must be Lai Wanxiang who asked Feng÷ to do this."

"That's true, but don't forget, Vayne was chosen from the fourth floor of Top Esports. Who is on the fourth floor of Top Esports? It's my brother Shuizi!"

"You can even involve my brother in this, right? You are going too far!"

"Join the group, join the group, you must join the group!!!"


While both parties were entering the game, Guan Zeyuan and Jide began their daily analysis.

"I feel like both teams will focus on the mid lane in this game. Top Esports has 369's Ornn in the top lane, so we can't waste too much energy taking care of him. We just need to keep him growing steadily.

The top laner of Xiao Fenghuang is a Fiora. As long as there is no jungler interference, she can easily fight Ornn. "In the middle lane, FPX deliberately picked a Galio to speed up their roaming ability in the early and mid-term, so Top Esports still has to be careful in the bottom lane. We can see that the talent of the poisonous coin is Wolf Head.

But Left Hand Sylas was not weak in the beginning, and the specific situation still depends on the skills of the two mid laners. "

During the conversation, both parties had already entered the game.

Neither side had much idea at the first level, and Top Esports had no control.

The little phoenix did not dare to invade by force. Although Blind Monk was very powerful at level one, Top Esports had two shooters after all, so they were not necessarily afraid of the enemy if they fought against him.

Since the top lane is a pressure-resistant position, Karsa's Kindred directly chose the jungle route from top to bottom, and Xiaotian did the same.

Logically speaking, he should have taken care of Hanzi's Fiora in the early game as Lee Sin, and after making sure that he could put pressure on Top Esports by single-handedly leading this point, he could then look after the bottom lane.

But when he thought about the last game in which he helped the bottom lane get two kills in the Rift, and he was fighting the little dragon himself, but Varus didn't come to help and only had eyes for the minion line, and he spent a lot of time developing but finally gave himself away, Xiaotian had to give up this idea.

Anyway, as long as the opposing jungler doesn't go to the top lane, it won't be too stressful for Fiora to fight Ornn alone.

"Should we go grab a spot in advance?"

While waiting for the military line, A Shui asked a question.

"No need, just pretend to help with the jungle, and then it won't be too late to go over later." Chen Feng replied.

"Crazy, you are really fucking insidious!" After hearing this, Kasa couldn't help but praise him.

"It's okay." Chen Feng smiled, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he pressed Vayne's Q skill to roll and attack, wasting a little blue.

Similarly, at his signal, A Shui also controlled Lulu to use the Q skill in vain to make this pretend help to the jungler seem more realistic.

After the disguise ended, the two came to the bottom lane one after the other. At this time, Kaisa had already started to attack the soldiers. Although Diana could not be seen, she was probably staying in the bush?

Chen Feng did not control Vayne to attack the soldier immediately, mainly because Vayne was indeed unable to compete with Kaisa in getting the second soldier. Even with Lulu, the top support, it was useless because the salary equipment of the Japanese girl had a killing effect.

But this action made Uzi's heart skip a beat.

Just let go as soon as you come up?
Are you playing Vayne and are worried that you can't beat yourself, so you're just going to leave the lane and farm quietly, waiting for a team fight?

wrong! ! !

The opponent wants you to push the line over, and then come up with a level 2 attack to catch the enemy!

For Uzi, who has been caught by the second level countless times, he is too sensitive to this aspect.

In addition, Vayne and Lulu were not at full mana when they arrived, which made him even more certain of his thoughts.

Kindred will definitely not be able to kill anyone without control at level 2, but if he gets hit by a combo of weapons, it will still be quite damaging!

"Songsong, you should go get an eye done later." He reminded him.

"Yeah." Liu Qingsong responded indifferently.

Although he chose to let go, Chen Feng certainly would not do nothing.

While Uzi was farming minions, Chen Feng controlled Vayne and launched a basic attack on the opponent.

After being hit in vain, Uzi certainly would not give up, and controlled Kaisa to hit back.

Unfortunately, Kaisa's normal attack range is slightly shorter than Vayne's, which means he can't attack at all in the first place.

In order not to miss any troops, Uzbekistan had to give up.

However, just as he turned around, he saw Vayne in front of him suddenly rolling and attacking diagonally with the Q skill, and then raised her hand and hit him again.

This instantly made Uzi a little upset. In the bottom lane, I was always the one pulling others back. When had I ever been pushed past like this?

However, just as he turned around, A Shui Lulu released her Q skill Shining Spear at the right time, directly slowing him down.

This made it impossible for Uzi to touch Vayne, who was like a fly, attacking and then moving backwards.

"Wow, Creator Vayne's pull is really good. He attacked Kai'Sa twice for nothing!!!"

Since it was the first time to see a support attacking AD, the director naturally focused more on the bottom lane, and accidentally captured a small friction between the two sides in the bottom lane.

The people in the live broadcast room also sighed.

"My crazy brother is really good. No wonder he doesn't take Xiaozao seriously. He has real ability."

"This is clearly the work of Bath Dog. Even the champion skin of Dacongming couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to give my Crazy Brother some status that belongs to the champion AD."

"I'm afraid you don't know, but I'm telling you this. Actually, my crazy brother went to Top Esports to play AD. But Ah Shui was worried about losing his job, so he could only... V me 50, and show you a different esports and a different Top Esports!"

"God, you have to hold on. If you lose, it will be a big joke."

"Don't panic, Godzilla will take care of it."

"I'll go first, my teammates can't!"


Uzi was very annoyed after wasting so much health. After urging Liu Qingsong to set up a vision to prevent himself from being caught at level 2, he began to frantically attack the soldiers to grab level 2.

Of course Chen Feng would not act rashly with the opponent, so he just honestly farmed the soldiers and saw if he could find an opportunity to sneak an A.

"Song Song, get ready!"

When he was about to reach level 2, Uzi reminded Liu Qingsong to be prepared for a fight as soon as he reached level 2.

However, Chen Feng and A Shui were well prepared. The moment they reached level 2, they moved directly to block Liu Qingsong's Diana's E skill, Zenith Blade.

Without her E skill, Diana couldn’t possibly flash up and use her Q skill to forcibly detain the enemy, so Liu Qingsong could only retreat after missing the attack.

Seeing that Liu Qingsong didn't point at anyone, Uzi's brows were immediately twisted together. He thought to himself that this support was really bad, but he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

If this is achieved, at least the opponent will be beaten to the point where they dare not even think about the experience!


The left-handed Sylas in the middle lane has a strong suppressive power. Fortunately, Galio, who has the poisonous coin, was not taken out to fight in the lane, so he was able to deal with it.

Needless to say, in the top lane, 369 had a lot of fun playing Ornn. He just needed to be poked twice by Fiora as long as he didn't die.

As for the bottom lane, Chen Feng was definitely not in a hurry, and he would just slowly farm and develop.

After all, Galio, the mid laner with the poisonous coin, starts out with shoes and four reds. If you push the line too hard, you never know when he will come and arrest you.

Besides, as a support playing AD, what pressure do I have?
Uzi, you have been playing AD for so many years, you should be the one under the most pressure!
Looking at Chen Feng and Vayne hiding under the tower, Godzilla at the scene and in the live broadcast room instantly reached a climax.

"That's it? I thought it was so cool to be so confident in picking Vayne, but after all this time I'm still being suppressed!"

"The Ice Emperor was so scared that he didn't even dare to play Vayne. How could this beast think he could do it? Isn't that ridiculous?"

"I can only say that the LPL bottom lane really has no rivals for Xiaohu in this matchup."

"Stop yelling, Godzilla. Vayne only had two fewer last hits than Kaisa. I don't know what Kaisa was suppressing for so long."

"It was just a pure ineffective suppression of the lane, which seemed to be very powerful, but the jungler was forced to stay in the bottom lane to protect it."


Chen Feng was not idle while he was repairing the tower.

He shows a smile from time to time and makes a few movements, which shows that he is full of energy.

But this made Uzi very unhappy.

I was suppressing you, but you didn't get as many last hits as I did.

I don't know what you are so arrogant about!

(End of this chapter)

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