LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 240 I really like the sentence about Godzilla. When Ruler sees Uzi, his legs go weak!

Chapter 240 I really like what Godzilla said, Ruler’s legs go weak when he sees Uzi!
After a brief discussion, Samsung quickly locked on Aphelios and Lulu.

Aphelios is naturally no match for Lucian in the front line, but if he is paired with Lulu, he will have the capital to fight back.

As the top soft support, the Faerie Witch can greatly improve AD.

After seeing that Samsung's bottom lane was confirmed, Luo Sheng gave Karsa a Prince who had no displacement against AD, and then asked Chen Feng again.

"Nami, do you want to take it?"

"Give me Uzi." Chen Feng thought for a moment and then said the hero he wanted to use.

"What the hell!?"

Hearing his words, Luo Sheng was obviously confused.

"The madman said he wanted to play Rambo." A Shui explained at the right time.

As a surfing expert, he knows a lot.

"Rambo can also assist!?"

Luo Sheng opened his mouth, but suddenly didn't know what to say.

Is it that I am too short-sighted, or are you really just fooling around?

However, when he thought that Rambo and the prince were indeed a good choice, he thought about it and finally agreed.

Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised when he saw that Topbo had directly locked onto Rambo and the Prince in the second and third moves.

"Samsung picked an Aphelios and Lulu combination for the bottom lane, but... Top Esports didn't pick Nami in the second and third picks, but picked Rumble and Jarvan.

If that happens, Nami will be moved!"

Not only him, Samsung also couldn't understand it.

Logically speaking, after grabbing Lucian, you should definitely pick Nami in the second or third pick.

If you don't take it in the first round, it will be easy for the opponent to take it in the second round.

Samsung felt that Top Esports couldn't have been unaware of this, but they still didn't make a choice in the second or third pick. Could it be that the opponent had never thought of using Lucian to play in the bottom lane from the beginning, and wanted to use Lucian to play in the middle or top lane from the beginning?

Edgar took a deep breath, not quite understanding what was going on.

After giving his jungler Clid his signature Lee Sin, he started discussing with others.

"Nami, do you want to move it?"

"Let's move, otherwise the Luna group will be too strong." said the ruler.

"But we moved Nami, so they can move Lucian to other lanes."

"But if we don't move, if they use Luna to attack the bottom lane, Aphelios and Lulu won't be able to defeat them."

"They didn't choose Nami in the first round. Maybe they were trying to trick us into moving."

For a moment, Samsung's voice was particularly lively.

After some thought, Samsung finally decided to move Nami away.

After the second round of moving people, Samsung directly took out an Ornn for the guy in the top lane, letting him withstand the pressure in the top lane. Anyway, as long as he didn't die, he would be fine when fighting against Rambo.

"Samsung gave the counter position to BDD, and Nami was moved away, so Lucian must move to the top lane.

I don’t know what kind of combination to choose for the two players in the bottom lane.”

"I think I need a late-game core, otherwise there will be no damage in the later stages."

Guan Zeyuan was talking to Jide when a familiar hero appeared on the big screen.

"All traitors must die!!!"


"Here we go, Kalista, Creator's ultimate support skill!"

“So is Jack LaDance still going to play Draven?
Isn't the three AD lineup a bit too fragile? "

I remember that just as he finished speaking, a hero appeared on the fifth floor of Top Esports, it was the Steel Shadow Camille!

“Wait a minute!!!

After being locked onto by Qing Gangying, Guan Zeyuan was now completely confused.

What the hell is this lineup?
Of course, he was not the only one confused. Even his rival Samsung was equally bewildered.

Isn't it Rumble who's in the top lane? Why is there another Shen?

"Could it be Rumble in the middle, Shen in the top lane, Kalista in the support, and Lucian in the AD?" Ruler thought of a possibility.

After all, the hero Rambo is not uncommon to be used in the mid lane, and the effect is quite good. He has no blue bar, pushes the line quickly, and is easier to cooperate with the jungler to do things.

In addition, Nami was moved, and the opponent's support is good at supporting Kalista. After this analysis, it seems to be the case.


As a coach, Edgar was also a little confused as he had never seen such a lineup.

I didn’t expect that the opposing coach would be so terrifying!
He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Luo Sheng, the man pretending to be a coach, didn't do anything at all. He just gave the players whatever they wanted to play. His job was to save time and effort without offending anyone.

Everyone on the field was speculating, but the omnipotent netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly saw through the essence of the matter.

"My goodness, the crazy guy just posted that Weibo for a long time. Is he waiting here? "

"Please ask the great Shockwave to help me. As we all know, Shockwave is equal to Uzi, and Uzi Redwen is equal to Rambo, so this Rambo must be played by Crazy Master!"

"It's so far f**king far away. Are you playing a guessing game with us?"

"The Second Void God is controlling the First Void God. With these two gods combining in the bottom lane, I don't know how Ruler can win!"

"No, Rambo can also assist? Stop barking like a dog!"

"You are the one who is barking the dog. And you black guys, please be careful with your words and don't disrespect Rambo."

"That's right, I'm saying it again, this is not Rambo, this is the great Void God!!!"


Uzi, who was watching the live broadcast, looked at the barrage of comments, and then recalled that he had just secretly glanced at Chen Feng's barrage of comments, and he was so angry.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng not only disgusted him on Weibo, but even the damn competition was disgusting him.

But it’s better this way. If this beast really dares to use Rambo’s assistance, he will definitely lose to death!
At this time in the game, after some discussion, Samsung finally gave BDD a clockwork in the fifth hand.

The main reason is that there are no heroes left. Tsar has been moved. For Clockwork, you can cooperate with Lee Sin to bring the ball into the field, or use the ultimate to protect Aphelios when Jarvan and Shen enter the field.

As long as Aphelios doesn't die, this team can easily win.

In Samsung's eyes, Top Esports' lineup was basically the same as what Ruler had guessed, and the commentators also thought so.

But when the heroes were exchanged to their respective users, everyone was dumbfounded again.

Because the support is not Kalista, but Rambo!!!

"You don't want to change? Are you sure you don't want to change? Do you want Rambo's assistance?!"

"Five seconds left...

confirmed! ! !
It's Rambo assist! "

I don't know what to say, I can only sigh with a little regret, "I can only say that Creator is worthy of his ID, he is really inventing!"

The lineups of both teams were now presented to everyone.

Samsung's top laner Ornn, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Aphelios, and support Faerie Witch.

Top Esports has Shen on the top lane, Jarvan II as the jungler, Lucian in the middle lane, Kalista on the bottom lane and support Rumble.


"This beast really doesn't consider his teammates at all. He can play this kind of game as he pleases, right?"

"This kind of person is really disgusting. He doesn't communicate with his teammates at all. The four of them are just playing games in red clothes."

"Nonsense, I am the newly promoted Void God. Aren't the great characteristics that the Void God possesses what you are talking about?"

"Excuse me, is the beast you are talking about the world's best blaster who picked Twisted Fate in the fifth game, was autistic and refused to communicate, ate his hands with his red temperature, and didn't pick up lanterns?"

"No, I haven't lost yet. It won't be too late for you to bark after I lose!"

"Godzilla's unique half-time champagne popping and post-match defeating performance."

"I really like what Godzilla said, 'A ruler becomes weak when it sees Uzi.' So if I play Rambo, how can I win when the ruler sees me?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was arguing.

When entering the game, as AD, Samsung's core ruler also took a deep breath.

He didn't know what was so special about this Rambo assist.

Logically speaking, Aphelios and Lulu can easily beat the weird combination of Rumble + Kalista.

But for some reason, he felt a little flustered, and this flustered feeling was familiar.


After entering the game, Chen Feng still maintained his good habits.

Controlling Rambo, he was the first to walk out of the high ground.

Since this was the first time we saw Rambo assist, and there was nothing much going on at the beginning, the director inevitably gave the camera to Chen Feng's Rambo.

When the director zoomed in, a picture of a penguin holding a coconut and lying on a swimming ring while taking a bath appeared on Rambo's head.

This scene made everyone in the live broadcast room feel a little stunned.

"No, you should take a shower at the beginning, right?"

"Feng Ye is so gentle. Although Xiao Zao has missed the next game, he still uses this alternative way to let everyone remember him!"

"My suggestion is that if you win the championship this year, you should directly choose Rambo as the champion skin and give it to Xiaozao. That's the real generosity!"

"No, what's going on, director? I'm afraid it's not intentional!"

"Godzilla quickly analyzes the director's factors to see how much he lost or whether his life is not going as he wished."...

Guan Zeyuan and Jide in the commentary booth were also trying very hard to hold back their laughter. They were all from the same circle, so they naturally knew the meaning of Chen Feng's hero + expression.

But this is not a cafeteria after all, so the two naturally tried to discuss other aspects, such as what this Rambo assist said.

On the playing field.

The first level players on both sides didn't have any ideas and each defended their positions.

In this game, the opposing Aphelios + Lulu still has some laning strength, but they are definitely slightly inferior to Kalista.

While nothing was happening on either side, Guan Zeyuan began his daily analysis.

“I feel like Top Esports was under more offensive pressure in this game, and their lineup wasn’t very good in the late game.

The three-star Aphelios, Clockwork, and even Ornn will become stronger as time goes on, especially Ornn. In the later stages, except for 369's Camille, no one on Top Esports' side will be able to beat him.

Once 369 helps deal with Ornn, the Samsung back row can output without pressure.

Not to mention, it is not easy for this 369 Shen to cut people even if he wants to.

Samsung has many skills to protect the back row, such as Lulu's ultimate, Clockwork's ultimate, and even Lee Sin's ultimate."

"The only thing Top Esports can rely on in the late game is probably the solo laning of Shen. In terms of solo laning in the late game, 369 Shen has absolute initiative."

After hearing what Jide said, Guan Zeyuan immediately spoke.

"But then again, Top Esports definitely doesn't want to drag the game to the end, because even if they can't handle the three stars of Shen's solo lane in the late game, the head-on teamfight should not be underestimated.

They could have just ignored the Yasuo and looked for opportunities to start a teamfight. Moreover, 369's Yasuo had to develop perfectly in this game to put some pressure on Samsung in the later stages."

As the two talked, the three lines of troops slowly gathered together.

Seeing Chen Feng playing a Rambo, Life decided to teach him a lesson.

Young man, I admit that innovation is a good thing, but it also depends on the situation and the opponent. If you innovate in front of me, you will only die a particularly ugly death.

He wanted to use the first-level Lulu to consume Chen Feng's Rumble, and at the same time help Ruler's Aphelios to get the second level.

After reaching level 2 and gaining skills, Aphelios can develop better or look for opportunities to fight.

However, just when he wanted to use Lulu's long arms to bully Chen Feng's Rambo, he was hit by a harpoon in the backhand. While taking damage and being slowed down, he was also hit hard by the comet.

Life was so angry that he learned the Q skill in seconds and wanted to fight back, but unfortunately Chen Feng moved around and then hit him accurately with another harpoon.

"You know what, Creator's Rambo skills are pretty accurate!" Seeing this scene, I laughed, "It seems like he has done some research on Rambo."

"But being accurate in using skills is one thing, the key is to pay attention to temperature control." Guan Zeyuan habitually replied, "Whether a Rambo is good or not still depends on how well he controls the temperature."

The two people's words made the people in the live broadcast room laugh.

Everyone in the entire LPL knows that I, Crazy Master, am a master at playing Rambo. As for temperature control, that is even easier for me. I can easily make Uzi reach red temperature!

Life felt a little unhappy after being hit by two harpoons in a row.

But what made him even more upset was what happened next. A robot question mark appeared directly on Rambo's head.

This expression looks silly and cute, but it is so damn insulting that it makes Life's temperature rise immediately.

"Why is this guy so arrogant!" He curled his lips.

Seeing that his own support did not touch the opponent, he was hit by two harpoons right away. The ruler marked the soldier line.

"Grab the second level first. Your Lulu's level 2 is more useful than his."

After hearing what Ruler said, Life had to put aside his unwillingness and help Ruler Aphelios get the second place.

In order to ensure his own health, Chen Feng naturally couldn't help to grab the second level like Lulu did. After all, Rambo was a melee fighter and had no control. If he went up to help attack the soldiers, he would easily be hit by the two opponents.

So apart from occasionally using the E skill to see if he could get some damage and consume some energy, Chen Feng would just poke the minions.

In this way, it is impossible to win the second place in the bottom lane against the opponent.

"Ruler's Aphelios and Life's Lulu reached level 2 first, and they pushed forward directly, but her boyfriend's two bottom laners had already been warned and retreated in advance.

Creator Rambo even retreated and hit Lulu with a harpoon, reducing her health. "

“But if Kalista can’t gain an advantage in the beginning, this hero will become a bit weak later on.

This hero is used to play strong in the line." Guan Zeyuan was a little worried.

Kalista and Aphelios developed peacefully, and were even slightly suppressed by the opponent. The one who suffered the loss was definitely Top Esports.

"That can't be helped. The main reason is that the support is a Rambo, and he really can't help much at level 1."


Looking at Kalista and Rambo retreating quickly, Life couldn't help but mutter.

"Running pretty fast!"

"Be careful and don't get hurt by your skills." Ruler reminded.

Because his own support didn't even touch the opponent's Rambo, but instead he was hit by three harpoons.

"Oh my, I wasn't paying attention when I pressed forward just now!" Life didn't take it seriously.

Taking advantage of reaching level 2 first, Life also began looking for opportunities to consume the enemy. Although Chen Feng was always on the line, Lulu could fork with her E and Q skills, so she was still consumed by the opponent accidentally.

The moment Rambo's energy was consumed, Life decisively changed his expression, and his desire for revenge was quite obvious.

To everyone, this scene looked just like two kids sulking each other.

Chen Feng was definitely not in a hurry. With his reminder, A Shui's Kalista did not play particularly actively even after reaching level 2, and he just honestly farmed the minions.


“Damn it! Kalista was such a strong hero before, but she was suppressed just because the support chose Rambo!”

"How can a water ghost tolerate this? Isn't this offensive to the Crazy Master?"

"You're against Tian Gang, right? Crazy Lord is the one who whips Godzilla, how dare a little water ghost offend him?"

"I don't understand what the point of choosing Rambo is, just to disgust people?"

"If I were an AD, then supporting would be useless. I'm really too cool!"

"This is the Ice King. If it's any other AD, we'll have to start a friendly fight within the team after this game."

"I have a strong ice taste, no need for more salt!!!"


While the viewers in the live broadcast room were discussing, the bottom lane suddenly started fighting!

When the opponent pushed the line of troops to the tower, Chen Feng seized a positioning error of the ruler and pressed the flash button while releasing the E skill!
"Creator's Rumble used E flash to slow down Ruler's Aphelios and ran directly to his face. Top laner wants to fight!!!" Guan Zeyuan also shouted quickly.

Facing Rambo's sudden attack, Ruler remained calm.

"Control the opposing Kalista!"

He spoke to Life and the first thing he thought of was not to escape, but to fight back!!!

After hearing this, Life immediately controlled Lulu to put a shield on Ruler Aphelios, and then wanted to use the Q skill to slow down A Shui's Kalista and not give him the chance to follow up with damage.

But Chen Feng had obviously discussed this with A Shui, so when facing Lulu's Q skill, he was worried that he couldn't get around, so he directly chose to flash forward!
As soon as Aphelios was slowed down, Chen Feng was of course not idle either. He quickly pressed the W skill to increase his movement speed while also adding a shield to himself to resist damage.
Then, when Ruler tried to use the healing to control Aphelios to speed up and create distance, he threw Ignite on the opponent at the right time, triggering the Aura Cloak again, and used the acceleration to release another E skill harpoon, accurately hitting and slowing him down!
Finally, Chi Chiwei released the Q skill.

Along with the piercing sound, Rambo's entire body turned red, and the damage was maximized.

Chen Feng and A Shui both have the same target, which is Aphelios the ruler, and they ignore Lulu next to them.

Life also had no other choice. He had used up all his skills and could only help out with A as many times as possible.

But Lulu's damage is definitely not comparable to that of Rambo.


“Creator Rambo is at red temperature, and the damage is extremely high!
A Shui flashed up and used purification to remove Lulu's W skill "奇思奇想", and followed up with the output.

Ruler had no choice but to flash back, but they pushed the line a little too deep!

And A Shui was also very meticulous. He left himself a low-health soldier to refresh his E skill in advance. So after using the E skill to slow down Ruler, the E skill was refreshed instantly. He could wait until he could no longer catch up and then continue to slow down!
Ruler Aphelios also knew that he had no way to escape, so he could only choose to turn around and fight back.

However, in front of Kalista's deadly rhythm, Aphelios obviously did not have the ability to compete with her, and was finally killed by A Shui's Q skill. "

Guan Zeyuan finished the explanation in one breath and after a slight pause, he spoke in an extremely surprised tone.

"Oh my god, Top Esports' attack from the bottom lane was so sudden that Ruler didn't expect it at all!"

"It's mainly Creator's Rambo, his damage is maxed out!
Not only did all his skills hit the target, but he also used Ignite at the perfect time, preventing Aphelios from recovering from his healing!" The man next to him was also impressed.

“I can only say, this is Rambo, this is Rambo after Red Wen, the damage is too terrible!

In fact, most of the damage was done by Rambo, and Kalista probably only dealt about two-fifths of the damage. "

When a kill occurred in the bottom lane, the barrage in the live broadcast room also highlighted the Chinese quintessence of face-changing technology!
"Did you just say that I, Crazy Master, only know how to betray my teammates? Come out and speak!!!"

"Fuck, you are worthy of being Crazy Master. This Rambo assist is really something."

"I'm sorry, Crazy Brother, there were a lot of people outside just now, so I'll keep you company now."

"This is only Red Wen Rambo. Any other support can't deal so much damage."

"You only saw the red-hot Rambo, but you didn't see Uzi who responded to my Crazy Master and helped him!"

"This wave, this wave is a joint attack by two Void Gods, whoever comes will die!"

“So please stop killing each other, both Void Gods, and join forces to go to the bottom lane together, just for the sake of LPL!”

"I'm afraid that's not going to work. If these two go down together, the club's monthly water bill will probably be quite high!"


at the same time.

Looking at the red-hot Rambo on the screen, Woozi felt the same way and felt hot all over.

He wanted to call Ruler and ask him.

How are you today?
How come you are such a bad player just like me!!!

(End of this chapter)

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