LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 241 Don’t blame the ruler, Hong Wen Rambo reminded him of that man!

Chapter 241 Don’t blame the ruler, Hong Wen Rambo reminded him of that man!
"Why is there trouble in the bottom lane again?"

"Can the opponent's support Rambo also kill you?"

"If you can't beat her, just be a little more steady. If Kalista gets going, it will be hard for us to resist."

Samsung's voice.

When the first blood was given away in the bottom lane, Clid's voice was heard in the voice chat.

In the previous game, he had been focusing on the bottom lane, which resulted in him losing the game, which made him very unhappy. This time, he got his favorite Lee Sin, and problems arose in the bottom lane again.

The ruler took a deep breath, then said indifferently, "Mine."

This is the case with Clid, who is similar to him. If another jungler in the team dares to speak to him like this, he will make the other party kneel down and apologize to him after the game.

After giving a simple response, the ruler took a deep breath.

For some reason, when Rambo flashed up and roasted him in the red warm fire, he felt dazed and actually sensed the shadow of an old friend.

And that shadow was the unbearable past that he didn't want to recall at all!
"It's okay. After his Rambo doesn't flash, he won't be that threatening anymore!" said the support Life next to him.

Even though what he said made a lot of sense, it didn't mean that Chen Feng Rambo would just take the beating in silence.

Using the harpoon, he would poke it from time to time, or show his friendliness by making a face.

Looking at the robot question mark on Rambo's head and Amumu's crying expression, Life's hand holding the mouse was shaking with anger.

In fact, it's his turn to show off his photos and it has nothing to do with me, but I don't know why, I felt very angry after seeing it.

However, after seeing the outbursts of Rumble and Kalista, and since Aphelios didn’t have flash, he didn’t dare to force the attack, so Life could only hide this depression in his heart.

Asiba! ! !
Don't let us develop to the late stage, or we will definitely defeat you, the Red Wen Rambo!


369's Shen couldn't get any advantage against Ornn in the top lane.

Because the hero Shen is too slow in pushing the line in the early stage, he cannot compare with Ornn, and if a fight really breaks out, Ornn is not afraid of Shen.

Only after Shen makes the item Divine Sunder can a qualitative change occur and he can truly hit Ornn by the head.

After all, with or without the divine split of Shen, they are two different heroes.

Of course, if you have the divine power, you can attack Ornn casually and it will be difficult for the opponent to kill him.

Just when Clid was about to use Ornn's lane rights in the top lane to go to the jungle to find trouble with Prince Karsa, he unexpectedly heard a call for help from BDD in the middle lane.

"Come to the middle lane later and help me target Lucian."

In fact, it is quite difficult for Clockwork to fight against Lucian. After all, no matter whether it is skills or basic attack damage, it is difficult for Clockwork to exchange blood with Lucian.

Sometimes when he gets the chance to use the classic E dot dot Q dot W dot, Clockwork simply can't handle it.

In addition, BDD's Clockwork is not his forte, so naturally he is no match for Left Hand Lucian.

Of course there is another important reason, which is that in the first game just now, when I was playing as Cashier Ahri against BDD's Tsar, the laning went relatively smoothly. I felt that the mid laner I was facing today seemed to be just like that, so I became more and more confident as the game went on.

There is a saying that goes, never let your left hand think you are a loser, otherwise it will really confront you.

And this is obviously the case now. After the last game, Zuo Shou felt that BDD was just average, so he directly gave the opponent a special weak mark.

Once the mark is hung, and Lucian is a relatively strong hero in the lane, it will naturally make the game more comfortable and smoother.

Faced with such a strong and active left hand, BDD naturally would not be afraid, but the result was that his Clockwork would lose every time he exchanged blood.

So, before anything happened, he had to ask for help from the jungler in the middle lane.

After hearing what BDD said, Clid didn't know what to do for a moment.

The bottom lane was killed and lost first blood, so they need help. Now the middle lane needs help again.

Even though I'm a jungler, my role is to find the rhythm and help my teammates gain an advantage, but can't you guys fight for it and create some advantages?

After taking a look at the line, Clid, who originally planned to cause trouble for Karsa, had to give up and controlled Lee Sin to go to the bottom lane.

The middle lane can only be suppressed for a while at most and won't die, but once the bottom lane soldiers are pushed over, problems may easily arise.

His own Aphelios didn't have flash, so he had to go and help counter-camp. Otherwise, if he was caught by the opponent's Prince, the bottom lane would probably be disconnected for a long time before reconnecting.

Of course, the main reason is that Clid cannot accept the cost of reconnecting, because he will give up a lot of wild monsters for Aphelios to develop.


In the commentary box.

I remember watching Top Esports doing pretty well in the middle and bottom lanes, and the corner of my mouth was as if I saw Tuozi Sister’s second brother, and I couldn’t suppress him at all.

There is no way. If this trend continues, maybe I can get off work early today. After all, as a worker, I definitely don’t want to work overtime if I can get off work early.

"Top Esports played very well in the first half of this game. They suppressed the mid lane with their left hand, and even killed the opponent in the bottom lane!"

"369's Shen in the top lane was a bit uncomfortable at first, but he couldn't do much with an Ornn on the other side. Once he gets the item Divine Split, he can attack the other side at will."

"But Clid's Lee Sin has come to the bottom lane!" Guan Zeyuan on the side interrupted Ji De's words, "From the looks of it, he should want to help gank, and Karsa's Jarvan IV has also come. This wave of fighting between the two sides in the bottom lane may break out!"


Their own Prince was right behind them, scanning and blocking the view, so Chen Feng and A Shui naturally would not be afraid. In terms of damage ability, Rambo + Kalista were far better than Lulu and Aphelios.

After Cild controlled the Prince to take position, he also signaled Life's Lulu to go up and sell.

Because the support has flash, he can flash back after selling out. The two opponents don’t have flash, so once they get on top, it’s easy to kill them!

With his own jungler right behind him, Life had no reason to be afraid. He controlled Lulu and pretended to want to go up and consume the enemy, but was then hit by Chen Feng's harpoon and slowed down.

At the moment of slowing down, Chen Feng and A Shui were of course not polite.

At the same time, seeing that the opponent had taken the bait, Clid also controlled his blind monk who was close to the vision to release the Q skill, accurately hitting A Shui's Kalista.

In fact, it can’t be said to be a precise hit, because Chen Feng saw clearly that it was this guy who controlled Kalista to attack while jumping up himself, so it was fucking outrageous!
The moment the skill Sound Wave hit Kalista, Clid of course did not hesitate at all. He activated the second stage of Lee Sin's Q skill and kicked her hard with Echo Slam.

"Clid's blind monk's sound wave hit Jack Lawu and went straight in!
But Prince Kassadin was behind.

It’s over, something might go wrong this time!”

Guan Zeyuan's frustrated voice was heard in the commentary booth, and it was obvious that he was extremely anxious.

The moment Lee Sin kicked over, Karsa did not take immediate action because Chen Feng reminded him first.

Because Lee Sin has the W skill that can touch the eyes, and he also has flash on his hand, which means that even if Prince comes out and knocks Lee Sin away, as long as he can't kill the opponent in seconds, Clid can definitely escape!

Now that we've got the counter-attack, we must get something!

So when faced with the blind monk who kicked them up, the two of them immediately acted like an award-winning actor and their acting skills soared, and they quickly retreated to the rear.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Prince Casa taken action yet?" Rita, who was just a vase in the commentary booth, was obviously a little confused at this time.

"TOP is waiting for Ruler's Aphelios!!!" I remember seeing what Karsa was thinking at a glance.

Faced with the two people who were fighting and retreating, Chizi didn't think much and controlled Aphelios to chase after them quickly. As long as he got the kill, the economic disadvantage in the bottom lane could be made up.

But just when he took two steps forward, Kasa, who had been slow to act, finally moved!
A Debon flag was thrown out, and then the dragon hit and directly knocked Aphelios, who wanted to go up and deal damage to get the kill, into the air.

It was at this time that Chen Feng, who was holding the skill, controlled Rambo to turn around and activate the W skill to accelerate, and finally pressed the Q skill to put himself into the red temperature state.


Looking at the flushed Rambo in front of him, Ruler blinked hard, as if he had seen something particularly terrifying.

He didn't dodge, and after being knocked to the ground, he quickly controlled Aphelios to fight back, trying to kill the terrible thing in front of him.


"Ruler was knocked into the air, so he probably couldn't escape without dodging.

However, Creator's Rumble's health was low, so Clid's Lee Sin forcibly replaced him and then flashed away to create distance.

In this case, the result of both sides' fight was one for one!"

After hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, remember to speak up.

“But the one who died in Top Esports was the support, while the one who fell in Samsung was the AD!

Aphelios's kill was taken by Kalista, and Rumble's kill was taken by Lee Sin.

It's not that Lee Sin is useless for getting kills, but it's definitely not as effective as AD.
Moreover, Ruler Aphelios died in this wave, which will also result in a lot of experience loss.

So although Samsung didn’t seem to lose anything in this exchange of kills, in fact, it had already lost a lot in other aspects.”

"I can only say that Karsa played well this time. He was very calm and knew that Lee Sin's damage alone was not enough, and Aphelios had to come up and deal damage!

So he kept waiting, waiting until Ruler came up, and then he made his move, cooperating with the bottom lane to focus fire. Aphelios had no flash, and once he was controlled, he couldn't escape, and he was doomed to die! "


Seeing problems arise in the bottom lane again, everyone in the live broadcast room was very excited.

"Fuck, you really let my crazy brother Rambo assist as well, right?"

"Ruler, what are you doing? Can't you beat him even with Rambo's assistance?"

"Honestly, a rookie like Chizi can win the championship. If my dog ​​hadn't been betrayed by Xiaohu, wouldn't we have easily beaten Samsung and won the championship at the Bird's Nest when we beat SKT that year?"

"I understand. I suggest that Ruler should give up his champion skin as well!"

"Let's be honest. You can't really blame the ruler if you can't win. Crazy Master took out the Rambo and reminded him of the person he was afraid of."

"My goodness, after all this time, it turns out that Crazy Master is playing a psychological attack, right?"

"I say again, this is not Rambo, this is the Summoner's Rift form of the great Void God!"

"Godzilla said that Ruler is Uzi's son, so it's reasonable that he gets scared when he sees Rambo and can't beat him." "What the haters are saying, do you understand the value of my God, his contribution to LPL, and he's still playing hard!!!"


Uzi, who was watching the game, saw Samsung's bottom lane suffer another setback. He also saw the comments in the live broadcast room come to his own body, and his temperature became exceptionally high.

He took a deep breath, picked up the candied pear next to him and gulped down half a bottle in one go, then he moved the mouse, dragged the cursor slowly to the upper right corner, and then fiercely clicked X!!!

Waste, all waste!
The opponent has Rambo as a support, but they still can’t beat the bottom lane!

Go ahead and fuck him, what are you afraid of?

On the playing field.

After killing Aphelios, Karsa helped A Shui push the line of troops forward, and then called A Shui to come to the little dragon.

Even though Clid's Lee Sin was still alive, the opponent's Clockwork in the middle lane was out of line, and Aphelios had to rely on the support's help to block the minion line when he returned to the bottom lane, so the little dragon could be taken safely.

As long as the blind monk dares to come down to grab it, he will have to pay the price of his life even if he succeeds.

The first little dragon, and a wind dragon at that. For a jungler, it’s obviously not worth risking his life to get it.


"Top Esports had a very good rhythm. Karsa helped to counter-camp and killed Ruler's Aphelios, then immediately controlled the first dragon.

In that case, Top Esports can just focus on the Rift Herald next!

The bottom laner, Jack La Wu and Kalista, have two kills in hand. As long as the jungler doesn't come, the opponent can't beat them at all."

I remember saying it with a smile on my face, looking very relaxed.

On the other hand, the commentators on the LCK side were all sighing and groaning.

No, Ruler, your performance in LCK is pretty good!
Why is it that as soon as we get to the World Championship, the game turns out like this when we meet Top Esports’ bottom lane?

Could it be that he encountered some mental demon?

Clid's Lee Sin ganked the bottom lane, but unexpectedly, not only did it not help, but it made the situation in the bottom lane worse. He was confused in an instant.

Of course, the coach Edgar was even more confused. Looking at the situation on the field, he had no idea what to do.

It's hard to imagine that Ornn, who was originally used to withstand pressure, is now the best in laning and the only lane with an advantage.

This situation is so outrageous!!!


Time passes by minute by minute, and soon the Rift Herald will be refreshed.

Before that, after Chen Feng controlled Rambo to help A Shui push a line, he went home to replenish his status, and after that he prepared to build vision in advance.

For Top Esports, resources cannot be given up, because they must maximize the pace in the early stage so that Samsung will have no chance of success in the later stage.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to play in the later stages because the lineup lacks strong output.

"Creator Rambo helped Jack LaDance Kalista push the line. It seems that he is going to go to the middle lane to gain experience to level 6 just like before.

Although he is only a support, if Rambo reaches level 6, his ultimate skill can play a very good role in dividing the battlefield."

"But looking at the small map, Samsung has to take it, because their lineup is very strong in teamfights. As long as Ornn's and Clockwork's ultimates are used well, their AOE capabilities are very strong.

For Top Esports, unless they can use Shen’s fixed-point ability to kill one of the opponents quickly, otherwise, the team battle will be difficult to win, I think…”

Guan Zeyuan had just said these three words and hadn't finished the next sentence when he saw the camera on the big screen instantly move to the middle.

Lucian on the left hand caught BDD's Clockwork, and with a smooth operation, he directly killed the opponent!

"Left Hand used flash to dodge Clockwork's ultimate. Although BDD also used flash, he still used his ultimate, Holy Lance Baptism, to take the opponent's head!" I remember shouting excitedly.

"In this case, if the middle laner is killed, we will get the Rift Herald!"

Guan Zeyuan, who was standing next to him, saw this scene and also didn't know how to complain about it.

No, can't you just farm the minions honestly? Why do you have to trade blood with a Lucian? Do you think he can't kill you alone?

The sudden scene left the people in the live broadcast room at a loss as to what to do.

"My hands!!!"

"Something's wrong. Nine out of ten things are wrong. Is this the weakling I'm familiar with in the world championship?"

"This must be the effort of the old man under the table!!!"

"It's really out of this world. The gluttonous hand actually killed the opponent alone. I suggest we take a urine test after the fight!"

"If I could stand up bravely like Nuo Shou, maybe she wouldn't have left me then."

"When the dog is eating, please sit at the same table with the dog. You can eat after the dog has finished eating!!!"


the other side.

Looking at his gray screen, BDD's mouth twitched. Sensing that the atmosphere in the team was a little off, he stammered out two words.


This made jungler Clid's face turn green, especially because he had just heard this answer from Ruler's mouth, which made him even more crazy.

What do you call yours?

If it's not yours, could it still be mine, or is it the difference between the junglers?
Originally, because BDD's Clockwork in the middle lane was no match for Lucian on the left hand, he was often targeted by the opponent's mid and jungle.

Now we are finally preparing for a team fight to see if we can disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

As a result, the middle lane was killed by a single person again...

"If you can't do it, just give it up. I'll eat the pie in the bottom lane."

Chizi opened his mouth slowly, but it was not sure what to say, after all, he was even worse off than him.


After making sure that Samsung would not fight for the Rift Herald, Chen Feng quickly controlled Rumble to return to the bottom lane. It was not because he was worried that Aphelios would eat too many tower skins, but mainly because he was afraid that A Shui's Kalista would be killed accidentally.

After all, this kind of thing is very common for this guy. Sometimes you will see him walking towards a river where there is no vision for no apparent reason, and then he dies on the spot.

“Creator came back just in time, so Aphelios only had to eat two layers of the crust. Otherwise, he would have had to eat at least three layers!

In this way, while Top Esports was taking the Rift Herald, Ruler was able to make up for his own development a little.

But the bottom lane is still difficult!" Jide said calmly.

So what if Aphelios got two layers of tower skin? Kalista got two kills!
After taking the Rift Herald, Karsa did not release it immediately, preparing to find a perfect opportunity.

At Chen Feng's reminder, he focused his main target on the middle lane. It was a rare moment when Brother Shouzi showed some strength, so he must take good care of him.

Just when everyone thought that both sides were about to enter a short development period, they saw that Rambo, who had helped Kalista push the line, blocked the vision and returned to the bushes while scanning.

"Creator, this is..." I remember being confused after seeing it.

"Are they planning to ambush the enemy's bottom lane?!"


At this time, after controlling Aphelios to eat the line, Ruler felt a little itchy as he looked at the plating that could be taken down with about two more attacks.

It just so happened that he was short of some money, so he decided to push another line and eat the tempting tart crust after he was done.

He called out to Life's Lulu, and the two began to clear the line quickly.

Under Yingyan's AOE, a wave of soldiers was quickly cleared out.

"Oh no, something's going to happen to Ruler!"

Not only did everyone remember worrying about him, even the commentators on the LCK side were wailing non-stop, trying to use their voices to let Ruler know that he couldn't go any further, or else something bad would definitely happen!
Unfortunately, the ruler can’t hear.

He was still short of money and was attracted by Tapie.

So, when he controlled Aphelios to take two steps forward, he suddenly ascended into the sky.

Then a Rambo suddenly appeared from the void!
The moment Aphelios was knocked away, Chen Feng directly controlled Rambo to throw out his ultimate move, and then used all his skills at once.

Life was of course not idle either. He controlled Lulu to throw the ultimate skill to Aphelios of the Ruler, and then went to limit the output of A Shui's Kalista.

But it was all useless. After A Shui purified and released Lulu's W's control, he controlled Kalista and started to slide.

Knowing that he was locked up, the ruler hesitated for a moment and did not choose to dodge.

Because if I use flash, then when Rambo's ultimate is ready, I might have problems again.

"Wow, Samsung's bottom lane got killed again, and Ruler fell again.

It seems like he's a little confused!" I remember sighing with regret.

Although they were rivals, he felt a little bit sorry for the ruler after seeing how miserable he was.

"The main reason is that Rumble's damage is too high. Even though he is only a support, Aphelios is only an AD!" Rita said from the side.

This makes AD players sound very unhappy, but the problem is that you can't find any good reasons to refute it, and that's what's most annoying!

Clid, who was about to go to the bottom lane to help with the counter-camp, breathed heavier after seeing this.

But this is not the end, because after the breathing became heavy, the heart stopped beating!
Because BDD was still killed by Left Hand even after using flash just now, so when he didn't flash, Prince Karsa decisively found an opportunity, framed him with his ultimate, and cooperated with Left Hand's Lucian to get another kill!
After getting the kill, Karsa directly placed the Rift Herald in the middle lane, trying to speed up the pace of the game.


(End of this chapter)

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