Chapter 242 Mark of the Weak!
"It's over, it's over, Samsung's rhythm is completely messed up now.

BDD Clockwork in the middle lane was caught again!

In this case, it seems that there is no way to fight for the second three-star dragon, because Top Esports has already placed the Rift Herald in the middle lane, and they have to deal with the middle lane soldiers first. "

"Now I feel that as long as Top Esports doesn't give them a chance, Samsung will basically have no chance of winning this game, even though their lineup will be stronger than Top Esports later on."

Hearing what Guan Zeyuan said, the people in the live broadcast room felt a slight tremor in their hearts.

You know, this guy just said that three-star Rift Herald is more powerful in combat, but what is the result?
The canyon was finally taken by Top Esports!!!

"No, we're one family, Colonel, please be merciful!"

"Someone big enough to block the colonel's mouth!!!"

"No, what is this Lee Sin playing? You can go shopping while playing Lee Sin, right?"

“BDD and Ruler said: The gap between junglers!!!”


Samsung gave up Xiaolong, so Top Esports naturally got him easily.

Listening to Xiaolong's screams, Clid took a deep breath.

He felt that his mentality had begun to change.


At this moment on the field, in the middle lane, Left Hand Lucian has two kills, two layers of tower skin, and a lead in last-hitting. It can be said that as long as the jungler does not come, he will be like a father beating his son when playing against Clockwork.

To be frank, when he sees BDD's Clockwork, Lucian can just use E to the enemy's face, use one set of skills to reduce the enemy's health to half, and then use the second set of skills to take him away directly.

Even if you have a big move, you can use a set of skills followed by the big move, and maybe you can get a kill directly.

After having the advantage in the first game and getting a solo kill just now, Zuo Shou has gradually become more and more rampant.

Weakling, mark me!!!

As for the top lane, there is no need to say more. 369's Shen is getting better and better at fighting Ornn. As long as the Divine Disintegrator comes out, the top lane will be a direct two-level reversal.

Aphelios in the bottom lane was also in trouble. He didn't dare to push the troops across the river, otherwise he might be in danger once Chen Feng's Rumble's ultimate was ready.


"Now Samsung should try to hold on as much as possible and try not to let Top Esports expand their advantage. Otherwise, they may be defeated by Top Esports before their lineup can fully exert its strength."

Although this is true, the gap in the middle is a bit too big.

BDD's Clockwork was first killed by a single player, and then was killed by Karsa again, so the economic difference between the two was very large.

This results in Clockwork having no way to fight in the lane at all!
As long as the perspective of the big screen moves to the middle lane, you can see Left Hand controlling Lucian to rush towards Clockwork, wanting to teach the opponent a lesson and give him a harsh look in the face.

Lucian used a set of skills, and Clockwork, who had just returned to the line not long ago, was immediately depleted of health.

"Wow, Left Hand fought so fiercely. Lucian slipped across the face and used his ultimate to wipe out the opponent. Although he didn't kill him, it made it difficult for BDD to fight in the laning phase!" I couldn't help but sigh after seeing this.

"I feel like BDD has to go home. If he doesn't, Left Hand's Lucian might try to kill him again!"

"The problem is that Clockwork doesn't have a teleport. If he goes home, he'll lose tower skin, experience and money!"

"I can only say that the gap between the two sides in the middle is too big now."


For BDD, this game is now very difficult to play, and the laning in the middle lane with Clockwork is almost forming a cycle.

As long as there is a slight mistake in positioning, Lucian will use E to hit you in the face without hesitation.

It's not necessary to kill the enemy, as long as we can drive them home. Anyway, if we miss some minions, we're still ahead.

This may seem like a small lead, but once it accumulates, it’s no joke.

But BDD himself was also helpless because he felt something strange after the game started.

This weird feeling wasn't because the BP was calculated by Top Esports, nor was it because I wasn't good at Clockwork and therefore didn't play well.

The main thing was that he felt that the person he was facing seemed to have suddenly become a different person.

You know, this wasn't the case when the opponent's Ahri attacked his Tsar in the last round, but now, for some reason, the offensive desire shown in this round is particularly strong.

It can be said that the current Lucian and the previous Leblanc give themselves two completely different styles and feelings.

If this wasn't a face-to-face match, BDD would have thought that the opponent's ID had been replaced by another player.

This should be the style of two people, but it appears on one person at the same time. It's really strange!

In order to prevent the soldiers from entering the tower and give Left Hand Lucian the opportunity to kill him by jumping over the tower, BDD directly used his ultimate to clear the line and then started to return to the city.

Seeing his mid lane being beaten back home again, Clid's Lee Sin was extremely anxious.

Logically speaking, at this time, as a jungler, when he was beaten back home in his own lane and had no way to teleport, he should definitely go to help defend.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he directly controlled Lee Sin to walk towards the bottom lane.

"Clid didn't go to the middle lane to help defend the tower. He used reverse thinking and wanted to gank the bottom lane again!" I remember saying this immediately after seeing this.

The main thing is that Clid has no choice. Ornn in the top lane can't go to help, and the mid laner has gone home, so he can't go either. So he can only help the bottom lane.

For Samsung's lineup, Ruler's Aphelios is the core and must be supported.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng had a very good vision and didn’t give him any chance at all. The moment he saw Lee Sin, the two of them retreated directly.

Seeing that Rambo and Kalista retreated and disappeared in the bottom lane, Clid knew that he had been discovered, and he had no choice but to retreat.

Looking at the blind monk who seemed to be strolling around on the small map, Guan Zeyuan also sighed.

"Alas, Cild's Lee Sin really has no rhythm at all right now.

Moreover, Top Esports did not give him a chance to find the rhythm. They had a good vision and waited for resources to refresh while waiting for Samsung to make mistakes out of anxiety! "

"The problem is that Samsung has to be in a hurry. This Dragon Soul is printed as a Fire Dragon, which is a huge improvement for Top Esports' lineup that lacks damage in the late game.

And if the rhythm of this little dragon is stabilized, in about twenty minutes, Top Esports will be able to get their own dragon soul.

At that time, Lucian and Kalista were at their strongest. If they had taken the Fire Dragon Soul, then this three-star game would have been basically over."

At this moment, not to mention the commentators from the major regions, even the five people from Samsung knew that this game was a bit suspenseful.

"We still have a chance, don't be impatient!" Rascal on the top lane said slowly.

Anyway, the outcome of this game has nothing to do with him, so he can certainly speak without any concern.

Since I was given Ornn, I must be sacrificed.

I agreed and took Ornn, so as Ornn was the only one in this situation where no one else could do anything, of course I could only calm my teammates down!

It is basically impossible for me to feed the opponent's head to my teammates' mouths.

After hearing their top laner say this, everyone else remained silent. Of course there’s no need to worry about playing Ornn, because the outcome of this game has nothing to do with you!

Besides, you just don't have pressure now. Once the opponent's Shen makes Divine Disintegrator, wouldn't it be like kicking his son if he kicks you?

The game continues.

Before the second Rift Herald refreshed, Chen Feng controlled Rambo to gain vision of the surrounding area. As long as there was no interruption in resources, it would be easy to win the game.

After taking a glance at Lucian's equipment, Samsung discussed for a long time and finally decided to give it up.

The mid lane Clockwork is covered by Gauze, and the bottom lane Aphelios' equipment is not good. We can't rely on Ornn and Lee Sin to defeat the opponent, right?

Although this possibility does exist, Lee Sin and Ornn can start a good team fight and win an disadvantageous team fight.

But what if?
What if I haven’t fought yet?
Not winning will only further widen the disadvantage, and victory in the second game will become even more slim.

And we have already lost the first game. If we lose the second game, we will lose two games in today's BO5. The pressure is really too great.

So in order to be safe, Samsung can only choose the "turtle" strategy!
But giving up the second Rift Herald also means that Samsung has given up the middle lane tower as well.

The defense tower, which already had only about one-third of its health left, was directly knocked down by the Rift Herald dropped by Karsa!

When the Samsung mid lane defense tower fell, the entire rhythm could be said to have shifted directly to Top Esports.

The left hand controlled Lucian and started to make trouble with Karsa's Prince crazily, especially targeting Clid's Prince.

BDD's Clockwork didn't dare to support either, because he had to take advantage of Lucian's absence to farm the minions like crazy.

This is equivalent to transferring the pressure that originally belonged to BDD to jungler Clid.

Clid had no choice about this. After all, his Lee Sin had no rhythm in the early stages and was just a tool in the later stages. It would be great if he could help his teammates bear the pressure.

So when he saw Zuoshou's Lucian, he said without a word, "I'll give you the wild monsters. I can't afford to offend them, but I can avoid them!" Looking at the blind monk who turned around and ran away, Zuoshou's eyes began to narrow slightly.

After all this time, you're still a newbie, right?

Top Esports relied on Lucian on their left hand to frantically look for opportunities to attack, and Samsung could only choose to avoid fighting.

As a strong team in LCK, Samsung is also remarkable in operating under disadvantageous circumstances.

But they don't seem to be very good at playing against other teams, as if all their energy is focused on studying T1.

Even though we weren't given many chances, this game isn't one where you can stay stable as long as you don't die. Resources are equally important!
The current situation is that Top Esports only needs to wait for their Fire Dragon Soul. In other words, winning the second game is only a matter of time.

Even if given an opportunity, Samsung may not be able to directly take over the rhythm of the game.

Because the pressure on 369 and Shen to single-handedly push the lane is starting to increase!


at the same time.

Watching that my team was about to lose the second game.

Samsung coach Edgar in the temporary locker room has gone from having the ambition to defeat Top Esports and meet T1 in the semi-finals to being in deep confusion.

To be fair, after the quarterfinals were announced, he didn't pay much attention to Top Esports and was always studying T1.

He believes that T1 and others can make it to the semi-finals, and he believes even more that the Samsung team he leads can definitely beat them!
It’s a pity that something seems to have gone wrong now. T1 has entered the semi-finals, and I am about to be sent away by Top Esports.

But Edgar, as a coach, also has something to say.
My lineup in the first game was so good, but we lost the game because of the top lane.

Since there is a problem in the top lane, I will give him an Ornn and let him withstand the pressure in the top lane.

But in the second game, the middle lane exploded again!
As for the bottom lane...

Edgar no longer wants to mention it because it affects his mentality.


He sighed. As a double-champion coach, he knew clearly which games could be played and which games could not be played.

Just like the current situation on the field, he no longer holds out hope and starts preparing for the BP of the next game.


"Samsung basically has no advantage in any of its current routes. Even if they want to drag it out, they have to take over this group with Top Esports because of Xiao Long!"

In the commentary box.

Looking at the current situation, Guan Zeyuan explained calmly,

“We can’t help it. The mid lane tower fell too quickly, so Lucian can roam around freely, which is very stressful.

In addition, heroes like Kalista are originally used in the early and middle stages, so it is really difficult for Samsung to drag the game down.

And as the game progressed, 369 Shen's Divine Sunder was also made. Now Ornn can no longer push his minions. Topbo can now put pressure on Samsung by single-handedly carrying. "


Samsung side.

Chizi and the others also knew that the situation was no longer playable. In a head-on team fight, Lucian and Kalista would basically be a random kill, unless they could be eliminated immediately.

But this kind of opportunity is almost impossible, because the current Samsung can't even force Lucian or Kalista to flash, let alone fight a miracle team.

But if he continued to be timid, he would also be in a losing position, so Clid simply prepared to attack Lucian, who was leading the bottom lane.

Even if the opponent is well-equipped, he is just an AD after all. As long as the skills are connected well, he can still be killed in seconds.

After receiving Clid's signal, BDD Clockwork moved forward without any hesitation.

He certainly didn't dare to appear in the sight of Lucian on the left hand, because once he appeared, the opponent would rush up without hesitation and reward him with a set of classic silky small combos.
But if there are teammates flying, it will be different!

Now Clockwork's equipment is really bad, so BDD has no choice but to burst out. It will take a long time for him to develop by farming minions.

Anyway, the situation is like this. If we can kill Lucian, it will be a profit. Nothing else can be considered.

Looking at the movements of Clid and Lee Sin on the big screen, I couldn't help but say, "What do you mean? Are they planning to attack Lucian on the left hand?
It feels like it might be dangerous!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Clid's Lee Sin had already taken action, and BDD's Clockwork was also ready to deal damage.

As long as Lee Sin can kick Lucian back, he will use Clockwork and his ultimate. No matter how fat Lucian is or how good his equipment is, he will not be able to withstand the damage.

However, the Samsung midfielder and jungler had good ideas, but when it came time to take action, things were a little different.

Facing the sudden appearance of Lee Sin, the very focused Zuo Shou first used Lucian's E skill to coldly pursue and dodge the opponent's Q skill Soundwave, and then directly shot two shots at Clid's head.

"Zuo Shou didn't plan to retreat at the first moment. He wanted to counterattack, but Lucian's damage was too high!" Guan Zeyuan shouted.

Seeing that his blood volume was decreasing at the same speed as after drinking Pulse and there was no way to stop it, Clid gritted his teeth and moved forward.

Even if he was replaced, as long as he could kill Lucian, it would be fine. Anyway, his Lee Sin was just a tool now.

Even wild monsters can be given to teammates to eat, so your life can naturally be sacrificed as well!
However, Zuo Shou reacted quickly. When Clid's Lee Sin came up to use his ward and wanted to use R flash to kick him back, Zuo Shou directly used the force of the wind to create distance and fired two more shots!
"Clid's Lee Sin wanted to kick back Lucian, but he couldn't reach him!!!" At that moment, I could feel the helplessness of Lee Sin on the big screen.

After keeping some distance, Zuo Shou certainly did not sit there and wait for death. He activated his ultimate skill, Baptism of the Holy Spear, and started firing frantically. During this time, he even moved to avoid the blind monk's second Q skill.

Clid had no choice but to control Lee Sin to give up his flash.

Come when you want, run when you want?
Weaklings, look at the sword!!!

Lucian on the left hand flashed immediately and shot two more times. The horrible damage directly took away the last bit of health of the blind monk.

Even though he had no skills now, he was no match for BDD's Clockwork. Seeing that his jungler had fallen, he could only control Clockwork to retreat.

Looking at the running away Clockwork, the left hand snorted coldly.

Humph, weakling!!!

This time, Left Hand remained calm in the face of danger and operated Lucian at full capacity, which made the audience in the live broadcast room excited!

"No, this blind monk is playing Nima!?"

"It's over, it's over. I gave Nuo Shou the confidence to hit me, and he decisively started to show his true colors."

"Two against one and they were killed, how the hell do you know how to play!!!"

"We suggest that you give Nuo Shou a urine test after the fight. He seems a little abnormal."

"It's over. The weak mark has been put on me. This mid-jungle player is no longer taken seriously by my brother Shouzi."

"Hello, World Top 8!!!"


Looking at Clid's dead Lee Sin, BDD couldn't help but say, "You're too hasty, just wait for me."

Clid pouted, "I'm leaving if I don't fuck him!"

"Then let him go. It's better than the current situation."

When Clid heard what BDD said, he immediately became furious, even though what the other party said made sense.


"I am to blame for Lucian's high damage? It's not your fault for being killed by a single player at level 6!

If you weren't killed alone, would you have lost the Rift Herald?
If the Rift Herald hadn't been lost, how could Lucian have developed so well? Would I be killed by him in one blow! ? "

Lucian was killed without even touching him from beginning to end, which undoubtedly destroyed the last bit of sanity in Clid's heart, and also destroyed the last psychological defense line of the Samsung team.

Although there are still a few minutes left before they can obtain the Topbo Dragon Soul, this short period of time is undoubtedly like a year for them.

If the game can be surrendered, Samsung really wants to click now and start the next game quickly.

Because even though you know you can't win, you still look for opportunities.

As a result, when I looked for an opportunity, I was easily suppressed by the other party. The frustrating feeling really affected my mentality!

As if they realized that Samsung had given up resistance, Chen Feng and his team did not become radical at all. They just followed the steps and proceeded step by step according to the rhythm.

While eroding Samsung's vision, it is also gradually eroding their mentality of winning today!
Samsung had no choice. They knew they would lose if the Dragon Soul refreshed and they joined the team. They could only force the rhythm and catch the person who was carrying the team.

It’s a pity that he didn’t catch the person, but instead he made many loopholes, which made the situation even worse and he lost the game.


(End of this chapter)

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