Second game.

Top Esports was on the blue side, while T1 was on the red side.

"Are we going to remove the hero Gwen?"

Pei Xingxiong asked out loud. He seemed to be discussing with Li Xianghe, but actually he was asking Zeus. After all, the top laner was the one who would be laning against Gwen.

In the current meta, Gwen will be very OP once she develops, but she is not yet at the point where she must be moved.

"No need." Zeus shook his head, staring at Chen Feng's ID, his eyes full of war.

"I can hit him with the Captain!"

"Okay." Pei Xingxiong nodded and did not deliberately target Gwen on this point.


Because of the first game, Top Esports defeated Lee Sang Hyuk's Tsar.

You know, if Chen Feng's Irelia hadn't killed Zeus and Gumayusi alone, Top Esports would have been in real danger in the Baron fight.

So to be cautious, it is better to move it away.

It’s not that Song Yi Jin’s Tsar is not good, it’s just that Song Yi Jin’s Tsar has a different style from others. He likes to push people more.

Of course, this is also related to the time when he was the dean of IG, which affected his playing style of Tsar.

The first round of moving people between the two sides ended quickly.

"Wait a minute, Gwen hasn't been removed yet, and Leblanc is still out there. It feels like there are a lot of heroes that Top Esports can grab."

Seeing both sides moving people, Guan Zeyuan shouted in an excited voice.

“I think it’s better to grab Gwen, because it’s too easy for LeBron to be targeted.

If you take Leblanc first and Faker plays Lizzie, the mid lane will be very passive. ” Miller continued.

While the two were discussing, Luo Sheng was also asking questions.

"Xiao Luo, you earn your salary so easily. If you lose a game, you just need to take the blame and get scolded."

Chen Feng smiled and joked, and then he decisively chose Gwen as his first choice.

You should know that in the last game, Top Esports directly removed Gwen, but T1 actually released him.

Since the other party has released it, there is no reason not to choose it.

"Sure enough, Top Esports picked Gwen. Gwen is still very powerful in the later stages of the current version, whether it is solo or in a teamfight.

Moreover, this hero is more suitable for Creator, because Gwen is a hero who relies a lot on development.

It just so happens that Karsa likes to give his wild monsters to his teammates, which can also speed up Gwen's development."

Guan Zeyuan made a joke with a smile, but it made some people angry.

"As expected of a commentator, this group started without making any noise."

"High EQ, the jungler gives up the economy, low EQ, sucks the blood of teammates!"

"The problem is that my crazy brother sucked blood, so he can really win. Tell me, aren't you angry?"

"As for the game, if you can lead me to victory, don't even bother to suck my life away and gain economy, you can just kill me to celebrate!"

"At this time, we have to mention the first generation of the Void God, the God of Bath, the outstanding inheritor of the vampires!"

"Just wait, little black guys. After today's game is over, I hope you can still laugh after seeing the picture of me holding the trophy!"


Seeing that Top Esports had indeed snatched Gwen, T1 immediately helped the mid and jungle lock down the combination of Ahri and Monkey.

The main reason is that there is no other way. In the last game, Li Xianghe did not take the initiative to set the pace, and the other four people really did nothing.

So it was natural for Pei Xingxiong to give Li Xianghe a hero who was easier to do.

"T1 changed their playing style this time. They didn't want Faker to pick a development hero in the middle lane to cover the situation. They wanted him to step out and set the pace!" Guan Zeyuan said immediately.

Seeing this, Top Esports quickly determined their mid and jungle positions, gave Song Yi Jin a Lissandra, and gave Karsa a Ruined King.

When it was T1's turn, Pei Xingxiong, who was standing at the back, gently patted Zeus on the shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to take the captain?"

"Yeah!" Zeus nodded, and a raging fire of war appeared in his eyes again.


Pei Xingxiong nodded, which was considered as his agreement.

After the first three moves were determined, both sides began the second round of moving players.

Top Esports did not initiate a team fight, so T1 eliminated Titan and Rakan, the two support players for initiating a team fight.

On the other hand, Top Esports targeted the opponent's AD.

However, they still gave Tam and Jinx to the opponent. After all, A Shui and Zhao Qianxi had Varus and Ashe, which could make up for the team fight and also have a good suppression effect in the laning phase.

However, T1 has obviously learned its lesson after the last game.

It is useless to choose a development combination in the bottom lane. Even if they can stay stable without dying, the help they can provide to teammates in the front is almost zero.

And what’s the use of AD developing well?

In the end, he was still being chased by the opponent's top, mid and jungle! ! !
Gumayusi experienced this phenomenon deeply in the last game.

Therefore, he protested against Pei Xingxiong's idea of ​​giving him Aphelios.

"Brother Xingxiong, we can also play double shooters!"


Pei Xingxiong thought about it and felt that it was not impossible.

In this way, the entire team's ability to seize opportunities will be greatly improved, and T1 has always been a team that is good at seizing opportunities.

So, in the fourth hand, T1 grabbed Ashe.

"Oh? T1 doesn't plan to let the bottom lane pick a backup combination. They want to fight Top Esports in the early and mid-game!
But they seem to have forgotten one thing.”

Miller laughed at this.

You should know that Chen Feng was the first one to bring the Ice Support to the game and promote it.

After last year's World Championship, even though Chen Feng was only a support, his operation with Ashe in laning phase was definitely among the top three among professional players.

“And I feel that Top Esports can either do the same as T1 in the last game and use a core player to develop in the bottom lane, as long as they don’t die.

Or he could just grab Virus, after all, Jack's hot dance Virus is one of his signature tricks."


"Should we let them snatch Virus away?"

What Miller said was exactly what Luo Sheng was thinking at that moment.

To be precise, he could only think of a way to break up the opponent's combination, because he, who was pretending to be a coach, was not prepared to deal with the double shooter combination of Ice and Varus.

Anyway, Varus doesn't necessarily have to be paired with Ashe, he can also be paired with other heroes, such as Karma, or the likes of Braum and Tam, who can also go for the attack speed special effect style.

"Just give it to them. Qianxi should have a way to target them." Chen Feng still had great trust in Zhao Qianxi.

"Well... give me Bard!" Zhao Qianxi said the hero he wanted to use.

"Okay!" Luo Sheng nodded in agreement.

"what about me?"

Seeing that the others finished their discussion with just a few words and no one paid any attention to him, Ah Shui felt like an idiot.

"You have to get a hero who is not easy to die." Zhao Qianxi said.

"A hero who doesn't die easily..."

Ah Shui frowned and thought for a moment.

About two seconds later, a gleam of light emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"If it's not easy to die, then use the explosive bomb!!!"

After saying that, A Shui couldn't help but mutter, "But as for the explosive man, it seems that the bottom lane can't win."

"It doesn't matter. I don't need you anyway." Chen Feng said lightly. "I don't like what you said, madman.

Brothers usually don’t take action, but whenever it’s Kerry’s turn, it’s crucial.”

"Okay, choose now."

After the discussion, Top Esports directly decided on Bard and Ziggs.


Seeing these two heroes, Guan Zeyuan made an extremely puzzled sound.

"Bard is okay, after all, none of the three players on T1 have displacement skills, but whether this Ziggs player is good or not is questionable.

I feel like it’s okay to choose Ezreal, but as for Ziggs, doesn’t Top Esports have too many APs?
In this case, Karsa, the Ruined King, is the only one who can deal AD damage. "

“But Top Esports has already locked it in, which means they must have their own ideas.

Maybe this is a killer move they have prepared long ago."

At this point, the commentators could only think this way.

These two choices made by Top Esports also left Pei Xingxiong a little confused.

He thought that Top Esports would grab Varus, or pick a backup core hero to stabilize the development in the bottom lane, but he didn't expect that the other side would pick such two nonsensical heroes.

It's normal nowadays for Bard to be a support and for Ziggs to be an AD. There's nothing wrong with both heroes, but when they are put together, nothing is normal.

But at this point, Pei Xingxiong couldn't figure out what Top Esports was trying to do, and just thought that the other side was looking down on his team.

After T1 locked in Varus in the fifth hand, the lineups of both sides were also determined.

Top laner Gwen, jungler King of the Ruined King, mid laner Lizzie, bottom lane Ziggs and Bard.

T1 has Gangplank on top, Monkey King in the jungle, Ahri in the middle, and Ashe and Varus on the bottom lane.


Looking at the lineups of both teams, Guan Zeyuan began his daily analysis.

"In fact, judging from the lineups of both teams, T1 is definitely better than Top Esports.

The only factor that can influence the outcome of the game is Creator Gwen.

This time, Top Esports will probably focus all their energy on the top lane to help Creator's Gwen gain an advantage as quickly as possible.

In this way, even if he carried the lead to the back, there was still no one on T1 who could stop him.

But how should I put it? Top Esports’ lineup has too much AP damage, and the teamfighting was not strong enough.”

"Overall, I'm still more optimistic about T1. Their lineup is very good at finding opportunities."

Guan Zeyuan's words also made Top Esports fans breathe a sigh of relief.


After entering the game.

Before anything could happen, a series of question marks appeared in the top lane of Top Esports' base.

The director was very sensible and gave a close-up at this time.

On the big screen, Zhao Qianxi's Bard was staggering towards the top lane.

And behind him, Ah Shui's question marks were popping up one after another.

This scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"Here we go, classic Bard, put three cups of coffee on the road first!"

"No, you really don't take my brother Shuizi seriously?"

"Water ghost is talking!!! Taobo has proved with actual actions that the most important person in the team is not the Ice Emperor!"

"Zhao Qianxi is really glad that AD is his brother. If it was the Void God, even if his parents were in Korea, they would still be punished by God!!!"

"I am great, no need to say more!!!"


At this time, Ah Shui was also very depressed.

He looked at Bud, who was already placing coffee in the bushes on the road, and seemed to be hesitant to speak, feeling very sad.

No, as a support, have you ever considered my feelings?
What do you take me for!!!

"Youqi, keep steady."

At the same time, on the T1 side, Li Xianghe was also reminding him.

Because he knew that Zeus must be unwilling to accept the defeat after the previous game, and he must want to fight back in the laning phase.

But the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes!

“I will, Sang Hyuk-hyung.”

Zeus responded.

Of course, saying it is one thing, but being able to do it is another.



Three lines of troops gathered.

Relying on the absolute strength of the double blades, Liu Minxi and Gumayusi showed a strong desire to attack at level one, wanting to wash away the humiliation of being suppressed by A Shui and Zhao Qianxi in the previous game.

However, this kind of thing is too common for A Shui, because he always encounters some weird supports in the ranking, and they often pick out the bomber, so when faced with this situation, he naturally knows how to deal with it.

Similarly, Chen Feng in the top lane played particularly aggressively, relying on the three cups of coffee in the bush.

After learning the E skill at level 1, I rushed forward to force an exchange of blood with Zeus.

Faced with such a cruel Gwen who didn't take herself seriously at all, the young and energetic Zeus was extremely angry.

Fortunately, he still retained a bit of rationality and did not forcefully exchange blood with Chen Feng's Gwen. After attacking with his passive fire knife, he accelerated his retreat.

Although Zeus did not rush forward, his action of retreating undoubtedly gave Chen Feng the opportunity to grab the second place.

Song Yi-Jin in the middle felt Li Xianghe's strong desire to attack from the beginning.

After losing the previous game, Li Xianghe naturally wanted to gain an advantage in the middle lane as soon as possible and then help his teammates.

But Song Yi Jin was no pushover, and the Ice Girl was also good at clearing lanes, so he did not fall behind.


"I feel like the two sides can't fight each other in the early stages of this game. It still depends on the junglers of both sides, or the resource group."

In the commentary box.

Guan Zeyuan had just finished speaking.

The situation on the river has already started to become tense.

Because Chen Feng was extremely strong at level one, and Zeus gave in and agreed to let level two be taken away, so when Karsa the Ruined King came to get the river crab, Gwen, who had already pinned Zeus under the tower, could be the first to provide support.

"Zeus can't get through. It seems that Oner can only give up this river crab."

"In fact, I feel that Monkey King can farm from top to bottom, because T1 has an absolute advantage in the bottom lane and can definitely support the jungle."

"Maybe they thought that Top Esports mainly relied on Gwen, so Oner brushed from bottom to top to target her."

"If it really doesn't work, just give up this river crab. It's also acceptable to take it down."

In this situation, the crab on the river must give up, because the captain can't get over at all. Even if Li Xianghe's fox in the middle can provide support, Song Yi Jin will also follow to support, and it will still be a two-on-three situation.

But when he thought about giving up the river crab and being driven to the lower half of the zone, he would not be able to target Gwen, the core player of Top Esports, and the rebellious spirit in his heart also rose.

Oner did not retreat decisively. He wanted to try to deal some punishment from the side.

The result was that I got the river crab and tried my best to deal punishment, but I lost the first blood.

...(End of chapter)

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