LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 310: It’s outrageous, he made himself suffer the consequences!

"No, Big O is a human being, right? How dare you snatch it from the side?"

"Just tell me whether you managed to grab it or not!!!"

"I got the river crab, but I risked my life. Is it worth it?"

"I didn't expect that this could be blamed on the jungler. If it weren't for the fact that the top laner Sushi didn't win the laning phase and caused the top lane to lose lane rights, would the jungler have such a hard time playing?"

"Haha, you won't take the bottom lane crab, but you have to grab the top lane crab, right?"

"I can only blame the junglers for not understanding the game."

"Even if I don't understand the game, I know which is more important, the river crab or the first blood!"

The barrage of comments in the live broadcast room started a classic literary battle again.

Li Xianghe was also a little troubled when he saw Oner giving up his life for a river crab.

Although the Ruined King's flash and Gwen's sprint are gone, this time obviously won't affect anything.


the other side.

Even though the river crab was snatched away and the double shooters in the bottom lane were too suppressive, Karsa was unable to take down the river crab while the opponent's jungler was dead, but he was not panicked at all.

Because the first blood was taken by Chen Fengwen.

With the Red and Blue Tyrants on her body, Gwen could develop safely for a long period of time.

A small sacrifice in exchange for Gwen's development is acceptable.

Taking advantage of the red and blue servers, Chen Feng also exerted his laning suppression power to the extreme.

Zeus, who had suffered a loss in the previous game, didn't dare to fight hard and could only develop honestly.

Anyway, because of the characteristics of the hero, the speed at which the Captain develops with Gwen is definitely better than that of the other.

Faced with the cowardly Zeus, Chen Feng was helpless for a moment.

To be honest, I still like the King Jayce who showed off Jayce right away and declared war on me!
Although he couldn't do anything about the steady Captain, Chen Feng was not idle either. After pushing the line, he disappeared from the line, went to the jungle, and moved towards the middle lane. As long as anything happened in the middle lane, he would provide support at the first time.

Because A Shui had a bomber in the bottom lane, he was definitely no match for Ashe and Varus at the beginning.

Fortunately, no matter how strong the suppression power of Frost Varus is, he dare not cross the tower easily.

However, after he teleported back home to add a Tear of the Goddess, with the support of mana, and Zhao Qianxi's Bard could also heal a little, the laning situation was much better.

Of course, this stability is only temporary, because the hero Bard cannot stay in the bottom lane all the time. He needs to roam and pick up soap.

Besides, it’s okay to leave a Ziggs man alone for a while, and the best way is to help the jungler or mid laner more often, increase the probability of competing for the Rift Herald, and then cooperate with the Ziggs man to quickly destroy the tower.

Looking at Bard who had just reminded him and then swaggered away, Ah Shui opened his mouth but in the end did not say anything.

Why are my assists so weird!!!

Fortunately, Ah Shuiping had a lot of experience in placing orders for explosive men. He used his experience in ranking and seemed to be at ease even when facing two people.

"Damn, exploding bombs are so fun!" Ah Shui couldn't help but sigh.

Although this thing is easy to be ridiculed for having no AD soul, it is still fun.

If it were any other AD, would he be able to develop so steadily?
"How about choosing a Ziggs skin this year?" After hearing this, Chen Feng, who was facing Zeus in the top lane and was suffocating his opponent, immediately gave him an idea.

"No, MSI hasn't ended yet, and the summer season hasn't started yet. You lunatic, you're already thinking about the champion skin?" A Shui didn't know what to say.

It's good to have confidence, but for a madman like him, it's not just about having confidence. It feels like he has already started to book the championship.

I can only say that he is worthy of being the man who calls himself the God of the Void!

"You are the world's number one, Eddie, and you don't even have this much confidence?"

"No I'm not!!!"


Facing Zhao Qianxi's roaming, Liu Minxi certainly would not stay in the bottom lane to suppress a bomber, he also roamed along.

However, at this time, the fact that K Technical School was inferior to Dr. Yuan was revealed. Facing Zhao Qianxi, he was basically led by the nose.

Originally, Ashe's roaming efficiency was not as good as that of the flexible Bard, and Liu Minxi was always half a second slower than Zhao Qianxi, so as a result, Li Xianghe's Fox's flash was caught.

When Liu Minxi's Frost arrived, he could only see Bard's departing back, and could only help Fox push the line.

"Fox's flash is gone, I think Top Esports can use this to their advantage.

Otherwise, when Fox reaches level 6, even if he doesn't flash, he will have a strong ability to save his life. " Miller couldn't help but say something when he saw this.

Karsa also wanted to find an opportunity, but unfortunately Lee Sang-hyeok knew that he would be targeted if he didn't flash, so he didn't give him any chance at all.

Both sides continue to develop steadily.

In the bottom lane, Gumayusi's Varus and A Shui's Ziggs couldn't do anything to each other.

Song Yi Jin in the middle lane has been looking for Li Xianghe's flaws, trying to find some rhythm when the opponent is not ready to flash.

As for hitting the road...

When the camera came to the top lane, everyone saw a Gwen chasing the Captain.

"What the hell, how come when I come in I see this mad beast riding on the head of my Jace Bar King Jace?"

"I just got here. Why is this a little different from what I expected? I thought the crazy beast would be beaten up by Zeus!"

"You can always trust Crazy Brother!!!"

"Haha, how much do you despise the only double FMVP winner in the history of the league?"

"Beat up my crazy brother? Is Zeus worthy of that?!"

"My Crazy Brother has two S championships and two FMVPs. What championship do you want?"

"He's quite capable and good-looking, but he's just a bit of a piece of shit!"

"Manually @left hand, who do you think is more worthless than this thing?"


Chen Feng was so fierce in cooling down that Zeus also got angry and immediately used his ultimate skill to prepare for a counterattack.

However, when Chen Feng cut off two barrels in a row, he could only give up his flash in embarrassment.

"It's a pity that this Creator has sprint and teleport. If he had flash, he would have a chance to kill alone.

However, Gwen definitely won by exchanging her sprint ultimate for Gangplank's ultimate and flash, because the Rift Herald will refresh later, and Gangplank's ultimate will not be refreshed well because it takes too long.

This way, Topsports’ Rift Herald team will have a better chance.” Miller said with a smile.

Seeing Zeus flash and flee back to the tower in a panic, Li Xianghe reminded him.

"Youqi, you just need to maintain your development, you don't have to gain an advantage in the laning phase!"

"I understand, Brother Xianghe." Zeus took a deep breath.

He knew that Lee Sang-hyuk did it for his own good, but since he was young he had dreamed of playing in a competition with his idol and fighting side by side with him.

Now that I finally have this opportunity and I’m just one step away from winning my first major tournament, I must definitely perform well.

Zeus said he understood, but he was still a little unconvinced in his heart and did not give up the idea of ​​fighting back.



The Rift Herald is about to refresh. Although Zeus's Captain doesn't have a big move, he can rely on the team-building of Fox, Monkey King, and even Frost Varus, so T1 will definitely not let go easily.

“I feel like Top Esports is having a hard time taking on this team fight. It would be better if they just let the team take the little dragon.

Anyway, Beryl's Bard has a chance to block the Rift Herald, and we have seen this kind of operation many times in our LPL Spring Regular Season and Playoffs. "

"But Beryl Bard reached level 1 after picking up a few wood spirits, which T didn't capture!!!" Miller interrupted Guan Zeyuan.

At this time, Liu Minxi was helping Li Xianghe push the line, and at the same time he was also trying to get his Ashe to level 6 as soon as possible. Otherwise, without the auxiliary Ashe with her ultimate move, the Rift Herald would not be able to provide much help.

However, just as he took two steps forward, he suddenly saw the pattern of Bard's ultimate move suddenly appear on the open space behind him.

At the same time, the Ice Claws of the Ice Girl appeared in front, and the scorched earth special effects of the Ruined King also spread from the upper river to the middle lane.

The position of releasing Zhao Qianxi's Bard's ultimate skill was very tricky, and it was generally backward, which meant that even if Liu Minxi Hanbing flashed backwards, he could not avoid being immobilized.

If he moves forward to hide, he will definitely be controlled by Song Yi Jin's Lissandra.

Under the control of a strong desire to survive, Liu Minxi almost subconsciously used his flash to move backwards.

"Keria reacted quickly, but after flashing, she was still controlled by Bard's ultimate.

If that's the case, you'll still die." Miller said quickly.

After Bard's ultimate skill ended, Song Yi entered the Ice Maiden and used the W skill to control at the right time, and then used the Q skill to slow down the opponent. He didn't even use his ultimate skill, and cooperated with Karsa the Ruined King to get the head of Ashe.

"Wow, Beryl is playing tricks on you!

Because he was only level 1 when he disappeared from T's sight.

He calculated his experience and picked up a few wood spirits to reach level 6, then used his ultimate skill at level 6 to arrest Han Bing who wanted to reach level 6. "

“Originally, it was difficult for Topbo to take on this teamfight, but now that Ashe is dead, it’s hard to say what will happen.

We can see that Top Esports has gone directly to the Rift Herald, and T1 has two choices.

One is to take the little dragon, and the other is to join this four-on-five team fight."

"I feel like T1 still has to play it safe, after all, Captain Zeus doesn't have his ultimate and flash, while Rookie's Ice Maiden has both his ultimate and flash.

Even though Gangplank has Orange, it will be hard for him to survive if Topsports focuses their fire on him. "

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished his analysis, he saw that the T1 players were already moving towards the dragon pit.

"As expected, T1 chose to play it safe, mainly because they had fewer people on the front and Gangplank had not yet reached his ultimate. Their chances of winning were too low."


Over there at T1.

Seeing his teammates giving up the Rift Herald and running to get the little dragon, and then looking at Zhao Qianxi who was scanning and leisurely arranging his vision, Liu Minxi felt the temperature of his face suddenly rise.

You know, Liu Minxi is also a notorious red temperature freak, and it is common for him to be under pressure when facing a disadvantageous red temperature.

Moreover, this is not the first time that he has been an opponent of Zhao Qianxi. Previously in the LCK league, he was also controlled by the opponent in various ways.

So for this match, Liu Minxi made a lot of preparations. For this purpose, he even went to investigate Zhao Qianxi's ranking records, hoping to find out something from it.

And this is why Liu Minxi is so popular now.

Because Zhao Qianxi's last ranking record was before MSI, although training does not necessarily require playing ranked games, you can also play training games.

But you didn't play a single ranked game in the entire MSI. Isn't that a bit hard to understand?

I increased my ranking training volume every day in preparation for today's finals, but ended up being worse than someone who hadn't even played a single ranking game.

This made Liu Minxi feel a little bit unacceptable!!!

As luck would have it, the director just happened to give Liu Minxi a shot.

Thus, he, with a flushed face, came into everyone's sight.

“It’s red already???”

"Maybe there are no red-temperature monsters, or maybe everyone is a red-temperature monster."

"How dare you! You think you can easily make Wen famous? Have you written the application?"

"Heizi is so disgusting. How could Uzi...what? He is writing a red temperature application for my crazy brother. That's fine. My crazy brother deserves it!"

"Humorous K fetus, I accidentally got caught, but I can still be red warm, right?"


The Rift Herald was quickly taken down by Top Esports.

After taking the Rift Herald, Karsa naturally kept looking for opportunities to move to the middle lane and free Song Yijin.

Come in and push down the opponent's middle tower, and then you can work together with Song Yi Jin's Ice Girl.

However, before Karsa found the right time to place the Rift Herald in the middle lane, a signal of a solo kill came from the top lane.

When the big screen moved to the top lane, there was only a low-health little Loli pushing the line with a pair of scissors. The Captain's ultimate was still being used, but there was no trace of the Captain anymore.

"A solo kill in the top lane!!!" Miller shouted excitedly as he watched what was displayed on the big screen.

Because Chen Feng had just exchanged Captain Zeus's flash for his cooldown and sprint, he took advantage of the fact that sprint has a better cooldown than flash and directly found an opportunity to complete a single kill.

"That's great, lunatic!" Karsa praised with a smile, "I'll reward you with a Rift Herald."

"No need, just leave the middle lane to Lao Song. I can just fight the Captain now." Chen Feng refused with a smile.

The main thing is that the jungler releases the Rift Herald to score points and take away half of the tower money, it is not as cost-effective as to eat it yourself!

In fact, Chen Feng was also puzzled. Logically speaking, the Captain should have been more steady if he didn't dodge, but Zeus was different. He played extremely aggressively and released the two barrels so smoothly.

The consequence was that not much blood was consumed, but the line of soldiers was pushed over, giving him the opportunity to sprint to the end and complete a single kill.

"Fuck, this crazy animal really gets worse the more he's scolded!"

"The case is solved. This is better than being born as McDonald's Holy Body!!!"

"Where are the people from Jace Bar? Hurry up and carry your King Jace away. Don't embarrass yourself by leaving him here."

"Damn it, that crazy beast must have cast a spell on Zeus a day in advance, why is he in such a hurry to fight today!"

"It turns out that double champions are better than no champions!!!"


Zeus was killed again and felt very upset.

Almost, just almost!!!

"Youqi, what's wrong with you today?"

Before Li Xianghe could say anything, Liu Minxi, who had made himself famous, took the lead in blaming others.

The last round was lost because of Zeus's Jayce. Is it possible that this round will also bring about an undealable Gwen?
"I made a mistake, otherwise he would be the one who died!" Zeus took a deep breath, obviously still a little unconvinced.

"You have to stay calm. You don't need to kill the opponent alone in the top lane. You just need to develop steadily!"

Faced with Liu Minxi's accusations, Zeus didn't dare to say anything more.

T1 doesn't follow the s style, but that doesn't mean they don't abide by it.

Zeus is younger than Liu Minxi, so naturally he has to be obedient.

...(End of chapter)

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