My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 98 Chapter 96 Memories of the Kyoto Succubus : Waiting for Naoko's Flower to Bloom

Chapter 98 96. Memories of the Kyoto Succubus (18): Waiting for Naoko's Flower to Bloom
[Amenaka Town], a place known as "paradise" in the island country.

According to rumors, since the last century, when the power of the island nation was transferred due to the earth-shaking change when the empress ascended the throne, traces of "gods" had appeared in this area.

Two major shrines, Hidaka Shrine and Kiyomizu Shrine, came into being.

Unlike areas in other countries that have shown "miracles", the island nation has gone through more than a century of regime changes. Now, under the game between the two major powers, the ownership of [Amomi-naka Town] still nominally belongs to the island nation, but in reality it has considerable "autonomy" and pursues the policy of "land belonging to the gods, extinct from the secular world", completely cutting ties with the island nation's dignitaries.

Whether it is the Tokyo faction or the Kyoto faction, there are some dignitaries who do not like the Hidaka Shrine and the Kiyomizu Shrine. They want to eat their flesh alive, but they can't do anything about the two major shrines...

[Amenaka Town] is divided into two parts by a river, and is further divided into two towns, [Tokaku] and [Nishikaku].

[Qingshui] is in the east, and [Rigao] is in the west.

[Xige Children's Welfare Home] is the only children's welfare home in the western town. Including the director Watanabe Naoko, there are only three employees in total. The remaining two female employees are middle-aged women over 40 years old.

Just as Toru Watanabe was pinching the bun on Rina Asahina's head to coax her and wanted to go into the welfare home with her, an employee of the welfare home ran out in a panic.

Seeing Rina standing at the door, Aunt Mie, who was not wearing glasses and had poor eyesight, finally breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Rina Asahina had run away from the welfare home!

That's right, Rina is such a well-behaved girl and has never sneaked out of the orphanage to cause anyone to worry. She should be calmer.

As Toyama Mie (45 years old) was thinking this, she noticed that a young man was affectionately rubbing the bun she had specially tied for Rina today.

Yuanshan Meijiang walked over angrily, as if she could kill the cow as long as she had a knife in her hand. After getting closer and seeing the boy's appearance clearly, her anger immediately turned into a smile:

“…Oh my! Is that Xiao Che? Why is Xiao Che back?”

"Good afternoon, Aunt Meijiang. I missed you all so I asked for leave and came back."

After entering the welfare home and locking the door again, Watanabe asked Rina to play in the garden for a while and he would come back to accompany her in half an hour.

Asahina Rina responded with a silly smile. She was the most obedient one, especially to her beloved brother Toru.

Walking to the office area on the first floor with Aunt Mie, Watanabe asked, "How is Naoko's mother's health today?"

Aunt Meijiang looked as if she had expected it, and sighed, "The flu looks much better than it did yesterday, but I still look like I'm going to collapse at any moment. I must have not slept well last night, and my headache is definitely worse.

"Your aunt Hoko (43 years old) and I both advised the dean to take a nap at noon..." Toyama Mie shook her head.

“I can’t persuade you…

"The dean just declined, saying that he had arranged for a maintenance worker to inspect the kitchen and stove in the afternoon, so he didn't have time."

"Is there a problem in the kitchen again?"

"It's an old problem, but this time it almost happened. The aging circuit caused the stove to catch fire..."

"No one was hurt?"

"No, the fire was put out quickly. But we ordered yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast and lunch from restaurants outside, which is another extra expense..."

The welfare home is short of funds and is in a difficult situation. The funding and benefits provided by the Hidaka Shrine every year are only so much. Ever since Watanabe Toru entered the shrine, in order to better restrain him and make him obedient, under the implicit hint of the aunt and nephew Hidaka Mari and Hoshimi Haruka, the shrine has strangled the welfare home by the throat, leaving it with only one breath to survive.

"…If we want to replace the kitchen stove equipment, does the welfare home still have the financial support?"

Mie Toyama just smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"I understand..." Watanabe Toru clenched his fists.

When they were almost at the door of Watanabe Naoko's office, Aunt Mie took Watanabe's luggage and said goodbye. She still had to look after the children and had other work to do.

By the way, keep an eye on the surveillance cameras in the garden, just in case Li Cai really runs out and doesn't come back.

Watanabe kept his hand in front of the door for two or three seconds before he knocked gently. It took him a lot of effort to speak. In the past, he would always wait for the "Come in".

Only when Naoko felt unwell would Watanabe knock on the door and then immediately open it and go in.

The woman didn't expect that it would be her son, Toru Watanabe, who would open the door. Her soft eyes were filled with surprise and joy, which overflowed from her fair face with a little blush on it and turned into a smile. Her sincerity turned a little red, and then turned into anger. Her voice was very soft and gentle:

"Why did you come back?"

Naoko stood up from the chair, with a graceful posture and elegant steps, and walked straight towards Watanabe Toru.

Watanabe went forward and held the woman's outstretched hand. Her palm was soft, but the back of her hand was cold. He subconsciously stroked the back of her hand with his thumb over and over again, as if wiping away the thin layer of ice that was invisible and intangible but brought a chill to the woman.

It was more like an indelible barrier between him and her that was not naturally formed.

I am clearly holding it in my palm and feeling the temperature between our skins, but it keeps rising and falling and can never be a stable, warm and comfortable temperature.

The throbbing in her body was suppressed. Watanabe Naoko raised her face and looked at Watanabe Toru with angry but gentle eyes. Although her height only reached his chin, she had an air of majesty.

"I missed Naoko and everyone, so I took a day off and came back." Watanabe answered Naoko's question.

"Archer needs to call me mom!"

"Yes, okay, Naoko's mother."

Watanabe put down Naoko's mother's hand and put it on his own forehead. He also touched her forehead with his other hand. After feeling the difference, he slid down and stroked the woman's cheek.

Naoko seldom wears makeup, but today she not only put on makeup but also blush, just to cover up the haggardness on her face, which made Watanabe feel distressed.

"You told me to take good care of myself, but you didn't care about your body at all and even tortured yourself like this...

"Is this the example set by Naoko's mother?"

Naoko was speechless, turned around and walked back, saying softly: "It's just daily work, how can it be considered as a hassle..."

Watanabe followed and put his hand on Naoko's waist. The woman did not refuse. She was obviously used to it and subconsciously leaned towards Watanabe Toru.

Sitting back in the chair, Watanabe Naoko continued to endure the pain in her mind and frowned as she worked on the report.

Among the three employees in the welfare home, she is the only one with a college education, and all the clerical jobs are hers.

In addition, her job scope also includes supervising and taking care of children, housework, external contacts and handovers, the shrine's regular Sunday gatherings, and other tedious and trivial tasks.

Otherwise, such a large welfare home cannot be run by only two women, Aunt Mijiang and Aunt Suizi, and it will only become a mess.

Whenever she had free time, Naoko Watanabe would find that there were countless jobs waiting for her.

She wished she could learn the Shadow Clone Technique right there and then and create a few shadow clones to help her with her work.

Well, Naoko watched Naruto with Watanabe Toru when he was 5 or 6 years old. This is also her job.

"Want to repair the kitchen stove this afternoon?"

Toru Watanabe placed his hands on Naoko Watanabe's shoulders and rubbed her shoulders with the strength that was most comfortable and familiar to women.

Naoko's tense shoulders slowly relaxed, and the stiff and numb muscles and nerves in her shoulder and back were stretched in Watanabe's hands, spreading happily to all parts of her body, and the sound of her typing on the keyboard became louder.

"Yes, the time is set at three o'clock in the afternoon. Otherwise, there will be no dinner and we will have to order food from outside..." Naoko pursed her lips.

Increase revenue and reduce expenditure, increase revenue and reduce expenditure. The welfare home originally had a very good way to make money. The tourism industry in [Amomi-naka Town] was booming, with a large number of tourists every year. Naoko wanted to vacate the second floor to make a hotel, but was rejected by the shrine.

The reason is that the identities of tourists coming and going are complex and there are potential risks, which may endanger the safety of children and be detrimental to their healthy growth.

In that case, please approve more funding and benefits!
Naoko Watanabe knew this was impossible unless her son Toru Watanabe went to please...

Thinking of this, the woman's heart ached. She withdrew her hand and grabbed Watanabe Toru's left hand that was rubbing her shoulder. Her head subconsciously tilted to the left.

Watanabe Toru had no idea what Naoko was thinking, he just thought she had a severe headache:
“Let me massage the acupuncture points.

“After you’re done massaging, Naoko’s mom can go take a nap, I’ll contact the maintenance guys when they come.

"Leave the kitchen to me."

Forcing yourself to do things is a helpless choice, and it will only delay future work from being done well. Watanabe Naoko knows this very well.

Before, she had no choice and no one to rely on, but now her son, her Watanabe Toru, is by her side, so Watanabe Naoko naturally won't drag her sick body to work hard.

"Then... I'll leave it to Archer."

The woman guided Watanabe Toru to move up to the temple, and his strength became gentler, bringing her the most comfortable brain massage experience.

Perhaps it was because she knew it was her son Toru Watanabe who was massaging her, or perhaps it was because Watanabe's technique was indeed sophisticated, the nagging headache was effectively relieved.

Gradually, Naoko's breathing became calmer, and she leaned back in her chair and relaxed her body.

"How is Archer doing at school recently? Are you getting along well with your friends?'s been about ten days since I heard Archer share interesting stories with his classmates."

Watanabe's massage technique was not affected at all: "It's been fine recently, nothing interesting has happened... I've been studying hard."

He laughed dryly: "After all, in the monthly test at the end of April, my grade ranking dropped to ninth, and I almost lost the qualification for school subsidies."

"It's okay! Stay calm, Archer is the best! Don't worry even if you occasionally perform poorly and lose the subsidy qualification.

“Mom is here!

"Archer must believe in himself and aim for the University of Tokyo and the University of Kyoto. Well, the University of Tokyo is best, then go to Kanto, or Tokyo..."

"No." Watanabe Toru said:
"I want to apply to Donghak University where my mother studied and graduated."

Tokyo Gakugei University, whose full name is Tokyo Gakugei University, is the best teacher training university in the island country.

"Hey~ Archer is going to make mom angry~~"

In private, in front of Toru Watanabe, Naoko Watanabe would occasionally express her dissatisfaction in such a cute, girlish tone.

However, Toru Watanabe rubbed Naoko's temple, and when he lowered his head he could see her beautiful neck, with fair, delicate and smooth skin. Not to mention that she was almost 40 years old, even if she said she was 30 years old, few people would believe she was. She looked like a female college student in her 20s who had just graduated!
At least in terms of skin, it is not an exaggeration to say that Watanabe Naoko is a little girl.

"What's wrong with me."

"Even though Archer has the ability and qualifications to be admitted to the University of Tokyo, he said he wanted to go to his mother's university just to make his mother happy...


“Archer must aim for the University of Tokyo, or at least get into Tokyo Institute of Technology or Hitotsubashi University!
"Mom's college can only be considered last, Archer, did you hear me?"

"Okay~ Archer will listen to Naoko's mother."

"This is my mother's good boy~!"

Watanabe and Naoko chatted in low voices, just like they were lying in bed on a cold rainy autumn day, hugging each other and whispering.

Unfortunately, it is neither autumn nor cold, and it has not rained yet.

They talked about the life and study of the children in the welfare home. Gradually, Naoko's voice became softer and softer, leaving only shallow breathing.

She fell asleep.

This armchair is not designed for sleeping. I was already feeling unwell and had a bad cold. If I woke up from sleeping on the chair, I was afraid my condition would get worse.

Toru Watanabe bent down, put his right hand through the crook of Watanabe Naoko's legs, and with a little force, he held the woman in his arms.

Naoko's body is soft and very light, but there are no bones to hurt your hands, and you can feel the fullness of her flesh.

Just holding her, Watanabe Toru felt as if he was drowning in a ball of cotton that had fully absorbed the warm sunshine. It was so warm and soft that he was addicted...

There is a single bed in this office, which is convenient for Naoko to rest. You can tell at a glance that the quilt on the bed has been dried in the sun two days ago. It is very firm and you can smell the scent of sunshine.

Watanabe Toru not only smelled the scent of sunshine, but also the faint, slightly sweet and elegant fragrance of Naoko's body, just like a hyacinth bud about to bloom. The fragrance was so faint now only because it had not yet bloomed.

On the day when the flowers bloom, the rich fragrance will rise and entangle Watanabe Toru's body.

After experiencing the aunt and nephew Hidaka Mari and Hoshimi Haruka, plus Saotome Hazuki in Kyoto, and his Asahina sisters...

Toru Watanabe knew very well what that fragrance on Naoko Watanabe was.

His heart inevitably beat violently, but his hands moved more gently as he gently placed Naoko on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and tucked in the corners.

Looking at the sleeping woman's face, the paleness and haggardness faded a little, revealing a healthy whiteness and two somewhat ridiculous blushes, and Watanabe Toru laughed in his heart.

Then he leaned over and kissed the woman gently on the forehead, reached out and lifted Naoko's hair and tucked it behind her ear to prevent it from getting into her mouth, and walked out quietly with her cell phone.

Before leaving, Toru Watanabe looked back at Naoko Watanabe, who was breathing evenly and sleeping soundly, then closed the door and left the office.

Just wait for the flowers to bloom...

(End of this chapter)

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