My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 99 97 Memories of the Kyoto Succubus : Three younger sisters, Rina, Yuna and Hoshimi Haruka.

Chapter 99 97. Memories of the Kyoto Succubus (19): Three younger sisters, Rina, Yuna, and Haruka Hoshimi.


There are children of all ages, with almost equal numbers of boys and girls, making it very difficult to take care of them.

Originally, the welfare home’s cash flow was not as difficult as it is now, and conditions were much better, because new children were adopted every year and the adoptive families would occasionally send some things to the welfare home.

Such beauty has completely disappeared since Watanabe Toru entered Hidaka Shrine for training.

No matter how much a childless couple or their family wants a child, they will not come to the Nishikaku Welfare Home to adopt one even if they go all the way to Kyoto.

The welfare home only has people coming in but no people leaving, so the situation naturally becomes more difficult.

Originally, there were three orphans older than Watanabe in the welfare home. Last year, these three ungrateful people, two boys and one girl, who were three or four years older than Watanabe, left Ameminaka Town after graduating from college or high school, as if they had agreed upon it, and never came back. They could not be contacted either by text message or phone call.

They felt that their best years were in their prime, so how could they be wasted by Watanabe and the welfare home?

Eighteen years later, they have once again become homeless orphans...

Coming out of Naoko's office, Toru Watanabe met Aunt Hoko who was coming down from the second floor. She was throwing the collected garbage into the trash can outside.

After exchanging a few words with her, Watanabe came to the children's indoor play area. Aunt Mie was watching four children playing with building blocks, and some of them were lively and active and ran to play on the slide.

When they saw Watanabe Toru, the children swarmed over and pulled at his trouser legs. Watanabe rubbed their heads one by one and went to check the surveillance video.

Xiao Rina stopped playing with the flowers and plants. She was sitting under the sun visor, her body swaying slightly and her calves shaking. It seemed like she was singing?

The agreed half hour was about to arrive, and after saying goodbye to Aunt Mie, Toru Watanabe went to see Ko Rina.

As for the other children in the orphanage, they went to school.

Whether it is junior high school, elementary school or even kindergarten, you have to go to school.

Regardless of other things, the welfare home could at least provide kindergarten education, but Naoko Watanabe felt that this was not conducive to the growth of children, so she changed the rules after she became the director.

Just as Watanabe had imagined, Korina sat there humming a song, and the melody was "Bird Poem".

“Ah! Tetsu-nii-san~~!!”

Ko Rina pounced on Watanabe Toru again and hugged his waist tightly, fearing that he would leave and disappear from her sight in the next second.

Watanabe coaxed Rina to let go, but she twisted her body and said no.

"Unless Rina can be Brother Toru's new wife!"

"Rina is your younger sister, can you sit on your brother's lap?"


Rina sat contentedly on Toru Watanabe's lap, leaning in his arms and continuing to hum, but she changed the song to "Call of Silence".

Watanabe Toru listened quietly and looked up at the sky which had changed color. It was sunny half an hour ago, but now dark clouds were gathering and it was about to rain.

The rainy season, which he hated the most, was about to arrive.

Looking further down, you can see the not-so-high fences and walls of the welfare home.

Within the walls and outside of Amenaka Town, before he met Hazuki Saotome, he was free to be himself and live a real life.

But for the past nine years, he has been confined to that small shrine by Hidaka Shrine, and has been kept captive by Hidaka Mari and Hoshimi Haruka...

Toru Watanabe couldn't help but wonder, if he had listened to the advice of the shrine maiden who was of the same age as him six years ago, would he have lived a different life?
Unfortunately, it was too late to regret now, because Toru Watanabe's enemies were not only Mari Hidaka and Haruka Hoshimi, but also Hazuki Saotome and the Crescent Moon Group, who appeared like lightning and joined the battle...

"Tetsu-nii~Tetsu-nii~ Can Rina sit on your lap and play the piano later~?"

It's a very bizarre idea, but it doesn't seem out of place when Korina says it.

"No, brother will be busy with things arranged by Naoko's mother later. Please make sure next time, okay?"

Knowing that Brother Toru never breaks his promise of “I’ll do it next time”, Rina happily hugged Toru Watanabe’s neck and said “Okay~”!
The theory of "being shut in and then having the window opened" does exist.

Rina Asahina's IQ may always remain at the level of a seven-year-old child, but her talent for music is unmatched by others, and it is no exaggeration to say that she has absolute pitch.

Every afternoon from 3:00 to 5:30, Rina would practice piano in the music room on the third floor. When the time was almost up, Watanabe sent her upstairs to practice, and when she came downstairs, she received a call from the maintenance worker, who was already outside the welfare home.

Watanabe opened the door to welcome the maintenance personnel to the kitchen. Aunt Suko also came over after hearing the news and explained the location and cause of the problem. The maintenance personnel were obviously familiar with it.

Standing at the kitchen door, Toru Watanabe shifted his gaze from the maintenance workers' work to outside the house. A small drizzle of rain began to fall from the sky, hitting the ground with a sound of drops.

Bright and cheerful sounds like the sound of a bell came from the building diagonally opposite. It was Rina Asahina playing the piano. The sudden change in rhythm seemed to urge the rain in the sky to fall faster and faster.

Toru Watanabe recognized that this was Liszt's piano piece "The Bells". He was able to recognize it not because of his own musical talent, ability, or hobby, but simply because when Korina came back from the Golden Week in May, she happened to start practicing "The Bells".

In just 20 days, he went from being awkward to quickly mastering and becoming proficient, and now he has such great timbre and expressiveness. Such talent can only be described as terrifying.

The only thing that can limit Korina's performance may be the piano in her hand. After all, the piano is older than Watanabe.

Toru Watanabe wants to give his younger sister Rina a new piano at the end of the year as a birthday present for her 15th birthday.

But he doesn't have much money now.

Money, money...

He went to ask the maintenance worker about the problems with the stove and kitchen, but the situation he got was not optimistic.

"It's just a simple repair. If that's all, I'm afraid the problem will arise again soon. At the fastest, it will be two to three months, and at the slowest, it will be within half a year."

"What if we replace all the stoves with new ones? Will this solve the problem?"

"Uh...well, forget it. Let me tell you this!" The maintenance worker hesitated for a long time and bowed to Watanabe Toru inexplicably.

He decided to tell Watanabe Toru quietly, in a low voice: "We are only doing repairs on this kind of problem now, just patching it up, and it seems that there will be no problem...

“As for replacing the stove or something, even if you replace all the kitchen equipment, it’s only a temporary solution. After four or five years, the problem will still occur like it does now!

"The root cause is the aging of the lines. Six years ago, didn't the shrine fund the replacement and renovation of the old circuits and lines in the town? Your welfare home is..."

When Watanabe Toru heard the secret, he was stunned. He did not expect that Hidaka Mari and Hoshimi Haruka, the vicious aunt and nephew, would do such a cruel and despicable thing.

After a moment of silence, Watanabe said, "Can we still replace and renovate the line now?"

The maintenance worker only said politely: "The layout of the circuits in this town has been designed, and any changes can only be made with the approval of the shrine..."

Hearing him say this, Watanabe Toru understood that this would only be possible if he went to the aunt and nephew to beg them in a humble manner.

"If I only want to replace the kitchen stove light, how much will it cost?"

"It'll cost at least 300,000 yen."

"Three hundred thousand?... I understand. Thank you."

The amount of money was not much, but for 16-year-old Toru Watanabe and the cash-strapped welfare home, it was not something that could be easily taken out.

Watanabe was unwilling to ask for help from the shrine or the aunt and nephew, Hoshimi Haruka and Hidaka Mari, and was even more unwilling to look for Saotome Hazuki.

He has a way to make money.

During elementary and junior high school, he was confined to Amemonaka Town and was not allowed to go out. He had no personal freedom. Now that Watanabe Toru is studying in Kyoto, he is naturally much freer.

In order to make a lot of money quickly, efficiently and inevitably, the safest and most reliable method Watanabe could think of was to be a plagiarist.

Comics, songs, and light novels can all be plagiarized.

However, comics and light novels are more troublesome, so Watanabe decided to copy songs. He happened to have a few defective or half-finished songs on hand, such as the song "Call Of Silence".

You can sell the copyright directly to the production company, which is convenient and efficient.

The reason why it is called a defective product (semi-finished product) is that it has a small difference from the original song. Watanabe Toru was not an art student in his previous life, and he had no particular interest in music. He had only heard these songs. He was able to remember the lyrics and melodies completely by relying on his powerful memory after traveling through time.

A song is not just composed of lyrics and melody. Although these are the main parts, without accompaniment such as harmony and chords, it is just a demo.

Watanabe Toru especially regretted why he didn't take a closer look at the scores of these songs in his previous life. With just one glance, he would be able to remember them with his powerful memory.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Fortunately, Toru Watanabe has a humanoid plug-in - Rina Asahina. Let's teach you how Toru Watanabe composes a song. First, Watanabe sings it to Rina with his poor, slightly off-tune voice.

For Korina, who possesses "absolute pitch", Watanabe's a cappella singing is like the whisper of the ancient god Cthulhu in her ear.

However, the object was her beloved brother Toru, so Rina could only pout and endure it secretly. But she really couldn't bring herself to praise her brother, "Brother, your singing is so beautiful."

Then Watanabe continued to hum the melody, continuously defiling and filching Korina's precious ears...

After Watanabe's efforts, Korina used her talent at high speed like a quantum computer, correcting and calibrating the melody and rhythm of the song word by word, playing it on the piano or guitar until it perfectly matched Watanabe's memory.

In this way, a detailed demo of a song is completed.

But Rina Asahina continued to output, and with just these, she was able to complete the song on her own.

What a terrifying talent...

To Toru Watanabe, it sounded not much different from the original song, but he was not 100% sure that it was exactly the same, so he just called it a defective product (semi-finished product).

Originally, these songs had already been reserved by other people, because she wanted to debut as an idol star and become the strongest singer of the new era in the island country. Toru Watanabe and Rina Asahina also agreed.

But as he was in urgent need of money, Watanabe decided to register the copyright first and then sell a few songs to the production company.

Anyway, as long as he and Ko Rina work together, they can plagiarize and create other songs that were popular in their previous lives, so they don't lack these songs.

I can only suffer for a while...

When he was thinking this, a light and cheerful girl's voice brought Watanabe Toru back to reality: "Brother Toru!"

She had smooth black hair that fell past her shoulders, a bunny hairpin in it, and a bright smile. She looked exactly like Rina, and she also imitated Rina and threw herself straight at Watanabe Toru, but she was very measured and put her hands behind her back at the right time:

"Aunt Mie and Aunt Hoko both sent me messages saying that Brother Toru came back this afternoon! After school, he didn't even participate in the club activities, so Yuna asked for leave to come back to see brother~!"

The girl in the sailor uniform smiled gently.

Her name is Yuna Asahina, and she is the twin sister of Kosona from the same mother. She is currently in the second grade of junior high school in the only girls' junior high school in Ameminaka Town. Her academic performance is above average, and she is good at housework. She is a gentle and capable sister.

Asahina Yuna's dream is to debut as an idol, become a household name in the island nation and the strongest singer of the new era, make lots and lots of money, and let her brother Toru, mother Naoko, sister Ko Rina, and everyone in the welfare home (except those three ungrateful people) live in high-end apartments in Kyoto or Tokyo.

"Welcome home, Yuna. You didn't get wet in the rain on your way back, did you?" It was raining heavily just now, and Watanabe asked with concern.

"I brought an umbrella, so I didn't get wet in the rain! I should be the one saying welcome home, Toru-nii!"

She tried her best to appear gentle, quiet and elegant in front of Watanabe, but her efforts were ruined by Watanabe's concern and she became a sunny and lively girl.

It is the prime of her youth, a girl as beautiful as a flower, she should look like this, and have such a bright, unrestrained, optimistic and cheerful smile.

Listening to the sound of bells and piano coming from upstairs, Yucai closed her eyes and enjoyed it for a while before she said enviously, "Sister is playing better and better! I feel like she will become a world-famous piano master and lead us to live in a high-end apartment in Kyoto~"

"I feel like I still have to rely on Yuna. After all, idol stars make much more money."

"Then I'll try my best! Come on, Yuuna!"

Looking at the girl who was cheering him up, Watanabe felt a little bit reluctant for a moment, but after thinking about it, he told her his decision.

"I'll just have to put up with you for a while, Yuna..."

"No problem! Go ahead and do it, brother. These songs were originally written by Brother Toru and Sister Rina, and the money earned from the song sales is used to subsidize everyone in the welfare home.

"Yuina fully supports my brother~!" Yuina clenched her fists and told Watanabe to do it boldly.

Without favoring one over the other, Toru Watanabe also touched Yuna Asahina's head.

The repairman has completed the renovation and the kitchen is usable again, even if its lifespan may only be two or three months.

After learning that the kitchen was ready for use, Aunt Suizi hurried over. She had to prepare dinner, otherwise she would not be able to make it in time. Yucai volunteered to stay and help. Her cooking skills were very good, so Aunt Suizi naturally would not refuse.

Watanabe looked at the time. It was almost half past four. Naoko had been taking a nap for nearly an hour and a half.

It's time to wake her up. She can't take too long of a nap.

He still tiptoed into the office and came to her bedside. The woman was breathing evenly and her sleeping face was peaceful.

Watanabe Naoko's appearance can only be described as pretty, and her figure is not outstanding. She is not a well-known beauty. Just based on her looks, she naturally cannot be compared with Hidaka Mari and Saotome Hazuki.

But her skin was really fair and delicate, and she had an elegant temperament that made Watanabe Toru unable to take his eyes off her. In addition...

No one is as important as Naoko in Watanabe Toru's heart.

I touched Naoko's forehead with the back of my hand again. It was still a little hot, but much better than before.

His hands naturally went into the woman's black hair, and Watanabe Toru used his thumb to gently caress the smooth skin of the woman's face. After about two breaths, the sleeping Watanabe Naoko slowly woke up.

There was only one person who would wake her up like this, her son Toru Watanabe, and Naoko knew this very well.

She opened her eyes slightly, and after confirming that the man in front of her was indeed Toru Watanabe, she rested her face in his hand with confidence, and her hands also climbed up to touch Watanabe's hands and fingers.

"...Archer, what time is it now?" His voice was a little hoarse.

"It's almost half past four."

Hearing this, no matter how warm Archer's hands were, it was not the time to snuggle. Naoko struggled to get up, and Watanabe helped the woman and made her sit down.

Then he went to his desk, took out a cup that was only half filled with warm water, added some hot water and brought it to Naoko.

After drinking a few sips of hot water, Naoko warmed up and got out of bed.

The school bus that picks up the children will stop in front of the welfare home soon, and Naoko has to go to the door to greet it.

Considering that she was not feeling well and it was drizzling outside, Toru Watanabe asked her to look after the children under three years old indoors while he and Aunt Mie went out to pick them up.

Unable to persuade him, Naoko had no choice but to obey him.

After all the children were brought back, the originally quiet orphanage immediately became as noisy as a shopping mall. Everyone was chattering about what happened at school today. Watanabe Toru was surrounded and couldn't even move a step.

Naoko smiled slightly, her cold seemed to have improved a little.

Aunt Meijiang stepped forward to maintain order and asked the little ones to wash their hands one by one and prepare for dinner.

"These kids are really naughty. They are not as obedient as me, Rina, and Yuna back then."

"Toru has been a little adult since he was young, worthy of being his mother's only son~" Naoko never missed any opportunity to praise Watanabe Toru.

By half past five, Aunt Suko and Yuna had prepared dinner, and the children all sat down obediently at their seats at the table. Although they were still chatting, they kept their voices down and waited for the meal to be served.

Xiao Licai also came down after practicing the piano. She greeted everyone one by one, and happily jumped in front of her sister. She lifted the hem of her skirt with both hands and squatted to greet her: "Welcome home, Licai~"

Her younger sister, Yuuna, also returned the greeting, which was their unique way of greeting.

After the two sisters had greeted each other, all the staff of the welfare home arrived. The restaurant was set up at the corner of the first floor of the three-story building, facing the main entrance.

"I'm gonna start now!!"

Sitting at the dining table, everyone shouted out, the children especially loudly. They hadn't eaten the food prepared by Aunt Suko and Sister Yuna for almost two days, and they ate with relish, not even having time to talk.

Watanabe Toru and Watanabe Naoko smiled at each other, not forgetting the Asahina sisters and aunts Mie and Hoko sitting next to them. The dinner at the welfare home was warm and harmonious, and one could not bear to spoil it.

However, the sky outside had already darkened, with dark clouds looming, and a violent storm was brewing again.

A row of black luxury cars stopped in front of the welfare home. A priestess came down from above with an umbrella and opened the door with a key, guarding the girl in a sailor suit in the middle.

They filed in, also using keys to unlock the main door of the three-story orphanage building and pushed it open.

The damp and cold wind and rain roared in, blowing away the warm and cozy atmosphere of the harmonious family, and everyone at the table looked towards the door.

A beautiful girl in a sailor uniform walked out from the priestess. She lifted her black hair and her eyes accurately found the beautiful boy Watanabe Toru.

Hoshimi Haruka raised her head and forced a smile, staring at Watanabe Toru: "Welcome home, Brother Toru, now you don't even tell me when you come back."

 Thanks to [Mickey] for the reward of 233 points to "Saotome Hazuki"!

  Thanks to [There is always a sunny day in the story][Book friend 20230328222952660] for the reward of 500 coins!

(End of this chapter)

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