Only Player

Chapter 174 It’s over

Chapter 174 There’s no going back
After returning to the temporary hotel, Zhou Yuan took out the Palu Ball and brought back Fang Qing who was stranded in Night City of the Stellan Kingdom.

After the abnormal power subsided, the crisis covered by the narrative was officially resolved, the "gamification" rules of the Kingdom of Stellan disappeared, and it became an independent plane from then on.

The main force of the Control Bureau entered at the first opportunity to control various important areas and prevent some powerful individuals from leaving the plane and entering the real world to cause damage.

At the same time, diplomats from the Federal Control Bureau entered the palace and, after less than half a day of negotiations, successfully established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Stellan.

From then on, this plane was brought under the control of the Control Bureau.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the royal family of the Kingdom of Stellan was actually using their right to rule the world in exchange for the chance for themselves and the entire country to continue to survive.

That world possesses rich resources, a complete power system, and even several paths to becoming a god. It is an absolute treasure trove that is bound to attract countless covetous eyes.

The local forces are simply unable to protect the security of the kingdom, and only by joining the Control Bureau can the kingdom be guaranteed to survive.

In the coming period of time, the Control Bureau will launch a major cleansing of the Kingdom of Stellan, clearing out the remnants of the Demon King's army and many supernatural creatures contaminated by demonic energy.

——It would be dangerous for Fang Qing to continue staying there, as she might be mistakenly classified as a threatening abnormal creature.

Once it is confirmed that the Kingdom of Stellan is safe enough, the Control Bureau will notify various major departments to develop it. In the end, it may even open up a new tourism industry. After all, the extraordinary curtain has been lifted, and ordinary people will definitely be full of yearning for all kinds of strange and special worlds.

This will be a huge market, and it would be a waste not to make money.

Zhou Yuan moved his mind, the palu ball opened, and Fang Qing, wearing a fluorescent jacket full of technology, appeared in the room.

"I thought you had forgotten me."

Fang Qing complained unhappily, but then she was startled for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "You... were rejected?"


Zhou Yuan couldn't help but touch his face. Was it that obvious? How could he tell whether it was a human or a ghost?
"Don't forget that I used to be a journalist. Reading people's expressions is an instinct that has long been engraved in my DNA."

Fang Qing immediately figured out the whole story. "Because of your question and answer on the reality show, Chen Guangxi knew your little thoughts, so he rejected you when he came back, saying that you two are not suitable?"

"…The second half is wrong."

"Oh." Fang Qing nodded. "If she didn't reject me outright, that means there's still hope... Let me guess again. After she revealed her cards, did you not dare to go find her? Instead, she found you?"

"How do you know?" Zhou Yuan was stunned.

Fang Qing said calmly: "I have been a reporter for so many years, and I know exactly what kind of people will do. You are very inferior in terms of emotions, and you are not the kind of person who dares to express your feelings directly. Remember to be braver next time.

To be honest, you should have asked me for advice a long time ago. With me as your advisor, you might have already hit a home run by now."

Zhou Yuan: “…”

Fang Qing said nothing more, opened the passage to the sea of ​​blood, took out the door of the [Youth Version of the Universal Training Room], and placed it against the wall.

“The energy reserve in the training room has reached one third. I practiced in it for a while and it was pretty good, so I released the other palus.

With so many people practicing together, the impact on the storage progress is minimal, which shows that the speed and upper limit of energy storage are very high."

"Of course, this thing is of perfect quality and it cost me fifty thousand."

Zhou Yuan pushed the door and entered the practice room.

The Weaver, the End Band, Tang Qingsha and other palus are all practicing in it.

During the time in the Kingdom of Stellan, the succubus Alice completed her mental control over Tang Qingsha and the younger sister of the Dizi sisters. Now these people have completely become Alice's X slaves and obey her every word.

"You beast!" The older sister of the Flute sisters cursed at Alice. She had not yet been mentally controlled, so she was bound here by blood and water.

During this period, Alice did a series of shameful things to her sister in front of her, and because her sister had been controlled, she particularly enjoyed those things, which was undoubtedly a huge mental shock to her.

What’s even more hateful is that Alice filmed the entire process and wanted to sell it online.

When she thought about how she would be the next one to fall into evil after her sister became completely evil, she could not help but feel a strong sense of humiliation, powerlessness, and despair...

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon." Alice smiled sweetly and stroked the head of the girl in the gray skirt.

"Sister, I'm sorry, but I'm really happy. I have become the shape of Master Alice and I can never go back." The girl in the gray skirt cried. She was wearing a very popular lace underwear with a pink pattern on her lower abdomen.

Zhou Yuan was silent.

What the hell is going on with this evil, decadent style of painting?

Damn, this is really weird. It seems like this is the base of some evil cadres.

"Master, you are here." Alice smiled like a flower, "I have completed the mental brainwashing of three captives, and the next one is almost done."

"Well done." Zhou Yuan praised.

Alice smiled complacently and pointed at the girl in the gray skirt and said, "Her name is Lin Yuting, and her sister is Lin Xueting. They used to belong to a small illegal organization called the [Magic Music Band]. Later, the band was almost wiped out by members of the Holy Crow Cult, and they almost died, so they held a grudge against the Holy Crow Cult.

Both of them are rare extraordinary sound practitioners with huge room for growth and great talent. They will definitely be a great help to their master in the future."

After introducing the flute sisters, Alice continued, “There’s another captive in Sister Fang Qing’s sea of ​​blood, that handsome little guy.

His name is Zhang Cheng, he is a formation master, his talent and strength are average, but he is handsome, so I can keep him as a concubine. And when he heard that he could do it with me, he became very cooperative and had no intention of resisting at all, so I kept him for the last one. "

After hearing this, Zhou Yuan didn't know what to say.

Tang Qingsha was willing to cooperate because she didn't want to become a puppet without self-awareness, and this guy named Zhang Cheng was so cooperative because he could play ball with Alice?
There are indeed all kinds of people.

Zhou Yuan no longer paid attention to the palus, found a place to sit cross-legged and practice.

A surge of dark matter swarmed in, far exceeding the outside world in both quality and quantity. This was the effect brought by the training room.

With a few dark stones for assistance, the speed of cultivation will be like riding a rocket.

Zhou Yuan constructed two energy circuits in the game world, which was considered to be the initial elementalization of his body. After that, he actually successfully elementalized his own hands.

The next goal is to elementalize the limbs, followed by the internal organs, and then the most important heart and brain.

Once he completes the elementalization and the transformation of his life level, his strength will make a huge leap.

For the next week, Zhou Yuan's life was very regular.

He practices from morning till night, and then starts live broadcast at 7pm. He continues to practice two hours later. At present, there are not many abnormal events in Xinyue, so he can't live broadcast ghost hunting like before. Zhou Yuan's live broadcast content is playing games, bragging, PK with other anchors, or explaining abnormal files.

After a few days of live streaming, Zhou Yuan discovered something outrageous - thanks to his extraordinary charm, even if he didn't do anything, just sitting there could attract countless viewers.

The number of fans has been rising steadily, reaching 28 million worldwide. Although there is still a gap compared with top stars, she has already joined the ranks of super internet celebrities.

The collection of a large amount of power of faith has allowed the progress bar of the power of darkness to reach 100%, filling it up again.

While busy with his own affairs, Zhou Yuan did not forget to pay attention to the external situation.

Ever since the extraordinary curtain was lifted, the waves it has stirred up have never stopped. This period can be said to be the most chaotic period since the Third World War.

Various supernatural organizations and churches openly recruit members from the society. In order to obtain extraordinary powers or get the protection of the organization, there is an endless stream of applicants, and even bloody conflicts break out for this reason.

In order to seize the market, various major forces have fought overtly and covertly countless times, all to show off their muscles and tell others - our organization/church is the best, come join us!

In addition, cultists are also acting covertly, causing riots in various regions and even creating horrific bloody massacres, stirring panic among ordinary people.

Then they fanned the flames from the dark, prompting them to take to the streets to protest, demanding that the Control Bureau disclose its cultivation methods, demanding that the Federation improve the treatment of the people, and strengthen public security management...

As a result, several clashes broke out between federal officials and protesters.

The Control Bureau wiped out the cultists who secretly fueled the unrest, and federal officials arrested several groups of protesters, which gradually calmed the riots.

As time goes by, the special memes studied by the Bureau of Control are gradually taking effect, and more and more people are accepting the existence of supernatural powers and returning to their normal lives.

If the situation continues like this, everything will calm down by the end of the month, and even if there are more disturbances, they will be under control.


Zhou Yuan had just finished a day of training and was about to start broadcasting when there was a sudden knock on the door.

It’s Chen Guangxi.

"Do you want to go for a drink?" Chen Guangxi asked, seemingly unaffected by what happened before.

"Let's go." Zhou Yuan behaved as usual.

This was the advice he got after consulting female friends including Fang Qing, Gu Chacha, and Ye Wan.

You must behave as usual, and you can even be more proactive and intimate, but there must not be any awkwardness or alienation, otherwise you will lose everything.

The two came to the bar. It was a quiet bar. There were no lights that would blind titanium dog eyes, nor was there a rock DJ. There was only classical piano music flowing slowly in the air, creating a great atmosphere.

"After playing in Xin Yue for so long, are you ready to go somewhere else?" Chen Guangxi shook the red wine in the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Change place? Where?" Zhou Yuan asked.

Chen Guangxi poured wine and said, "The paradise will be open in a while. We can go to a nearby city first and have fun while waiting."

Paradise... Zhou Yuan just then remembered this.

At that time, the Alpha Mobile Task Force went to the Happy Castle in search of a key that could open this paradise.

Calculating the time, it is indeed almost time for the blessed land to surface. Now that the curtain has been lifted, the major forces no longer need to hide their intentions. When the blessed land opens, there will surely be another bloody storm.

"Okay." Zhou Yuan nodded. He actually wanted to visit the paradise too.

It is not only a holy place for cultivation, but also buried with treasures from ancient times. One can easily make a fortune from it.

Maybe you can even pick up the inheritance of ancient cultivators.

"Then we'll leave in a week. You take care of things in Xinyue."

Chen Guangxi took a sip of wine and added, "It would be great if we could upgrade to level 4. After all, exploring the paradise is dangerous. We can't escape directly this time like last time. We could die if we encounter danger."

"Then I'll try my best." Zhou Yuan is not far from level 40 now, and completing a few tasks will be enough.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this."

Chen Guangxi slapped his forehead and took out a crystal from his storage ring, which was dotted with many star-like glimmers.

"This is a thank-you gift from Amy. Since she couldn't contact you, she gave it to me."

[This is an extremely rare stone that can improve your spiritual realm. After absorbing it, your spiritual cultivation will undergo a qualitative change.]

"Good stuff."

Since it was a thank you gift for saving the kingdom, Zhou Yuan accepted it without hesitation.

Chen Guangxi whistled and said with great joy, "She has always been thinking of you, the brave man who rescued the princess from the devil."

"Ah?" Zhou Yuan blinked innocently, "Didn't I already tell her that I have someone I like?"

Chen Guangxi spread his hands helplessly: "Blue beauty is a disaster, there is a strange charm, even if you are a scumbag who has multiple relationships, she may be willing to commit herself to you.

So what do you say? Amy is about to regain her status as a god. She is a true god. If you hold on to her, you will have a bright future. "

Zhou Yuan shook his head: "I've already said it, I'm playing pure love."

Just as the two were chatting, a light mist suddenly filled the bar.

At first Zhou Yuan thought that the waiter had lit some incense to create a nice atmosphere, but as time went on, the fog became thicker and thicker.

Everyone noticed something was wrong and hurriedly stood up from their seats to look for the source of the fog.

But this fog did not seem to come from the bar, but was diffused from the outside world.

Zhou Yuan moved his nose and his expression changed slightly. He smelled a faint stench of corpse in the air.

The next second, Zhou Yuan and Chen Guangxi's cell phones rang.

It's an abnormal event alert!
"problem occurs."

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows. The alarm showed that this seemed to be a level 3 abnormal event.

(End of this chapter)

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