Only Player

Chapter 175 Ghost Market

Chapter 175 Ghost Market
Intelligence shows that the abnormal situation occurred five minutes ago.

At first, white fog suddenly appeared on a remote street without any warning. Due to the remote location of that street, not many people noticed the problem. By the time this abnormal situation was noticed and reported, the fog had spread rapidly to cover three or four blocks and was still spreading madly around.

Zhou Yuan looked out the window. It was gray outside, as if there was a thick wall standing there, isolating the bar from the world.

Even with his hearing, he couldn't hear any sound from outside. There was only dead silence. The strange fog seemed to have the effect of blocking the propagation of sound.

Just then, the door of the bar made a dull sound and was knocked by huge force.

The guests screamed in fear and quickly moved away from the door.

There was another sound of knocking on the door, and then many densely packed black figures suddenly emerged from the gray-white fog outside. They gathered in front of the glass, as if trying to look inside the bar.

The sound of banging on the door became more intense, and countless pairs of dark hands stretched out from the mist and began to violently hit the windows.

The dense clapping sounds were like waves, from which one could sense an indescribable hunger; the doors and windows were shaking and could break at any time.

Zhou Yuan's mind moved, and a shadow wall made of dark matter rose from the ground, blocking the window and blocking the ferocious gazes of the dark shadows outside.

The shadow mud continued to spread on the ground, climbed up the walls and ceiling, and finally enveloped the entire interior of the bar, isolating the breath of living people.

The rapid clapping sounds suddenly stopped, and there was a dead silence outside the bar, without any sound at all.

[This area has opened a passage to another world. This passage is only temporary and will close automatically in half an hour. During this period, the two worlds will briefly intersect. Unfortunately, the place where the other world opens the intersection passage is a huge ghost market.]

Zhou Yuan frowned as he looked at the prompt.

The planes intersect.

This kind of abnormal phenomenon is extremely rare. Over the past hundred years, the Bureau of Control has only recorded less than twenty cases in its archives, and more than half of them occurred in abnormal planes rather than in the real world.

The most recent plane intersection occurred three years ago, when a group of elves migrated to the real world with the help of the plane intersection.

This group of elves is different from other elves in the real world. They are all female and come from a world that goes against stereotypes.

In the normal public perception, elves are holy, kind, good at art, noble, elegant, intelligent, beautiful, have a certain degree of cleanliness, and are almost integrated with nature.

However, the nature of this group of elves is the opposite. They are more succubus than succubi, and each of them is an unsatisfied nympho. Therefore, they are very unwelcome in the original world and can be said to be hated by everyone.

When the goblins saw this, they would shout, "You are about to be insulted."

When an orc is captured, he can only say in despair: "Gu, kill me."

However, after arriving in the real world, this group of unwelcome elf nymphomaniacs had their day. The succubus was dumbfounded and called them a business robbery.

The normal elves were thus innocently implicated, and in the end they had no choice but to publicly carry out justice and draw a clear line between themselves and that group of nymphomaniac elves.

This time, the intersection of planes brought a ghost market full of ghosts to the real world. Those black shadows outside the door just now were obviously evil ghosts who smelled the breath of living people.

Zhou Yuan summoned a magic shadow to go out and check the situation. The magic shadow swam under the crack of the door and came to the outside of the bar.

What was surprising was that there was no gray fog outside the bar at this time, and the countless black shadows that had surrounded the bar just now also disappeared. What came into view was a market town full of ancient atmosphere.

The modern asphalt road has become a dirt road, and the shops on both sides of the street are no longer concrete buildings, but the ancient architectural style of Dongzhou. Looking into the distance, there are all kinds of shops, from silk shops to antique shops, from restaurants to teahouses.

The streets are bustling with people, the cries of vendors are endless, and it is extremely lively.

But there was a strange chill in the bustle, because whether it was the pedestrians or vendors, they were all cold corpses with deathly pale faces!

The ghost market is naturally full of evil spirits.

If a living person breaks in here, it would be no different from having a roasted chicken leg delivered to your door!
But what about people?
Zhou Yuan controlled the magic shadow to look around, but did not find any ordinary people. You know, the area outside the bar is a downtown area and there are many people on the street, but there is not a single one here.

They haven't all been killed?

In the bar, Chen Guangxi elbowed Zhou Yuan and read out the message he received on his phone: "When the abnormal incident occurred, several high-level Beyonders happened to be eating barbecue nearby, so most of them were moved away immediately, but there was still a small number of people who did not have time to move.

Apparently, we are part of that small minority.”

"Oh, I see." Zhou Yuan nodded. So that's why. No wonder there was no one on the street. It turned out that they had all been moved away.

Xin Yue is also an international metropolis, so it is not surprising to see high-level extraordinary people active here.

"Don't worry, everyone. Just stay here for a while and you'll be saved. This abnormal incident is only temporary and will be over in about half an hour."

Zhou Yuan comforted the guests present. Thanks to his extremely high charm, his words were like a shot of tranquilizer, which quickly calmed the panicked people down.

At this moment, Demon Shadow, who was exploring outside, made a new discovery.

The breath of living people came from an alley. Several evil spirits nearby smelled the scent and walked towards that direction.

In the alley, several college students were running desperately, their faces were pale and tears were coming out of their eyes out of fear.

They took advantage of the weekend to travel to Xin Yue, but they were so unlucky as to encounter an unusual incident. If they had not reacted quickly and ran away in time, they would have been caught by countless evil spirits on the street and eaten alive.

However, this is a ghost market full of ghosts. They can escape the first day, but not the fifteenth.

At the end of the alley, an old man holding a lantern slowly walked over. The old man was wearing a shroud and exuded a cold aura. A stench of corpse wafted over from a long distance away.

Several college students immediately stopped, turned around and wanted to run back, but several cold and strange ghosts came behind them.

Everyone instantly looked ashen, surrounded from both sides, unable to escape!

One of the muscular men in a vest gritted his teeth and said, "That old man in the shroud is alone. Let's just rush over. Maybe we can run away... As many as we can run away will do."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ghosts behind him paused and actually stopped moving forward. They looked at the old man in shrouds from afar, a trace of fear appeared on their dull and indifferent faces, and then they began to slowly retreat.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. Looking at the situation, the old man in shroud seemed to be a very powerful and fierce ghost!

"It smells so good, it smells so good..."

The old man in the shroud spoke, but it was some strange dialect and people could only understand the general idea.

"I haven't seen a living person in a long time. A fresh living person. Hehehe, delicious fresh meat... Eat eat eat eat, delicious..."

The old man in shrouds made creepy mutterings that made people shudder. When they got closer, they were horrified to find that what the old man was holding was not a lantern, but a lifeless and rotten human head!

Everyone in the group was in complete despair.

The old man in shrouds pressed forward step by step, and a cold breath mixed with the stench of corpses came towards them, crawling up their bodies along their ankles. They could clearly feel their body heat being deprived, and the breath of the living was rapidly weakening.

At this moment, the shadows under their feet suddenly surged like the sea, and a large amount of dark matter wrapped them up and pulled them into the shadow pool. The next second, several college students rose from the shadow pool of the bar, their faces blank, not knowing what had happened.

In the alley, the old man in shrouds paused. The delicious food that was so close to him disappeared, making him extremely angry. He let out an inhuman roar of rage and swung the rotten human head in his hand around. Seeing this, several ghosts on the opposite side of the alley hurriedly fled.

The old man in shroud vented for a long time before he stopped, regained his indifference, and walked back slowly the same way.

At this time in the bar, several college students were expressing their gratitude to Zhou Yuan and even wanted to recognize him as their godfather.

Zhou Yuan finally managed to persuade them to leave, then looked at Chen Guangxi who was watching the fun and said, "I'm going to go out and save people."

"Then let's go." Chen Guangxi had no objection.

The two hit it off.

Zhou Yuan thought about it and let Xiaobai out.

As soon as the wild werewolf exuding a ferocious aura appeared, it caused screams of fear from everyone in the bar.

Zhou Yuan smiled and explained: "Don't be afraid, it's my pet, it's very honest, if you don't believe me, just watch.

"Xiaobai, squat down."

Xiaobai squatted down meekly and wagged his tail.

"You stay here and protect the people in the bar." Zhou Yuan gave the order.

"Yes." Xiaobai answered in a rough voice.

As a biological weapon transformed from the corpse of the Chosen One, Xiaobai's strength is self-evident. His ferocious savagery alone can scare away countless evil spirits. As long as they stay in the shadow mud barrier and don't commit suicide, these people will be able to survive this abnormal event safely.

After passing through the shadow mud barrier, Zhou Yuan wrapped himself and Chen Guangxi with dark matter. This would isolate them from the breath of life, but it was very inconvenient and would hinder their vision and movement.

"Let Fang Qing out. She is a ghost. She is very comfortable here and can even cover up our presence." Chen Guangxi was no longer pretending.

Zhou Yuan did the same. He laid his cards on the table and took out the palu ball to release Fang Qing.


Fang Qing was stunned when she saw the two of them, but she quickly figured it out and asked, "Why did you call me out?"

Zhou Yuan explained the whole story.

"The intersection of planes? How bizarre."

Fang Qing marveled at this and released two streams of blood that flowed into the two men's bodies.

The life force in Zhou Yuan and Chen Guangxi quickly weakened, and they soon turned into cold ghosts.

"That's all." Fang Qing said.

Zhou Yuan nodded, pushed open the door of the bar and came to the ghost market. Immediately, people all around cast strange glances at him, but they quickly looked away after confirming that they were all "the same kind".

After closing the door of the bar, Zhou Yuan still felt a little unsafe, so he used his psychic power to put a secret lock on the bar.

After taking protective measures, the three of them left with peace of mind.

"Well... there are a lot of treasures here."

Fang Qing glanced at the items on the surrounding stalls, all of which were filled with strong yin energy.

There are burial objects that have just been dug out from tombs, old antiques mixed with soil, objects stained with fresh blood, and even corpses, organs, and so on.

"You can buy something suitable for yourself, but we don't seem to have the currency of this place." Zhou Yuan said.

"Speaking of which, what currency should ghosts use to buy things?"

Chen Guangxi questioned, "It can't be a rough stone, right?"

"I'll ask."

Zhou Yuan relied on his high charm and came to a stall and asked directly: "Boss, I just died not long ago, so I want to ask, what should be used as currency for trading items in this ghost market?"

The boss didn't want to talk to him at first, but after seeing Zhou Yuan's handsome face, he felt a surge of affection for him for some reason, so he answered readily: "You can exchange goods for goods, you can use [Yang Shou Dan], or you can use gold and silver."

"I see. Thank you, boss."

Zhou Yuan said goodbye.

If we can use gold and silver for transactions, then there won’t be any problem. As an extraordinary person, everyone has some gold and silver treasures stored on them.

These things are hard currency.

The three of them walked along the ghost market, but they didn't meet any living people during the time. They didn't know whether they were rescued in time or killed by ghosts.

"No, my mental power cannot spread out. Something is suppressing it."

Chen Guangxi tried to scan with his spiritual sense again but failed. There was some kind of restriction in this ghost market. Not only was it impossible to use spiritual power on a large scale, even his cultivation would be suppressed to a certain extent.

This seems to be done by the management of the Ghost Market to maintain order in the Ghost Market and prevent conflicts.

Along the way, Zhou Yuan and his two companions also discovered some non-locals - these living people used various means to disguise themselves as ghosts and sneak into the ghost market.

This shows that the ghost market is not just full of ghosts, there are also many living people. Perhaps because of this, gold and silver can be used for transactions in the ghost market, otherwise ghosts don't need these things at all.

It seems that this ghost market is actually a large-scale trading market for practitioners, but it is biased towards the underworld.

After walking for a while, we suddenly heard a bustling scene ahead with the sound of gongs and drums.

"Take a look, take a look, a vase girl made from a living person, fresh out of the oven! You can buy it home as a souvenir, or you can eat it all up and taste the deliciousness of fresh meat!"

A middle-aged man with a fair face and rosy cheeks was beating a gong and shouting everywhere, while on the stage, there was a row of vase girls with tears and desperate looks on their faces.

Their heads were placed on the narrow mouth of a vase, and their lower bodies were nowhere to be found, but they were still alive.

And from the details such as the glasses and hairpins they wear, it is not difficult to see that these are all modern people who accidentally fell into the ghost market due to the intersection of planes.

(End of this chapter)

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