Only Player

Chapter 82 Inner World

Chapter 82 Inner World

Green Lake Wetland Park.

In the evening, the perfect temperature and fresh air give people a pleasant feeling of comfort, and the breeze brings a hint of refreshing coolness.

The winding path is full of people, some taking a leisurely walk, some jogging and sweating, and some sitting on the benches admiring the scenery, enjoying this rare quiet time.

Fires rose and smoke filled the air by the lake, and every open space became a bustling picnic and barbecue area, adding a touch of human touch to this green world.

The charcoal fire is burning, the flames are dancing, the barbecued ingredients are emitting an enticing aroma, people are sitting around together, eating barbecue, singing songs, and chatting about the trivialities of life.

It's peaceful and beautiful.


Suddenly, a clear frog croaking sound came from the lake. The sound was not too loud, but even people far away from the lake could hear it. Immediately, many people looked towards the lake with puzzled expressions.

"The frogs are croaking so loudly." A young man who was eating barbecue said casually.

"Spring is here, everything is coming back to life, and it's time for animals to mate."

The person next to him imitated the tone of "Animal World", "In the Cuihu Wetland Park in Xinhu City, frogs..."

Before he finished speaking, more frog croaking sounds were heard.

“Quack!” “Quack!” “Quack!” “Quack!” “Quack!” “Quack!”

The frogs' croaking was loud and passionate, becoming louder and louder in just a few breaths, converging into an irresistible storm of devilish sound, violently impacting people's eardrums.

"what's the situation?"

The citizens were extremely surprised. They had never seen such an abnormality before and they took out their mobile phones to record the video.

Wow wow wow wow wow!!!

Suddenly, the lake boiled violently and water splashed everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, waves surged into the sky, and countless blue frogs shot out from the lake, covering the sky and the earth, densely packed almost covering every inch of space, and spreading in all directions at an astonishing speed.

These frogs are bright blue all over, and the scene of them advancing in a mighty force is spectacular and shocking, like a field of blue roses blooming in the mountains, which is pleasing to the eye.

But anyone with a little common sense knows that in nature, the brighter something is, the more dangerous it is!

These blue frogs have no intention of being afraid of humans. They will even actively jump towards humans. Moreover, they are somewhat different from ordinary frogs. They are incredibly fast and can spray purple liquid from their mouths...


A man was unfortunately hit by this purple venom and he covered his face and screamed miserably.

Thick smoke rose from his face, and his skin and muscles rotted in an instant, revealing his white bones. Then the bones melted with a hissing sound of corrosion. He became motionless in an instant and fell to the ground dejectedly.

An army of blue poison frogs crawled over his body, and the corpse deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye.


I don’t know who shouted first, but the whole park suddenly fell into panic and chaos. Screams and cries intertwined together, completely tearing apart the peaceful and tranquil picture.

People stumbled and fled in panic, but the blue poison frogs spread too quickly, like an unstoppable flood. Many people were caught up by the frog tide and only had time to let out a terrified scream before they were swallowed up by the blue wave and became completely motionless.

Pine Forest Pig Farm.

"W-what's going on..."

The workers at the pig farm looked at the scene in horror, feeling that their worldview was being turned upside down.

All the pigs in the pigsty began to swell strangely, getting bigger and bigger like balloons.

Finally, bang!

With a loud explosion, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and all the pigs exploded. Countless swarms of flies emitting a foul odor swarmed out of their bodies, turning into a black storm that circled madly in the air. The staff present were instantly devoured by the swarm of flies.

A moment later, severely decayed corpses fell to the ground, and in the rotting flesh and blood, countless fly eggs were growing rapidly...

Mercy Hospital.

In the delivery room, with a loud cry, a little new life came into the world.

"Let me see it quickly." The sweaty mother asked the nurse for her child.

But when she held the child in her arms, her expression suddenly froze.

The crying stopped and the baby no longer had any life.

The doctor immediately started to rescue him, but it was no use. The baby was so cold that he looked like he had been dead for a long time, but he was still crying hard just now...

at the same time.

In the nursery, several nurses stared at everything in front of them with dull expressions, their bodies shaking uncontrollably.

Dead, all dead...

All the newborns died...


"Tongtong...what's wrong with you? Don't scare me...husband!!"

A woman's scream was heard in a residential building. Her son was jumping around and clamoring for KFC one second ago, but he suddenly fell silent the next second. When she looked over, the child had fallen to the ground, his skin was pale and bloodless.

As cold as a corpse that had been dead for many years.

That night, all the children born in Ren Ai Hospital within four years died.

Xinhu Control Bureau.

Sharp alarms echoed layer by layer, and hurried footsteps rushed in all directions.

The sudden activation of the [Ten Disasters] ritual array caught everyone off guard. No one expected the situation to change so quickly.

Looking at the observation data transmitted back on the big screen, Wang Dong held his crutches tightly with a calm look:
"Open the other world."

——Anomaly 018: The Otherworld, a projection plane based on the real world. Any damage caused in it will not affect the real world itself.

The most important thing is that once the inner world is opened, things related to supernatural powers will be automatically involved, so this place is often regarded as an extraordinary battlefield.

However, opening the inner world requires resources and someone to maintain it - the larger the scale of the inner world, the more resources it consumes and the more difficult it is to maintain, so the Control Bureau will only open the inner world when it is extremely dangerous.

As the operator pressed a big red button, the world suddenly became a little different.

The curtain of secrecy enveloped the entire New Shanghai City, and the raging blue frog tide, swarms of flies... all disappeared in an instant.

"The Nine Disasters have been successfully isolated in the other world!"

"Gather the forces and make sure they are removed as soon as possible."

The evil god embryos are indeed a bit difficult to deal with after being activated, but they are only a bit difficult. With the power of the Xinhu Control Bureau, it is not a difficult task to deal with them.

What is truly disturbing is the unknown existence that the Ten Disasters ritual array is going to summon.

To put it nicely, these evil god embryos are the [Ten Plagues], but to put it bluntly, they are actually sacrifices... and the existence summoned using evil god embryos as sacrifices is definitely not a good thing.

 There is only one update today. I had originally thought that drinking coffee to refresh myself so that I could write more words, but after drinking one cup, it had no effect at all. In fact, it had the opposite effect. It made me feel dazed and distracted. I couldn't concentrate at all. I was also very sleepy. I really couldn't write a second update.

(End of this chapter)

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