Only Player

Chapter 83 Supreme Mother Goddess

Chapter 83 Supreme Mother Goddess
The ruins of the Clear Mind Mental Hospital.

Chen Guang looked up at the gloomy and gray sky and felt like his head was about to explode.

"Something fucking bad has happened!"

The ritual array has been activated!
After a brief thought, she understood what was going on - Qin Youwen had installed a bomb in the mental hospital and connected his life to the ritual array. As long as he died, everything would explode.

After waking up, Qin Youwen knew that he had fallen into the hands of the Control Bureau as soon as he saw her. He knew he had no way to survive, so he committed suicide on the spot without thinking, and wanted to drag everyone to hell with him!

Because what she saw during the soul search were fragmented contents and the time was too short, she did not dig up any relevant memories of these events.

Even though he was so angry that his teeth were itching, Chen Guangxi had to praise this guy for being really decisive.

"The ritual array is activated, and the evil god embryos are activated, but they can only reach level 6 at most... If they don't reach level 7, it will be a little troublesome for the Xinhu Control Bureau to deal with them. However, this ritual array has the nature of [summoning], which is the most troublesome thing."

Chen Guangxi whispered, "The existence summoned by using the Ten Disasters as sacrificial elements cannot be a good thing even if you use your toes to imagine it."

"It's the Nine Disasters." Zhou Yuan reminded that the blood and water disaster had been absorbed by Fang Qing.

“Well, this is good news. If one of the Ten Plagues is missing, the ceremony will be incomplete.

I have to send a message to Wang Zhen, asking him not to release Fang Qing. Fang Qing is now in a bloody disaster, and once she comes out of the Palu Ball, she will be affected by the ritual, and she might even complete the incomplete ritual. "

Although she said this, she did not take out her cell phone.

"Hurry up and send it." Zhou Yuan reminded without changing his expression.

"Oh." Chen Guangxi then took out his cell phone.


Thunder roared in the gloomy night, and countless dazzling and blinding lightning burst out from the clouds.

Without any warning, Zhou Yuan felt a chilling sense of crisis, as if something...

Something is coming.

"Divine fluctuations detected, threat level raised, comparison in progress..."

"Data comparison completed, source of divine power confirmed - [Anomaly 2200: Supreme Mother Goddess]."

Inside the control bureau's command room, with a series of announcements, everyone's hanging hearts finally died.

——The Supreme Mother Goddess!
Among the many evil gods who covet the world, the Supreme Mother Goddess is definitely the most threatening one. She is always thinking about turning the whole world into a cradle for nurturing life.

"The Supreme Mother Goddess..."

Wang Dong looked calm as usual, "The ritual only summoned a projection, and one of the Ten Plagues is missing, so the ritual is incomplete, so this projection will never come down.

Has the team set out yet?"

"We have already set out, but..."

The observer swallowed his saliva and said, "The Supreme Mother Goddess also sent out the evil beast army."

"So what are you waiting for? Start bombing."

Above the cities in the other world, huge magic circles suddenly lit up.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !
Countless scorching meteorites fell from the sky, followed by countless terrifying lights rising from the ground.

The steel forest was destroyed in an instant, and the army of evil beasts that surged like a black tide was also annihilated in an instant.

Sharp and piercing alarms sounded throughout the city, and along with the loud noises caused by the bombing, the heaven and earth shook slightly.

And in the night, dense electric lights flashed wildly, illuminating the huge monster that was slowly approaching the sky outside the dark sky.

The moment he caught a glimpse of that hideous posture, Zhou Yuan's whole body stiffened, his blood froze, and he felt a fear from the depths of his soul.


The mental hospital was destroyed by a bomb, and the abnormal power here disappeared. The Eye of Identification returned to normal, and a screen full of blood-red garbled characters popped up, reminding Zhou Yuan of the danger and horror of that thing.

Zhou Yuan suddenly closed his eyes, and it took him a long time to get rid of the dizziness and nausea. Then he felt his face was a little wet, and when he reached out to touch it, he found scarlet blood flowing from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head and saw Chen Guangxi holding his head high, staring at the dark shadow coming from the sky.

"What is that?" Zhou Yuan asked in a trembling voice.

"Anomaly 2200: The Supreme Mother Goddess, an evil deity."

Chen Guangxi said in a serious tone, "More than forty years ago, the Control Bureau severely damaged the Supreme Mother Goddess, deprived her of some of her authority, and sealed her in the realm of nothingness... So this [Ten Disasters] ritual is her attempt to escape...

Damn it, are you kidding me? Even if one part of the ritual is missing, the projection can still be summoned."

Suddenly, the scales all over Chen Guangxi's body exploded and he disappeared from the spot, leaving only a hurried instruction:
"Run as far as you can!"

The next moment, a huge roar exploded in Zhou Yuan’s ears, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness for a short time.

When he regained consciousness, he saw a gorgeous golden dragon flapping its wings in the dark sky. Its wingspan covered the entire sky and was as bright as the sun. It was the only light in this dark and depressing world.

And under the dragon's claws is an evil manta ray that is as long as a golden dragon!
The manta ray was pitch black and flat, with bat-like wings. When the wings were spread out, it looked like a kite, covering several blocks. There were dozens of fleshy tentacles at the tail of its body, and each tentacle had a sharp mouthpart at the end. There was a twisted and weird pattern on its abdomen. Zhou Yuan felt dizzy after just one look. He quickly took out a bottle of anti-psychotic drug from his backpack, unscrewed the cap and swallowed it all.

[It is the descendant of the many offspring of the Supreme Mother Goddess, and is called the "evil beast". It comes to escort the Mother Goddess's arrival - now all the high-end combat forces in Xinhu City have been targeted.

Don't panic, because panicking is useless. The current situation is not something you can get involved in. You might as well quickly choose the style of coffin, decide whether it has a sliding or flip cover, and whether you want WIFI.

Well, to be serious, the problem this time is actually not that big. The lack of the bloody disaster has caused the ritual to be incomplete, so the Supreme Mother Goddess will never really come down. As long as the Control Bureau eliminates the four disasters, the projection of the Supreme Mother Goddess will disappear.

Of course, this has nothing to do with you. I suggest you run away quickly. Once you run out of Xinhu, you can escape from the inner world, and then you will have nothing to worry about. 】

Run out of Xinhu?

Zhou Yuan estimated his distance from the border of Xinhu and gave up decisively.

But there is definitely no problem running as far as you can.

At this moment, a loud noise was heard not far away, and an arm suddenly stretched out from the ruins and blew away a piece of wall debris the size of a car.

Yan Sheng, covered in dust, crawled out of the ruins, coughing violently and choking out clouds of dust.

He took out a compass from his pocket and looked at it carefully, then suddenly turned his head and looked towards where Zhou Yuan was.

The wind was howling, and Yan Sheng came to Zhou Yuan as fast as lightning, grabbed Zhou Yuan's neck and lifted him up alive.

"You have the mark of revenge left by Qin Youwen on your body. Are you from the Control Bureau?"

Yan Sheng's eyes revealed a kind of morbid madness and violence, like a bloodthirsty beast. Compared with before, he was completely two completely different people.

This guy... Zhou Yuan was horrified and didn't have time to think about what the Mark of Revenge was. He immediately summoned a demon shadow from a distance, which changed shape and appeared dozens of meters away.


Yan Sheng clenched his five fingers together and crushed the demon shadow.

"That golden dragon is Chen Guangxi... You and Chen Guangxi are together, but Qin Youwen only left the mark of revenge on you, which means there is something about you that makes him care."

Yan Sheng turned around, his body gradually expanded, breaking through his external disguise, and turned into a person Zhou Yuan had seen before.

——The member of the Town of Truth who got off the No. 106 bus!

It was him! Zhou Yuan's pupils shrank, and then his figure flashed, turning into a black shadow and escaping quickly.

Thirty-six strategies are the best ones!


Yan Sheng snorted disdainfully, and appeared on Zhou Yuan's path as if he had teleported. With a step of his foot, the ground suddenly stirred up a huge wave of earth and rocks, shocking Zhou Yuan out of the shadow escape state.

This is not some earth-related arcane power, but pure strength and skill!
Damn, this guy is level 4... Zhou Yuan cursed inwardly, his internal organs were hurt by the force. He didn't have time to think too much and immediately shot down the equality barrier for all beings, otherwise the other party could easily kill him.


Inside the fiery red barrier, Yan Sheng felt his own rank being suppressed, and his eyes moved slightly, "All beings are equal? ​​So you are Wang Zhen."

Zhou Yuan did not answer, thoughts flooding his mind.

Escape was impossible.

Qin Youwen most likely saw that the bloody flood disaster was on him, so he marked him with the so-called revenge mark. After all, Qin Youwen was the chief priest of the Ten Disasters Ceremony, and perhaps he had some secret connection with the Ten Disasters.

The Mark of Vengeance is a reminder to others in the Land of Truth that there is something wrong with them.

Yan Sheng will never let himself go until he finds out the truth.

There is only one battle.

Zhou Yuan practiced the "Tongming Heart Sutra" to clear his mind of all distracting thoughts. A round metal device appeared out of thin air in his hand and he slapped it towards his chest.


Nanoparticles instantly covered the entire body, forming a set of silver-white armor with a very high-tech feel.

Buzz... The energy engine was running at maximum power, and the two light spots on the visor instantly turned scarlet.

"Instead of running away, you attacked me?"

Yan Sheng showed an extremely ferocious smile, "Then I'll show you what true strength is!"

At that moment, the ground suddenly caved in, and almost without any warning, Yan Sheng was already standing in front of Zhou Yuan, his right hand clenched into a claw and swept towards his neck.

There was a teeth-grinding sound of steel rubbing against each other, and Yan Sheng actually grabbed a small piece of nano-metal. If Zhou Yuan hadn't leaned back in time, this claw might have really pierced through his throat!

This is fucking level 1?!

Is the Equality of All Beings Barrier effective? !
Zhou Yuan was shocked and horrified. The strength and speed displayed by Yan Sheng in just one move were beyond his understanding. He was not at all within the category of a Level 1 Extraordinary Person!

But now that things have come to this, there is no other choice.

Either you die or I die!
(End of this chapter)

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