Chapter 220 Thirty-three taels of silver
Hiring female workers with triple the salary!
After the information about Xiaojiu recruiting female workers with high salaries was published in the newspaper, it caused a stir in the city of Peking.

Countless women rushed to join the recruitment. This was no different from the recruitment in cotton mills or other small factories.

The average wage in other factories is about three dollars per person. Once hired, the minimum wage during the learning period is ten dollars.

Even if you work as a cleaner in the future, the wages will be several times higher than those outside, more than ten dollars.

Even in a world of war and chaos, countless women come to inquire about recruitment matters.

They also want to give it a try.

Now Secretary Hu was the only one who was idle and had nothing to do, so this job fell on her.

the next morning.

It was hard to say how difficult this job was. When the time came to recruit female workers, Secretary Hu set up a desk and took two nurses to recruit at the gate of the medical school.

Then I discovered a lot of complicated things. It was not surprising that former sisters came to visit me, because Hu Meiniang had become rich!
Sitting at the gate of the medical school, Secretary Hu had a splitting headache because of the power in his hands.

Some little sisters wanted her to take care of them and surrounded her chattering.

Countless women and men flocked there, including former sisters from brothels and family members who brought their daughters to seek fame.

Because the wages promised in the penicillin factory were too high, the majority of customers came from families who wanted to sell their daughters.

He wanted to sell his daughter to the factory and then let his family collect the wages.

She was so annoyed that everyone wanted her to take those women in.

Looking at the surging crowd, Secretary Hu could no longer shout and could only ask the guard to make a phone call to Zhang Kaiwu.

Xiaojiu also ran over curiously, took his arm and walked to the gate.

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed Xiaojiu. The girl's curiosity killed the cat and she was very interested in his way of doing things.

He called a few nurses for help, and when they arrived at the gate, they looked at the messy scene.

Zhang Kaiwu shouted loudly:

"Everyone! No loud noises are allowed. Line up and register immediately!"

The surging crowd immediately dispersed and quietly formed a long line.

Zhang Kaiwu lit a Camel cigarette and looked at Secretary Hu who was busy and sweating.

He asked someone at the door to bring out two newspapers and demonstrated to them how to recruit.

The first woman came up. She was about twenty years old. She was probably from a brothel and was Secretary Hu’s sister.

Zhang Kaiwu handed her the newspaper and said:
"Read a passage from the newspaper!"

She nervously said a few words.

Zhang Kaiwu took the pen and asked:
"Name? Age?"

She said nervously:

"Professor Zhang! My name is so-and-so, and I'm twenty years old."

Zhang Kaiwu registered and said:

"I've been accepted. Go home and pack your things. I'll be back in the afternoon to register!"

“Those who have nothing to pack are standing by waiting to enter the factory.”

The woman was stunned for a moment, bowed excitedly, ran out, and stood by waiting to go in.

The next woman came up, and Zhang Kaiwu handed her a newspaper and asked her to read a random passage.

After registering my name and age, I was admitted.

This one quickly ran over and stood aside, waiting there.

The next person came with his daughter. Zhang Kaiwu handed the newspaper to him. The little girl blushed with anxiety and stammered a few words.

In fact, she only knew a dozen words. Zhang Kaiwu asked her name and age, accepted her, and ran to stand by.

He also drove away family members and strictly prohibited them from staying nearby.

Xiaojiu and Secretary Hu stood by, and Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Let two nurses help with the registration. You just need to check that the girls know a few words and are of the right age. Don't think too much about it."

Secretary Hu said aggrievedly:

"Just now, many people wanted their families to get paid and asked me to take care of them. As soon as you came over, they were afraid of you and ran away. They didn't dare to mention these things anymore."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"They are not afraid of me, they just see that you are too selfish and can't handle things impartially. Stop talking nonsense and start recruiting!"

Secretary Hu blushed and started to process the application quickly with several nurses. There were even many applicants from other units.

Zhang Kaiwu accepted everyone who came to him as long as they met the requirements.

The work was very busy and got on track. Many girls didn't even go back. After being admitted, the medical school provided food and accommodation, so they just waited by the side.

Xiao Jiu was watching this noisy scene from the side, looking at the patrol department in the distance, and asked curiously:

"There are so many prostitutes here, as well as those women working in the yarn mills. Aren't you afraid of retaliation from others?!"

Xiaojiu is always smart. Zhang Kaiwu smiled and whispered:

"Who do you think I'm afraid of? Mayor Chen of Beiping, or Director Chen of the Patrol Department?"

"It's still the same four big families. I would have to be cautious in the past and wouldn't even open this penicillin factory. Xiaojiu, don't you know that times are changing?!"

"Director Chen and the others don't have time to play with me. They are all busy with important things!"

Xiaojiu smiled and said nothing more.

Seeing the recruitment work entering the assembly line, Zhang Kaiwu looked at the sky in the distance and the Patrol Department in the distance, his face a little gloomy.

It's November now, the weather is already a bit cold, and there are still ten days before Beijing will be surrounded. Now everyone is thinking about their own things, so how can they have time to look for Zhang Kaiwu! ?

Of course! I am not afraid of Zhang Kaiwu even if he is here. We are all from the same department. My research institute is recruiting. We are all civilized people and we should always be reasonable!
Xiaojiu looked at him with a smile. She knew that Zhang Kaiwu was now recruiting and training female workers, and it was definitely not entirely for the penicillin factory.

Since the senior didn't say anything, she didn't want to ask.

Xiao Jiu curiously asked another question, smiling:

"Senior! Why did you promise to pay them such a high salary? Even if you offered the same standard salary of three dollars to recruit female workers, and provided them with food and lodging, they would still come desperately to sign up to join."

"Your salary standard is already higher than men's salary standard!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu pulled Xiaojiu to sit down, without answering her question, and whispered:
"Have you studied modern history? Do you know why the Qing Dynasty was able to rule this land for nearly three hundred years?"

Xiaojiu smiled and said:

"Of course I have learned it! They rely on longbows and sharp arrows, their cavalry is powerful, and their methods are bloody and brutal!"

Zhang Kaiwu was too lazy to explain and said with a smile:

"After the Qing Dynasty entered the Central Plains, cavalry in the Central Plains was actually of little significance. In the era of swords, there was actually not much advantage in terms of military strength. In fact, due to the number of people, the military strength of the Qing Dynasty was definitely at a disadvantage. But a Han Chinese came up with an old trick that allowed the Qing Dynasty to rule for nearly three hundred years."

Xiaojiu listened with a smile.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and took out a dollar, stuffed it into Xiaojiu's hand, and whispered to Xiaojiu:

"One dollar equals one tael of silver. This method is also called the Thirty-three-tael Silver Bureau."

"At that time, one tael of silver could buy a load of rice, which was about 100 kilograms. A family with an annual income of 33 taels of silver could barely survive after taking care of food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Occasionally, during the New Year or other festivals, you could even have a meal of meat."

"If your whole family doesn't work hard, you won't get this income. Compared with families that can eat meat, you will feel that you are not working hard enough, so you don't have the heart to rebel."

"There are also adjustment measures. For example, if the weather is good this year and everyone's income is high, what should we do? Then increase some taxes, and you will understand that. If you can't survive after a disaster, and the court takes the initiative to reduce taxes, you will feel grateful in your heart."

"The imperial court has capped the income of the common people at thirty-three taels of silver. As long as most people can live honestly, how can you rebel and overthrow them!?"

"Their downfall can't be guaranteed by just thirty-three taels of silver."

Xiaojiu shuddered and thought of many things!
She found that every time she talked to Zhang Kaiwu, it was a terrifying thing.

Zhang Kaiwu patted her, smiled and whispered:

"I don't want to do this kind of thing, so I give them a reasonable income based on the value they can create. It's just for my own training!"

"Of course I know that my conditions are better than others. Even if it's just two dollars, it's enough. They are just little women, and they immediately joined in like moths to a flame."

There were already about 200 women recruited from outside, standing densely in a large group. Zhang Kaiwu and Xiaojiu led the group of women into the medical school, asked them to stand in four rows, randomly pointed to the first woman as the captain of the four teams, and asked them to form four teams.

One team is responsible for bringing in newcomers to register.

A team of people was responsible for helping to cut everyone's hair short, as short as possible.

The other two teams cleaned, organized the dormitories, and assigned dormitories.

After having Director Qin and others register them and giving them white coats to change into, the group of women immediately went about their business and began to get busy.

Immediately, a group of people had their hair cut, put on white coats, and went to the door to greet people.

The others who had their hair cut began to help assign dormitories and put on white coats.

Xiaojiu saw that with just a few simple words from him, these women were able to get things done in an orderly manner, and they were ruthless with their beloved hair, cutting it like a man's.

At the door of the warehouse, the braid of hair was covered with a thick layer of hair in a short while.

Zhang Kaiwu sat down, took a sip of tea, rubbed Xiaojiu, and said with a smile:

"Xiaojiu! What are you staring at those braids for? Do you want to get a haircut too!?"

Xiao Jiu gave him a wink, rubbed his shoulders, and said gently:

"I just didn't expect them to be so obedient and efficient."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You can't experience this feeling because you have never been poor! With such an opportunity in front of them, no matter what the order is, they will obey unconditionally."

"For example, if I were in their position, I would be happy to have my head shaved with a smile on my face, and I would be truly grateful to you in my heart."

Annette also ran over and looked at what was happening in front of her.

Asked curiously:
"Dear senior! Are these women your worker trainees? They are quite efficient in doing things, unlike other women!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and explained what he had just said, and said to her with a smile:

"Annette! You should also study hard. In fact, it is very simple to manage other people. When you control the fate of others, everything you say is right."

Annette stared at those women thoughtfully. How was she going to control her subordinates?
After thinking for a while, she smiled and said:

"Dear senior! Our female workers will arrive here in the next two days. Can we train together then?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course you can, but you have to do these things yourself and give these orders yourself, only then will they be in awe of you!"

Annette asked curiously:

"But why cut your hair like this?"

Xiaojiu also looked at him curiously.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the two curious people and whispered:
"This is the first step, to establish your authority and make them feel in awe."

"First, it's for cleanliness and hygiene. It's convenient to wear a hat to prevent hair from falling."

"Secondly, it is to break their pride. Girls are always very fond of their hair and like to play with it to look different. I want them to know that I won't allow them to have a proud temper here!"

Annette thought for a moment and asked with a smile:

"In fact, the second point is more important than the first. If she disobeys orders, should we get her out on the spot?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! If anyone disobeys orders, I will explain the first reason again. If she still disobeys orders, tell her to get out immediately!"

"I only recruit workers who are willing to obey. I don't need them to have a rebellious mentality. Annette! I hope you can do well too."

Annette smiled and said:

"Dear! Don't worry, I won't serve the dishes!"

"It's the same reason as them. I won't let you down and then let me go!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:
"Annette! You are such a nice and pleasant girl. The fact that you can understand these things shows that you really do understand them!"

"People who cannot control their own destiny live in extreme pain. There are too many hardships in life, and there are not many opportunities."

Zhang Kaiwu called the kitchen staff and started serving simple meals in the penicillin factory.

It's just a spoonful of big pot vegetable and two steamed buns or rice.

These were decent enough, and the girls immediately put aside their sadness about having their hair cut and began to enjoy these delicacies.


Two days later, the penicillin factory had hired enough 600 people and they all had their hair cut, but the dormitory was a bit crowded.

More than a hundred Eastern European girls from Annette's hometown also arrived here, ready to learn work experience in the penicillin factory.

These were all young girls, which showed that there were many girls in their hometown. She followed Zhang Kaiwu's method and copied it.

A thick layer of golden hair immediately fell on the ground. There were always some girls who wanted to resist.

Annette explained the reason with an expressionless look.

Annette said seriously:

"If you don't want to cut your hair and abide by the rules, go back immediately. This is the factory rule."

In the face of a promising job, hair really doesn't matter, so the girls cut their hair obediently.

Annette also realized the charm of power. I can keep my hair long and let you cut it short.

Zhang Kaiwu began to direct the girls in military training, running drills and lining up in the morning, learning culture and literacy in the afternoon, and studying culture and taking care of housework in the evening.

Annette did exactly what she was told, and Professor Zhang certainly had his own intentions.

A few days later!

Annette found that her authority had been established, and with just a look from her, the little girls who made mistakes trembled with fear.

The mental outlook of those little girls has also improved. Letting them learn culture is always beneficial to people's progress.

Zhang Kaiwu rearranged the classes based on their academic performance, picking out three class leaders and three deputy class leaders from among those who had good academic performance and were obedient.

Let these six team leaders start to take over the responsibilities, serve as managers, and train the 600 female employees.

Because the penicillin factory operates 24 hours a day, it is impossible to carry out the work in two shifts, and three shifts are necessary.

Zhang Kaiwu also informed Annette to form her own team. Obedient and smart girls are of course the best. If not, she can only choose obedient ones. She needs more teams.

Because Annette still needs some key technicians, she has to make the decision herself.

It is not necessary for Annette to choose a very smart technician, but she must be a girl who listens to her.

Annette followed suit and recruited sixteen young teachers to serve as technicians, and she also recruited sixteen close friends to serve as technicians.

Zhang Kaiwu got six deputy squad leaders, and she also got six of the most obedient deputy squad leaders.

Decentralize some of the power and let the six girls and sixteen technicians deal with the other girls.

Because a factory only needs so many technicians and so many team leaders, too much training would not be good for Annette.

Annette has understood the power from these things. As long as her factory can operate normally, she will win and she will definitely be the factory director.

No matter what happens in the future, it doesn’t really matter whether others can learn when they come to her factory or whether she teaches them carefully.

Because those technicians will also support her work, and they will not think about being eliminated by others.

There are just a few people who feel dizzy occasionally and want to teach people seriously. How is it possible for sixteen people to feel dizzy at the same time?
Of course it’s better if others can’t learn it!

Annette could have easily denied the problem, saying that she didn't know how to teach her students or that others just didn't study hard enough.

Or were the workers just too careless! ?

As for studying in her factory for a long time, it doesn't matter.

She only needs her factory to produce smoothly and work as a factory director for two or three years, and her position will become more stable.

As long as Annette doesn't lose her mind and teaches others the key things, the position of factory manager will always be hers.

(End of this chapter)

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