Chapter 221 No More School
In her spare time, Annette would always bring different girls to visit Zhang Kaiwu to play for a while, so that they could show their loyalty and build relationships.

Annette has been dealing with Zhang Kaiwu for a long time and really knows Professor Zhang's personal preferences. He likes to date clean and beautiful girls, but the relationship doesn't last long.

This is indeed a good idea for selecting Annette's team, and Zhang Kaiwu is determined to help to the end.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Three irons in life:
We fought the gun together.

Annette quickly formed her own team, which rallied closely around her, with six team leaders and sixteen technicians as the core.

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

As her happiness for the rest of her life was at stake, Annette worked tirelessly to build her own team. All the Eastern European girls who came to study, except for a few troublemakers, were under her control.

It is not necessary for those girls to die, but it is definitely true that they will not be able to learn any skills in the future.

The sinister Zhang Kaiwu even asked Annette to keep those troublesome girls instead of sending them back.

Those who study well are good role models, and those who study poorly are also bad role models.

At least those bad examples can prove that this job is not that easy and stupid people can't learn it.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Under the rolling tide, Zhang Kaiwu's conspiracy against Annette planted a seed of doubt, how could it be so easy to crack! ?
Eastern Europe can treat these girls fairly and justly, and she is a selfless person, so this conspiracy can be cracked.

How can it be! ?
Even if Fatty Kong comes, he has to kneel!

The situation outside was unpredictable, the city of Peking was actively preparing for the war, and the competition in the medical school was also fierce, so the sisters were all scrambling to study.

Xiaoqing and Qiaoqiao, the two leaders, led the young teachers and found that Zhang Kaiwu was really trying his best to train them into technicians, so they became more enthusiastic about learning.

Apart from often asking him to perform kung fu and throw juice, there was nothing wrong with him.

So Zhang Kaiwu has been very busy during this period. He not only has to take care of the Eastern European girls who have come from afar, but also the young gentlemen.

As for the machinery and equipment needed in the factory, he asked Eastern Europe for them without hesitation. Not only did he need useful ones, but he also needed spare ones.

Building a standardized factory is what we should do.

For the maintenance of the machines in the factory, we selected a team of girls who like machines and formed a machine repair team.

He let the girls and engineers learn how to operate the machines and equipment. Everyone was learning enthusiastically, and he made the Penicillin Research Institute very lively.

Sean Phillips, the team leader, also discovered that Zhang Kaiwu was really training those Eastern European students, and it was really a hands-on training.

Sean Phillips was also very satisfied. As long as Annette's factory workers could produce smoothly, there would be eggs if there was a chicken, and his mission would be a complete success.

The penicillin factory was captured clearly and distinctly by a team of engineers using video cameras and video cameras.

The drawings and papers have been given to them, so they can research however they want.

They have already started building identical factories in Eastern Europe and have invested too much in them. If they still can't start mass production, they will be in big trouble.

Zhang Kaiwu finally had some free time, and he went to learn some technology from those engineers.

Brush up his manufacturing skill experience points and give your own suggestions on the construction of the penicillin factory.

From learning how to make a big jar out of stainless steel plates to how to operate the processing machine tools, Zhang Kaiwu is as hardworking and conscientious as a little bee.

Learning from engineers and watching the experience points increase is always something that makes Zhang Kaiwu excited.

Xiaojiu and a girl came to Zhang Kaiwu again. If I remembered correctly, the pretty girl was called Ye Tingting. He dropped the tools in his hands, stopped hammering iron, and followed them out of the factory.

The manufacturing skill has reached level 2, maybe it's level 5 fitter! ?

The penicillin factory was full of ironwork and the noise was too loud for the girls to talk.

Property panel:
【Strength: 5】

[Physique: 5]

[Agility: 5]

【Mental Power: 10】

Manufacturing Level 20: 500-.

Level 688 medical skills: 1000~.

Farm Tricks Boxing and Kicks Level 368: 500-.

Master of Gunmanship: ~~~~~~.

Archery level three: 325~1000.

Fishing level three: 132~1000.

Cooking Level 55: 1000~.

Level 800 English: 1000~.

Russian Level 235: 1000~.

Japanese Level 50: 500-.

French Level 80: 500-.

German Level 89: 500-.

Level 155 Stun: 500-.

Master of Chinese.

(Additional effect: Idealism)

Su Nu Heart Sutra Level 406: 500-.

Portable space: 10X10X10m.

Energy progress: 4110-10000...

Thanks to the Eastern European girls, the progress of the Su Nu Heart Sutra has increased dramatically.

Now Zhang Kaiwu has become a little obsessed. The experience points come too quickly and are not just pure experience energy.

He had a clear understanding in his mind that he was practicing the Su Nu Heart Sutra too fast and had already reached the edge of being extremely dangerous.

If he continues to take shortcuts like this, his body will probably explode with a "bang" and he will be killed to pieces.

Zhang Kaiwu needs to calm down!
The large amount of experience points gained from this second-level Su Nu Heart Sutra were basically obtained by taking shortcuts.


Xiaojiu and Ye Tingting are having a private matter. The office of the research institute is a battlefield for swallows from various countries and it is not a suitable place for conversation. It is obvious that Ye Tingting has something going on.

When I came to the playground with Xiaojiu and the others, the weather was already very cold. There was white steam coming out of my mouth when I breathed. The thin snow on the frozen soil made a crackling sound as if I was stepping on a mouse.

Xiaojiu took his hand and said with a smile:
"Senior! The penicillin research work in North 001 has been basically completed, and the success rate in the laboratory has reached over %."

"We are also looking for the reasons for some failed cultivation experiments. We are analyzing the reasons one by one to strive for a higher success rate."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Xiaojiu with a smile. She definitely wasn't looking for him for this matter.

Xiaojiu knew that Zhang Kaiwu actually had no interest in penicillin research and probably thought that he had already developed the process.

Letting them do the research was just to be on the safe side; Zhang Kaiwu had never done any experiments himself.

If it wasn't necessary, Xiaojiu wouldn't bring anyone to see him. This wasn't scientific.


Xiaojiu changed the topic and said with a smile:

"Senior! Today, Ye Tingting admires you very much. She wants to talk to you in private. Please accompany her and have a good chat. I will go back to the laboratory first."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
I really believed you!

There was a secluded bench in the west corner of the playground. Zhang Kaiwu sat down there with a smile and lit a Camel cigarette.

He blew a smoke ring and said with a smile:

"Student Ye Tingting! If you have anything to say, just say it directly. It's too cold to chat outside."

Ye Tingting is a pretty girl in her twenties. She is also a college student studying chemistry with a pair of bright eyes.

Ye Tingting looks very energetic with her big eyes with clear black and white.

She also sat down on the bench, leaned close to him and said with a smile:

"Senior Zhang! What do you think of the current situation? This country and nation has gone through many hardships. Many students want to stay and build the country. Would you consider staying?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Little girl, you are not straightforward. Although I am a scholar, I still know these things. Just tell me directly that you want me to stay. Fortune and wealth are waiting for me!"

"The Nationalist government is finished! People ask me these questions every day. Governments all want me to go, but I won't go. Of course I will stay and continue to build my factory and my laboratory."

"I just want to do something practical for the country and the nation. I am not in the mood to care about those political matters. I believe that the new government will not be unable to accommodate a scholar like me." Ye Tingting's expression of surprise flashed by, and she smiled and whispered:

"Senior, you are a truly pure person. You have done good things that benefit the country and the people. I know that wealth and glory cannot buy you, otherwise you would have flown away long ago. You don't need to buy anyone."

"We can't offer you better conditions than others, so we can only hope that you will consider it for the sake of national justice and stay."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
There is no fighting in Peking.

There is a strange thing happening in the garrison army now. There are a lot of people getting married, and there are quite a few every day.

On the one hand, they were actively preparing for war, on the other hand, they were actively getting married, and on the other hand, strangely, there was no large-scale exchange of fire.

In fact, the garrison was already an isolated army surrounded, and they had many things to think about.

The commander had already given the order to use twelve large-caliber smoothbore cannons at Jingshan to aim at the Forbidden City.

What I mean is that although I can't beat you, I can beat myself, and I can also destroy this thousand-year-old capital.

In fact, as in history, the possibility of a war is not high.

The most crucial thing is the letter of exoneration.

On the contrary, the struggle in the Secret Service is really intense now. There is struggle everywhere, yet it is strangely harmonious.

Everyone took action at night because the garrison troops were on duty during the day.

Among the four universities in Peking, this one is the most important one, and people go there to lobby these cultural figures every day.

President Hu, who vowed to live and die with Peking University, is about to run away to the United States or to the south to build a new school.

Everyone thought he would go to Nanjing at least, but he ended up going to the United States.

The finance offices and banks are also very busy now.

It is not that important in the medical school, but there is a Professor Zhang Kaiwu here, so his place is the most lively one.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and whispered:
"I will stay, don't worry! But don't look for me in the future, it's too dangerous!"

"You should know that more than half of the people in our institute are spies. I have too many enemies. I don't even dare to run around casually, for fear of being shot."

"Others will consider my identity because I am useful and will not act rashly towards me, but they will not consider the thoughts of a little girl like you."

Ye Tingting smiled and whispered:

"Senior! For the sake of national justice, I am not afraid of death!"

Looking at the people active on the playground, many of them were staring over curiously. This was truly an unexpected disaster!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and whispered:

"Ye Tingting! Just look at those people and you will know. I know you are not afraid of death, but I don't want others to die for me."

Ye Tingting laughed and whispered:

"I've already thought of a way! I just want to pursue my senior. It's just a relationship. It's not a bad thing!"

She sat on his lap with a smile and gave him a kiss with a blushing face.

Zhang Kaiwu didn't feel any passion. The weather in December was too cold, icy and chilly.

Ye Tingting smiled and hugged his neck. Her hands were also very cold. Zhang Kaiwu maliciously suspected that she wanted to warm her hands.

She whispered in his ear:
"Senior! Your family members should not go to school recently. It's too dangerous."

"Professor Gu from Peking University refused the Bureau of Secrets' invitation to go south, and his entire family was killed by a bomb."

"The former mayor He's family also had a daughter killed in the bombing."

Ye Tingting played the role of the girlfriend so well, this girl must have studied acting.

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:

"I know this. I saw it in the newspaper. Our home is inside the medical school, so it should be much safer."

"People in the Secret Service probably don't have the ability to bring things into the medical school."

"Thank you anyway! I won't let them go to school today."

Ye Tingting sat on his lap for a while, smiling and acting like a couple with him for a while.

She gave him another kiss and hugged his neck coquettishly.

Only when those curious gazes disappeared did she run away shyly with a red face.

Zhang Kaiwu is not a fool. With his keen mental perception, he even knows that Ye Tingting has three companions to help her.

There are two men and two women in total, and they have a good relationship with Xiaojiu.

There is actually such a group of people in the medical school, including the old presidents, and everyone knows it well.

It really is none of their business. If anything happens, President Zhu and his group can leave at any time.

These people include Zhang Kaiwu.

These girls used to lurk in secret, but now they come to contact him and remind him of their family's safety. The struggle is getting serious!
Xiaojiu's research team, on the surface, is made up of classmates, but in reality they are divided into four groups.

There are so many factions of people in the entire Penicillin Research Institute that it is hard to count.

Just like someone like Annette, she is a student in name, but she also has another identity as Swallow.

In fact, she was preparing to become the factory director. On the surface, she came to bribe Zhang Kaiwu for information, but secretly she had a tacit understanding with Zhang Kaiwu.

Maybe Annette also has contacts with swallows from other countries. The situation in the institute is really complicated.

Zhang Kaiwu didn't know whether Annette's other swallow companions listened to Annette, and he had no interest in knowing.

Because these identities can change at any time, no one has a fixed identity.

Maybe the situation for Xiaojiu's team will not be good tomorrow, and someone will change their stance, and the four factions will become two factions.

Or five factions!?
The situation inside the institute is the same as the current situation in Peking.

Peking is now a huge spy concentration camp. The spies who have retreated from various places are concentrated in this last big city in the north, and their number accounts for more than 5% of the population.

These spies alone have many identities, seven or eight factions, and tens of thousands of people!
With the arrival of these people, those junk such as gold yuan coupons, silver dollar coupons, and legal tender completely collapsed.

The prices of goods are terrifying nowadays. It is common that even with a five million dollar bill, one cannot buy a single bun to take home.

The recycling of gold and silver could not be implemented, and they have secretly replaced the banknotes.

The Patrol Department didn't dare go to the streets to collect these things, for fear of arousing public anger. The situation was about to change, and their own lives were more important.


Zhang Kaiwu held a cigarette in his mouth and thought about something as he slowly returned home.

Chen Xueru is cleaning and maintaining her red car. Since she got the car, there are less than ten kilometers on the odometer.

They need to be wiped every three days, and can only run for a while on the playground inside the medical school. Since November, Zhang Kaiwu strictly forbids them to drive out.

Zhang Kaiwu never thought of wiping his Willys Jeep because there was no need to wipe it, the rain and snow would naturally wash it clean.

At dinner, for their safety.

Zhang Kaiwu still smiled and said:

"Girls! Things are not going well these days. Don't go to school recently. Just study at home. If you don't understand something, ask Tian Tian and Zhi Yin."

The young lady agreed readily. There were few students in the school at first, and even though they were close to the medical school, it was still dangerous.

Chen Xueru asked with a smile:
"In fact, we are about to have a holiday, and the girls are not going to school anymore, so can we learn a few fewer words every day!?"

Qin Huairu smiled and said:

"Brother Kaiwu! It's winter now, and we need to prepare for the New Year. Can we take a break? We can continue our studies next year."

"The lake is frozen over, and we can go skating soon. I've never done this before, but the nurses told me that we can go skating in a few days."

Are you too happy? What time is it now?

Still want to skate! ?

Zhang Kaiwu thought for a moment and said with a straight face:
"Sister Xueru! Your idea is too unprogressive. You should study with the young ladies. They will supervise you. Learn 30 characters. Add 5 characters to your dictation every day, and 15 characters per day."

"Young lady, you supervise them every night and spank the palms of those who don't obey."

Seeing that he had already made the decision without even discussing it with them, they didn't dare to raise any objections.

Chen Xueru and Huairu lowered their heads to eat in annoyance and could only ignore him in a small way.

(End of this chapter)

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