Chapter 292 Who is the pilgrim?

Zhang Kaiwu silently looked at the box and estimated its size, then said strangely:

"Maybe 20,000 or 21,000!? I forgot the number, everyone help count them."

Oh my God!
Everyone was thinking, "Oh my god!" and they hurried together to collect the pearls. It took them about half an hour to sort them into piles of 100 pearls and finally count the number. It was 23,567.

On that big table, there were gems shining everywhere.

The noble girls, Jessica and her friends, the legal team, and even the shop assistants were in no mood to look at the gems. They all looked at Zhang Kaiwu strangely.

Is this number about right?

Even lawyer Ajim, who knew a little about the situation, was frightened by Zhang Kaiwu.

Shouldn't this be brought in by a money truck, under strict guard?

Cathy is not stupid, she said with a smile:
"Dear Zhang! Don't try to deceive me. You can't remember the fraction, and you definitely don't know the exact amount. There was once a huge fortune in my house, but it's a pity I didn't know it. If I knew, I would steal thousands of them and sell them."

"I just can't understand how you could safely pack them up like that and throw them into the luggage compartment of the plane!? Aren't you afraid that someone might take them away?"

Ariel Abbas smiled and said:

"Dear Zhang! If I knew there were these gems in the box, I would stay up all night and secretly strangle you to death. The sapphires would be mine!"

Zhang Kaiwu raised his fist and pinched her little face.

Aili Abbas said stubbornly:
"Woo, woo, woo! Dear Zhang! I can't beat you, but your trunk is not locked, so I have to at least sneak away."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
When it was placed at home, the box was really full of clothes!

All the clothes were there on the way here, but they were replaced with gems when they were brought in.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Girls! I've actually been watching the boxes all the time, even when I sleep, defending them with my life."

A few girls rolled their eyes, so you just talk nonsense!

When I went out to get the box just now, you were still asking the maid where I lost the box!

It took me a long time to find it in the closet and finally drag it out!
What are you defending with your life!?


The staff has begun more detailed work, first sorting them by size and then roughly grading them.

Even in a wholesale trading center, it is impossible to estimate the value based on the boxes.

Hepburn and Jessica were stunned. How much money was this?

They estimated that one pill on the market would cost about 50,000 US dollars, so 10,000 pills would be 500 million US dollars! ?
More than 20,000 satellites mean more than 1 billion US dollars?
Wholesale or cheaper than retail, that would still cost a billion dollars! ?

Gems are now more valuable than diamonds. They are very popular now. A particularly good one costs more than 100,000 yuan! ?

What they didn't know was that Zhang Kaiwu had at least eight more boxes of sapphires.

There are at least four or five boxes of diamonds.

After all, this is the wealth accumulated by two large temples over more than a thousand years.

Zhang Kaiwu's plan was to sell the gems while they were still valuable, and then sell the diamonds when the price went up.

The manager could only roughly divide the sizes and then said:
"Boss! These gems are basically very beautiful, and they are all ancient gems that have not been heat-treated. The grade cannot be distinguished in a day or two. Why don't you store them first and leave a batch outside so that we can slowly grade them."

Zhang Kaiwu asked in surprise:

"Does it really take so much trouble? I'm waiting to use the money and sell these things. Just divide them up casually. You can pick out the best ones and keep them for distinction. Get rid of the rest quickly."

"There's no need to be so meticulous. Find someone to take over quickly. Sell the gemstone inventory and put the gold inventory in. Or you can just exchange the gold with someone else."

The manager quickly said:
"Boss! The price of gold is very stable and has no future at all. It is not as high as the appreciation of gemstones. The price of gemstones has always been on an upward trend."

“And gemstones sell much faster than gold, and are easier to store.”

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Once the gem mines in Africa are discovered and they can be artificially synthesized, you will realize how powerful they are.

When these treasures were finally discovered, the gems were not even appraised, and it was assumed that they were worthless.

Even diamonds were simply described as "many, many" and brushed off as priceless treasures.

They are all priceless treasures!
Anything that is priceless cannot be measured by money and is worthless!

Gold is now really pegged to the US dollar. One US dollar is one gram of gold, without any error.

Gems are in short supply nowadays. In fact, there is a very dirty factor involved: it is easier to run away with gems than with gold.

It was like the jewels worth more than 10 billion U.S. dollars that he brought with him, and anyone with a strong body could carry it and run.

This is something that cannot be compared to anything else, not even gold or banknotes.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Do it the way I say, this is my idea!"

The manager said:


A team of lawyers, who knew not how to describe their mood, stood around as bodyguards and provided supervision.

The manager could only take the appraisers to roughly distinguish the gems and then start selling them at the front counter.

Soon someone discovered this place. Those who could hang out here were all tough guys with rich experience. They soon discovered the cheap and high-quality sapphires here, and there were actually a lot of bargains to be picked up.

These sapphires are all ancient sapphires, not recent ones. Many of the best ones are sold as high-quality products.

This can be easily distinguished through grinding and cutting techniques, and its value is even greater.

People came to buy them with money. Various transactions were ongoing in exchange for gold. Boxes of gems were quickly sold out, and gold was pulled in by trailers and stored in warehouses.

The legal team and Hepburn were all asked to volunteer to drag the gold into the warehouse and stack it.

The girls finally experienced how hard it was to move gold, and realized that moving big gold bricks was not as good as a delicious afternoon tea.

Checks were collected one by one, and soon the amount exceeded 100 million, 200 million, 300 million...

Zhang Kaiwu also saw the strength of the trading center. The guests who came after hearing the news easily consumed this batch of gems, making three loves for one cheap.

Attorney Ajim is still very reliable. It is really effortless for him to spend tens of billions of US dollars worth of gems here.

In less than three hours, the goods were completely sold out, and some customers who rushed to buy the goods after hearing the news were disappointed.

Zhang Kaiwu took those checks and mobilized his legal team to buy up all the gold on the market that was priced below US$30 an ounce.

Everyone was so busy that they didn't even have lunch. They just had some snacks to get by. Countless amounts of gold were pulled in and stored in the warehouse.

When the work was done, Zhang Kaiwu gave the shop assistants a day off and said with a smile:
"You guys take a good rest, come back to work two days later and continue to buy low-priced gold. I have another batch of goods coming. Once things are done, I will give everyone a big red envelope as a reward."

After the clerk and the manager left, Zhang Kaiwu went into the safe, collected all the gold, and immediately closed the safe door.

It is probably a little more than 300 tons. The ratio at this time is very convenient to calculate. One US dollar is equivalent to one gram, and one hundred million US dollars is a little more than 100 tons of gold.

All gold on the market that was listed below $30 an ounce was bought up.

The British government is still very decent in doing things. After the gold transaction is completed, you can take it away at any time without any restrictions.

There is no one to check your inventory and no one to restrict your circulation.

In the trading center here, gold is sold in large bars weighing five kilograms each.

Three hundred tons of gold may sound like a lot, but in reality it is only a little over fifteen cubic meters, which can't fill a small room.

It was piled up in a small corner of the storage space, not very noticeable at all. Looking at this bustling gold trading center, he felt a little sorry.

Because in the 1960s, the British government finally failed and even the gold trading center was moved to the United States. The United States used the excuse of stabilizing monetary policy and also set up a collective gold deposit plan.

When everyone started fighting, they realized that they couldn't get their gold back. It was ridiculous.

Zhang Kaiwu and a group of lawyers took the girls to Citibank and deposited the remaining 500 million US dollars.

The wholesale price of the gems was not as much as imagined, and was much lower than what Hepburn and the others had estimated. Only more than 800 million US dollars were sold today, because others would only rush to buy them if they could make a profit.

Of course, if he slowly sells it, he may get more, but he is unwilling to wait.

Quick victory!

Find a reason to trade the gems again in a few days and exchange them for gold as soon as possible. If you can't exchange them for gold, you should exchange them for cash.

Zhang Kaiwu was drinking wine while doing deposit procedures at the Citibank nearby. He smiled and said to Ajim:

"Take back the previous performance contracts of Hepburn and the others, hire professional female mercenary bodyguards for them, and talk to those film companies to create suitable roles for them. This can be considered a small gift from me."

Agim smiled and said:

"Boss! Got it. Make sure no one dares to touch them. We will immediately acquire their management company!"

They were all good sisters, and several noble girls were finally dissatisfied and said quickly:

"Dear Zhang! We helped today, too. Don't we have any gifts?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and took out three high-quality sapphires, handed them to them, and said:
"The three best ones we just appraised will be used as your wages. The appraisal manager just said that one is worth at least US$200,000. Each of you pick one and sell it. Use it as pocket money to buy milk tea!"

Sisters Cathy Kearney and Ariel Abbas cheered, each grabbed a sapphire and gave each other a passionate kiss.

Cathy raised the gem and looked at it, then said with a smile:

"It's so beautiful! I'm going to sell it tomorrow and buy myself a big Land Rover, the same model as Ms. Elizabeth's, which might cost six thousand dollars. I'm also going to buy a beautiful big apartment as a secret base, maybe the most popular high-rise apartment, which might cost twenty thousand dollars!? But! I can't spend all the money!?"

Ai Lier smiled and said excitedly:
"I'll go with you tomorrow. I'm going to sell it and use it as a travel fund. It can guarantee my travel expenses for the rest of my life, so I don't have to work so hard to save pocket money. Those damn plane tickets are too expensive! Dear Zhang! Woohoo! Woohoo!"

She kept kissing him...

Emilia was about to speak excitedly.

Zhang Kaiwu pushed Ai Li'er away and said with a smile:

"Dear Emilia! You don't have to tell me. I know you're going to donate the money to charity after you sell it!"

"Maybe you'll use it to start a few schools, am I right!?"

Emilia gave him a kiss and said excitedly:

"Dear Zhang! Please stop making those jokes! You have a really bad mouth. I am researching charity and letting others pay for it. I also want to buy my own Land Rover, I also want to buy an apartment, I want to go on vacation, I want to go skiing, I want to go to Hawaii to bask in the sun!"

Looking at Hepburn and the others who were envious, Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said to the bank manager:
"I'll get these girls a private cash checkbook and put it on my account, using my family's account. This will make life a lot more convenient."

The bank manager understood and said to Hepburn and the others with a smile:
"Dear Ms. Zhang! We will register you and go through the collection procedures right away."

Oh my goodness! Checkbook! We have escaped poverty and become rich, and we don’t have to worry about money anymore! ?
Hepburn, Jessica and the others stood up excitedly and gave each other passionate kisses.

Zhang Kaiwu responded by rubbing them one by one, asking them not to get too excited.

There's lipstick and saliva everywhere, which is very embarrassing.

The girls were excitedly taken to go through the formalities.


Zhang Kaiwu wiped his face with a tissue, looked at the envious lawyers with a smile, and said:
"If everything goes well in London this time, I will give each of you a huge red envelope that you dare not imagine. The minimum amount is 200,000 US dollars."

Oh my God!
Of course they knew that the girls had a special relationship with the boss, and this was all done to make the girls happy. There was no point in being envious of this.

But I didn't expect this boss to be so cruel to men. Cars, houses, and villas are all waving at him! ?

Ajim's lawyers said quickly:

"Boss! Don't worry, no matter how difficult the task is, we will complete it successfully!"

A group of people worked hard!
Even if Zhang Kaiwu asked them to be gunmen now, they would dare to pick up the PPShra and play Street Fighter.

The task that Zhang Kaiwu prepared for them was, of course, a very difficult one, and they would understand it after a while.


It was already late when they came out of the bank, and the group drove back to the estate of Grand Duke Kearney Argyll.

The dance party at home has started again. Everyone is drinking and chatting there. You can't tell at all that they have struggled all day today.

Cathy and her friends proudly displayed the rewards of their labor, beautiful big sapphires.

It made those noble ladies and young ladies envious and jealous!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at Grand Duke Corny Argyll and the others, and from their calm and composed expressions, he realized that something was wrong.

The game is over, the dukes are tired of fighting!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Because the streets of London were full of anti-war protesters and people who wanted their husbands and fathers to come home.

There are people everywhere who want to get some compensation money, and there are girls everywhere who want to get married.

The parliament was caught up in these matters, holding high the banner of justice and constantly making trouble for Elizabeth's family.

After a polite greeting, Zhang Kaiwu went to the table next to him, carrying a large plate with five large steaks on it.

Hepburn and Jessica accompanied him for dinner. Not only did they eat themselves, they also helped him cut steak and fruit, sharing the sweetness of love.

Zhang Kaiwu chatted and laughed with them cheerfully, and was extremely happy when talking about his ideals.

Kearney Argyll and the Duke of York looked at his extremely happy appearance, and the two of them came over with a glass of wine to chat and make trouble, saying:

"Dear Zhang! When eating, you should follow the etiquette of the nobility. You can't tell jokes to the ladies, and you can't throw the cutlery into the plate and make it clink. You should put it on the shelf on the table next to you!"

Hepburn and Jessica hurriedly took their plates, made way for the dukes, and ran to the side.

These old guys are really hooligans!
He knew the purpose of the two old men and wanted to hear his opinion. Zhang Kaiwu rolled his eyes at him and said:

"I just like to throw the knife and fork into the plate when eating. I like to listen to that pleasant sound. Tolerance and generosity are the greatest virtues of human beings and the noblest qualities!"

"It is not a gentleman's thing to disturb other people's sweet love. You should have read Shakespeare's novels. Love is sacred! And we should not disturb ladies' love!"

Grand Duke Kearney Argyll smiled and said:

"We old fellas have read too many books for Shakespeare to have said that."

The Duke of York smiled and said teasingly:

"I have read the story of Journey to the West! It says that women are demons and should be kept away from because they will suck your yang energy."

Grand Duke Kearney Argyll smiled and said:

"Maybe Zhang hasn't seen it, otherwise he wouldn't have such a ridiculous behavior!? I'm really afraid that he will cause trouble in my house and I will have to file a lawsuit."

Zhang Kaiwu took the knife and fork, finished the steak in three or two bites, and took a sip of red wine.

He lit a cigar and said with a smile:

"You can't understand our books. You don't have the cultural background. But the story of Journey to the West is very similar to your current situation."

"You guys are arguing with each other every day. It seems so complicated and messy that it can't be solved, but in fact, it's very simple to solve the problem!"

The two old men were stunned and confused. Another grand duke also ran over and was attracted by his topic.

(End of this chapter)

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