Chapter 293: Forced into danger
The story is about to begin!

Zhang Kaiwu said seriously:

"Does the journey to the West to obtain the scriptures have to be done? Just like your layoffs, demobilization, and ship-breaking factories, has it become a foregone conclusion?"

"But the solution to the problem is the same as asking someone to go on a pilgrimage. There are many gods in the book, and it is easy for them to go on a pilgrimage, but everyone else has to make things complicated. This pilgrimage is obviously turning a trivial matter into a matter of everyone trying to gain credit together, and the credit has to be divided."

"Otherwise, everyone disagrees and has various reasons to object. If everyone falls out and starts fighting, it won't look good."

"Gentlemen! Think carefully about this matter. Is it exactly the same as your situation?!"

Grand Duke Argyle was able to grasp the key point and asked doubtfully:
"What you said is just a superficial phenomenon. The real reason is money, but where is the money?!"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Of course! The gold standard needs to be exchanged for gold to guarantee it! This matter is strangling your throat. Without that much gold as collateral, you cannot print money."

Several old men were smoking cigars, trying to understand the deeper meaning of Zhang Kaiwu's words.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Hepburn and the others who were watching the fun nearby and said with a smile:

"Dear girls! Go and have fun. Women should stay away from the things men are talking about!"

Grand Duke Kearney Argyll said quickly:

"Dear Zhang! How can you talk to ladies like this? Let's go to the study and talk about how to obtain the scriptures and how the problem is solved."

"Let me check it with the book to see if your method is correct!"

Give the old guy a roll of the eyes, wanting to be in power and stand on his own feet at the same time. If you have the guts, stop talking and continue drinking your wine.

Zhang Kaiwu and a few old men entered the study room, looked at them flipping through books, and smiled as he gave them a pen and a piece of paper.

I also took a pen and a piece of paper, wrote and drew, and said:

"Put that broken book aside. You can think of that scripture as a perfect solution to your problem. Just leave it aside for now."

Several old men hurriedly wrote down the word "method" at the front of the line and stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Pay attention! You can regard the 81 difficulties on the journey to obtain the scriptures as the various spheres of influence."

"For example, the Imperial Knights of Elizabeth's family, the hands and claws of the parliament, and of course your men."

He wrote and drew on the white paper...

A few old men also wrote and drew awkwardly, and they even wrote many people's names.

Zhang Kaiwu continued with a smile:
"So among those people, which ones can be killed directly without spending any money, and which ones must have merits and need to be properly arranged to maintain everyone's dignity!?"

A few old men figured it out and started writing and drawing again, cutting off a lot of marks with crosses.

Things are much simpler and clearer!
It seems that I suddenly realized that this thing is actually very easy, as long as some requirements are met.

As for the group that is going to die, who can take care of them! ?
Zhang Kaiwu said:
"Mr. Dukes! Now the key question is, who is the one who is seeking the scriptures? What is the key to handling the matter? "

"You have to know that Tang Seng and his disciples all have their own relationships. Tang Seng seems useless. Although he also gives blind orders during the journey to obtain scriptures and has no special abilities, he is the leader."

"He has four apprentices who are responsible for doing the hard work to establish connections. In the end, they will share the credit and reward people according to their merits. There are five people in total. How do we choose the one who will go to obtain the scriptures?"

Several old men seemed to be thinking about something.

Grand Duke Kearney Argyll said quickly:

"Dear Zhang! Don't give us old guys riddles, or I'll kick you out at night and leave you homeless on the streets!"

"I also know that you have an improper relationship with my granddaughter. Be careful or I will sue you in court!"

The Duke of York said hastily:

"Old man! Stop talking and disturbing me. I already have some ideas!"

Be careful or I'll beat you up now!
Zhang Kaiwu glared at Argyle and said with a smile:
"Dear Grand Duke Argyll! I cannot decide these five people. You have to choose them yourself."

"Maybe it's the Parliament~ Elizabeth's family~ and other influential people. Maybe it's four masters and apprentices, or maybe it's eight!? If the ability is really powerful, maybe one person is enough to solve the problem."

The old men understood at once that the fewer people who went to obtain the scriptures, the better, but the task still had to be accomplished.

The old men thought about it for a long time, and then wrote and drew for a while, thinking about which people they needed to establish connections with on the journey to obtain the scriptures, and which people they could not avoid.

It didn't take long before those who should be killed were killed, and those who should have connections were used to make connections, and the final list was out.

The old men made the miraculous discovery that this list was a list of people who could solve the problem. There would be no more than eight important people on the list, and they themselves were on it.

Here comes the final question!

What is the Sutra, where does it come from? Where is it going?


Those old men were too busy, so Zhang Kaiwu leisurely smoked a cigar, blew smoke rings and wandered around the study.

Sometimes he played with the knight's sword, and sometimes he looked at the Duke's heirloom, a set of knight armor.

I was eager to try it out with the knight's sword!

The gazes of those old men were so hot!

Zhang Kaiwu dropped the cross sword and said with a smile:
"The key to this question is where the scripture comes from, and how big it should be, right? This scripture should enable everyone to give up their conflicts of interest, put aside their petty thoughts, and wholeheartedly support the journey to obtain the scripture."

Several old men stared at him fiercely...

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Since we are discussing such a sacred mission, everyone should be respectful and smile."

"So many poor people need to be properly arranged. This will cost at least 50 to 100 million pounds to meet the needs of the journey, right?!"

Several old men calculated silently and said:
"You're right! Where does the money come from? We can't print more money. The economy is already sluggish, and if we do that, the economy will collapse in an instant."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"In fact, the London government needs money to run a cement plant, needs money to invest in real estate and other infrastructure, and needs pensions, right!?"

"But the current shipbuilding companies are in a slump, the world is going downhill, and there are no orders at all. If someone acquires these shipping companies, Great Britain will be able to revive immediately."

"But this money is destined to have no return in the short term, and there is even a possibility of losing all the money, so no one is willing to spend money to acquire it."

Several old men looked at him fiercely, and the Duke of York said:

"You must have a solution. I know you have a reason for suggesting this."

Zhang Kaiwu smoked a cigar and said:

"But! We can use the method of borrowing chickens and laying eggs."

"Let the parliament take out this money. Use the method of virtual loan to borrow this money from the parliament."

Grand Duke Kearney Argyll said immediately:

"That's impossible. The public will overthrow them. The money will seriously affect prices and cause conflicts in the economy. Even if the loans are issued and printed, no one in Europe will recognize it."

Zhang Kaiwu said calmly:

"Don't be impatient! Let me hear your opinion first. This operation is to set up another capable company and get a loan from the city government to do things! A company with repayment ability is not going to get a virtual loan from the parliament itself. It's not like they won't pay back the money in the future!?"

"So there needs to be a sacred mission to get fathers home to take care of their children and for soldiers to go home to get married and have children."

"We need to sort out those bad assets and start development with light equipment. All these things are meritorious deeds, and they cannot be done without financial support." "I am willing to make an interest-free loan of 100 million pounds for acquisitions, and guarantee to repay the money in 30 years to fill the gap. This money can be used to purchase those junk, those dilapidated aircraft carriers, battleships, and those shipyards."

He looked at a few old men who seemed to have suddenly realized what was going on, and after a bit of fiddling with his hands, the problem was miraculously solved.

Zhang Kaiwu said slowly:

"There is plenty of money in my company. I will collect all these junk and build a shipyard in Gangcheng and Yinni. Maybe in 30 years, when the environment is better, I can make the money back. But I will not hire ordinary workers or soldiers. I will hire engineers at most."

The old men calculated silently, and Grand Duke Kearney Argyle said quickly:

"Dearest Zhang! Don't you think you should borrow more? In fact, there are still many new materials in there. One hundred million pounds may not be enough for the material cost! How about a loan of two hundred million pounds?"

The Duke of York said slowly:
"Maybe you have to borrow 500 million pounds. You have to know that those things cost at least 300 to 400 million pounds. The new materials alone can be sold for more than 100 million pounds!"

"The cost of building a shipyard is over 100 million pounds, an aircraft carrier costs several million pounds, and there are dozens of aircraft carriers."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
What I want to acquire is new materials, this batch of healthy assets!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You actually want to sell me those junk at the original price!? Then go and have fun on your own! Find someone else to loan money and cooperate to learn from you. I'm not interested anymore."

"I want scrap metal, but I don't want aircraft carriers and battleships. I still need to employ engineers and send people to dismantle the iron!"

"Oh, right! You have to pay for the transportation to the port city, otherwise I won't pay for it."

"Tell me the truth! Although I am not a pilgrim, I still have to make some money, right? Otherwise, how can I repay those government loans in 30 years? Will you repay my loans for me? Otherwise, you guys can work together and take out loans to acquire the company."

Several old men really want to say that even if you pay the money now and do this directly, you can afford it, but it doesn’t make sense!

Mr. Zhang is a rich man, but why should he pay for Great Britain?
Just like what Zhang Kaiwu said, this matter can only succeed if everyone has made contributions and benefits.

Zhang Kaiwu is here to make money, not to do charity.

No hurry, no rush!
Since the problem has been solved, it doesn’t matter if it’s solved a little later.

Several old men secretly had evil thoughts, thinking that they would ask him to borrow more money to get their pension back.

Bring back the money for the journey.

It is obvious that if you fail to get rich this time, you will never have the chance again.

After the outbreak of World War II, all the rich and powerful people in Europe had already fled to the United States.

This matter needs to be discussed carefully with Elizabeth's family. This is relatively simple and they can go there by themselves.

In order to discuss this with the parliament, a middleman must be found, and this person can only be Zhang Kaiwu.

The old men felt relieved after figuring out a solution to the problem, and happily ran out to invite the guests to dance.

If this matter is not handled properly, they feel that they can still fight with the House of Commons for another ten years, and they are full of energy.

Zhang Kaiwu also sat on the sofa, chatting and laughing with Hepburn and the others, listening to them looking forward to a better future life.

Chat with those bands about music and gain experience points for your skills at the same time.

In the cold and rainy night, the lights were dimly on and a fire was burning in the fireplace.

The weather in the English peninsula is really wet and cold, so Great Britain has the highest proportion of rheumatic patients in the world.

The atmosphere tonight is obviously much better. The earls have also noticed that things have taken a turn for the better. The spirits of several dukes are now very good.

The dance began to get lively and lasted until the clock struck zero.


With the help of those old dukes, things went smoothly.

The next morning, it was a sunny morning. Several old men took Zhang Kaiwu to the Dry Palace. On the grass outside, they saw Ms. Elizabeth with a gloomy face and her dog "Susan".

There was a simple little table on the grass, and there wasn't even a reporter.

Elizabeth picked up the command knife and tapped him on the shoulder three times. She didn't say a word during the ceremony. She hurriedly finished the ceremony and left with the dog. She didn't even have a chance to write a check.

After a simple ceremony, he became a proud Earl and the Vice-Master of the Knights of Hong Kong. He received a small estate in the suburbs of London, covering only 50 hectares.

This is too undignified. I didn’t even get to have lunch today! ?

The key is to give him a fifty-hectare estate. Is this the home of a proud earl?

Looking at Zhang Kaiwu who was puzzled, Grand Duke Kearney Argyle quickly picked up a stack of certificates on the table, handed them to him, and said:

"Zhang! Let's go out first."

Zhang Kaiwu was dragged out by them in a daze, holding the stack of certificates and the badge of the Knights Templar.

In fact, he knew it very well in his heart, because he was unhappy about being given the title because of the solution strategy he proposed for obtaining the scriptures.
But she had to give it, otherwise the matter would continue to drag on, and she felt that her behavior was not decent enough! ?
Oh my god! I am innocent!
In this drifting environment, everyone needs to recover funds after the war. If I don't solve this problem, you will have to fight daily lawsuits there for decades!

Zhang Kaiwu and a few old men came back, and Grand Duke Kearney Argyll quickly arranged a lunch and a group of people celebrated.

The Duke of York saw that Zhang Kaiwu was in a bad mood, and said while holding his glass:

"Dear Zhang! When are you going to start this plan? We are really tired of having to go there every day to argue."

They were not worried at all about the parliament's disagreement, because this was indeed the best solution and it would give everyone an explanation.

The most important thing now is how much Zhang Kaiwu is willing to lend. How big is this explanation! ?
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Let's wait for two days! I'll let the lawyer team contact them first, and let's have a discussion. This matter can't be rushed. At least we need to have a common interest so that we can talk."

"What a pity! The manor I was given today is too small. I guess it's not suitable for you to visit. I'll have to wait until next year to expand the manor. Sigh! What's going on?"

The Duke of York handed him a list of names from the parliament, which was also the list of people seeking scriptures, and said with a smile:

"Show it to your legal team. I just promised to treat you. Come to my house tomorrow and I will celebrate your becoming an earl."

The Duke of Devonshire said hastily:
"Come to my place the day after tomorrow. I must invite you to come as well. The sea view behind my house is nice. It's a pity that it's not summer yet!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled as he watched the old men who took turns to treat him, and he also understood the ambiguity. They were actually expressing their dissatisfaction to Elizabeth's family! ?
Since your family won't treat us, then we old guys will treat us to a meal, and we'll treat you for three days!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at them and asked:

"Does my legal team still need to contact her at home? Or what does her attitude really mean?"

The Duke of Devonshire smiled and said:

"No need to go. Your idea is indeed the best. She has already agreed to stamp her seal and agree to this matter."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Of course I know she agreed, otherwise she could have given me a manor! ?

Did she give up those things in order to maintain a false sense of honor, or did she look down on it?

Just a good way to save some money!
Several dukes were cheering him on, so he certainly would not show weakness. Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Then I would like to thank you for your arrangement. I will definitely be your guest. Please arrange for a few more reporters to interview me tomorrow. I was treated unfairly today."

"I didn't do anything wrong and I don't deserve that treatment. My purpose is not shameful. We need to talk about things openly instead of doing it secretly."

"This is not a bad thing in itself. Maybe we can invite other companies to compete for investment. If someone can really solve it with other methods, I don't really care."

"My reputation is a small matter. Your reputation should not be tarnished."

(End of this chapter)

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