Chapter 294 Let's Get Rich Together

After listening to this, the old dukes were stunned for a while, then they thought about the huge amount of money that was the most critical issue, and said:

"Wise Zhang! You are right! Tomorrow I will call all the reporters I can and hold a press conference."

"The honor of our noble gentleman cannot be tarnished. If anyone has a better solution than ours, let him do it!"

The Duke of York asked quickly:

“Do we still need to send the legal team to the congressman today?”

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! Now that there is a reliable solution to the problem, won't they be more selective? Maybe! The press conference can help them make a decision faster!?"

"Tell them to stop being like a woman and just yell about how unfair it is!"

A few old men smiled!
This Zhang Kaiwu is really ruthless. Maybe they don’t understand why he is being forced to do something he dared to do, but how are the councillors going to handle this?!

Yes! There is a solution to the problem. If you really don’t agree, then that’s your problem!
Even if things cannot be resolved through negotiation, won’t social conflicts go to the House of Commons?!

Several old men said quickly:

"Zhang! Hurry up and ask the legal team to handle it and make things clear. Come over for a drink right away."

"I'm going to have three drinks today!"

"This is a good method. Let them call out every day!"


Zhang Kaiwu and Ajim explained everything clearly and also told them about the press conference they were going to hold tomorrow.

Ajim and his group visited and negotiated with the people on the list one by one.

Of course, this matter cannot be handled over the phone, and the lawyer can only provide door-to-door service.

Zhang Kaiwu and a few old men were drinking and chatting there, discussing the gains and losses of the Hundred Years' War.

Zhang Kaiwu's lawyer visited each congressman one by one. No matter whether they were from Hui Ge's family or Tori's family, after listening to the lawyer's words, they all fell into deep thought.

Agree or disagree?

But others are not just sitting there waiting, they are preparing for a press conference tomorrow.

Where should I go?

Hepburn and her group of girls were so enthusiastic that they fell asleep only when it was almost dawn.

The next morning, Zhang Kaiwu, surrounded by a group of people, came to the Duke of York's estate as a guest.

This is also a country-style castle estate, similar to the estate of the Grand Duke of Argyll, with nothing special about it.

Like the men of Great Britain, they are all a bit stereotypical.

Basically all the powerful nobles in London came, and quite a few members of parliament also came.

As soon as I got off the car, a large group of reporters started taking pictures crazily because today's topic was so explosive.

Zhang Kaiwu stood on the podium with a smile, waved his hand, and confidently repeated his financing plan.

Invest, lend, and resolve the focal points of current social conflicts, those shipbuilding factories.

Of course, there was no mention of sharing the credit.

After he finished explaining his solution in a very open and honest manner, it was time for questions.

Zhang Kaiwu pointed at a male reporter who raised his hand and asked:

"Count Zhang! The purchase price you proposed is a bit low. Did you have a private transaction?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"This is just a rough idea. For example, I want to buy your house for one pound. The choice is yours, and you are the seller. In fact, I think you can also compete for it, so that you can know whether there is a private transaction. I welcome others to make this acquisition, but I won't do it if I don't want to. Of course! I am also betting on the prosperity of the shipping industry in the future."

"After the shipbuilding factory is demolished, a large amount of land will be left behind, which can be used for other things. If the shipbuilding industry continues to be sluggish in the future, I will still have to spend money to repay the loan."

Zhang Kaiwu must make his ideas clear: I will pay back the money, otherwise who will support me?

He pointed at a female reporter, who quickly asked:
"Count Zhang! If this acquisition is really successful, does it mean that those soldiers will be back soon?"

"Is there money in the City of London to repair houses, and to put bread on the table of the housewife?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"If successful, we may be back soon, perhaps with bread, but that is the Council's business, maybe!?"

He pointed at another female reporter, who quickly asked:
"Count Zhang! You are very sure about this matter. The money is used to relocate those workers, right?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I think the money should be used by the parliament to do these things. I just came up with a solution that I can use to solve the current situation. Of course, if others have better solutions, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Pointing at a male reporter, he quickly asked:
"Count Zhang! I heard that you won't use those shipyard workers anymore? Isn't it inhumane for you to do this?"

Damn it! You are eating history!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Please don't make personal attacks! Those workers were already unemployed. I didn't continue to run the factory there. I didn't buy the factory to run it. I just dismantled some junk. When you go to sell your grandmother's junk, can you sell your grandmother to the recycling station as well?"

"There is another most important question. If I don't come up with this solution, does it mean that their unemployment is humanitarian? Can they get a penny? Otherwise, you can buy the shipyard. I believe the parliament will give you more favorable conditions."

"There are two final questions. Madam, can you ask one?"

The female reporter asked quickly:
"Count Zhang! I heard that you are very rich. How much money do you have? Why did you apply for such a huge loan? "

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You asked two questions, and there's some privacy involved. Since you're a beauty, I'll answer your question. I'm not very rich, I only have a little bit of money! Maybe tens of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions of dollars!? I really don't know the exact amount, and I don't know the exact amount."

"Why do we need a loan from Congress? It's because it takes a long time to transport these broken things and then start construction in the port city again. Maybe it will take me five or six years to build the factory?"

"I also used the company's assets as collateral. The minimum purchase price was 100 million pounds, which is almost 500 million U.S. dollars. This put a lot of pressure on my capital chain."

"I do things with the mindset of doing public welfare, not with the intention of bankrupting my company."

Zhang Kaiwu pointed at a male reporter and said:

"One last question. I hope you won't ask me about trivial matters or bring up my privacy. Gossip is meaningless!"

The male reporter asked quickly:
"Earl Zhang! Originally I wanted to ask about Hepburn and the others' love, but then I thought love is not important. I still want to ask about a question about bread that everyone is concerned about. The current shipyards are not doing well. After getting the government loan, will you buy a private shipyard?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Sir! You are quite humorous! Love is also important. I am indeed in a relationship with Audrey Hepburn and the others, but we are just dating now and have not confirmed anything yet."

"I will never buy a private company! The money should go back to where it came from! My original intention is to solve the problem. Making money is actually a small matter."

"The loan obtained from Congress is for national shipping companies. It is definitely not to save individuals, and it will definitely not save individual shipping companies."

Everyone applauded for his righteousness!
Even if he was crazy, he would not take over a private shipyard. It is difficult to give up good fortune, and a screw in one's own home is also sacred.

Just like Lou Bancheng, who would be willing to sell things at a low price unless they are at the end of their rope? ?

Several grand dukes, with a large group of people, were also clapping wildly nearby.

Earl Zhang is really flawless!
All for charity!
The reporters were also satisfied. Although the issue of London's reconstruction had not been resolved, a solution that satisfied everyone had been found.

The entire front page of the newspaper at noon that day was filled with an interview with Zhang Kaiwu, because this was the issue that everyone was most concerned about.

All the newspapers thought his idea was good, and people were everywhere holding newspapers and discussing it, excitedly discussing that if it succeeded, London's economy would be saved.


Elizabeth took the newspaper and looked at the article that was full of praise for Zhang Kaiwu. She asked the servants in the house.

Knowing that everyone agrees with this matter, could it be that I have misunderstood it?
She deliberately took a car to take a walk outside and found that everyone was really satisfied with this method, and people were talking about how great it would be if it could be done.

Workers and soldiers were able to receive war compensation, and those dilapidated shipbuilding factories with no future were dismantled and workers could work in new factories.

Those damn shell holes can be filled and the houses can be repaired.

On the third day, the Duke of Devonshire hosted us. His castle is indeed the most beautiful because it is in the countryside by the sea. It is also the farthest away and there is no subway line, so we can only drive there by ourselves, which is very inconvenient.

There is a lighthouse and a beach, but no coconut trees.

Although it is right by the sea, the English Channel is not suitable for swimming at all.

Even in August and September when the weather is the hottest, the sea water here is still freezing cold because of the tides.

The waves are big and the water is fast.

Going into the sea is like delivering food.

In other words, once you go to the manor, you can't go out and there is no outdoor activity at all.

So this sea view room feels a bit fake, the key is that the wind is too cold.

Several senior congressmen also attended the welcome and celebration banquet, and everyone chatted for a few minutes without showing any emotion.

A group of people blocked the study, and after smoking two cigars, everyone realized that this matter could no longer be stopped.

As for how to get the benefits in the end, it depends on each person's level.

The newspapers have been full of discussions over the past two days, to the extent that no one in the House of Commons or the House of Lords has gone to meetings to debate the issue, and the country has fallen into an eerie calm.

Everyone knows that this has basically been a success because this is what the people of Great Britain urgently need.

This is needed for recuperation after the war, but money can't be fabricated out of thin air, right! ?

Zhang Kaiwu ignored these things. He was in the conference room looking at the application materials for the position of butler, which Lawyer Ajim had just brought over.

Or it could be said that the butler had actually secretly investigated him, which was why he came to apply for the job.

Just like what Attorney Ajim said, this is actually a two-way application.

This was a 46-year-old British couple who came to apply for the job with their two sons, daughters-in-law, and a daughter, Deborah Savas.

They were all dressed neatly, in straight white shirts, black suits, and uniform butler-style bow ties.

All the family members, young and old, except the two grandchildren, came for the examination.

Marcelo Savas's family all studied butlership and they used to work as butlers for a count.

However, due to the war, the Earl and his family were fired when they were about to leave for the Beautiful Country a few years ago.

As a result, the Earl was unlucky and his entire account was wiped out by a cannonball.

The house and property were taken back by relatives, and Mr. Butler's family was rarely unemployed.

Mr. Savas took a break for more than two years, almost three years, and was almost penniless before he found this job opportunity again.

After a brief chat, Zhang Kaiwu decided to admit this family.

He doesn't worry about loyalty at all, that's the butler's problem.

A butler without loyalty will never be able to survive.

There is a joke that says that the butler reported his master for breaking the law.

This is simply impossible!

It wasn't because the housekeeper's little daughter was pretty, he had seen a lot of pretty girls now. The key was that she was likable, which made it safer to do things.

Already have ten energy points.

To put it bluntly, people like Marcelo Savas who apply for a butler position are looking for a master.

Butlers usually die, and there is no such thing as resignation. Their every word and action must be considered for the master, and generally the whole family lives with the master for generations.

They know so many secrets!

Generally they die in their owner's home.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the thick stack of information and had only one question. He asked:
"Why do I feel like your family has Eastern European blood? Am I wrong?!"

Marcelo Savas said respectfully:
"My whole family is mixed blood. Because of the great emperor's expedition to the west, I have half Eastern European blood. My wife is also Eastern European. Sir, you are not wrong."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and looked at his wife, the smiling Eastern European woman, and said:
"Okay! You are hired. From now on, you don't need to say sir, just say you."

Marcelo Savas smiled and said:

"Sir! That's against the rules and will cause confusion in our work."

Hehehe! Zhang Kaiwu asked:
“What was your family’s annual salary before?”

Marcelo Savas says:

"Sir! It was two thousand pounds before."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I have a lot of work here, so I'll set the salary at 5,000 pounds for now. Go talk to lawyer Ajim about the situation and see which things you can take over."

"Also! My estate is a little small, only 50 hectares. I need to expand it to 500 hectares first. I also need to buy a bigger villa in the city. I am still staying at the home of the Grand Duke."

Savas said quickly:
"Sir! I know the job! Thank you for your generosity. Actually, for a servant, there is no need to rush to increase the salary. I will ask for it if there is a need."

Zhang Kaiwu:
"Okay! You're right!"

The whole family went out to contact lawyer Ajim, but Deborah Savas stayed and started to add tea to him.

Coming from a family of stewards, this is what we call professionalism!

Deborah Savas is also a college student. This housekeeper is a very successful person. He has two sons and a daughter, all of whom are college students majoring in economics.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Deborah curiously and asked:

"You also studied economics. Pretty girls like you have a college degree at such a young age. Usually they pursue freedom. Why would they want to inherit their father's business and become a housekeeper?"

Deborah, wearing a black housekeeper dress, smiled and said:

"Sir! Because I have experienced so much in the war over the years, I don't think an ordinary college student without a background can accomplish anything in this environment."

"Especially for university students who study economics, if they don't have a good boss, it's basically all in vain. The best they can do outside is to work as a bank clerk with a monthly salary of 20 pounds. In reality, they can't make a penny, let alone achieve their ideals."

"Sir, didn't you give us a raise today? There are no opportunities like this out there. It's hard to find a good job."

Zhang Kaiwu understood what the girl meant. Even though the housekeeper's income seemed to be similar to that outside, it was provided with food, accommodation and clothing, so the income was actually much higher.

With the protection of the master's family, life is much more decent. No matter how capable or beautiful an ordinary person is, it is useless if he has no opportunities.

There are many subtexts that she didn't say. This girl is not only smart, but also very calm. She knows what she wants and what she can say.

After chatting with this girl for a while, her energy value has increased to thirty points, but there is no emotional fluctuation on her face, and she still calmly shows her elegance and beauty.

The family education is powerful!

The arrival of Mr. Savas, the butler, and his family solved Zhang Kaiwu's urgent problem.

He immediately found a good-quality large villa in the city center, asked Zhang Kaiwu about his hobbies and began to renovate it quickly. He recruited maids, cooks, gardeners, and a son and his wife to manage the real estate.

He began to expand the small manor, negotiated with the owner of the neighboring estate to purchase land, and managed the business within the manor.

One son was responsible for managing the International Trade Co., Ltd., managing the affairs of the gold trading center, and purchasing large quantities of gold.

Butler Savvas began to deal with those interpersonal relationships and contact the butlers of the duke's and earl's families.

Deborava began to be responsible for understanding Zhang Kaiwu's business blueprint and became his personal secretary.

He was resting in his large room, on the maid's bed next to him, and even his health condition had to be carefully monitored.

After a few small moments of embarrassment, she was able to sit beside Jessica and the others without changing her expression, watching Zhang Kaiwu playing and communicating with them.

Ask him what he wants for dinner, what are the girls having for dinner! ?

Sometimes he would help serve tea and water, but his face was serious, as if he didn't see the fierce battle scene.

There is no change in the energy value, awesome!

There is no other problem except that I have great admiration for him.

(End of this chapter)

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