Chapter 295 Celebration Wine

Hepburn and Jessica were so noisy every day, I don’t know if it affected her rest.

It's just that sometimes the energy value would secretly increase by a few points, reminding Zhang Kaiwu, and the housekeeper would also peek sometimes.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
The increase in energy value means that she is quite satisfied with what she sees! ?


After the family had gained a general understanding of the situation a few days later, they finally knew exactly how huge the host's family's fortune was!
Things in Zhang Kaiwu's household were going smoothly. In fact, the housekeepers all had their own small circle, and anyone who was not a housekeeper could not get in.

They also control some shared resources, such as where to find the best maids, the best villas, and the best chefs.

They even have a university that requires the recommendation and guarantee of a butler to enter.

Zhang Kaiwu also ran to the gold trading center and restocked the store with three boxes of sapphires.

But he did not listen to Mr. Savas Jr.'s advice and shipped the goods slowly.

I still chose to trade it quickly, and it took two days, and this time I earned 1.1 billion US dollars in cash.

In addition, he found excuses to take away 500 tons of gold that he had purchased intermittently.

This time things went much more smoothly than last time. The housekeeper and his family are very capable and always handle things smoothly.

But it is impossible to continue shipping in large quantities, as the market needs time to digest these things.

There are five boxes of sapphires in the storage space. We really cannot ship them in large quantities this year, otherwise the market will collapse.

You have to know that these sapphires were collected over thousands of years, so give away less!

Because there was no need for him to stay there simply to purchase gold, Zhang Kaiwu handed over the shop in the trading center to the butler Savas. There were many shops here that were managed by butlers like him.

As a result of the large-scale purchases in recent days, Zhang Kaiwu has raised the gold trading price in the market to over 30 US dollars.

In addition to leaving behind 100 million US dollars in working capital, the company acquired 1.8 billion US dollars worth of gold, nearly 2,000 tons.

He left behind a box of sapphires and a message, asking the butler, young Savas, to continue selling sapphires, this time slowly, and use the funds to purchase gold.


After making all the connections, lawyer Ajim's team had a chat with Zhang Kaiwu and already had a rough idea of ​​what their final mission would be.

Lower the price! Lower the price as much as possible.

Lawyers are negotiating with those people every day about the purchase price of those scrap metal. The Grand Duke of Argyll and the legal team of those parliamentarians all want them to borrow more money to raise the purchase price.

Lawyer Ajim's team knew that the boss was collecting scraps for charity, not collecting properties for charity.

The members of Parliament have decided that all but two of the better shipyards should be disposed of.

In this way, of the forty-six shipyards in Great Britain, only four remained.

If there is a real need, it can fully meet the production needs of Great Britain.

Two of them were private ship factories. It was not that they did not want to sell their junk, but Zhang Kaiwu was unwilling to purchase them, so he could only watch them continue to rot.

The matter has actually been settled, and the current negotiations are just for fun, waiting for a suitable reason.

We have to let the big guys show their faces and leave the credit to those who need it.

In this kind of tug-of-war, it was already mid-October.

Zhang Kaiwu, Hepburn and the others were already bored of having fun in London. London at this season is really not suitable for travel.

The team of Grand Duke Argyll and the teams of the MPs can no longer sit still, as more and more voices outside are paying attention to this matter.

The newspapers talk about these congressmen every day. Apart from bullying the maids at home, can't they do anything serious? ?

Just keep delaying! ?

Wouldn't it be possible to reduce the burden by signing the contract earlier, paying the compensation, and dismantling the ship factories that are suffering huge losses?

Everyone wants their children to come back home as soon as possible, and the workers in the shipyard all want to get compensation and start a new life.

Those engineers also urgently need a new job. They have been unemployed at home for more than two years.

They have lived on a pitiful, insignificant relief fund and potato farming for the past two years. Now that a job opportunity has finally come, how can they resist? ?

Several engineering teams in factories have already taken the initiative to negotiate with Zhang Kaiwu's legal team.

They will take all the drawings and technical data of the shipping companies and go to the port city with the transport ships to continue serving Earl Zhang.

Zhang Kaiwu received them politely and promised them that they could continue to maintain a decent life. When the factory was just starting out, the salary might not be as high as in London, but it would definitely be enough to support the family.

Go sign the contract with the legal team and now everyone is ready to go.

The children can go to the factory school to receive education, and the wife can go out to bask in the sunshine of the port city, which is a hundred times better than here in London!
The engineers who got the job opportunities were also very confident and said they would work hard and that it didn't really matter where they lived.

These engineers brought their families and boarded the ships that transported the blueprints, heading to foreign countries to start a new life.

When the tree falls, the hozens scatter!

My wife and children all need to eat, as for those ordinary workers, they can only wish me good luck!
It’s a pity that there are no experts here, otherwise they might tell them that they can start their own business and produce for the unemployed! ?

After accompanying Hepburn and the others to tour London, Zhang Kaiwu was too lazy to go out except for a trip to the gold trading center every two or three days.

I practice boxing and archery there every day.

When I am really bored, I will learn music and work on some future music pieces.

He copied all the famous European and American music songs that had not yet been released, and his musical skills improved rapidly.

Music Level 255: 1000~.

Zhang Kaiwu is already a senior musician, although he has no interest in it.

I don’t know if the original versions will still appear after he plagiarizes like this! ?

Another benefit is that as the farming trick is about to be upgraded, Zhang Kaiwu understands a lot of meridian paths.

Farm Tricks Boxing and Kicks Level 665: 1000~.

The various methods introduced in Su Nu Xin have their own characteristics, but they are all said to be able to maintain health and strengthen the body. Some say "the seven injuries will be eliminated by themselves", "energy will be a hundred times greater", "all diseases will be eliminated", or "all diseases will not occur", "cure all kinds of accumulations", and "the seven injuries will heal by themselves".

As the boxing technique became more advanced, the Su Nu Heart Sutra was about to be upgraded. Zhang Kaiwu had already vaguely found a breakthrough, and he had a hunch that this boxing technique could break through the limit of physical fitness.

He hung out under the big oak tree every day, and the little squirrels in the tree all knew him.

There was another small gain. Deborah served as his female secretary for a period of time, but Zhang Kaiwu did not touch her. During this period of time, they were together day and night, and her energy value had increased to 50 points.

After all, we all eat and live together, so I watch those porn movies with everyone. After watching them so many times, I also have feelings for the heroines.

Evil sense of identity!

Can't wait any longer!

Zhang Kaiwu, Elizabeth's family, as well as the dukes and congressmen, finally sat down at the table and began to negotiate in person.

He didn't care at all and could wait slowly, treating it as something that didn't matter. But Elizabeth and the others were different.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Kaiwu just pushed the matter forward whenever he had no reason to. If he failed, he would just consider it a nuisance. His main task was still to sell jewelry and store gold.

The issue that everyone is most concerned about now is that if the scrap metal is sold at one-tenth of the price, the congressmen disagree, saying that it would be lower than throwing it into a scrap yard.

In fact, it is not because of the price at all. They are very willing to pay one twentieth of the price. The key is to give an explanation to the public about the purchase price.

They wanted to sell it at two-tenth of the price, but Zhang Kaiwu disagreed. How could someone buy junk at a high price with a loan?
At the long negotiation table, Zhang Kaiwu held a cigar in his mouth and said with a smile:

"We've been arguing for so long, let's just make it 1.5 tenth. There's no point in obsessing over the price. Either I take out a loan of 100 million pounds and buy some at random, and then forget about it when the money is spent." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This price was about the same as the recycling price of scrap metal, and everyone had an explanation.

But 100 million pounds can't solve the problem, we can't just take a small half and keep the other half, right? ?

The critical moment has arrived. Elizabeth has even taken the lead herself. She smiled and said:

"Earl Zhang! There is no problem with the purchase price, but the payment is too little and it doesn't solve the problem at all! You can only purchase about ten shipbuilding factories at most. Otherwise, Earl Zhang, you can borrow 300 million pounds to purchase them directly and then slowly dismantle them."

"With 300 million pounds, you will probably have enough funds to buy all these things. You can also keep some reserve funds to develop the company in the future."

I do all this for you!
The critical moment has arrived. Several old dukes are watching their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, all thinking of their own little ideas.

They neither said they agreed nor disagreed. They just agreed on the surface and were just waiting for the final method of dividing the credit.

Several members of the House of Representatives said quickly:

"That's a good idea! We all agree. Earl Zhang, you've already taken out a loan anyway, and it'll be easier to get things done if you have more money."

"Count Zhang! We have checked and found that your company has at least 2 billion US dollars in gold reserves. Loaning more money will not be a problem for your company at all."

"Count Zhang! Even if you sell iron in the future, you will be able to make back your money. It is a guaranteed profit."

Pretty words sound so nice!
But everyone knew in their hearts that what Elizabeth said was impossible, because if that was really the case and Zhang Kaiwu was asked to demolish it, wouldn’t everyone’s work be in vain! ?

Everyone is actually waiting for Zhang Kaiwu's promise.


After working so hard for so long, the big fish has finally arrived. I hope you won’t be so anxious in the future.

Otherwise don't blame me for being decent!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and gave his thoughts, saying:
"Dear Madam! Since you have asked for it, for your dignity, our company is willing to lend you 500 million pounds. But our company will not carry out demolition, which can easily cause social conflicts!"

"The goods must be transported to the port city and the specific quantity must be delivered before payment can be made, because the loss cannot be counted as mine, right? To facilitate your work, I can deliver part of the payment first and take 100 million pounds to relocate the personnel."

"Because no one knows exactly how many items there are and how much they are actually worth. You go form a supervisory committee in Hong Kong City to ensure that no one suffers any loss."

This supervisory committee is the key to the journey to the West. It is time for everyone to show their talents. How much you can eat depends on your own ability.

The opportunity has come!!!

Several old men, including the Grand Duke of Argyll and the parliamentarians, were startled and remained silent with smiles on their faces. They were all working for the job!
It is impossible for them to separate themselves from the masses, and the people under them also want to be recruited, so it is impossible for them to oppose.

Elizabeth sighed silently. If everyone didn't get any benefits, this matter would never be accomplished.

She stared at Zhang Kaiwu and said with a smile:

"Okay! Earl Zhang! Let's sign the acquisition contract according to your wishes."

Who would do something that has no benefit and will damage their own interests?
Even if she didn't want to get any money from this matter, she could only pretend that she didn't know about it, and she didn't even dare to mention it. If she did, her supporters would get into trouble.

Otherwise, if the matter is dragged on day by day, the losses will increase day by day, and the level of non-performing assets of the shipping company will become worse and worse!

In the end, even if it was given to someone else, no one was willing to take it.

For example, those ship factories now, even if they are auctioned at a price of one pound in the country, no one is willing to accept them.

Because if domestic companies accept it, they will have to be responsible for their employees and for the taxes. Who would take over that mess?

On the bright side, selling the company to Zhang Kaiwu would at least recoup part of the investment, so as not to lose everything. This is indeed the last resort!

After the factories are demolished, the land can be redeveloped and the city government can repair London and revitalize the economy.

This matter is originally a matter of good for you, good for me, and good for everyone, otherwise why would so many people secretly push it! ?

Even the media, which are usually the most demanding, are pushing hard to get the money.


Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief and smiles appeared on everyone's face.

So everyone happily signed the loan agreement, a fictitious loan of 500 million pounds was opened from the national treasury, and 400 million pounds of payment for goods was paid into the Kaiwu Bank branch of Kaiwu Company, so that his bank had money to buy up the junk.

Zhang Kaiwu's Hong Kong headquarters bank had not even opened yet, but a huge amount of money had been deposited into the London branch bank, and it suddenly became the most popular large bank in the city of London.

As everyone knows, this branch has more than 1 billion, almost 2 billion US dollars in liquid funds, which are the strongest gold reserves.

The remaining 100 million pounds of the acquisition advance payment was directly transferred to the London City Government so that they had the money to relocate those personnel.

Zhang Kaiwu signed a 30-year interest-free loan contract for 500 million pounds, which clearly stated that after 30 years, he would unconditionally repay 500 million pounds to fill the void loan.

If the time limit is exceeded, interest will be charged according to the bank loan. The lawyer teams of both parties checked the contract again and everyone signed it together.

Kaiwu Company successfully completed the acquisition by exchanging time for money in the city of London.

Another crucial reason why this matter could be successful was that Zhang Kaiwu's company was too rich. No one was afraid that he would not be able to repay this virtual loan in the future, so there was no renewal of the virtual loan.

Originally, Kaiwu Company’s working capital was enough to complete the acquisition, and this was the key to a successful resolution of the matter.

The British government is really short of money.

After everyone drank the celebratory champagne, Elizabeth and her family left in a hurry. Perhaps she was still feeling a little unwell.

Because of the nature of this loan, no matter how much we debate it, it was still paid for by Great Britain itself.

Reporters outside also learned the specific purchase contract, which was indeed very decent, except that the junk was sold a little far away.

It’s still the normal purchase price for junk!
The newspapers were full of celebration news and people were celebrating everywhere.

I have money! I have money!
Great Britain has money.

Of course there were also people who opposed it. A group of people held up protest banners and said that this transaction was an infringement on public finances. The money was actually Great Britain's money, and everyone looked at them as if they were fools.

All smart people actually know that this loan is a solution to the problem. Does it matter whose money it is! ?
Or you come! ?

These protests were the business of the Grand Duke and the Congressman. Zhang Kaiwu looked at the protesters with a smile and left without looking back.

After this trading feast, how many smart people really don’t understand? ?
This was an act of dividing up the wealth of Great Britain.

The truly smart and capable people are those who can understand and participate in making a fortune.

Let’s get rich together!

As for those who are protesting on the sidelines?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

The weather two days later was very good, perfect for dancing!

This is a rare good weather in the British Peninsula during the autumn and winter seasons.

Zhang Kaiwu's big villa was basically renovated in a hurry, and all the respectable people came to celebrate his move.

The band was playing cheerful dance music in the living room and on the large lawn.

Next to the living room, there were piles of various gifts everywhere, including wine, cigars, and some small gifts given by everyone.

In the living room of the villa and on the large lawn outside, there were ladies playing and chatting everywhere, and communicating with Hepburn, Jessica and others about the feelings between the ladies.

The topics discussed by the women are all about charity and they are all caring.

It’s so lively!

In the conference room, everyone briefly chatted about the weather and then sat down affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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