Chapter 322 Cultural Heritage
The tables on the beach were filled with iced beer and a variety of delicious food.

Young noble gentlemen and ladies rushed to the beach and the sea desperately and began to enjoy a good life.

I was already overwhelmed by the beautiful sea view along the way.

At the table on the other side, there was smoke everywhere.

Zhang Kaiwu and Xue Long agreed to sit down at the table on the beach with the Duke of York, the Duke of Argyll, and the Duke of Devonshire.

Drinking cold beer, lighting a cigar, and chatting and laughing.

The Duke of York was not as superficial as those young people thought. He asked curiously:

"Dear Zhang! In the Republic of Borneo, how come you were able to control the situation here all of a sudden!?"

Zhang Kaiwu explained seriously:

"This is all because the Chinese have a profound cultural heritage. Chinese people all over the world are one family!"

The Duke of Devonshire asked curiously:

"Dear Zhang! According to what we have learned, there are not many of your people who have basic education."

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile:

"You have misunderstood! True cultural heritage does not mean diplomas and degrees, which are very superficial. Social etiquette, living habits, attitude towards things, and lifestyle are all part of a nation's cultural heritage!"

The Duke of Devonshire said curiously:

"What kind of cultural heritage? Isn't it because you have so many people here that you can accomplish these things?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said seriously:

"Dear Grand Duke! It is true that we have a large population, but it has nothing to do with those things. Have you ever thought about why we have a large population?"

"Just like your Great Britain was once glorious, but your population has never seen a large-scale upward trend."

The Duke of Argyll asked curiously:

"Medicine, health, war, food, education, housing!? What is the reason for this?"

Zhang Kaiwu explained seriously:

"Those are superficial reasons. The real reason is cultural heritage."

"We have a thousands-year-old agricultural civilization. The greatest advantage is that it is a sign of a person's success, and it has been defined. The main theme is to be able to develop and build, not to rob!"

"When a person is in a state of mind for development and construction, it is a positive state of mind. In that situation, everyone likes to have children and has a stable sense of happiness."

"Maybe you think the world needs adventure and advocate a predatory economy, but in fact, that's all wrong. People with that kind of adventure-seeking mentality don't like to have children!"

The Duke of York objected, and asked:
"Doesn't the glory of Great Britain's Age of Exploration explain its development and growth!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"That glory is all fake! Spain was also glorious, the Romans were also glorious, the Dutch were also glorious, and even the Arabs were also glorious, but why didn't they last long? Once they encountered setbacks and accidents, they immediately fell apart!?"

"It's like if we remove the rest of the population in your country, have you increased your population? If you have 413 million people in Great Britain, even if the economy is not that developed and you don't pay back the US$ billion war loan, can the US control you?"

"According to what I know, a lot of the raw materials and weapons of Germany and Japan were also sold by the United States. The current predicament of the British Parliament has a lot to do with this loan."

"The United States relies on this loan to cause trouble all day long. Do you dare to rise up and fight, accuse the United States of war crimes, and default on this war loan from the United States!?"

The Duke of York is silent!
They really have a natural advantage now. A large part of the people in the United States came from Great Britain. If they dare to deny this matter, the money from the United States will never be returned!

The Duke of York said doubtfully:
"I still feel a little confused. If you have money, won't it be easier to have a child?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"I'm less than 19 years old, but I already have five or six children. When I had my first child, I was still a pauper! Dear Duke of York! You should be from a hereditary noble family. At what age did you start dating, and at what age did you want to have children?!"


The Duke of York was surprised to find that this was indeed the problem. It turned out that he had started dating as soon as he entered adolescence, but was not willing to get married and have children until he was in his thirties.

The other two people were also speechless. When they were young, adventure was the main theme and they didn't want to have a family burden at all. Earl Zhang was really right!

Click till then!

Zhang Kaiwu took a sip of beer and said with a smile:

"Look! No one wants to have children soon. The real glory of Great Britain is actually over. Under the manipulation of the United States, you even lost Ireland, and you dare not cause trouble for the United States. Including your old rival France, it has been trapped by the economy and culture of the United States."

"From now on, the United States will be sucking your blood, and your neighbor France has completely turned evil. Of course, this also has its advantages. The advantage is that you don't even have a single opponent."

The Duke of Devonshire took a sip of beer and said expressionlessly:
"Of course we know the reason. The people in the parliament are all thieves. They are in cahoots with the capitalists in the United States."

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and said:

"Those things are just manifestations of cultural heritage! You see, I dare to ask the Dutch for compensation, and I dare to ask the Japanese for compensation. If they don't give me compensation, I will even dare to start a war."

"I'm going to make a bet with you guys! Just a small bet of 100 million US dollars. The congressmen from the United States and Eastern Europe will have to come and curry favor with me! Especially those from Eastern Europe, because of the Japanese problem, they may even give me a large amount of aid!"

The atmosphere was too depressing. They knew the enemy was sabotaging them, but they had no way to resist. It was too frustrating. The Grand Dukes fell into silence, thinking about what Earl Zhang had said.

This is the essence of the game of power. Everyone is trying to make a profit for themselves with a clear conscience, while others just work diligently.

Your enemies will not refrain from attacking you just because you are respectful, nor will they offend you just because you have a bad attitude.

Everything is for profit!
Seeing their depressed looks, Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Of course! Their affairs have nothing to do with our business. I just want to build a crude oil reserve base and make a little money!"

"Don't bother with your brains here! Now go enjoy the winter sunshine in Borneo! You old guys don't have much time left in the sun!"

Several Grand Dukes stared at each other!

The new pirate leader Xue Long was also excited after hearing this. Senior Zhang is really awesome!

There are some words he can understand, but there are some words he can't understand at all!
Xue Long simply didn't understand Zhang Xuechang's high-pressure approach to "cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil."

But just follow the orders, and you will understand it slowly.


The Duke of Devonshire was unwilling to give up. He came to his grandson expressionlessly and said tentatively:

"Chris! I think you must get married this year. I will discuss your marriage with your father."

Chris said in surprise:

"Grandpa! Oh my god! I'm only twenty years old. My wonderful life has just begun. I plan to get married when I'm thirty-eight."

The Duke of Devonshire looked at him expressionlessly, thinking about what Earl Zhang said, why are they unwilling to have children! ?
Chris pleaded:

"Grandpa! The minimum age to get married is 35. I also want to travel around and see the world. Didn't you encourage me before?"

The Duke of Devonshire heard this and said:

"Dear! Maybe I was wrong before. In fact, you can still have fun if you get married and have children earlier."

Chris said in surprise:

"That's impossible! I will be responsible for my wife. I believe in love!"

The Duke of Devonshire said contemptuously:

"Child! As the heir of a noble family with a hereditary dukedom, you have no true love!"

"Your wives are all for marriage, why on earth don't you want to have children? Don't talk to me about love!"

Chris said quickly:
"I want to do something to prove my life. I don't want to be bound by marriage too early."

Devon looked at him and seemed to see his younger self.

This grandson has the same ideals and beliefs as him. He used to be his favorite child. After being lectured by Earl Zhang just now, he really understood!

The idea of ​​getting married and having children really has nothing to do with money or the environment. After getting married, is Chris worried about not being able to support his children? As a duke heir, is he worried about not having the time and opportunity to play?

Not at all!
all fake!

If I remember correctly, Chris has had seven or eight relationships, all of which were crappy.

Not wanting to get married is actually Chris's subconscious attitude towards life. He doesn't want to be bound by that and doesn't want to take on that responsibility.

The so-called need to marry late for one’s own ideals is all nonsense!
The Duke of Devonshire was stunned for a while, and Chris had already run away secretly.


Zhang Kaiwu left indifferently and rushed to the beach to compete in swimming with the Ariel Abbas sisters.

When he took off his coat, his muscles caused the girls to exclaim in amazement.

His body is streamlined and does not appear to be all muscle, but they subconsciously know that this is the perfect body.

Zhang Kaiwu did not bully the Aili sisters. He added weight to himself. Even when he carried Cathy on his neck to go to the swimming competition together, he was still faster than them!
With Cathy in his arms, he was like a seal, cutting through the waves, passing the Aili sisters and rushing into the deep sea.

Cathy sat there and kept shouting:

"Oh my god! Come on, Aili'er, hurry up!"

The Aili sisters lost their temper, and the two waited there. When he returned, they rushed up and pulled, trying to pull Cathy down. Zhang Kaiwu laughed and lifted them up with one arm each.

He swam back with the three of them easily and walked onto the beach, as if he was carrying three dolls.

The new ladies from the ladies' group looked at this incredible scene and cheered for him.

When they saw Zhang Kaiwu, they were so surprised as if they had seen honey, and they all rushed forward to continue crushing him.

Zhang Kaiwu picked up two more girls, and another girl rushed over and hugged his neck. Now he had six girls hanging on him, and he moved with the same ease.

A group of noble young men were so jealous that their eyes were about to burst into flames.

The Duke of York looked at Zhang Kaiwu's popularity with envy and said quietly:

"I'm too old to do that. Thirty years ago, I was in better shape than Zhang. I remember when I had a party, all the ladies drooled over my figure!"

The Duke of Devonshire said sarcastically:

"York! Don't brag about this to others. We have known each other for fifty years. I only remember that you eat a little more than Zhang. You have no other advantages!"

"You can't even carry one girl on your back. You need to rest after walking a few more steps! You can't even dream of carrying six people!"

The Duke of Argyll smiled and said:

"I can prove it! Your physical fitness was not as good as mine back then, and no girl liked your big belly. You have never defeated me."

"I'm the most popular guy at the party, but unfortunately I don't have much hair left now!"

The Duke of York took another sip from his beer mug and said with a smile:

"You guys are just kidding! I didn't expect that drinking beer and sunbathing on this beach would be so nice!"

"These guys really have no fighting spirit. If it were me, I would go up and get jealous."

The Duke of Argyll said politely:

"Dear old buddy! You may not know how powerful Zhang is. Even if those guys attack him together, they are no match for him!"

"I've seen him boxing under the oak tree in your house. The tree was so big that you couldn't hug it with one foot, and the oak fruits kept falling down. He was simply inhuman!"

Although I saw the old friends chatting and laughing happily, I felt really uncomfortable in my heart.

What Zhang Kaiwu said just now had a great impact on them!

As the night fell, bonfires were lit on the beach, and the beauty of the stars in the sky was something they could not see in the city of London.

The party on the beach ended very late.

Zhang Kaiwu was in the room with Aili'er and the others practicing the fairy squat, and chatting and laughing with the girls in the ladies' group.

Among them were two beautiful ladies who came to try him out of unwillingness and were beaten by him until they cried loudly.

After a night, two more experience points were gained. It was now very easy to gain experience points for the Su Nu Heart Sutra.

He got up early in the morning and went to the beach to practice farming tricks. No matter how busy he was during this period, he never gave up practicing.

Farm Tricks Boxing and Kicks Level 865: 1000~.

By the time everyone got up and prepared to go for the tour, it was already ten o'clock.

The mining area nearby is not far from the beach, and there is a natural deep-water port two or three kilometers away from the beach.

It can be seen from the black ground here that this used to be a dock for transporting coal, and now it is just being reinforced and expanded.

Countless workers built docks in this deep-water area and dug a deep trench to the mining area in front, preparing to bury the pipeline for transporting crude oil.

There is also a huge but simple salt field under construction next to it. The salt business is very simple.

In the future, when crude oil tankers unload crude oil at this deep-water port, they only need to open the valve and simply release the oil, which will flow from underground into the crude oil reserve base.

A group of people were very satisfied when they saw this movement. This can save a lot of unnecessary steps and is a huge advantage.

The coal mining area was only seven or eight miles away, and a group of people got on the car and arrived in a short while.

This is a previously abandoned coal mining area. A group of people brought those engineers, and their task was only to roughly check the volume of the mine.

This mining area was originally in a cave. Because the coal here is close to the dock, it has been mined for more than a thousand years.

A group of people carrying headlamps and engineers holding various instruments to check the depth, randomly found a mine, and went down to a depth of more than 200 meters.

Some huge primitive mines appeared, and after a brief inspection, their engineers gave an approximate volume.

If it is for storing crude oil, even if it is built from 200 meters underground, storing 3 billion tons of crude oil will be an easy task.


Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Are you interested in going to other places? I heard there are more than ten mines like this one nearby."

"The geological structure of these mines is very stable, basically made of bedrock, and we just spray it with a salt crust."

The Duke of Argyll looked at the huge mine and said with a smile:

"No need! This is different from the mine pit in the soil that I imagined. It's too big here. This one mine pit should be enough. I think it will be difficult for us to fill it up!"

Over 3 billion tons!

A barrel of crude oil is only 42 gallons, 149 liters, which is about 7.4 barrels per ton.

This mine alone can store 20 billion barrels of crude oil! ?

Even though crude oil is currently 70 cents a barrel, the storage capacity is there.

It's an astronomical number to fill it up!
Just to fill it up, even with the current global crude oil production combined, it would take more than ten years to fill it up.

The Duke of York asked quickly:

"Dear Zhang! Can we build an oil refinery here!?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I don't think you need to open an oil refinery. It's meaningless! Our company has opened two large oil refineries in Borneo. Are you going to open an oil refinery to compete with us? You have to know that if crude oil is refined, it will be inconvenient to transport it."

"If you just want to make some money, I actually have a suggestion. You might as well use this crude oil base to set up a company and list it on the stock market, and then sell a small portion of the stock to fill it up."

"Or we could open an oil refinery in London and use the crude oil reserve base for logistical support. Or we could find a bank to cooperate with. You should know that they have many tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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