Chapter 323 Contract Signing
Mr. Noble and his colleagues do not want to seek cooperation with banks because in the field of energy, the market has been solidified and a siege has been formed.

The Duke of Devonshire asked curiously:

"Where are your crude oil reserves? How are you going to manage them in the future?"

Zhang Kaiwu took a look and said calmly:

"I will do it alone in the future. I will not cooperate with other banks. I will not entrust security to others. But I can directly cooperate with my own bank, use the crude oil reserves here as a guarantee, and anchor the currency of the Republic of Borneo."

The eyes of several grand dukes flickered. They really understood the meaning: using the crude oil reserve base to engage in finance.

What Earl Zhang meant was that they should open a crude oil bank themselves, open a branch in London, and collect funds to operate crude oil reserves! ?
Then, together with Zhang Kaiwu’s bank, we will go to the alliance to do crude oil business, buy low and sell high!
Chickens lay eggs, and eggs lay chickens!
Will this have an impact on the development of Great Britain? Will it be targeted by other companies?
Several grand dukes soon figured it out. Now the economy is developing in a market way and we are all running normal companies, so this matter cannot be blamed on us.

The parliament has already kicked me away from the dinner table, so what else do I need to worry about?
Big deal!
Next time when we speculate on crude oil prices, we should be more careful!
It’s hard to say how long it will take to fill up this crude oil reserve base.

They want to withdraw their previous funds, reinvest them in crude oil, and purchase them back, all of which take time.

Those companies are now engaged in mining work, not in reserve bases. The area of ​​reserve bases is still blank!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I still need some engineers to help with the construction, as well as some senior talents. I may need to recruit some from Europe."

"You guys go back, I'll ask my housekeeper to recruit, can you guys help me?"

Several grand dukes agreed with a smile, thinking it was no big deal!
The Duke of Argyll said:
"We'll need your workers to help build our crude oil base, and we'll settle the cost together when the time comes."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"These are all small matters. When I build the crude oil base, I will build it for you as well."

Duke Agaizhan asked doubtfully:
"There are so many empty mines here. You here in the Republic of Borneo are not going to cooperate with Rockefeller's company, are you?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Don't worry! I know what's going on. We are competing with them for jobs. If we let them get involved, I'd better not run this company anymore!"

During this period of economic depression, many engineers and other high-level talents went to the countryside to grow potatoes.

As long as the British Parliament does not block talent, it is the easiest time to recruit talent.

After visiting the mine, the group climbed up again, returned to the manor, took the noble ladies with them, and returned to the port of Jakarta in the middle of the night.

The next morning.

The lawyers on both sides had already negotiated the contract, and Princess Elizabeth and Princess Ning Ping signed the land lease contract.

Looking at the way she and Ning Ping seem, the two of them actually handle their relationship quite well. It could also be because the environment here is too good.

Following the same strategy as Zhang Kaiwu, several grand dukes and Elizabeth's family also chose to open a bank here.

Then they planned to open a branch bank in London. Their main purpose of opening the bank was to facilitate the filling of the crude oil reserve base.


The lunch party on the beach began again, after lunch.

Zhang Kaiwu, Princess Lin Jingli and Princess Ning Ping took them on a tour and sightseeing, and brought Princess Elizabeth with them to visit Bali.

On the deck of the flagship, there was a small table covered with a white tablecloth, a basket of various snacks, and a vase with a bouquet of flowers.

Very ceremonial!

Princess Elizabeth warmly invited him, Princess Ning Ping and Princess Lin Jingli to have afternoon tea. She asked curiously:
"Count Zhang! Yesterday I heard the Duke of York and his friends talk about your views on Great Britain. I think its system is very good. How could you have such a strange idea?!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
These old guys are really good at causing trouble. They can't win a chat with me, so they actually go to ask for help! ?
Zhang Kaiwu looked at her and explained carefully:

"My opinion is not surprising! I'm telling you directly that you may not understand. If you look at your former colony India from a different perspective, you will understand the reasons."

"India completely imitated your national system, but they even made magical reforms. They also imitated Eastern Europe. The first article in their constitution states that they are a socialist country and that religion is not allowed to influence the country. What do you think is their problem?!"

She was very familiar with India, and she came to complain every year. She thought about it carefully and asked:
"Are you trying to talk about caste privileges? Or is it that the power in the temple is too great?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her carefully. Will the story of Great Britain have anything to do with her family in the future?

It would be too hurtful to say this directly, I don’t know what the consequences will be!
He beat around the bush and said seriously:

"Those things are just superficial reasons! Seriously speaking, India is not a centralized country, but more like a federation. The power of each state is still in the hands of the state. For example, in Kerala, my relatives have more power than the Prime Minister of India."

"The United States is the same, but it is a concentration of their states. And at least the rights of the military and taxation can still be guaranteed."

"India and the Republic of Borneo used to be a bit similar. People here in Borneo didn't have the concept of a country before, and the vast majority of people in India don't have it either now!"

"Both places are ancient civilizations with thousands of years of history, so why don't they have the concept of a country? The key is that Indians lack cohesion! That's what Argyle and I talked about as cultural heritage. They don't have that."

"Their culture is full of clever policies to keep the people ignorant, and they mainly rely on theocracy to maintain order."

"For example, now that you are very familiar with the situation in India, their production management data is a dual track. Do you think India is a socialist country like Eastern Europe?"

"You must be joking! No one in the world would think like that. They all treat them as a joke. Many people don't even think they are a country..."

Zhang Kaiwu talked about India for a long time before Elizabeth finally reacted!
This person was talking about herself in a roundabout way! ?
Since everyone is only interested in making money, you can't control the army and taxes, and you are so poor. Is there any meaning for Great Britain? You should know that Great Britain is also a federal system!

She picked up the teacup angrily and thought about his words quietly, trying to find a loophole to refute him.

Princess Lin Jingli and Princess Ning Ping were both fake princesses who changed their careers halfway through their lives. They were completely confused by what they heard and drank tea in silence.

When she looked up, she found that Earl Zhang had already run away and was looking at the sea view at the bow of the ship with Aili'er and the others.

This man is so rude!

After taking a sip of tea, she thought carefully about what he had just said.

Indians have no concept of a country, no sense of national glory! The same was true in the Republic of Borneo!

For example, why did Ireland want to separate from Great Britain? It all came down to money. When there is money and welfare, everything is easy to talk about.

Without money and benefits, naturally there are a lot of complaints.

In fact, they don’t have the concept of a country, they just follow along to get some benefits!
Although she was embarrassed, she chatted enthusiastically with Princess Lin Jingli and Princess Ning Ping, asking Princess Ning Ping about their family experiences.

The beautiful mother-in-law chatted with Elizabeth in a casual manner, while Princess Lin Jingli talked about her prospects for Malaysia, stammering out her thoughts.

It's not that they are impolite, the key is that those background things are just memorized, and they need to improvise on the spot. If they are asked about the details, they have to polish them by themselves.


After almost a day and a night of slow sailing, we arrived at the beautiful Bali Island early the next morning.

This island from afar has captured everyone's heart. It is recognized as the most beautiful island in the world.

It is about 5,600 square kilometers, with the terrain being high in the east and low in the west. It is called by many names: "Island of Paradise", "Devil's Island", "Island of Gods", "Island of Flowers", "Beautiful Island", "Magic Island", "Romantic Island"...

It is also the tropical rainforest season. April every year is the hottest time of the rainy season, and it is still a bit hot in early March.

During the rainy season in Bali, flowers are blooming everywhere, and the gentle and clear sea water makes it a dreamlike place. Before you even get to the island, you'll be stunned.

People who come here for the first time have no resistance at all and are immediately captivated by the beautiful scenery.

Wang Yongfu's mercenary team had already taken over this place, and the battle line had been heading all the way to New Guinea. A group of people got off the ship and got on the bus to check in at the Ubud Palace Hotel. The scenery was so beautiful that a group of people sitting in the car kept shouting "Oh my god!"
This place only has three floors and sixty large rooms. After an agreement was made, everyone went to choose a room, put their luggage away, and after dinner, they came out to enjoy the cocktail party and dance.

This magnificent hotel is like an ancient palace, and it is also an ancient castle made of large stones. Unlike the lifeless castles in Great Britain, this one is very beautiful, and is made of gold foil paper.

Because the whole place was carpeted, everyone took off their shoes in the lobby downstairs.

Ning Ping, Lin Jingli and Elizabeth stayed in a room next to his to accommodate her. The room was a little crowded because there were so many people coming, more than 200 in total.

Zhang Kaiwu walked into the room arranged for him nearby. Sister Aili and Cathy abandoned their relatives without hesitation and ran in with him under the resentful look of the Duke of Argyll.

This is a large room of more than 280 square meters. It may have been the residence of the royal family a long time ago. It is very spacious.

There were huge carpets all over the place, and no bed at all. He was half an Indian son-in-law, and was an experienced sleeper on carpets, so he immediately understood the purpose of those carpets.

Zhang Kaiwu introduced the sisters to Ailier:

"Here is the bathroom, here is the bed, here is the living room, here is the dressing table, here is the servant's room..."

Then he saw some strange clothes and a bunch of masks in the closet and said:
"I don't know this!"

Several Indian maids nearby hurriedly introduced:

"This is for the masked ball. There will be a cocktail party and dance after dinner every day. After seven o'clock in the evening, it's time for everyone's masked ball."

"Those in white robes are staff members, and those in black robes are guests. After seven o'clock is the time of Apat, the God of Fraud. You are not allowed to speak with your real voice at the party. You have to imitate others and are not allowed to tell the truth."

"When the clock strikes twelve, the dance is over and the girls should go back to their rooms first."

Cathy had just put away her luggage and looked around the room. She then leaned over to the window to look at the scenery with Aili and her sister and took pictures with her camera.

Tropical rainforest climate, here is a special weather forecast that everyone can make.

When the air starts to feel stuffy, it is going to rain, and then the sky will clear up after a while.

It can snow seven or eight times a day, and the air seems like it's going to rain at any time.

The maids' introduction to the ball was so interesting. I just finished listening to it.

The girls looked at the weather and estimated that it was already four or five o'clock, so they immediately washed up and changed into props for the masked ball.

The women's clothes are a black short sarong, which is very comfortable and breathable to wear.

Several people pulled Zhang Kaiwu to wash and changed him into a men's skirt.

There are all kinds of masks, all kinds of weird ones, too many to count.

Maybe they are divided according to the ethnic groups here. The masks only reveal the eyes and mouth. Several people put on masks.

Cathy chose a cowhide devil mask for him, with a small goat horn on his head, which matched his figure and looked really powerful.

Ailier couldn't wait to say to the maids:
"Hurry up and bring us dinner. I can't wait to attend Apat's dance!"


About an hour later, everyone finished dinner, prepared their masks and costumes, and came to the square downstairs one after another.

They were all covered tightly with masks, wearing various masks and laughing barefoot.

They all wore masks and each held a glass of beer or a cup of tea, sitting there watching various singing and dancing performances.

There is so much traditional culture here, and the songs, dances and music of each place are guaranteed to be unique.

The performance was over in about an hour, and then it was time for a private dance.

Everyone started to dance enthusiastically. The dance was very casual, and with the masks covering themselves, everyone was very open.

Because except for those who come from the same room and hold hands, it is basically impossible to tell who is who.

After hanging around in the venue for a while and dancing in a group, it was getting late and a little dark. After turning around a few times, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Even though many oil lamps were lit around the square, those small features could not be seen!

Of course, it is still possible to distinguish between people who are too familiar with each other.

For example, several grand dukes looked at everyone dimly. Except for some maids in white robes, all the other guests in black robes moved away from them one by one.

The three of them had big bellies and were recognized immediately, so no one wanted to bother with them.

The Duke of York held a glass of beer, rubbed his stomach, looked at the other two and said:
"This is discrimination against us, I swear! I want to lose weight."

Argyle looked at the scar on his arm and said speechlessly:
"I suggest that this dress needs to be more concealed, and this arm should be covered! What if someone takes a picture and accuses me of being the Duke of Argyll?!"

The other Grand Duke, seeing him so aggrieved, imitated Argyll's voice and shouted:

"Cathy! Where are you? Why don't you dance with poor grandpa!"

Seeing how pitiful they looked, a tall girl in a black robe came up and wanted to dance with him.

Argyle, who was standing next to him, stretched out his arms proudly and said:
"Dear Cathy! You are wrong, I am Argyle! I am your grandfather!"

The girl smiled and said in a false voice, imitating Argyle's voice:
"Nonsense! The Duke of Argyle's belly is not big, but yours is so big. Of course I know you are the fake Mr. Argyle! But! I am not the real Miss Cathy either!"

"I am the real Duke of Argyll. If you cheat again, I will beat you up!"

Argyle stared at the girl in black robe in amazement. Now he was really unsure whether she was Cathy. He spread his hands helplessly and shrugged:


There was a burst of laughter all around!

The girls in black robes all ran away.

A few old guys also completely gave up. They smiled and began to dance and play enthusiastically with the white-robed girls around them.

The Duke of York danced and said sadly:

"This rule needs to be changed. Everyone has to wear black robes. This is unfair! It makes us old guys lose confidence."

The girl who was dancing with him said to him in a hurry to comfort him:

"Okay! We will change into black robes tomorrow. This is also for the convenience of serving customers."

"But if you change into black robes, the service may not be as good."


Those who were tired of dancing ran to the beach nearby to play.

The stars are shining brightly outside and the scenery is pleasant.

Princess Lin Jingli easily followed Zhang Kaiwu with her two guests and watched him go to a remote corner of the beach, find a lounge chair and rest with a few girls.

He was teaching a few girls there how to drink, and they drank it in one gulp with deep emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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