Chapter 347 The war is about to break out!
Zhang Kaiwu was also busy studying simple radar facilities. According to current power calculations, shipborne radars could already explore a range of fifty kilometers.

Compared with the 30-kilometer range of traditional radar, this is a great improvement.

The missile processing in the company has already achieved mass production. Although it still cannot be used by a single soldier, the weight has been reduced to about 200 kilograms.

Among the shabby aircraft carriers acquired by Kaiwu Company, two aircraft carriers and four battleships have been taken out and undergone magical modifications and upgrades.

Even the Kashaqiu launch device was moved onto the aircraft carrier by Zhang Kaiwu. It was a large and densely packed area. This thing is cheap and can fire far.

Although it is not accurate now, the error is only a few hundred meters within a range of forty to fifty kilometers, which is considered acceptable.

The cost of Kashaqiu is slightly higher than that of ordinary artillery shells, but much cheaper than missiles. You just need to launch more of them. It is very cost-effective!
Changes include adding radar, new sonar equipment, changing the flight deck, and strengthening the hull.

Because there were no suitable fighter pilots and no need for fighter jets, Zhang Kaiwu simply gave up on carrier-based aircraft.

That requires a fighter pilot to spend a lot of time training, and he himself is not that skilled a pilot.

These two huge aircraft carriers, apart from carrying ten armed helicopters each, do not even have a single fighter jet.

Except for two anti-submarine helicopters, the others are missile-launching helicopters for self-defense. In case of danger, they can take the initiative to meet the enemy's fighter jets or tanks.

The two sides of the aircraft carrier are loaded with a large number of missile launchers and anti-ship missile launchers.

Eight torpedo launchers.

Time was running out, so apart from the two aircraft carriers, they could only convert two battleship patrol boats for escort. In order to increase the displacement, they loaded missile launchers and torpedo launchers, and even the main guns on them were removed.

The battleships and aircraft carriers only had a small 130mm cannon left, with mechanically assisted ammunition loading and a firing rate of barely ten rounds per minute.

The others have been replaced by anti-ship missiles, anti-tank missiles, and surface-to-air missiles.

Although it seems that its firepower is a little weak, it can shoot accurately and far. After reducing a lot of weight, it can run very fast!

The missiles have been tested repeatedly, and even mechanized targets within a dozen kilometers are basically doomed as long as they are locked by the radars on aircraft carriers and battleships.

The reason why missiles cannot be miniaturized is that the identification system is still a bit large. Now it relies on the thermal tracking system after the missile is launched.

The reason why the missile cannot hit far is simply the improvement of the propellant, which needs to be further upgraded.

Today’s missile technology is still relatively crude, like a two-kick.

It can only start changing direction and tracking after it is launched and flies for a certain distance.

The design of aircraft carriers and battleships is sufficient even without main guns!

The purpose of this battle group is not to bomb enemy cities or provide fire support, but just to fight the fleet.

Zhang Kaiwu's design abandoned those main guns weighing tens or hundreds of tons, and those shells weighing more than one ton each.

Today's fighter jets fly very slowly, at a speed of no more than 600 kilometers per hour, and they have no radar facilities or anti-reconnaissance stealth systems.

There are no decoy bombs or electronic warfare jammers, so the pilots can only rely on their eyes. Even after they die, they won’t know where the attack came from.

With the help of a large number of engineers from the shipping company, Zhang Kaiwu repaired and modified the two aircraft carriers. Now there are a lot of various radars on the aircraft carriers and battleships.

There is no way!
The radar locking technology is not up to standard. One radar can only lock on one target, and each launch system requires a radar support.


Others are now hungry, and those who want to have a full meal are trying to kill him.

He is also full of anger and wants to kill others!
Wang Yongfu and his men also began to deploy missile air defenses everywhere, and coordinated with secret positions and radar stations in various places to defend the Republic of Borneo tightly.

The entire Republic of Borneo has really entered into wartime preparations. If Senior Zhang wants to do this, Wang Yongfu and the others have no choice.

Even inside the villa, several large underground fortresses were dug to serve as defense against air raids.

Because Zhang Kaiwu did not move and insisted on living in the villa at the port of Jakarta, he went to study missiles every day and did not take it to heart at all.

If you want to enter the inland sea of ​​Borneo to attack his villa area, it would be impossible without hundreds of fighter jets.

War is imminent!

Half a month later, everyone pretended to be ignorant even though they knew the truth and just watched the fun.

The Republic of Borneo has been in conflict with the United States and with Japan.

Under the strange observation of the outside world.

Princess Lin Jingli of Malaysia announced that she demanded that Japan compensate for the losses as soon as possible, otherwise she would attack Tokyo immediately.

She wants revenge!

Japan was out of character and didn't reply to any messages. She kept silent. She didn't even mention paying back the money, hoping that they would call her right away.

The United States did not intervene, and on the surface it was quietly watching the battle. In fact, it had already repainted some of its aircraft and ships, planning to give Zhang Kaiwu a ruthless hand in Japan to maintain its hegemony in this sea area.

As for openly rushing into the Strait of Malacca to retaliate, the United States will not do this as it would give people too much reason to criticize.

Princess Lin Jingli doesn't have the ability to rush to Japan to seek death! ?

The whole country was starving. There had been no harvest for two whole seasons. They had to import most of their food, and they lacked fuel. Even fishing boats were sunk, and social order began to collapse.

When the fist doesn't hit your body, no one feels the pain in the bones, and anyone can act like a saint by complaining.

If the war had not come upon them, they would not have shed tears and reflected on their sins.

When you are not hungry, anyone can tell a joke, but when you are really hungry, some people will do anything shameless to get food.


The Eastern European commissioners saw their opportunity and sent a large amount of ammunition, and vowed that they would guard the north and that no ship would be able to pass through the Pacific to aid Japan.

This is all nonsense. The wind is high and the waves are huge. There are icebergs everywhere and submarines are firing their weapons from behind. You can’t even get over it by yourselves! ?
The only use of the Russians is to shout there every day. This is a private matter between Borneo and Japan. I hope everyone can calm down and not interfere and escalate the situation.


No matter how well prepared the United States and Japan are, it will be useless. All those preparations will be in vain.

Princess Lin Jingli just shouts on the TV news every day that we are about to fight to Tokyo, which is basically just empty talk.

The most infuriating thing is Princess Ning Ping, who calls on everyone to calm down every day, not to think about war all day long, and to value peace.

Otherwise, you should just pay the money to Japan, so as to avoid the interest compounding in the future, which will make it even more difficult to repay the money.

It is already 1 billion US dollars now. If this trend continues, the interest will compound and I don’t know how many times it will multiply.

These two women are loudmouths, constantly provoking others all day long, and it really makes everyone see a lot of excitement on the TV news every day.


The New Year of 1950 passed quietly.

It is now quiet in the Republic of Borneo, but a large number of domestic personnel are still arriving here every day.

Some people got married, worked, and studied, while some joined mercenaries. It seemed that peace had been restored, but in fact they were all training and preparing for war.

People outside thought that the people of Borneo had become scared, but only those who passed by the nearby area knew that the matter was not over yet.

The Strait of Malacca is still strictly blocked for the Japanese transportation of materials. In the entire Strait of Malacca, it doesn't matter who owns the food and fuel materials. Whoever dares to transport them will have their ships detained. The ships of the United States are no exception. Since everyone has fallen out, any ship transporting food and energy will be detained.

The Republic of Borneo threatens the entire Southeast Asia region. No one dares to transport food out, and the entire Japanese people are starving this winter.

This winter, people are short of food and clothing. Food is more expensive than gold, and it feels particularly cold.

Due to the lack of fuel and the fires set by mercenaries in previous months, almost all the trees in Japan were cut down.

Although the situation was imminent and the war was imminent, it took two months to stabilize. Everyone understood that Japan had really lost this time, and had lost miserably.

The Republic of Borneo burned the food in the fields, blocked the transportation routes in the Strait of Malacca, and deterred the surrounding areas from allowing the transportation of food.

The war in the Strait of Malacca may not seem that tragic, but after a cold winter, if normal energy and food transportation cannot be restored in the spring, Japan will basically declare its demise.

The food on the black market is more expensive than gold, and many soldiers from the United States have become rich by secretly selling their rations.

In the midst of hunger and cold, the famished people could still maintain order under gunpoint during the day, but every night when it got dark, order began to break down.

The primary school student milk plan has long been aborted. Now the primary school students are almost starving to death, and the cows have long been slaughtered.

All birth control plans are ruined, as the per capita food supply is less than 10 percent of the minimum requirement.

I'm almost starving to death, and you're still thinking about having a baby! ?
Plus the millions of war criminals who returned to China before, they are used to burning, killing, looting, how can they settle down! ?

As soon as night fell, the entire country fell into the same situation as African countries, with burning, killing, looting, and plundering everywhere in an attempt to keep themselves and their families alive.

In countless poor families, even their houses were demolished and used for burning firewood for heating.

It was simply a dream to think that the little food could be distributed fairly.

The so-called human civilization, propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame are worthless in the face of hunger.

The territory of the country of Japan has become a ghost town at night. When people wake up, countless people will disappear.

The first to die are the elderly, women, and children. Hungry stomachs kill people much faster than war.

Japan's population has dropped by more than 10 million and is about to reach 20 million, which is more than the number of people who died in the entire World War II.

If you want to transport food into the sea areas around the north in winter, it would be too dangerous to go through the Pacific Ocean even if no one is in charge.

If you want to transport goods by ship, you must pass through the Strait of Malacca.

What's more, there is an old Russian in the north who is eyeing Japan's transportation and serves as a second line of defense.

If anyone dares to walk in the Pacific Ocean, the Russians will send submarines to shoot them.

Because even though they are from the United States, they still dare to shoot the Russians. The Pacific Ocean is not peaceful. It is the most dangerous place in the world.

Don't be fooled by the fact that they seem to be carefree in their dealings with others. In fact, they are the most hypocritical and they are not very good at hiding it.

Japan's food supply was really in a desperate situation. No matter how difficult the World War II was, food was still transported in, and so many things were looted.

The Beautiful Country secretly approached neighboring Southeast Asian countries, hoping that they could provide support or sell some food. Unfortunately, the fighting was intense near the Yalu River, and other places did not dare to make the money!

First, they are afraid that the matter will be exposed and people will criticize them. If they really provide aid, the country will probably rebel!

The second reason is the fear of being dragged into the war. If Borneo is attacked, it will be in vain because no one will help.

Third, to be honest, it feels great to see the Japanese starving.

Even your country doesn't dare to prepare food in a big way, so who among those small countries dares to send food in the face of the world's disapproval? ?

But everyone was busy, sending telegrams of encouragement to Japan everywhere, urging people to tighten their belts, as winter would be over in more than a month.

Spring is coming soon, and then you can go to the foot of Mount Fuji to pick wild vegetables!
The temperature there is high and wild vegetables grow fast!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Although the United States did not take direct action, it began to condemn Princess Ning Ping from time to time, saying that her interference in the grain trade in the Strait of Malacca was a violation of humanitarianism.

I guess if the Yalu River battlefield hadn't dragged on and the United States really didn't want to fight on two fronts, it would have really started to make some small moves.

Am I sending food to my enemies? Are you used to double standards?
Zhang Kaiwu had to hold back his anger and work on the production, directing Lin Jingli and his mother-in-law to fight against public opinion, and discussing with a group of people every day how to make news.

The good news is that Japan suffered heavy casualties, and the energy value is increasing every day, with more than a hundred energy points arriving every day.

Maybe the bad guys haven’t died yet!

The current missile production is low, and they need to be deployed in various locations. It’s not that the things we produce ourselves are expensive, the key is the production problem of electronic components.

He cannot fight a war without preparation. After this missile technology is exposed in a war, everyone will focus on it.

If he wanted to hit others hard at once, he could only wait until the missile production increased and keep it secret.

Now we have an absolute advantage. Every day we delay is a day. As long as the strategic goal is achieved, that's enough.

While waiting quietly, the first American brother to express his opinion soon appeared. Australia issued a statement that Japan was severely affected by the disaster. For humanitarian reasons, they were ready to transport food and coal to Japan.

This is not uncommon. Zhang Kaiwu has been waiting for this day for a long time. It seems that the United States has promised them some benefits and dragged them into this.

Australia has been playing tricks to show its loyalty to the United States. Not only Zhang Kaiwu knows this, but the whole of Great Britain and the whole world know this.

What they didn't know was that ever since Zhang Kaiwu came to Borneo, he had begun preparations for Australia, which was the focus.

They were causing trouble and engaging in the Princess Movement in Borneo, and had long been targeted by Zhang Kaiwu.

They are just like the Dutch, they have no idea at all, how many people are there in your group! ?

Under the command of Zhang Kaiwu, Princess Lin Jingli immediately issued a war declaration, saying that the Australians were a group of traitors who had forgotten the shame of World War II, and were helping the enemies who killed their fathers and whitewashing the invaders.

They betrayed Great Britain in their early years and were originally a group of prisoners with no morality.

The Republic of Borneo and the Malay region must unite and add evil Australia to the target of attack for the sake of world peace.

And the land of Australia is occupied by the original Australian aborigines. More than 10 million aborigines are about to be killed by you. You are a colonial robber, and you still talk about humanitarianism hypocritically.

The local indigenous people are not allowed to go to school, or even be named, or build houses, or work. What are you trying to do here!?

What about democracy and freedom?
At least we didn't kill people indiscriminately or commit genocide. What qualifications do you have to say that about us, the Republic of Borneo! ?
And people in the United States, you advocate freedom all the time, but you massacred tens of millions of Indians. Have you forgotten all that?

How did your Thanksgiving come about? Have you forgotten too?
You hold a festival to express gratitude to the Indians for taking you in, and then the next moment you kill them all?
There’s a lot of noise in the news every day, with everyone exposing each other’s secrets!
This is where the Republic of Borneo is the happiest, it's against everything!

Australia's rebuttal was quick, and it immediately said that the things Princess Lin Jingli accused were all things that happened in the past and were due to historical reasons.

We did not do those things, they were misunderstandings in the early years. In recent years, Australia has been committed to protecting human culture and repairing the damage caused by previous wars.

We are all humane and civilized people!
Now the Australian aborigines don't have to work at all, and we can still guarantee their happy life. Our government still feeds them, arranges their lives, and often visits them for medical treatment.

For example, we have an indigenous painter here whose paintings can even be seen at auction in London.

It's not like your place, where you don't care about democracy and freedom at all, oppress the indigenous population everywhere, and capture people to do labor to build infrastructure.

Amidst the verbal war and various interviews on TV, Zhang Kaiwu directed Wang Yongfu and others to take action!

(End of this chapter)

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