Chapter 348 Reversal
You want to talk about humanistic care now! ?

Wang Yongfu and his team, who had been preparing for this for a year, immediately arranged for a large number of Aboriginal refugees to go to Australia. Using the company's large number of ships, they hauled more than 500,000 Aboriginal people over in one go.

Several missiles from the fleet destroyed the first wave of patrol planes, providing cover for the transport of the indigenous people as they landed in Australia across a strait.

The company's ships immediately turned around and pulled the second and third batches of indigenous people across the sea. In one day, they pulled three batches of indigenous people across the sea, and in one go, more than one million people were pulled across the sea and landed.

And people were spreading the word throughout New Guinea about the good living conditions in Australia.

The Australian government said that the indigenous people don't have to work when they go there, there is food everywhere and they can eat as much as they want, and there is meat everywhere. The government emphasizes humanistic care and has started to distribute money and houses.

At the same time, Wang Yongfu's army began to sweep across New Guinea. Staying here would be a dead end, so everyone might as well go to Australia to enjoy a better life.

Stick and carrot!

Wang Yongfu drove all New Guineans to immigrate. The impatient natives, fearing they would lose their lives if they could not get on the ship, had already begun preparing rafts to cross Australia.

Between New Guinea and Australia, countless indigenous people rushed to new lives.

Before the food and fuel aid to Japan began to be transported and loaded onto ships and transported to the Yalu River, Australia discovered something was wrong.

Several patrol planes at the border inexplicably lost contact, the few Coast Guard ships also lost contact, and the cargo ships disappeared.

The domestic telephone lines were cut off, and the few people who had just been organized were dispersed. There was also a group of Wang Yongfu and his forces mixed in with the indigenous people.

Along the border strait of New Guinea, large numbers of indigenous people poured into Australia, half a million, one million, and the number increased exponentially.

The small city of Normanton was buried by the indigenous people in one round, and the black and brown torrent destroyed everything in half a day.

The population was so large that the city could no longer accommodate it and it began to spread out in all directions.

Many of the refugees were armed thugs, armed with ancestral bows and spears.

In the endless black torrent, it would be easy to just drop your weapons and run away.

Those who took up weapons and tried to resist were immediately killed, some were shot by snipers, and some were killed silently by poison arrows.

After a few small battles, more guns and ammunition were available, and the Aboriginals also found that the Australian army was vulnerable. The Aboriginals broke through the cities of Normanton, Darwin, and Cloncurry.

The indigenous people, who were accustomed to burning, killing and looting, completely let go and spread across Australia.

On the first day, they abandoned three cities without making any splash.

As they watched in amazement, one city after another was broken up, weapons and equipment had no chance to be distributed, and the defensive positions were completely useless as they were looted by the refugees.

They have a population of less than five million, and their permanent troops number only a few hundred thousand, scattered across the country.

The main force is still beside the Yalu River, supporting the alliance's work.

Due to the vast area and sparse population, many people did not even know that the war had broken out.

By the time the Australian government was finally organized, their army was reduced to only a few tens of thousands of people, and the refugee Aboriginals had already occupied more than half of the land.

The indigenous population has increased to more than 10 million and is still increasing, and will soon reach more than 20 million.

Although their fighting ability is not good, they don't have any tactics.

Millions of indigenous troops, armed with bows and arrows and a few guns, defeated the Australian government, and all the leading officials fled.

Moreover, these refugees turned the tables, raised slogans for the return of ancestral land, freedom, independence and revenge, and began to beat, rob and kill indiscriminately.

Aboriginal people kept arriving on the coastline, like a black flood rushing into Australia.

Under the leadership of caring people, the indigenous people learned to unite and rushed forward at great speed, and the Australian government was simply unable to organize a team.

The only remaining airport in Melbourne was packed with people, with countless Australian citizens waiting to escape.

Those without money can’t even enter the airport.

Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter this winter and is now recuperating at home. She received a telegram saying that her relatives in Australia wanted to seek refuge. She thought about it for a while and refused without hesitation.

Damn it!

When you betrayed our family, you were quicker and more heartless than anyone else. Now that you can't make it, we are relatives again! ?

We don't have any extra estates to support you, so go wherever you want and don't talk to me about relatives!
Otherwise, how can I face those real relatives who have shared life and death with me? That would chill their hearts.


Those Australians who have no money don’t have enough planes to escape, so they can only rely on ships to go out to sea.

Within a few days, flights from Great Britain to Australia were cancelled due to security issues, and the last airport had been occupied by Aboriginal people.

New Zealand, a country that has basically no voice in the world, has now become the first choice for Australians to escape.

New Zealand immediately organized troops to guard the coastline and prevent Australians from entering New Zealand.

It was really impossible to prevent them, so they began to send them to refugee camps for settlement.

The relationship between our two families is very good, but with so many of you coming, what will we do about the security issues in New Zealand in the future? ?

They also have to be on guard against the indigenous people, what if they come running over! ?

New Zealand had less than 6,000 troops in total, most of whom had gone to the 38th parallel. It was already in danger and was desperately trying to contact Great Britain for help.


Australia has issued a cry for help to the world, hoping to get everyone's support and take back its own territory.

However, those government officials had advantages and had already fled by plane.

Although their troops on the Yalu River only had 3,000 logistics personnel, two supply ships and two frigates, they were also rushing back to the country and heading to New Zealand.

Even though my hometown has been destroyed, I still care about other people's affairs and provide them with supplies! ?
New Zealand is also shouting and reporting on the news everywhere. You are having conflicts and want to go to war, but these things have nothing to do with us!
We now need rescue, tents, food, weapons and equipment, and transportation to send these Australian refugees away.

The hypocritical organizations of the United Nations have also shut up. If they were to go to civilized society and talk nonsense, they would interview the Europeans who were holding demonstrations and support humanitarian organizations. They are all fearless.


Just forget it when facing those real thugs!

If someone really dares to kill someone, I will hold you responsible!

The images on the TV station of the Republic of Borneo are so shocking!
In the Republic of Borneo, the only country nearby that can provide rescue, the television stations advertise every day that the Australian government is an excellent government organization.

Speaking of humanitarian care, the treatment of the indigenous people was impeccable. After understanding the mistakes of their ancestors, they ceded all the state land in one go and returned it all to the indigenous people.

The TV programs in the Republic of Borneo were at their best, with helicopter shots showing the half-naked natives running around the mountains and fields chasing the white people, ready to be cooked.

They charged head-on under machine gun fire and did not rest at night, launching surprise attacks and shooting poison arrows!

More than 20 million Aboriginal people entered Australia, and the cities were full of Aboriginal people holding bows, arrows and spears.

They occupied all the buildings, roasted Australian kangaroos in the library, and urinated and defecated on the streets.

There are also fires caused by accidental barbecues all over the country, and cannibals are dancing.

There are many indescribable scenes that shocked everyone...

The indigenous people who entered Australia were suddenly divided into more than a dozen countries, with one country within each city.

There are more than a thousand kings, and every village has its own king, and everyone is calling for independence.

Things turned out to be like this. The brutality and bloodiness of these indigenous people shocked the whole world, and the whole world was in an uproar!
The arrogant Australian government is currently conducting peacekeeping operations with the United States on the Yalu River, and is also trying to provide food support to Japan.

Such a big country, but it didn't even have a decent resistance. It was defeated by the indigenous people's human wave tactics in less than two weeks! ?
Under the army of more than 20 million indigenous people, Australia's population of about 4 million did not escape 500,000. Except for a small city with a majority of Chinese, the remaining tens of thousands of people were still resisting with the help of the Republic of Borneo, and all other places fell.

In the Republic of Borneo, people also raised the banner of supporting their compatriots and achieving a new social order.

So the battle between the Republic of Borneo and Japan has not even started yet, but Australia, which was supposed to provide food support, has been destroyed! ?

The vast majority of the population was in dire straits. The black torrent that bounced around on TV and Australia’s colonization over the years were flattened in an instant.

The life and death of millions of people have become unknown.

Although everyone knows that the Republic of Borneo is definitely involved, no one expected Australia to be so vulnerable.

A lot of indigenous people did die, at least several million, but they still have more than 10 million, almost 20 million!

The world fell silent!
Everyone knows that the trouble is serious. It is basically impossible to take back this isolated island continent overseas.

It seems simple to launch a landing operation to deal with those tens of millions of indigenous people, but it is actually impossible.

This would only be possible with the assistance of the Republic of Borneo, otherwise there would not be such a long supply line.

But now the Republic of Borneo and the United States have fallen out, and they are exchanging verbal attacks on TV every day. The war is about to break out. Is this possible?!

New Zealand is also in a big fuss, and now it is counting on the Republic of Borneo to save it! ?
Can those small islands in the South Pacific still support the next supply?

Which ship would dare to go in that direction? It would be strange if they didn't take action secretly.

Plus the more than 20 million indigenous people, what can we do even if they fight back? Reorganize immigrants to live there! ?
At least send 500,000 regular troops to Australia to carry out another colonial bloodbath and kill all the indigenous people! ?
This is just bullshit, right?

Who wants their family members to immigrate, and who is willing to pay for it?

Even those Australians who have fled, are they willing to immigrate back? Besides, it is inhumane to kill the indigenous people, so who would be willing to do this?

It’s a distance of tens of thousands of nautical miles!


The world was silent and no one came out to support.

New Zealand, which is next to it, has now become a real overseas island, like an ant on the hot pan, running around in circles.

Their government immediately changed its tune, agreeing to accept the rule of Great Britain, restore previous diplomatic relations, and continue to exist as a province.

I hope Great Britain will come to rescue New Zealand as soon as possible. Don't forget that we are all citizens of Great Britain and have the same blood.

The British Parliament ignored it, as if they had never heard the news.

It was just a casual discussion and there will be no future.

This is not like the Age of Discovery when you didn't need money to do anything. Now you have to pay for anything you do, and Great Britain has no money.

Even if we want to evacuate overseas Chinese, we still need the support of the Republic of Borneo before we can open the flight.

The situation is serious!
The wealthy people in New Zealand think more and have already started to flee to Great Britain or the United States as long as the flights are still running.

And even if they want to escape by plane, they have to ask the Republic of Borneo to open its airport, otherwise the plane will have no place to refuel.

New Zealand is so far away from civilized society!

Although the relationship between them is good now, if there is a quarrel or conflict between the Republic of Borneo and Great Britain one day, they will be killed without a burial place.

The peacekeeping forces near the Yalu River have now ceased hostilities, having started ceasefire negotiations more than a year in advance.

Still knitting! ?

The entire UN force has no supply lines. If the fighting continues, they will be in the same situation as Japan, with no food to eat.

In the maintenance force, one country was destroyed all of a sudden, and another country is also in danger. Who else is left to maintain peace?! ?
The British troops were already eager to move, and they couldn't wait to abandon their weapons and run away.

Among them are the small Karamis from Thailand and Myanmar, and everyone is even more worried. What everyone wants to do most now is to go back to their own homes and find their own mothers.


Zhang Kaiwu gave Wang Yongfu an order to send an aircraft carrier and a battleship to bypass the New Guinea Province and sink the entire supply fleet returning from Australia.

Just treat it as a combat practice to try out how powerful a battleship equipped with missiles is. Last time we only secretly shot down a few planes, and we couldn't see the overall effect.

Immediately begin the work of reclaiming Australia's industries, starting from where the Aboriginals landed.

The cities were recovered one by one, and those people were slowly pushed towards the South Pole, separated from the Republic of Borneo.

We should follow the approach of the Republic of Borneo, fighting while developing infrastructure and continuing to recruit people from the country by immigration. We need a large population now.

We don't want to make the indigenous people helpless and forcing them to run back to New Guinea, creating chaos.

Wang Yongfu also made a rare suggestion, saying:

"Senior Zhang! There are no other issues with recruiting personnel. Should we recruit some female mercenaries from China? If things continue like this, the ratio of men to women in China will become seriously unbalanced!"

"Women are sometimes useful and can do many things! Our women are also obedient and no worse than those Indian girls. Our girls can even fight in wars!"

Seeing Wang Yongfu still talking about the advantages of domestic women, he blushed and wanted to list the advantages of women.

It’s really hard for him!

Zhang Kaiwu asked, smoking a cigarette:
"I have actually thought about these issues, but have you considered the marriage system here? Will they be able to accept it when they come?"

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"Let those women think about marriage on their own. If it doesn't work out, let them return to their country to get married later!"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at him and smiled, this is all nonsense!
Those women came all the way here in Borneo, and maybe they have to go to Australia, so how are they going to get back later?

The living standard here is very different from that in China. It is difficult for people who don’t have that passion or are a little vain to go back.

It’s not that he doesn’t allow it, the key is that the distance is far and the airfare is very expensive!
There are also the problems of children and wives in life. Of those who really joined the mercenaries, how many of them want to go back now! ?

There are quite a lot of mercenaries who ask shipping companies to pick up their families.

Life here cannot be said to have entered a well-off society, but it has entered a society of food and clothing. Chicken, duck, fish and meat are not scarce, and bicycles have become popular.

The five members of a wealthy mercenary family all received wages, and the various cars, motorcycles, and televisions produced here in Borneo also gradually became popular.

It is not uncommon for families to buy cars privately in the company.

Wang Yongfu's suggestion today was probably made by someone. As a mercenary, he is busy every day and has no idea about such deep-seated population problems.

A region in Australia now needs at least five or six million immigrants, or more than ten million.

Some people start from a deeper level, and some people want the population of the Republic of Borneo to be purer. At least it should be mainly Chinese, and not end up with a population of mixed race.

Zhang Kaiwu didn't care. After this battle with the United States, the overall situation would be settled. Now that things have come to this, they can do whatever they want.

He devoted himself to the factory, studying missile technology and production, hoping to win the war to establish his country.

After one winter, the energy value increased by more than 10,000, which made him completely stupid.

Could it be that if more bad people die, more good deeds will be rewarded! ?
Is it possible that he saved those teachers Aoi and Jing! ?
Wang Yongfu was assigned more than 500,000 new Australian mercenaries to slowly recover the area, and the remaining one million mercenaries would defend Borneo.

Among them, the elite large force returned to defend the Malacca Strait, guard the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, as well as the Philippines.

Everyone understood that the negotiations near the Yalu River were completed and the war here was about to begin.

At this extremely tense moment, when ammunition support was most needed, the old Russians in Eastern Europe, as expected, ran into an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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