Chapter 349 Preparation
The old Russians who had been clamoring for support for the Republic of Borneo no longer asked for support in the form of ammunition or aircraft. Those who had been trying to win over the people no longer wanted to win over the people.

The Republic of Borneo is about to become stronger, but they are habitually falling behind!

Wang Yongfu and his group of people once again witnessed how powerful Senior Zhang was, and described the moral character of these old Russians exactly!

Apart from stirring up trouble, he really has no sense of responsibility.

Fortunately, Senior Zhang had already arranged the production work, such as food and ammunition, so the Republic of Borneo now has everything.

Relying on the wealth of the Republic of Borneo, these things are not a problem. No matter how long the war lasts, there is no need to worry about having no food to eat.

After all, the land can be harvested three times a year at least!


A few days later!

Governor Serra also came to Jakarta with his fleet and found Zhang Kaiwu and said:
"Count Zhang! I may have to go back to my country soon, probably next month. The domestic parliament has decided to abandon Malaysia and allow Princess Lin Jingli to become independent. You have to be careful!"

After so much verbal battle, everyone knows that for the sake of its own national security, the next step for the United States is to go to war with the Republic of Borneo.

This group of people in the British Parliament try to please both sides and offend no one!
And they also got benefits. Most of the rich people in Australia ran to Great Britain.

Zhang Kaiwu handed over a cigar, lit it, and said with a smile:
"I understand! Maybe the United States put pressure on the parliament, and the parliament wants to avoid suspicion. Your 20 million pounds will be reimbursed to you immediately, don't worry!"

"You can withdraw money from any bank. But I suggest you quickly invest in Elizabeth's energy company. They are now building a crude oil reserve base, and the price of crude oil is going to increase soon!"

"I can retire when I come back. These years have been tough. I'd like to come to Jakarta for a vacation!"

Governor Serra breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"Count Zhang! Thank you so much! I noticed that you don't seem to be worried at all. The American air force and fleet are still quite powerful."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You know how strong our defenses are. If America really wants to attack, half of the entire American fleet will be killed. They may not be able to pass the Strait of Malacca from the Indian Ocean."

"Actually, there's no big problem. America's supplies simply can't keep up. They can't transport supplies from the Pacific Ocean, right?!"

"How did Great Britain respond to New Zealand's incident?!"

Governor Serra smiled and said:

"To be honest! All the rich people there have already fled, and now all flights are about to be suspended."

"The rest are just a bunch of poor farmers, but Great Britain still accepted them. After I leave Malaysia, I'll go and help them evacuate the overseas Chinese away from here. I'll need your help with supplies when the time comes."

"You know, they are too far away from the mainland, and no one can guarantee their safety."

New Zealand doesn't care?

Australia doesn’t care either! ?
And those small islands in the South Pacific, they are all ignored! ?

Zhang Kaiwu thought about it and thought that maybe Australia was following the United States. It had never gained any benefits from Great Britain before and might even be full of resentment.

When Australia wanted to make money, it didn't come to me, but went to the beautiful country to flirt with me and clamor for independence. But when I needed help, you came! ?
Even if they were just helping New Zealand evacuate its citizens, it was because it was on the way and they had a good relationship with Earl Zhang, so there was no danger. Otherwise, they probably wouldn't have bothered with New Zealand.

All the rich people have fled, and the British government has no money to make from evacuating its citizens. They can only add a little population. What else can they do?
To do anything, you must get benefits and profits in order to pass the decision of Parliament. This is the biggest shortcoming of the United States and Great Britain.

Whether it is colonization or mining!

No matter whether it is garrisoning or researching, developing and purchasing new weapons!
Even if it is the evacuation of overseas Chinese, it is the same. You cannot do things that don’t make money!
This is how their culture is, Western European-style democracy, everything is aligned with capital and is governed by capital.

Since you have made the decision, you must be responsible for your own actions. Your family affairs have nothing to do with the country.

It is just like the government system structure in Western Europe, with financial disclosures, they help businesses and do things while in office, and corruption is absolutely not allowed while in office.

You are not allowed to take money directly, and the management seems to be very strict, but you can get benefits afterwards if you contribute.

Or find another way to get the benefits.

For example: investing in campaign funds, paying a lot of money to hire their companies to give speeches, and then hiring them again with high salaries after they leave office, and investing in charitable funds, even with tax breaks…

It can also be regarded as a kind of contract spirit!
If companies violate these laws, someone will naturally take care of them and let them know what is sacred and inviolable!

For example, Trump’s daughter set up a charity foundation and earned 700 to 800 million US dollars in four years.

The family business she manages has also grown by billions of dollars, and she makes money no matter what she does!
But Mr. Trump did not take a penny. He is very honest.

As for the United States, will it go to Australia now?

Don't worry!

If the Republic of Borneo doesn't go to Australia, they definitely won't go there either.

Australia and New Zealand only have some agricultural products and copper and iron ore, and the beautiful country has no shortage of these things.

To be honest, even if the land was given to the United States for free, they would not want this place because it is too far away.

The cost of long-distance transportation of supplies is too expensive. If the United States does not make money, it will have to give up these things, not to mention that it will have to fight a chaotic war. I don’t know how much money will be invested.

Australia actually has several high-quality uranium mines, but they have not yet been discovered. They are still lying in the desert and have not been developed at all. They have no strategic value.

The United States and Eastern Europe actually have exactly the same mentality. They both focus on Europe and the Middle East, which are the center of the world. Other places are not important at all.

If you have the chance, just talk and cause some damage. It is not worth it to go out of your way to cause trouble and occupy that place. It costs too much money. Who would be willing to pay for it? ?
They might send people to provide support to the indigenous people, and they might make a lot of empty promises, but they won't take any direct action.

The United States' ambiguous policy towards Australia in the following decades can illustrate these things.

But I’m afraid of but!
But now it is obvious that the Republic of Borneo is going to Australia, and the United States will most likely go to Australia as well, or at least cause some trouble and friction.

Show the style of a great country!

Whether it is the United States or Eastern Europe, they are all people who like to make big promises and cause trouble.

Simply put, if I don’t want it, no one else should want it either!
I don't want to build it, and neither do others. The essence of this is professional destruction.

But there are many people who don't understand, especially those fools in Africa and the Middle East. They have been in chaos for hundreds of years, all for the pie drawn by the United States.

There are smart people among them, but they don’t say anything. They are all smart drivers who make a lot of money and run away.

There are also those spectators who are foolishly lost in themselves and are cheering for fairness on the sidelines.

I was moved by the scenes on the battlefield and by the self-righteous justice.

Some were even moved by the desire to protect a puppy, or for the so-called freedom!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Zhang Kaiwu chatted with Governor Serra for a while and smoked a cigar.

Governor Serra pointed to the map on the wall and reminded with a smile:

"Dear Zhang! I think if there is a real war, the United States will probably attack from Brunei. They can't just attack the artillery batteries at both ends of the Strait of Malacca. They will definitely use the power of airplanes!"

In fact, everyone knows the character of the United States. Maybe after the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Great Britain and the Yalu River negotiations are over, the United States will attack.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It's all possible. Maybe they will launch a two-way or three-way attack during the dry season, or even bring in the Japanese ground forces who have changed their equipment!"

"First, it is still the rainy season and it is not convenient for aircraft to attack. Second, we have to negotiate at the Yalu River and the main force has not yet withdrawn."

"I know their tactics. In this war near the Yalu River, the Japanese sent troops to clear mines."

"Maybe the one coming is MacArthur, the famous general who is famous for his island-hopping wars, because he is the only one in Southeast Asia right now!? Maybe he will try to carry out a decapitation operation first? I am really looking forward to Mr. MacArthur, I wonder what methods he will use!?"

Governor Serra smiled awkwardly. Earl Zhang was a smart partner and really knew everything!
………………It is obvious that things are out of control now. The Republic of Borneo wants to control Australia. Isn’t the United States coming now?

Instead of going to Australia to attack the indigenous people to help Australia, they are eyeing the Republic of Borneo. It seems that they have bad intentions.

He could imagine the plans of the Congress of the United States, and now defeating the Republic of Borneo would kill two birds with one stone.

After defeating the Republic of Borneo, a new puppet government or several puppet governments were established. The Strait of Malacca was opened, Japan's embarrassing situation was resolved, and the country could support the Australian aborigines in pursuing democracy at any time. This was in line with the strategic needs of the United States.

Otherwise, if the small island country of the Republic of Borneo had Australia and had strategic depth in the rear, it would really become a superpower.

The United States is imagining its opponents all day long, fearing that others will attack it and defeat it.

Even Eastern European ones are the same!

Great Britain’s attitude is also very clear. It doesn’t know how things will develop, but it will not get involved in this matter if it doesn’t have money.

Allowing Princess Lin Jingli to become independent is a sign of goodwill from Great Britain, and is also equivalent to betting on both sides.

Very interesting!
Just like Great Britain in the Suez Canal, mixing with France to make profits. If something goes wrong, I will just run away.

I will take all the benefits, but I will never take the risks.

It just so happened that its ally France in the Middle East had the same idea, so the Suez Canal was also lost in the hands of both countries.

These old empires have now really fallen and have become paper tigers!

Zhang Kaiwu and Governor Sera talked about the Kung Fu war scenario for a while, and said everything that needed to be said. He and Wang Yongfu could think of the same things that Governor Sera could think of, only more.

Wang Yongfu and his colleagues even imagined that the United States would attack from Malaysia, or from the direction of India outside the Strait of Malacca, and attack from both inside and outside.

Here we can see Zhang Kaiwu's cleverness. First, he wiped out the unstable people in the Republic of Borneo.

It is really difficult to find a few kings here to establish independence now. Those people are either working together on infrastructure or have gone to Australia to seek independence.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
According to the wisdom of our ancestors, we must first stabilize the country before we can fight against foreign enemies, otherwise it will be dangerous!

Zhang Kaiwu took Governor Serra to lunch at noon and invited him to have a couple of drinks.

After Governor Serra left in the afternoon, he went to Kaiwu Bank to check his accounts. Looking at the 10 million pounds quietly lying in his account, as well as the several million pounds he had earned in the past two years, he couldn't stop smiling.

It’s a bit late for me to get to know Earl Zhang. If I had known him earlier, I don’t know how much money I could have made!

My nephew Anthony has also become rich. Should the two families apply for a title again to regain the family's glory?
First of all!

First, go to London to buy a big villa and hire a dozen maids to make it convenient for the Serra family to hold cocktail parties.

There were many joys and sorrows in the war years. Everyone had his own sufferings and blessings.

There are great dangers, but also great opportunities!
He didn't expect that his luck would turn around and he would be able to retire gracefully so soon. As for the fact that half of Japan's population starved to death this winter, it had nothing to do with him.

Like most people in the world, if we only look at it from a personal level, we think that the best Japanese people are those who starve to death.


It’s almost March!

The weather is not so cold anymore, but the wild vegetables still haven’t grown. I don’t know what the Japanese are eating now! ?
Xue Long stood proudly in the command room of the aircraft carrier, testing the performance of the aircraft carrier and looking at the report in his hand.

Relying on more advanced radar technology than the enemy, they fell behind at a distance of 50 kilometers.

They have already targeted the combined fleet of Australia and New Zealand, two large supply ships, two patrol boats, and a dozen small ships.

There may be two more submarines, but no one knows where they are hidden. Those things are not fast, so maybe the fleet was in a hurry to return and they fell behind.

Their fleet had just returned from the Yalu River battlefield, passed through the Solomon Islands, and traveled thousands of miles to New Zealand to support their homeland.

It sounds very touching, as if they are a group of heroes. But they are now enemies, and have just returned covered in the blood of their compatriots.

According to Senior Zhang's idea, Xue Long and his men were asked to start the fight at night. They were not asked to launch a sneak attack, but to fight head-on so as to find out any problems with the use of weapons.

Last time we tried it at the Australian Strait border, those stupid planes were shot down before we knew what was wrong.

They all hit the target with one shot!
Now Xue Long is filled with emotion when he looks at those fighter jets and tanks, including the warships that ran away in front.

In previous battles, they seemed so powerful and hopeless, but now with their new weapons and equipment, they seem like canned meat.

Xue Long now no longer thinks highly of the T34 tank, saying it is not as good as a tractor.

At 8:30 in the evening, the sky was already dark, and Xue Long's fleet began to accelerate and catch up.

The distance began to narrow to 25 kilometers, reaching the enemy's radar observation distance, and then continued to advance to reach the ship's gun range.

The enemy's radar discovered Xue Long and his group, and the enemy began to send radio waves asking for their identities from the public radio station.

Xue Long ignored it, looked at the radar, and saw the locked icon, and calmly ordered:

"Order! Launch the first anti-ship missile!"

The launch bay opened, and an anti-ship missile weighing more than one ton was fired, heading towards the target.

After flying at a low speed for a while, it corrected its trajectory for the second time halfway and began to accelerate, aiming at the middle section of the large patrol boat and drilling into the seabed of the patrol boat just before hitting the enemy ship.

Amid the violent explosion, the large patrol boat was split into two by the explosion on the seabed and sank straight down.

Before the team on the ship knew what was happening, it sank to the bottom of the icy South Pacific Ocean.

Without a proper defense method, it really never fails!

Xue Long watched as one of the targets on the radar disappeared. He suppressed his excitement and said calmly:

"Give the order! Continue to launch the second anti-ship missile! Prepare the torpedo bay and test fire one!"

In the public channel, the enemy even forgot to change the channel and kept shouting:

"Under unknown attack! Under unknown attack! The Darwin is sinking!"

"An unknown object is approaching quickly, dodge! Get ready to dodge!"

It was of no use. The anti-ship missile slightly adjusted its angle and still drilled into the bottom of the patrol boat and exploded.

This time the ship was hit at the rear, causing the patrol boat to tilt high up and then slowly sink.

In the public channel, the enemy was in chaos, with cries for help everywhere.

Finally, someone noticed the torpedo coming and shouted desperately:

"Torpedo! There are torpedoes approaching on the seabed. Accelerate and turn left! There are enemy torpedoes!"

"No enemy ships or submarines were detected nearby!"

The large supply ship turned in time, but it was of no use because the torpedo also turned.

The large supply ship was accurately hit by a two-ton torpedo and began to sink slowly.

In the distance, another torpedo tracked accurately and hit another large supply ship.

The dozen or so small ships that followed the escort were numb. Up to now, all the large ships have sunk and no one knows where the enemy is!

Night vision goggles were also used, but they never saw the enemy from beginning to end.

Those small ships didn't even have radars, and more than a dozen small ships began to scatter in search of the enemy, or rather, to flee on their own.

(End of this chapter)

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