Chapter 357 Prepare to Surrender

Twenty minutes later, another ten fighter planes took off and continued to fly northwest, chasing after the cruiser to cover its actions.

It was really inconvenient at night. The two cruisers had to keep firing flares to illuminate the fighter jets to prevent them from crashing into the island.

Turning on the lights on the ship's side to show your location can also avoid misunderstandings and prevent you from being bombed by fighter jets.

The aircraft carrier fleet led by General Diole Adams continued to slowly move toward the northwest, aggressively searching for the enemy and preparing for a decisive battle.


Wang Yongfu, An Yaqing and the others were already stunned by the effect of the missile attack. No wonder Senior Zhang ignored those planes! !

They detected the plane on their radar, locked it with technology, pressed the launch button, and the missile was launched. It caught up with the plane and exploded, and the plane disappeared from the radar.

It's that simple!
The radar showed that there were targets ahead, and the technicians immediately concluded that there were four large warships and ten planes.

The anti-aircraft missile was launched first. The radar locked onto the fighter and the missile flew quickly towards the fighter, leaving trails of white smoke.

After flying in the air for about eight seconds, a section of the missile broke away and the missile adjusted its acceleration slightly.

Flying towards the fighter planes coldly and mercilessly, fireworks exploded in the air, causing the bombs on the planes to explode.

Ten of the most advanced fighter jets didn't even last two minutes before they were all destroyed.

Wang Yongfu has already ordered the anti-ship missiles to start launching, and several streams of white smoke rose up and flew towards the enemy ships.


This time was different from the last time. Under the illumination of crazy flares, observers on the cruisers and destroyers of the United States had already discovered the incoming missiles. Those fighters were shot down by a weapon like Kashaqiu.

The weapon was emitting white smoke and flames from its butt, and it was faster than the Kashaqiu, even much faster than a fighter jet, and it could actively turn and track the trajectory of the aircraft.

The radio stations on the cruisers and destroyers were frantically sending messages to the aircraft carrier fleet behind them, revealing the enemy's attack methods.

These missiles are like MK14 torpedoes. They can fly in the air at a much faster speed and even fighter jets cannot avoid them.

The weapons of the Republic of Borneo are too advanced and we have no way to resist them.

The captains and commanders of several cruisers and destroyers looked at the anti-ship missiles flying towards them from a distance on the radar. That one was obviously much larger, and the captains began to shout in despair:
"The enemy has already targeted our fleet. Radar shows that their attack speed is extremely fast. It will track and change direction. It is impossible to defend! Unable to defend!"

The faster cruisers have already started dodging at top speed without any rules, making crazy S-shaped movements. These skills are of no use.

And because their skin was thin, they were blown into two by the bullet.

The two large destroyers with thicker skin were directly hit with a big hole. The two destroyers immediately surrendered through the public radio and sent out surrender signals with lights.

While the commander on the destroyer surrendered, he was still busy reporting:

"Impossible to resist! The enemy's attacks always hit the weakest part of the ship, the bottom. This is not a conventional weapon at all."

The two destroyers stopped their main engines, hoisted the white flag, and began to fight the fire with all their might and salvage the surviving crew members nearby.

It’s not their fault that they have no ambition. They don’t even know where the enemy is. They have been crippled by one round of ammunition. What’s the point of fighting?

The destroyer secretly sent the enemy's attack method back to the aircraft carrier fleet behind it, and General Dioli Adams remained silent.

This was no coincidence at all. The enemy could easily shoot down the fighter in the dark, leaving no chance for a parachute to escape.

Even the most advanced cruiser currently available can be killed in an instant without even a second shot.

Those commanders are not fools, they are veterans who have been through many battles.

We have become a sitting duck, and tonight is not likely to be a good night! Inside the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States, the command room was silent.

After a busy period of radio exchanges.

A group of Borneo boats came over and began to take over the two destroyers.

Wang Yongfu commanded the fleet without stopping at all, and continued to move forward towards the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet.

At this time, there was less than an hour left before the real battle.

Anyaqing began to publicly call out to the American aircraft carrier fleet:

"Stop the ship and surrender immediately! Otherwise, we will launch an offensive in ten minutes, and you will not be able to withstand our ten-minute attack. Don't waste the lives of the soldiers!"

"Stop the ship and surrender immediately! Otherwise, we will launch an offensive in ten minutes, and you will not be able to withstand our ten-minute attack. Don't waste the lives of the soldiers!"

After hearing such arrogant words, all the officers in the command room fell silent. They dropped the work in their hands and wanted to cry!

Until now, we still don’t know where the enemy is, where the attack is coming from, how to defend, how to fight this war! ?

There is no way to fight an invisible enemy!

More than a thousand people died just now, and no one knew how they died. All of our aircraft carrier fleets have become trapped in a jar.

There are nearly 10,000 American soldiers on the sea. If we don't surrender, they will all die and feed the fish, just to waste a few rounds of ammunition from the enemy! ?
General Diole Adams was silent for a while. The enemy's sharp attack made him feel as if he had aged twenty years in an instant.

When MacArthur's men fought in this sea area for three days and three nights, the aircraft carriers were burning everywhere. No matter how difficult the situation was, it had never been so desperate.

Because you can fight with the enemy back and forth, but today you will just get beaten!
For the lives of the soldiers and their families waiting at home, he thought for a moment and said tiredly:
"Prepare to surrender! First, buy some time to send detailed intelligence here to General MacArthur so that they can prepare for the future. Let me be quiet for a while, don't disturb me."

This era no longer belongs to us, someone has to take responsibility!

He slowly walked into his captain's room, took out an M1911 pistol to protect his dignity, and then shot himself.

Other commanders of the aircraft carrier fleet were busy sending telegrams to MacArthur to report what was happening here.

They just frowned when they heard the gunshots and arranged for medical personnel to go in and collect the general's body. They sent a surrender signal over the public channel, raised the white flag, and stopped the engine.

They must seize the time to report the enemy's attack methods clearly so that the people of the beautiful country can be prepared. This is their last stubbornness.

It’s not that our army is incompetent, it’s just that the enemy is too strong!
There is no way to fight this battle!

Wang Yongfu and his men were busy sending people to take over the prisoners and heading towards the Medan base. It was still early, so they would try to take over the naval base in two hours.

They want to strike while the iron is hot and take over this Philippine region in one fell swoop.


MacArthur was called by the messenger, and when he read the urgent telegram, he almost fainted.

An entire double-carrier fleet was wiped out halfway without even knowing where the enemy was. The carrier fleet was forced to surrender collectively not far from the entrance of the base!

His old partner was certainly not a coward. Commander General Diole Adams had shot himself!
The enemy used a new type of weapon and equipment, which was extremely fast and had an active tracking effect. The carrier-based fighters and fleets could not dodge it at all and were attacked like targets.

This weapon has a sonar tracking effect similar to that of the MK14 torpedo, but it can fly in the air, is much faster than an airplane, and is extremely powerful.

It is fast and accurate, much more powerful than the Kamikaze Special Attack Force. Not only does it never miss a shot, but each attack hits the weakest link. A single shot can sink a cruiser!

An aircraft carrier with similarly thin skin would probably be destroyed by just one hit.

This telegram shocked MacArthur. With such a powerful weapon, how will the US Navy fight in the future?

The ship was sunk before it even saw the enemy.

No wonder the aircraft carrier fleet surrendered in despair. After Diole Adams announced the surrender, he was buried with the fleet.

The old partner died unjustly! After thinking for a while, he suddenly came to his senses and ordered:

"Immediately send an urgent telegram to the Indian Ocean aircraft carrier fleet. The situation has changed. Order them to immediately end their mission and return to the vicinity of the Suez Canal to deploy defenses."

"Immediately order all bases near Japan and all ships to return to defense and assemble on Okinawa Island, Japan. Build heavy defense measures on Okinawa Island to prevent the enemy from continuing to raid!"

"Hurry up and inform the country of this news so that they can prepare. This war cannot be fought. I cannot let the soldiers die in vain. Let them come up with a solution!"

The messengers were busy sending telegrams. The confident American aircraft carrier fleet in the Indian Ocean was rushing towards the Australian Strait.

After receiving the telegram, the commander looked at it carefully, made a smooth U-turn, and fled towards the African continent at full speed without looking back.

We sailed at the highest speed without worrying about damaging the engine, and we ran away quickly.

Poor Xue Long waited in vain!
MacArthur didn't even mention the Philippines, so it was a done deal.

The politicians can only think of a solution for this. Should they let the soldiers run away on their own? How can they run away?

The enemy is so good at fighting fighter planes, aren't those transport planes seeking death in the sky! ?

It was daytime in the United States at that time. After the news was notified, people in the United States' Ministry of National Defense and Security were as surprised as if their father had died.

After reading the news, everyone knew that they were doomed.

The powerful American naval fleet was beaten so badly that they couldn't fight back at all, and now they have to run to the shore to seek safety! ?
In an hour, the enemy only fired a few missiles, four to be exact. More than half of the entire dual-carrier fleet was killed or wounded, while the enemy suffered zero casualties and did not even find the enemy! ?
The enemy's attack range is extremely long, conventional ammunition is completely useless, fighter jets and the like are completely useless, the American fleet is equivalent to not firing a single shot! ?

There is also an enemy double aircraft carrier fleet, suspected to be heading to the Indian Ocean! ?
These generals immediately issued war orders and ordered the fleets from nearby bases to return to the United States to deploy defenses.

The fleets along the Suez Canal entered the shore garrisons to defend against the enemy, and the fleets in Europe prepared to return to defend the United States.

If the enemy attacks, we can only rely on the depth of the United States to solve the problem.

We can only rely on strength in numbers to crush the enemy!
It is a joke to say that the atomic bomb is powerful. The United States is now making great efforts to research and produce it, but the number in stock is only a dozen or so.

These things require air superiority to be deployed, but now that planes don’t even dare to fly, where is the advantage! ?

The Republic of Borneo was really pissed off. The navy now had no power to fight back. Were they going to throw it at their own home?! ?
The politicians in the United States have a lot to think about. Their lives are what matters, and everything else is really not important.


The fleet of the United States was beaten and fled to the shore, and the army was left to build a defensive position! ?

How could such important news be hidden from others? The mobilization of those bases made such a huge noise that the whole world soon knew about it.

An opponent stronger than Eastern Europe emerged. In the battle with the Republic of Borneo, the United States was beaten one-sidedly and was at a disadvantage in technology.

This is different from previous naval battles, which lasted for ten days or half a month, and everyone was waiting for the other side to make mistakes like playing hide-and-seek.

The powerful dual-carrier fleet of the United States could not survive an hour of night battle! ?

No need to think too much, the Beautiful Country base in the Philippines is destroyed!
The strength of the United States lies in its invincible aircraft carrier fleet. Now the myth of the United States has been broken, and a new battlefield myth has emerged.

Naturally, people in Great Britain also received the news, and after reading the battle reports, everyone sighed!

fine! fine!
The relationship between us is very good at the moment!

Zhang Kaiwu, the head of the Republic of Borneo, has another identity. He is Earl Zhang, who was conferred the title by the Elizabeth family. The cooperation between Kaiwu Company and Great Britain is very pleasant!
Princess Ning Ping and her friends also had a very good personal relationship with Elizabeth, and they often exchanged telegrams!
Even a few old dukes often drink, chat and brag with Earl Zhang, and they have a very close relationship!

Even among the engineers in Great Britain, many still work and live in the Republic of Borneo, and together with their families, there are at least tens of thousands of people.

For the superior living conditions in the Republic of Borneo and for the educational advantages for their children, many people have settled in the Republic of Borneo.

The various collaborations within Kaiwu Pharmaceutical Company and the shipping companies have always had very good relationships with everyone.

At the very least, private business cooperation is very friendly, and many companies have gone to the Republic of Borneo to open branches.

It just so happens that Borneo is about to enter the dry season of July and August. The weather is getting cooler and everyone is about to go on vacation, so it’s okay to set off early.

It is very necessary to build relationships when you have nothing to do.


In the early morning, Wang Yongfu and his men had rushed to the Medan base, took over everything at the Medan Naval Base, and issued a time-limited surrender order to the United States garrison troops in the Philippines!
The aircraft carrier fleet arrived at the largest Manila Army Base, which is the army headquarters.


There are always people who are not convinced and want to give it a try. The commander of the United States station received the order and arranged for the army tank troops to launch a small-scale counterattack and carry out a death assault from the Manila base.

The most likely possibility is that it was an order from the United States, which wanted to test the combat effectiveness of the Republic of Borneo on land.

Because according to the intelligence, the mercenaries who came this time are all single soldiers, and there are no armored units at all. Maybe the Republic of Borneo is not good at fighting land battles! ?
More than fifty tanks and more than fifty armored vehicles, along with a self-propelled artillery unit, rushed out of the Manila camp.

After Wang Yongfu made his final speech, he looked at the tank troops that were still preparing to charge. Seeing that their size was neither big nor small, he understood their thoughts.

There are obviously large troops but they are not moving. They just want an explanation.

Neither make the situation worse, nor give up easily.

Don't you just want to try out new weapons?!

Just give it a try, who’s afraid of who! He gave the order directly:
"Attention! The helicopter troops are starting to take off. Remember to maintain your flight altitude and attack freely to defeat the tanks' attack!"

Sixteen helicopters took off and arrived near the battlefield at a low altitude ten minutes later. The enemy's anti-aircraft guns and radars did not detect them at all.

The helicopter's radar locked onto the tank on the ground. Outside the tank's attack range, they began to take turns shooting.

One anti-tank missile after another flew out, following a strange trajectory that looked twisted and crooked, and each missile hit a small tank.

One shot, one armored vehicle!

After just one round of attacks from the helicopters, all that was left on the battlefield was a pile of burning garbage and a few wailing survivors.

Intelligence spies from various countries discovered the power of this weapon and got first-hand information as they wished.

Even if we were to attack the tanks on the ground, the enemy's attacks would still be locked with flying shells, and we still didn't know where the enemy was! ?

It was a small battle that was over in less than half an hour.

From the beginning to the end, those fighting desperately tank and armored forces had no idea where the attack came from, and were defeated completely without knowing it.

Now the enemies in the base fell silent, and the observers also fell silent!

More than a hundred tanks and armored vehicles on the move were destroyed one by one, and not a single round of ammunition was left in vain.

Of course, the observers around discovered that it was a helicopter that attacked from a distance out of sight, and many of them captured the flight path with cameras.

The whole world is paying attention to this small local war in Manila. This method of attack makes many people think of kamikaze and E1E2 at the first moment.

The Americans even recalled their own experiment of using pigeons to guide bombs.

But it was obvious that the projectile was so small that all those things were impossible.

In the Republic of Borneo, a new type of weapon was invented that can accurately and automatically pursue. This thing is obviously different from traditional weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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