Chapter 358 Armistice
Wang Yongfu remembered what Senior Zhang said before they set out, that these enemies did not have a strong fighting spirit and would not fight to the death like our people.

The odds are against them and the enemy may simply surrender.

He once again shouted in the public channel:

"You have lost your supplies and your position has been abandoned by the United States. If you don't surrender, we will launch a naval artillery bombardment!"

"Don't allow any planes to take off. If this takes too long, don't blame us for indiscriminate bombing without regard for humanitarian considerations!"

The largest Manila camp was dead silent and there was no response for the time being, but the enemy did not organize an attack.

Less than an hour had passed, and perhaps through contact with the United States, the public radio station immediately agreed to surrender with a smile.

A group of soldiers from the United States ran out and raised the white flag again with a smile.

It's that simple! ?

I guess they experimented with the Borneo Republic’s attack method and achieved their goal! ?
Amid the incredulous expressions of Wang Yongfu and his men, more than 30,000 American soldiers in the Philippines surrendered with a smile, except for demanding the proper treatment as prisoners of war.

If they really entered the city and engaged in street fighting and trench warfare, at least 10,000, or even 30,000 or 40,000 mercenaries from the Republic of Borneo would be killed.

Due to the lack of weapons and equipment, the Republic of Borneo would be in trouble if it really got involved in brutal trench warfare.

Although Wang Yongfu and his men were not afraid of trench warfare, Zhang Kaiwu said that the lives of the mercenaries must not be taken lightly, and the only way to force a landing was to block the supply lines.

Wang Yongfu and his men were just talking about bombing, how could they bomb the city indiscriminately?
However, the biggest weakness of the Philippines is exactly the same as that of Japan. It has no strategic supply depth at all. The transportation and supply via the ocean and air are blocked, which makes it a dead end.

Countless American soldiers came out in organized groups from various places to accept the surrender. They dropped their equipment and lined up with a grin on their faces, and their every move was in an orderly manner.

The radio station and the troops stationed on the nearby islands were all actively contacting Wang Yongfu and his men, asking how they should report! ?

There were also various vehicles carrying equipment, driving in a line to gather and surrender, as if they had been through a long-term exercise!
Wang Yongfu and his men quickly arranged to set up a camp in Manila to house the prisoners of war, and arranged to continue to transfer mercenaries from Borneo to clean up the entire Philippines region according to the previous method.

Cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil is the basic requirement of Mr. Zhang!
This is because Wang Yongfu and his men did not understand the wartime regulations of the United States. When it is obvious that they cannot defeat the enemy, soldiers are allowed to surrender to the enemy for the sake of their own safety.

of course!

This is also related to the fact that they are invaders of the Philippines and that they always have the upper hand in peacetime war situations. It has nothing to do with humanitarianism.

If the Republic of Borneo really attacked the mainland of the United States, and their wives and children were standing behind them, who would dare to surrender? ?

Who is in the mood to smile?
Those soldiers from the United States have no patriotic feelings towards the Philippines. They can live safely and wait for negotiations before returning home. Why should they be unhappy? ?

Is there anything more pleasant than getting paid without fighting or working?!
What's more!

Now, the United States does not want to make things worse and anger the Republic of Borneo. If they attack the United States, what will happen if there are heavy casualties? ?

Their only thought was negotiation.

Aircraft, tanks, fleets and other iron torrents are useless. What else can we do if we don’t negotiate?
From the beginning to the end, the war lasted only three days in total. Even the prisoners surrendered on their own, and countless spoils of war were seized.

There are more than 700 aircraft of various types, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, two Essex-class aircraft carriers, more than 20 large ships of various types, and hundreds of small ships.

There are several ammunition depots of various types, more than 29 sets of individual combat equipment, countless vehicles of various types, and more than B heavy bombers in the warehouses. I don’t know how long it will take just to count all the things.

Could be worth billions of dollars! ?
Or tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars! ?
However, Anyaqing, Wang Yongfu and the others no longer had those lively looks on their faces when they were looking at the planes and tanks of the beautiful country!

There is no desire for fighter jets anymore.

Within the range of missiles, they are all canned meat!
Those American aircraft carrier fleets are still useful, at least they are much more technologically advanced than their current ships.

It runs faster and is bigger, with a tonnage of nearly 40,000 tons.

The aircraft carrier fleet of the Republic of Borneo and the 50,000 mercenaries took over the entire Philippines, finally solved the problem of defensive positions, and anchored in the Medan base.

Wang Yongfu began to deploy follow-up troops to control the entire territory.


The war is over.

The aircraft carrier fleet of the Republic of Borneo stopped at the dock.

Countless intelligence personnel were holding binoculars on the distant shore, observing the two small aircraft carriers of the Republic of Borneo and the four battleships next to them.

The two large aircraft carriers of the United States are obviously faster and larger in tonnage, but now they are being ignored.

They soon discovered the special features of the Borneo Republic's aircraft carriers and battleships: they no longer had the main guns, and the runways were abandoned, along with the carrier-based fighters.

Aircraft carrier-based fighter jets have only been popular for a few years, so are they useless?
There was only one symbolic 130mm small gun on the battleship, and two close-in anti-aircraft guns at the head and tail, which were probably used to attack suicide boats and bully fishermen.

The torpedo launchers are still there, the same as before.

In addition, there are many more radar facilities and antennas, and this radar is also different from traditional radars.

And then there were the most important things, the various tubes that launched the new weapons, which were similar to torpedoes, but pointed up into the sky.

Some are as thick as buckets, while others are only as thick as the mouth of a bowl. They feel similar to Kashaqiu.

The intelligence personnel were still able to see a lot of things. The thick pipe was obviously used to attack aircraft carriers and battleships.

Based on the eight rounds of ammunition per ship, it can be easily calculated that a battleship of the Republic of Borneo can eliminate an aircraft carrier fleet.

This aircraft carrier fleet can easily deal with six fully staffed aircraft carrier fleets, and we don’t even know if they have spare ammunition! ?
If I were the commander, I would definitely bring spare ammunition. Why would I leave such a large aircraft carrier empty?
By this calculation, if a war really breaks out, how many fleets would be needed to crush the aircraft carrier fleet of the Republic of Borneo! ?
This is too amazing!
The world has really changed!

There are also two rows of nine tubes on the suspension rack of the helicopter, and there is only an ordinary machine gun.

That tube is similar to an RPG, it is used to attack armored units, and it is useless no matter how fast you run.

They knew this and could launch an attack from more than ten kilometers away with extreme accuracy, and it was also a tracking attack.

Countless intelligence agents were taking photos frantically, trying to uncover some secrets.

These photos can fetch a lot of money!

Zhang Kaiwu didn't ask for these things to be kept secret. If they could be learned by taking photos, they would have been everywhere long ago.

These various iron pipes are really just ordinary high-temperature resistant pipes, just a little bit stronger.

The most critical of these weapons and equipment are the various missiles used in conjunction with radar facilities.

Now the entire waters of Southeast Asia are under the threat of the Republic of Borneo, and the entire sea has become their back garden.

The battle has reached this point and it all depends on Zhang Kaiwu's decision. If he continues to attack, the next target will be Japan or the United States, and the Third World War will begin immediately.

Zhang Kaiwu would definitely not move. One reason was that the number of missiles was too small and he really had no spare ammunition.

One is that if the attack really continues, maybe the United States and Eastern Europe will start to form an alliance again, and maybe even drag the whole of Western Europe into it.

There are simply too many enemies to defeat them all. The size of the United States' fleet alone is enough to consume all of the missiles of the Republic of Borneo, and production cannot keep up.

This really touched the sensitive nerves of the United States, causing them to use human wave tactics and launch a death attack. Even a million steel torrents could not defeat the Republic of Borneo.

Now the United States still has more than 150 aircraft carriers, more than 3,000 warships, tens of thousands of fighter jets, and countless tanks and armored vehicles...

How can there be so many missiles produced?

Zhang Kaiwu clearly remembered that the United States had 2,700 warships sealed after the war. They had battleships but lacked soldiers. To be honest!

If the United States comes to attack regardless of the consequences, there is a high probability that it will directly attack the United States' mainland.

In addition, the Russians in Eastern Europe are naturally flattering Europe. To be honest, they have always wanted to join Europe. After all, they are all relatives.

If you sort out the relationships in the entire European region, you will find that we are all one village and everyone is a relative.

In the so-called medieval Europe, those countries were nothing more than small counties, nomadic tents, and more than a thousand kings in such a tiny place.

The so-called different languages ​​and cultures of different countries refer to the various dialects of English.

They are noisy all the time, with relatives fighting against each other and causing troubles. But once a top-level powerful enemy appears, they may unite immediately.

If Zhang Kaiwu insisted on fighting, perhaps a miracle could happen in Europe, and the country could be unified under the pressure of war.

This is the nature of the world. There are no eternal friends or eternal enemies between countries.

This is also the reason why the United States’ army did not engage in a head-on confrontation. Perhaps in the final street fighting, they would find that if they did not use these aircraft carrier fleets, they would have to engage in real individual combat.

These advanced weapons in Borneo are not that powerful!

Because from the beginning to the end, these weapons are actually used to destroy enemy vehicles and can only gain partial battlefield advantages.


Now this place is big enough, spanning an entire hemisphere, and the resources are abundant enough, so there are simply not enough people to develop it.

We have now attracted more than 20 million people, and here in Borneo we need to attract at least 30 million people. It would be best if we could attract 100 million people, and 200 million would not be too much.

According to his plan and layout, the country was almost short of population.

Ordinary people are still okay, but young people and those mercenary teams are really hard to come by.

Not to mention other problems, just transporting people from the country every day is a big problem given the current shipping conditions.

Even if it were to transport more than 100,000 people a day, it would take several years.

The Republic of Borneo has already shown its fangs to the world. What it really needs now is time for industrial development and population growth.


On the morning of the second day after taking over the Philippines, amid the anxiety of the outside world, amid the frantic preparations for war in the United States, and under the guidance of Zhang Kaiwu.

June twenty-fifth.

Princess Ning Ping and Princess Lin Jingli also issued a joint statement to celebrate the true independence of the Philippines and hope that they will join the big family of the Republic of Borneo.

The Republic of Borneo is a country that values ​​democracy and freedom. It will not easily invade other countries, but it will not allow others to harm its interests either!

The war is over. You people from the beautiful country should come to negotiate and pick up our people!
Finally! Princess Ning Ping said lightly:
"After the hard work of scientists from our country and Dragon Country, the Republic of Borneo has now mastered the preliminary application of nuclear bombs. We can use the current missile technology to attack any strategic target within 300 kilometers."

The Philippines also immediately sent representatives to express their gratitude for the rescue by the Republic of Borneo. They said that Chinese people all over the world are one family and they are extremely honored to join the big family of the Republic of Borneo.

Looking at those high-sounding speeches, I guess these are the representatives found by Wang Yongfu and others. There is no shortage of intellectuals everywhere.

There are disciples of Kong Yangong all over the world!

Princess Ning Ping’s final, light-hearted announcement contained so much information!
It turns out that the means of attack is called missile technology, which is very considerate and guides the attacking missile.

The Republic of Borneo and Dragon Country have already mastered nuclear weapons technology, and that long-range strike capability has already surpassed my imagination! ?
The shock of the beautiful country!

You actually succeeded secretly, and made so many powerful weapons in secret! ?
If you had told us about this earlier, and if we had known you were so capable, perhaps we wouldn't have had this misunderstanding!
The Russians in Eastern Europe are shocked!
I treated you as my brothers, constantly supporting you with ammunition and building so many infrastructures. You didn't even tell me about this, you didn't even treat me as your big brother! ?
You want nuclear bomb technology, I have been thinking about it. It’s not that I don’t want to give it to you, it’s just that the critical time has not come yet!

But the Dragon Kingdom’s right to speak is different now, based on the performance on the 38th parallel just now! Based on the relationship with the Republic of Borneo, if they really touch any of them, they might get hit with a double blow! ?

Zhang Kaiwu graduated from Peking Medical College and had extremely good connections with the school.

The two million mercenaries are all from there, and tens of millions of people have immigrated. These things cannot be hidden from those who are interested.


Congratulatory messages were also sent from various places to celebrate the Republic of Borneo's great victory and the maintenance of local justice.

Suddenly there are four nuclear-powered countries in the world, and a new era has arrived.

The United States and other Eastern European countries also breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, since Princess Ning Ping and her colleagues had put forward this statement, it meant that the Republic of Borneo would not easily continue to attack.

The war has stopped temporarily, the conflict has eased, and things are under control.

As for the matter of the prisoners, we can negotiate slowly later, but it's all about money.

The United States immediately congratulated the independence of the Philippines and said that what happened in the past few days were all misunderstandings. The problem with Japan was not big and it was just because everyone lacked communication and exchanges in the past.

Japan should have compensated for the war losses, but it has refused to pay and misled the representatives of the United States. This behavior is deceiving the United States.

They have already figured out the problem and dealt with the congressman from last time, and will soon send out a negotiation team again to resolve this misunderstanding.

We are all friends, didn’t we have a very good relationship before?!
As long as the saint does not die, the thieves will not stop!
Wang Yongfu and the others remembered this sentence again.

Looking at the hypocritical celebratory telegrams from all over the world, no one jumped out to accuse the occupation of the Philippines, and no one mentioned the Australian issue!

Even fewer public intellectuals dare to step forward and uphold justice for world peace.

Senior Zhang is right. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you are beaten, you must stand at attention. Even if the beating really hurts, you still have to smile. Everyone knows this.

The United States is really a paper tiger. Once it meets an opponent that can hurt it, it immediately gives in.

Overall, the atmosphere was pretty good.

The only country trembling now is Japan. It can be seen from that statement that the father of the beautiful country has abandoned it.

If the problem is not solved, you may still be hungry for a long time!
Don't overestimate human nature. Only when you have a full stomach can everything be possible and only then can there be those gentlemen who speak big words.

The lack of food will make any living creature lose its mind, and the country will become even more chaotic.

The United States no longer cares about it. Several crazy teams have already appeared in the Japanese country and started to prepare new survival plans.


A few days later, in early July, Jakarta Airport welcomed a large number of tourists.

Jakarta Airport suddenly became the busiest airport in the world, bar none.

Airlines from all over the world have applied to open flights here.

Countless people come here for various purposes, some come here for tourism, some come here to find work, some come here to gather intelligence, some come here to establish diplomatic relations, some come here to seek help...

Because this is now the most promising place, there are many new companies here, the most promising industries, and good education, medical and welfare benefits.

Having the most powerful army can bring people a sense of security. Most people come for this. There are so many swallows and crows that if you throw a brick, at least three or four of them will be hit.

(End of this chapter)

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