Chapter 360 Heavyweight Investment

A long-term member of the parliament smiled and said:

"That's great! Earl Zhang, you are right. The global industry is developing rapidly now, and energy is everything."

"Elizabeth Energy is definitely a promising company and we will certainly invest in it."

Another councillor said with a smile:

"Count Zhang! Gangcheng is in an awkward situation right now. There is basically no business in Southeast Asia. Why don't we hand it over to your company? It's basically your industry anyway. We can strengthen cooperation in the Middle East."

Elizabeth beside him smiled and said politely:

"I'm just a small company. I can't compare with your big companies at all."

"Count Zhang! Can my company operate the natural gas here in the future?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! But natural gas needs to be jointly operated with Kaiwu Company. I think since you have the advantage of crude oil reserves, why not build an oil refinery in Europe or the Middle East?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
These guys are planning to take me to the Middle East to be a thug or a bodyguard.

Want to gain greater say in the Middle East by relying on the military power of the Republic of Borneo! ?

The power of capital from all over the world is driving the fight there, especially in the United States, where lower-cost, light oil fields were discovered in the Middle East.

They abandoned Venezuela, which was right next to their home, because mining in the Middle East was easier, cheaper, and the crude oil was of better quality!
But ever since Sean's fellow countrymen from Eastern Europe and the United States went there, it has become a mess.

Kaiwu Company is not short of money at all now, and I don’t have any plans for the time being. If I have any plans, it will be for the future.

Several congressmen smiled and said that it would be better to build an oil refinery there and open a gas station in Europe.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Those are just small matters! But we can still strengthen our cooperation in science and technology. You can all consider setting up a joint venture factory and investing here."

"Natural gas, automobiles, ships, seeds, medicine, and a lot of high technology are all development priorities."

"To be honest, we have discovered several high-quality uranium mines, which can be mass-produced into nuclear weapons, ensuring that there will be no internal war within the next 100 years. In addition, there are cheap coal resources and abundant natural gas resources here, so there is no shortage of energy. The price of human resources is only one-fifth of that in Europe, so there are huge advantages no matter what kind of factory we run."

"Now the place is big, the market is huge, it's all blank. In this situation, even a fool can make money. I must take care of the feelings of you old friends. It's hard to say in the future."

The eyes of several congressmen flickered. What Earl Zhang said was clear enough. They understood his meaning, really understood it.

I have everything here now. If I need military force, I have military support. If I need manpower, I have manpower. If I need space, I have space.

The key is that everything is cheap. Considering our previous friendship, if you want to get rich, come quickly. I will give your family the benefits it deserves.

Don't think about the crappy things in Great Britain. Everything is inconvenient there. Now that it is on the decline, even your own safety has to be guaranteed by the United States.

If you block my path of technological development and don't want to get rich, I will go to other parts of Europe to attract investment.

Are you looking for a way out to enrich your family, or to seek benefits for Great Britain?

Of course it’s to make your own family rich!

Several congressmen immediately said with a smile that they would definitely come here to set up factories and companies.

In the Kaiwu Pharmaceutical Company system, everyone is a good partner. Zhang Bojue is a decent person and never interferes in the private affairs of his partners.

The Republic of Borneo is now the country with the highest military strength, so it is also a good retreat. Just like what Earl Zhang said, within a hundred years, it will be a support for the family.

There is indeed a lot of land in the world, which is worthless at all, but the land that can guarantee the safety of a family is very valuable.

Hearing that he intended to introduce a large amount of science and technology, even Elizabeth planned to open a trading company, a large ranch, and do some small business in the future.

She is a rich person now, at least she is financially free.


Zhang Kaiwu smoked cigars with them, chatted and boasted, and offered them a series of benefits. One cut after another, each one hit their vital points, and spoke with benefits.

There is no way around it. Great Britain still has a lot of high-tech, and its gas turbine technology is the best in the world.

Even though their aircraft carriers and various warships are outdated and so worn out that they are not worth mentioning and can only be packaged and sold as scrap metal, it is really just that their country does not have the money to upgrade them.

In fact, the warships of the United States are all equipped with gas turbine engines from Great Britain. They are also very strong in biological science and material science.

As an old empire, it has many comprehensive scientific and technological technologies and is also very strong in terms of talent.

Most of the infrastructure work in the Republic of Borneo is now completed by Eastern Europe.

These things can only be used for a while and as infrastructure. It is really difficult to make them bigger and stronger.

Things are different now. The Republic of Borneo now has overwhelming military power over Great Britain. All we have to do is to build and develop our military forces, and everything else will be easy.

Zhang Kaiwu's shipping company still has those precision parts that need to be developed. If these factories want to maintain their position as the world's number one, it will take too long for them to develop on their own.

The introduction of European industry was an opportunity for the Republic of Borneo to learn quickly.

He is not optimistic about the future development of Great Britain, and even says it openly. There is a reason for that, and it is not nonsense!
Great Britain may seem to be prosperous, but its internal system has actually collapsed. Otherwise, there would not have been the rise of the United States, the Irish would not have sought independence, and India would not have sought independence. All the smart people present here know this.

Technology seems to still have many advantages, and there are many old and advanced technologies.

But there is something very magical about Great Britain. Due to the welfare benefits of its former colonies, various forces are intertwined and have seriously hindered its development.

Because of World War II and the lack of men in the country, like France next door, it is entangled with Niger.

One day it will turn black!
Niger's uranium mines are the fourth largest in the world, but the locals have no right to set prices and can only get 8 percent of the profits.

Niger still has to rely on others to get that little bit of benefit, but France seems to have gotten a great deal, taking advantage of the income from those uranium mines. But what is the reality?
For the sake of uranium mine benefits and cheap human resources, the government has started to quench its thirst with poison.

In order to comfort the locals, France allowed a large number of immigrants to enter the country, but the result was that their homes were stolen and they became evil.

The situation is actually the same in Great Britain. While taking advantage of others, the entry of immigrants also sows the seeds of disaster.

In order to trade in cheap food and spices, Indians were brought in for profit. In order to profit from oil, Arabs were brought in. In order to profit from uranium, Africans were brought in. In order to profit from the Suez Canal…

If you cannot cut off these external things, you may seem to have taken advantage of them and gained temporary benefits. In fact, things will only become more and more magical, with endless troubles and heavier burdens, and one day you will reach the end of the road.

There is not a single fool among those present, don’t they know the consequences of these things! ?

Don't think they are too stupid. Of course they know that all they care about is short-term benefits.

But no one will bring it up. The unlucky ones are the poor. The immigrants squeeze the living space of the lower class. What does it have to do with the elite class?

But these Ansa people don’t understand that sometimes things don’t develop the way you want, and sometimes things get out of control.

Sean's fellow villagers are not stable people.

Not only does it suck blood from the host to grow stronger, it also wants to take the host's life. Those cultural outputs, under their bright and beautiful appearance, are all toxic milk powder culture.

Little fairy culture!
Black mermaid culture!

Nipple music culture!
Weak, young and thin culture!
Even the powerful United States cannot withstand the cultural output of that boomerang, let alone these little brothers! ?
There is an iron law in the universe!
No matter how rich your country is, no matter how high the education level is, or how affluent life is.

A country must have a national collective will, and this national collective will is reflected in the majority ethnic group.

If the dominant ethnic group in a country loses its dominant population proportion, the country will inevitably be destroyed and fall into war and chaos.

Only by waiting for the next dominant ethnic will to emerge can we control the collective will of the country and gradually stabilize it.

From ancient times to the present!

There are no exceptions.

The so-called messy principles and reasons, the causes of the messy war incidents, these things are just superficial.

When the will of the main nation cannot be maintained, problems are bound to arise.

It really has nothing to do with being rich or poor!
Great Britain has already suffered a loss in India, why doesn't it learn its lesson?
It's a very simple matter. As long as I get the benefits and the money in this session, I don't care how the next session will try to smooth things over! ?

The chat was very pleasant. Everyone achieved their goals, got what they wanted, and understood what they had to pay.

A councillor decided to build a joint venture gas turbine factory next to the shipping company to facilitate the cruise ship plan of Kaiwu Company. A councillor decided to invest in an aircraft engine factory and set up a joint venture aircraft manufacturing enterprise in the Republic of Borneo.

Further developing the airline, his family is also a long-established European business.

Because Kaiwu Company’s next plan focuses on aviation and space exploration.

Everyone expressed their ideas, and a large number of factories of various types were about to open.

Zhang Kaiwu also gave them almost free land use rights in Australia, and energy was also provided at the lowest price.

Things like water, electricity and gas are more than half cheaper than in Europe, only one-fifth of the price in Europe.

The raw materials are also much cheaper, and there are many kinds of mines here.

The only thing is the recruitment of ordinary personnel, and Zhang Kaiwu's review is very high.

Except for high-tech talents, ordinary people are not allowed to enter the workforce, and workers are mainly recruited from local people.

The reason he gave was to solve the employment rate problem, but everyone knows it!
In terms of economic and trade, the two sides will give each other the most-favored-nation treatment and cancel tariffs between them.

This is purely their idea, because they may want to sell the factory products to Europe, so adding tariffs is like collecting taxes on themselves! ?

You have the right not to expire!

And what Zhang Kaiwu said is very right. If it weren't for the good relationship between everyone, other European countries would come to invest immediately, and they would not be the only ones interested.

Even from the United States and Eastern Europe, there are people who want to come here. It is human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
The rest is up to the legal team, and all the details will be discussed by them.

These business collaborations have had a huge impact on the whole of Europe.

Just like the Duke of Argyle's previous textile factory, Zhang Kaiwu judged that it would go bankrupt in two years. In this case, it would be strange if it didn't go bankrupt faster!

Cotton is produced in India and Africa, wool is produced in New Zealand. Transportation here is convenient, the price of textile factory workers is as low as one-fifth, energy costs are more than half cheaper, and factories do not need to pay land fees.

European workers want unions, pay raises, and a 40-hour workday.

If they are not satisfied with something, they will go on strike or file a lawsuit.

How can European factories compete! ?

Even with the same selling price, opening a factory here would make you a ton of money.

In addition, here in the Republic of Borneo, there is a huge consumer market, as well as the Southeast Asian market. There are so many advantages.

These people are different from Zhang Kaiwu. They like to take everything they can get and pursue the highest interests.

Zhang Kaiwu gives his partners a lot of choices in everything he does, so that they can also make money.

We should plan carefully when doing things. Only when things benefit you, me and everyone else can development be healthy.

Although it seems that we don’t make much money, the local area can develop healthily and the industrial base can be built healthily.

The cost of doing things this way is low, and it is often easy to lay out a network, just like the way pharmaceutical companies cooperate.

Doesn’t Zhang Kaiwu know that he can make higher profits by engaging in terminal sales?
of course I know!

But it is indeed very profitable to sell medicines in Europe and India by yourself. That would trigger a series of wars and result in countless bloodshed and sacrifices.

For the sake of the high profits from terminal sales, perhaps everyone present is an enemy.

These noble gentlemen do things differently from the United States. They focus on plundering resources.

No matter what good things you come across, your first thought is to quickly take them home at the lowest cost.

Take back the wool, take back the grain, take back the uranium, take back the oil...

After all the robbing, those places have not developed at all and are becoming poorer and poorer.

For example, the people of Venezuela, which is close to the United States and has the largest crude oil reserves in the world, can be said to have been born in Rome! ?

As a result, after making a fortune for so many years, he spent money extravagantly without any limit.

The sanctions imposed by the United States have left them with no food to eat, and even the drinking water system has not been built. They have become as poor as mules and horses.

There are also new pharmaceutical companies emerging in Europe and India that want to study Kaiwu’s products.

But Zhang Kaiwu didn't need to worry about these little things, as they were all secretly solved by these partners.

Some rely on lawyers, some rely on connections, and some rely on their fists.

They relied on Kaiwu's penicillin and roxithromycin to sell their products at gold prices in Europe, and everyone made a lot of money. This is what they should do.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents!
Human nature is to pursue benefits and avoid harm, even saints are the same.

The greater the benefits, the more greedy and colder human nature will be. When the benefits reach a certain level, human nature will turn into evil.

No one is an exception, Zhang Kaiwu has thought these things through very clearly.

Otherwise, how could the money be so easy to make! ? When the business didn’t last long, he didn’t know to go to Europe to make some money! ?

After a brief chat with those congressmen, we reached an agreement.

Zhang Kaiwu picked up the wine glass and said with a smile:

"I have a bond with Great Britain. If people from other places want to invest, I will definitely set a threshold. Cheers to cooperation!"

A group of people drank a glass of wine with smiles on their faces, and reached a consensus through pleasant cooperation.


Zhang Kaiwu rested here at night and entertained the ladies.

He directed Cathy and the others, taught them how to drink, and told them stories.

A short absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Although they are not husband and wife, they are old lovers. Half of the purpose of the girls going on a trip is to relieve their lovesickness.

The ladies in Great Britain are bold and daring in love and hate before getting married, and they are also not afraid of death.

Knowing that their own strength did not allow it, Cathy and her friends called in a few more ladies from the ladies' group for help, clamoring to turn defeat into victory.

The few new sisters who came were also newbies who were tough on the outside but soft on the inside, and they were simply vulnerable.

The shouting was as earth-shaking as if a pig was being slaughtered, but they were united and refused to admit defeat.

It's just of no practical use. Now they are even more impatient to be beaten. No matter how loudly they shout "Oh my god" or "Dad", it's of no use. It won't be long before one of them is beaten to the ground.

The experience value of the Su Nu Heart Sutra has quietly increased a little, and I don’t know who gave it.

With the change in his status and position, he has become a prey in the eyes of many girls, all of whom want to try their luck and turn their bicycle into a motorcycle!

Exchange sincerity for true love! ?
In the middle of the night, Zhang Kaiwu pushed away those long legs and returned to his room. Two girls wearing elf masks sneaked in, hiding behind the door of the room, and wanted to launch a sneak attack without saying a word.

With Zhang Kaiwu's keen perception, how could such a thing happen? He could hear their heartbeats and breathing from outside.

He held one with each hand and subdued them effortlessly.

He held me down and gave me a good beating, and he happened to be a little thirsty.

In the cold night, the temperature in the room was a little high.

In the confusion, one of the thieves was beaten so hard that he kept shouting:

"Honey! Uh-huh! Oh my god! You can't be like this, this is not your food, umm-huh! Baby will have nothing to eat later! Oh my god! Woo woo woo!"

"Why are you like a cow? I can't take it anymore! Change someone else. I'm going to die in front of you!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled, pinned the other thief next to the window, and beat him hard while looking at the bright moon in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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