Chapter 361 Everyone loves you
Another thief babbled softly:

"You want to die! You're trying to make trouble like this, wuwuwu! You're a heartless thing! You don't treat us as human beings! Wuwuwu!"

"Someone's going to die! Wuuuu! Be gentle!"

After more than an hour, the two of them fell down and couldn't even get up. After resting for another half an hour, they both rolled their eyes and ran away, leaning against the wall.

It’s really invincible!
This is also a kind of loneliness.

Zhang Kaiwu found Jin Ling and the others out of loneliness, hugged them and played with them. Jin Ling was always gentle and affectionate.

Sister Tong Ling said:

"Brother-in-law! The United States sent a telegram today and will send someone to discuss Japan's handling of the matter in a few days. I'm going to sleep now. It's almost dawn. I'll have to argue with the United States tomorrow."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said:

"It's okay! Yeah, yeah! Pull them slowly first, let them calm down slowly. Hiss! Once their mentality has changed, there will be time to talk slowly."

"Tomorrow, let the reporters shoot a video of the soldiers working, and let them organize a concert of missing their hometown, and let the reporters broadcast it for a while."

Sister Yinling smiled and said:

"Brother Kaiwu! You are so mean. Uh-huh!"

This is just normal cultural operation!
Zhang Kaiwu hugged sister Tong Ling, gave her a kiss, and made his sister-in-law happy.

He smiled and said:

"It's okay! Sister Tongling, just keep a positive attitude. It's okay to sleep in tomorrow. Anyway, you can't create any value by arguing with the person you worked so hard for."

"Don't refuse to have fun in order to do serious work, because you can't do the serious work anyway, so you might as well have fun for a while."

Sister Tong Ling thought about it and said with a grin:
"Brother-in-law, you are right! Let my second sister and the others fight you until dawn. They like it very much and are not afraid of death. Forget it. It's all in vain after all the hard work. It can't create any value anyway."

The two sisters held her down angrily!

Sister Tong Ling smiled and called out softly:

"I'm telling the truth, you sisters who are worse than beasts, help me! Help me!"

Yin Ling said with a proud smile:

"Little sister! It's no use even if you scream at the top of your lungs!"

Sister Tong Ling obeyed and shouted with a smile:

"It's no use breaking your throat! Uh-huh-huh! It's no use breaking your throat! I'm not afraid! Uh-huh-huh!"

The gentle Jin Ling also became angry and said:

"Brother Kaiwu! Beat him up! How can a girl behave like this?!"

Zhang Kaiwu obeyed his words and beat Tong Ling until she screamed. He showed her that she had no strength but was still talking nonsense!
Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten used to verbal spats with others on TV every day during this period. It wasn’t so serious before.

It is normal for a young girl to be a little energetic, but any girl who has a sister-in-law likes to do something with her brother-in-law.

Otherwise, how could there be those sayings, that the beautiful mother-in-law simply delivered it to her door as a gift! ?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Early in the morning!

Zhang Kaiwu and Princess Ning Ping had just finished treating everyone to breakfast, and a group of people couldn't wait to go and see their yacht.

The gentlemen were in good spirits and seemed to have had a good rest. The ladies were not in good spirits and yawned frequently, but their faces were rosy and shiny, which was good.

Zhang Kaiwu brought this large group of people to the shipping company's dock. From a distance, he saw two large aircraft carriers of the United States with all the carrier-based fighter jets still on them.

The mighty and majestic American aircraft carrier is a main-class aircraft carrier. The hull is as tall as a wall and the total displacement is nearly 80,000 tons. I don't know why it looks particularly ironic.

Especially knowing that they were light aircraft carriers eliminated by Great Britain, two 10,000-ton small aircraft carriers were captured, it seems particularly ironic!

What a big fool!

Groups of engineers from Kaiwu Shipping Company are conducting research on them, apparently preparing to modify them.

As soon as the group of people got off the car, the lady started running like crazy towards the beautiful yachts.

The men looked at the two large aircraft carriers with deep emotion, and looked at them carefully again and again before walking over to look for their yachts.

"Jesse! Look at this, this should be my Jesse!"

"Kathy! How about this yacht be called Kathy!?"

"Love Nina! That's the name of my yacht!"

The Duke of Devonshire smiled and said:
"Viking! This is the name of my yacht, and I'll fly a pirate flag! I'm going to use it to block the channel next to the villa and collect tolls."

Argyle said quietly:

"Do you have any artistic talent? If you can't do anything with such a beautiful yacht, you can just name it after your wife, the Viking. Why don't you give me the yacht? I'll get you a sailboat and hang a row of homemade cannons on it!"

A group of girls had already gone to see the Elizabeth and the Lingling. The two yachts were similar in size and were parked there side by side, like two huge swans anchored there.

A group of girls were jumping up and down and running around to visit, exclaiming in surprise from time to time.

These yachts are nothing like traditional yachts, they all have open decks and swimming pools.

Everything has streamlined lines, and the yacht has abandoned the traditional small single-room layout. All rooms are spacious and beautifully decorated.

Although such a large yacht has only a dozen guest rooms, each one is beautiful and designed with a view.

Every room on the yacht is different, but all are very comfortable, like one large bungalow.

The control room is on the second floor. Unlike traditional ship glass, it has huge reverse-beveled glass windows like those on an aircraft carrier, providing an excellent view.

The driver can clearly see the entire front of the yacht from his feet without being blinded by the sunlight from the opposite side.

The yacht was so beautiful that Elizabeth could only see half of it.

The other people's yachts didn't even have their names painted before they were driven away in a hurry by the group of people. There is a fundamental difference between the eyes of men and women for this high-tech product.

Their focus is on beauty, and men all want to try driving!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at Elizabeth's eager expression, probably wanting to try out this yacht, so he smiled and said:

"It's very simple! Why don't you try it now?!"

This yacht's cockpit has a captain's seat, so you don't have to stand there to steer the boat.

Elizabeth sat in the car, inserted the key, turned the ignition, and after a few flashes, the lights on the two display screens came on.

Zhang Kaiwu introduced to her that the one above was a radar and the one below was a sonar buoy.

The sailor girls untied the ropes and jumped onto the bow.

Elizabeth put the yacht into reverse gear, and the yacht slowly left the dock and retreated into the sea. She skillfully turned the steering wheel inlaid with sapphires and diamonds, and the yacht slid smoothly towards the sea.

It seems that she drives frequently and is an experienced driver.

But she had served as a medic on the battlefield for several years, so she was pretty impressive!

People who have been through wind and rain, seen many wars, and experienced the cruelty of the battlefield will have a reverence for life and are not just pretty faces.

The Lingling car next to them also slowly caught up. The beautiful mother-in-law and her family were no longer girls who had never driven a car before.

Except for not knowing how to fly a plane, everything else is no problem, even a yacht is a piece of cake.

Elizabeth shifted the yacht into forward gear again, and the yacht slowly moved forward.

In a short while, Elizabeth was able to skillfully drive it to accelerate, reverse, decelerate, and turn.

The two large yachts were moving very smoothly, just like two white swans frolicking and playing in the sea.

The fool-proof operation of the yacht made her marvel!
However, when the alarm sounds, you need to check the sonar display from time to time to make sure that the boat icon does not enter shallow waters or stay away from other yachts. The radar can also show the ships that have escaped in front of you, which are all moving bright spots of different sizes, and the distance between them is also displayed.

There is also a coordinate positioning system of its own, which is located in the center of the display, and you can observe the situation in all directions.

In the past, all these things had to be done by messengers, observers had to go up the mast to observe the situation, and the commander had to judge the course.

When in unfamiliar environment mode and not knowing the waterway, you have to use a measuring rope to detect the water depth at all times.

Nowadays, yachts have simplified all these things so that one person can operate them.

Zhang Kaiwu turned on the public channel on the yacht, which was full of chatting and a group of people bragging.

Most of them boasted about their boating skills without hesitation, and they were full of praise for the sonar and radar systems on the yachts!

From a distance, people were shouting for others to give way!
Elizabeth was in a playful mood. She smiled and loudly imitated the embarrassing incident of the American aircraft carrier, shouting:

"111.33 degrees east longitude, 006.53 degrees latitude, this is my great Elizabeth, I didn't brake! Hurry up and get out of the 400-nautical-mile route, turn eight degrees, be careful, my mm heavy cannon doesn't recognize people!"

There was a lot of chaos on the radio channel, with many people saying that our yacht was not that fast, and if you have the guts, just fire.

For Great Britain, we are not afraid of death!

Grand Duke Argyle also smiled and replied according to the script:

"Your Majesty! I can't get out of the way. If you want to ram me, just ram me. This is a lighthouse!"

There was a burst of cheers on the public channels, and the scandals of the beautiful country became classics.

Elizabeth smiled and said:

"Count Zhang! This yacht is so advanced that even this idiot can realize his dream of sailing on it. The stability is so good that there is no bumpy feeling at all. It is easier and more comfortable than driving a car."

I heard that even a fool can open it, and it's so simple. Cathy, who had been itching to open it, said quickly:

"Sister Elizabeth! Go and take a rest. Let me try!"

Elizabeth gave way to the steering wheel, and Cathy sat on it and fumbled to steer the boat, directly increasing the speed to the maximum. She shouted on the radio:

"Everyone, please make way. I'm the female driving god Cathy. I won't pay if you hit me!"

Her voice was so destructive that a group of people exclaimed:
"Oh my god! Are you crazy? Why are you coming towards me? I will make way immediately!"

"Run! She's a player who can flip a car over on flat ground! She goes to the insurance company seven or eight times a month, and the insurance companies are afraid of her!"

Her poor old father cried out in despair:

"Dear Cathy! I'm your dear father! I pay all the insurance company bills. Please don't speed up! Oh my god! Slow down!"

"That's the Elizabeth, it's very expensive, the cost of repairs will be deducted from your pocket money!"

Cathy is still this amazing! ?

A female driver that everyone loves! ?
Zhang Kaiwu looked at her little girl, under her sailor suit and short skirt, with one foot firmly on the ground, as if she had endless fighting spirit in her body. He smiled and comforted her:

"Don't worry about safety! This yacht can hold few people and cargo, and most of the space is reserved for equipment. It's just a big toy."

"For safety reasons, we have tested many extreme situations, including collisions, big waves, and strong winds. Even though its side is low and its draft is not too deep, in extreme situations, as long as you do not leave the cabin, there will be absolutely no problem with safety."

"Even if you drive it to hit a warship, this yacht will not capsize. After sacrificing speed, there are many fixed equipment and sealed cabins under the ship, and there is also a gyroscope stabilizing structure inside, so the stability is of course very good! It is similar to the state of a fully loaded ship. After all, a yacht should focus on comfort and safety."

A group of people kept exclaiming when they heard it, and Cathy even said that this was designed for her, and she would no longer be afraid of getting lost or bumping into things.

She happily drove this huge vehicle, sometimes chasing her grandfather, the Grand Duke of Argyll, sometimes chasing the Duke of Devonshire, chasing a group of people around and causing everyone to avoid her!

She drove the yacht like a bumper car, just to try to get into trouble.

After having fun for a while, Cathy reluctantly handed the steering wheel to another girl.

Another female killer is here!

Elizabeth smiled, looked at the equipment and asked curiously:
"Dear Earl Zhang! Can you tell me for a moment? Do your aircraft carriers and battleships have similar equipment? I don't understand them, but they definitely do, otherwise they wouldn't be so powerful!"

"This sonar is different from traditional sonar. Traditional sonar needs to be listened to with headphones and cannot show the size of the target. It can definitely detect submarines and those ships. I think it can also detect larger fish."

Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:

"Of course! Your yacht sonar is the most advanced civilian version. It can display terrain and ships within a range of thirty kilometers."

"The radar can display moving objects and aircraft within thirty kilometers. Nothing can escape its detection."

"The military version is more powerful and can go much further. It also has more functions and can be connected to weapon systems."

The Duke of Devonshire asked curiously from the radio:

"Dear Earl Zhang! How do your weapons attack the enemy?!"

It seems that everyone is very concerned about this matter!

There must be someone like Yan Zi among these people. He will definitely not tell you the key things, but he can also reveal the power of his weapons.

A big reason these British gentlemen come here for vacation may be to scout for weapons.

It doesn't matter!
If the Republic of Borneo did not have strong military support, it would have been engulfed in war by now. How could it be said to be attracting investment? ?
This is how the world works. You have to be useful before people will pay attention to you. Otherwise, what do you want to do?!

Where is true love in this world?
Although the key missile technology cannot be discussed, it is still possible to talk nonsense. Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:

"The radar has found the target. Just select a target to attack and press the launch button. That's it! The missile will then be launched and will automatically track and attack the target. The speed is probably over Mach 1.5, which is about 2,000 kilometers per hour."

"But these things can be further upgraded and improved, and the missiles will be even faster in the future."

A group of people were shocked when they heard this. So this is what a missile looks like!
This is simply cheating!!

No wonder the battleships in the Republic of Borneo had their main guns removed. These main guns will really not be used in the future.

The thing is heavy, and needs to be aimed and the trajectory calculated. In a real naval battle, it is rare for one shell out of a hundred to hit the target.

When a real fight breaks out, they rely on concentrated fire attacks, which can last for several hours.

They calculated silently and realized that even the fastest planes could not escape. No wonder the United States' aircraft carrier fleet was forced to surrender in despair after a simple fight!

After so many days, everyone knows the situation of the war. You can't see where the enemy is, but the enemy can hit you, and there is no way to hide!

Moreover, the weapons were so powerful that it was despairing. Two of the most advanced large cruisers sank after being hit by just two shots, and they were still moving at high speed.

It's useless!

If I say I never miss a shot, I mean I never miss a shot!
The two American aircraft carriers on the dock have similar anti-strike capabilities. Anyone who dares to surrender slowly will probably become feed to the fish!
Poor American soldier.

The current naval fleet of Great Britain can't even resist a battleship! ?

And those submarines under the detection of this sonar system, will they be hit by depth charges in the future! ?

At such a high speed of Mach 1.5, it is like a stone, and its power is unimaginable!
The atmosphere in the public channel was a bit dull, and everyone was a bit scared. Zhang Kaiwu said, with a mixture of truth and lies:

"Don't worry, these weapons have their drawbacks. They are very expensive! It is impossible to use them for conventional attacks. They can only be used to destroy high-value targets of the enemy."

No matter how expensive it is, it can't be as expensive as an aircraft carrier. The cost of building and installing the two large aircraft carriers alone is estimated to be hundreds of millions of US dollars! ?

A group of people rolled their eyes secretly. If your weapon was really cheap, the world would be unified by now!

Everyone is very satisfied with the yacht, which is comfortable, high-tech and luxurious.

The Duke of Devonshire was not wrong. This yacht could be equipped with a cannon and towed to the battlefield to fight.

They are all professionals who have the technology to judge distances, and with a skilled artillery team, ordinary small warships really can't do anything about it!
If equipped with missiles, it can fight to the death with aircraft carriers.

(End of this chapter)

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