Chapter 371 It’s a bit expensive
As the whistle sounded and the ships left here one after another, everyone said goodbye to their families and shed tears of happiness.

Unfortunately, the happiness didn’t last long!

They were only provided with a meal, and just a few hours later, their first batch of 100,000 people arrived at their destination, the port of Vladivostok.

Without waiting for them to protest, all of them were put into a special train under the muzzles of guns and escorted to Siberia.

Then the next group of people arrived in a hurry. You should know that Green Tea Bitch has set up recruitment offices in several important cities, and they don’t cheat people.

Siberia in Eastern Europe is also Europe!
Large numbers of people continued to flow into Siberia, with special trains running to Vladivostok every ten minutes.

A familiar voice also rang in their ears:

"Hula! Hula! Hula!"

Europe is here!


Seven or eight days later, Zhang Kaiwu arranged these things, said hello to Xie Hong and the others, and secretly climbed up to the dock alone at dusk.

Ran Qiuye wanted to go play together but was stopped by him. Xie Hong and Anyaqing had no way to persuade him because Senior Zhang came here just to play.

There is nothing they can do if they don't understand. Zhang Kaiwu is not someone they can give advice to.

They also had a lot of things to do. They were busy discussing compensation for losses with Xue Long and others. They demanded that all the large enterprises here be demolished at once and these factories be used to pay off part of the debt.

In this process, there are countless speculators who want to get good treatment for themselves through factories or national wealth.

Some are family members, some are powerful people, and some are in the family banking system.

The people in the Tokyo Bank have sent several groups of people, wanting to use all their gold, silver, and banknotes in exchange for the continuation of the family.

When death is imminent, where in the world are there no traitors! ?

Those who want to escape first are always the powerful and wealthy. It’s not that ordinary people don’t want to escape, but they don’t have that much wealth and connections.

Things are still slowly unfolding, and no forceful action has been taken to demolish the factories, simply because Emily is still recruiting a large number of people.

Boil the frog in warm water!
It is easy to dismantle these factories, but the technology is hard to come by.

Zhang Kaiwu was not in a hurry at all. He didn't believe that they could hold on without energy and food.

These factories may be able to hold on, but the people have been recruited and simply poached.

An Yaqing and the others didn't really understand this, they could only strictly carry out their mission, but according to Xue Long and the others:

"Just carry out your mission. You may not understand it at first, but in the end you will find that Senior Zhang is always right!"

It doesn't matter if the money is not compensated, those factories can't open. Anyway, the interest is increasing every day, and the winner will have the final say on how much it is worth.

Zhang Kaiwu left the garrison base at the dock, cigarette in hand, and turned into the street in two or three steps.

When you first walk into the streets of Tokyo, it feels like the Eight Great Hutongs back then, with brothels everywhere.

Here, heavily made-up women are soliciting business, boasting that their daughters are young, beautiful, sensible and capable.

The area around the dock is full of bars targeting the garrison, and there are no other buildings. The Japanese are much better at bullying the weak and fearing the strong than the Chinese.

These are all semi-official organizations organized by their government. They even strongly encourage women to come here and start businesses in order to make the rulers' garrisons happy. They can really create value!
There were also some companies recruiting workers to go to Europe. They seemed to be Emily Brent's helpers. They were arrogant and indifferent in their recruitment.

In front of the recruitment desk, there was a long line of applicants. Each of them was pale and thin, with a hopeless look on their face, hoping that they could be hired and leave this hopeless place.

Next to the Indian girl recruitment office is an exchange office that only accepts food exchange coupons and Borneo coins, which are used as compensation for the workers.

The mercenaries around were armed with live ammunition and set up machine guns and anti-aircraft guns in the high fortifications to maintain order here.

Zhang Kaiwu pushed aside the enthusiastic madams and looked at this somewhat magical pier, as if he saw the Shanghai of the past.

Smartness, wisdom, politeness, filial piety, brotherhood, loyalty and trustworthiness are nothing in the face of hunger.

It was quite some time after we left the dock that there were fewer brothels on the street, and they did not dare to force customers on us.

Instead, there were girls dressed as students. They were not regular soldiers, but guerrilla fighters.

They wore short student skirts with three, four, five, and six folds at the waist.

The skirt was folded all the way up to the thighs, showing as much as possible.

They were all very short and wore clogs to make themselves look taller. Their shirts were tied in knots to make their legs look longer and their waists show off.

Their eyes were sharper, and when they saw him, they all rushed forward to stop him, shouting:

"Ounnijiang! Accommodation is only two taels!"

"Oh, Ounce! 50 gates is enough for a quick visit, 200 gates is enough for a night's stay! You can play as much as you want with the ticket!"

"Ounijiang! You must have just arrived. Let's use the half-pound ticket to leave a beautiful memory of a girl! Yes, yes! Yes, yes!"

"Ounice! If you are a tour guide, everything is free, and you only need to pay for the food."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the people walking on the road and found that there was a huge difference between himself and them.

I have a strong and sturdy build, with a rosy complexion, while everyone else has a pale face. No wonder these people are staring at me and trying to sell my youth.

Occasionally, there would be a man with a better face, walking by with a girl in his arms.

If you don't bring these two Tokyo Pier specialties, it will be difficult for you to leave smoothly.

Seeing that he was stopped, a group of female students surrounded him and chattered about selling products.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the girls' appearance, pointed at the ones who were a little reserved at the periphery, and said to a pair of prettier girls, "Yes, yes."
"How much rice do you two want?"

Among the people around, only the two anxious sisters were still in the prescription catalog and looked prettier.

The one who only wanted two or two votes was very skinny and dark, like a weight, and of low class. He would not even be willing to take two or two votes.

And those free girls had white powder all over their faces, and kept trying to throw themselves on him, which made him almost sick to death.

The two little sisters were delighted, and the elder sister quickly bowed 90 degrees and said respectfully:

"Ounijiang! Sensser! One of us has one pound of rice, and the other two has two pounds of rice. We two sisters work together, and that feels different."

My sister also bowed and begged:

"Censer! We don't have to eat your food. We are very obedient. Our home is comfortable and clean. We will take good care of Senser. Anything is fine!"

A bit expensive! ?
My sister bowed again and said:

"Senser! Just try it! You won't regret it if you buy two pounds of rice."

As soon as the elder sister raised her head, the younger sister bowed again, looked at him with mysterious eyes and said:
"Try it! Senser! Try it! Don't look at me because I'm skinny. I'm strong."

Looking at the two sisters who took turns bowing, he said:
"Alright! Stop talking, it's just the two of you."

The two sisters' faces lit up with joy and they hurried over to support him. Because they were too short, they looked like two monkeys hanging.

Zhang Kaiwu hugged the two sisters and walked out with a swagger.

Now the world is quiet and no one blocks the road to solicit business.


Leaving the customs street near the pier, the sister enthusiastically introduced:

"Senser! My name is Kawachi Kaori, and my sister's name is Kawachi Nokei. Do you have a place to stay? Is it convenient for me to go to your house?"

Seeing his disgusted look, the younger sister also smiled and said:

"Senser! If it's inconvenient, you can stay at our house. It's not far from here, and it's in the city center, so it's very safe."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at them. One of them was at most 1.45 meters tall, and this one was wearing clogs. She had thin arms and legs, and the other one was only 1.4 meters tall, looking thin and pitiful.

He asked curiously:

"I can go to your house. Do you charge for accommodation? Who else is there in your family? It seems that you have no experience and this is your first time doing business!?" "You are so skinny. How old are you? Can you meet my requirements!?"

The sister quickly took his arm and said sincerely:
"Don't worry, Senser! We don't charge for accommodation. Although we have no experience, we will work hard and will not let you down. Our mother is physically disabled and works in a bar on the pier. She is experienced and can guide us! Our father has died in Burma."

My sister also grabbed him nervously, saying that we had strength. She was afraid that he would run away, so she held him tightly. Zhang Kaiwu could clearly hear their stomachs growling with hunger.

They all changed the subject and kept saying that they had the strength and ability to take good care of him.

Good guy!
Their father died of grief! ?

It’s better to die with honor!

As expected, in an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent!
poor person must have something mean!

Zhang Kaiwu hugged the sisters and looked at the scenery along the way, getting to know the place.

Without energy and food, the city of Tokyo is dead!
Under the Republic of Borneo's efforts to blockade, there seem to be tall buildings everywhere, but most of the factories are not in operation and there is not much harvest from the land.

The people here move slowly, looking around evasively, with green light in their eyes.

Apart from the fact that the clothes are a bit more fancy, it is not as good as Beijing in previous years. At least the men and women in Beijing can tighten their belts and put some oil on their mouths to maintain their decency.

Most of the cars on the streets were broken down, covered with a thick layer of dust, and no one was wasting energy to clean them up. It was like entering a wasteland.

No matter whether you have a luxury car or an economy car, without oil it can't move at all, it's just a lump of iron.

No matter how advanced your industrialization is, you still have to eat.

If we set up a second-hand car market and sell these cars in the Republic of Borneo, I guess the business would be booming.


If a powerful industrial country blocks its own energy and food, it will be ruined and unable to fight back.

Finding the right method to do things can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The two sisters took him into an alley, and the elder sister whispered:

"Senser! Let's walk faster! It's very dangerous at night without street lights. We have to go back quickly. If it weren't for the fact that so many men were hired, we wouldn't dare to go out."

My sister also whispered:
"Those gangsters with tattoos can apply for jobs through the back door. The area around the dock is their territory. Many of them have left in recent days. Otherwise, we go to the dock to take the job. They want a 50% commission today."


These topics made Zhang Kaiwu a little amused and helpless!
Green Tea Bitch Emily Brent, is this human resources company she runs doing good things or bad things! ?
In just one week, more than one million men were dragged away from various cities to Europe, but some food was left behind.

They have made great contributions to the stability and prosperity here. It is really difficult to judge whether the behavior of the green tea bitch is good or evil!
Just now on the road, he saw the Tokyo Bank, a three-story European-style building made of white marble that looked magnificent.

Even though the area is blocked like this, there are still a lot of strong bodyguards on duty nearby.

The two sisters hid far away and didn't dare to walk near that place, probably because they were afraid of being scolded.

This is what war is like. No matter how cruel it is, rich people can still afford to live a better life.

This is Zhang Kaiwu's main target of revenge and it has played an important role in many wars.

Buying and selling crude oil and steel from the United States to maintain the war, plundering resources and demanding compensation are heinous crimes.

The Tokyo Bank wanted to use the gold reserves to bribe Xie Hong and the others through negotiations, and they wanted to survive! ?

You're really overthinking it!
Xie Hong and the others reported immediately without saying anything. If they were not afraid of disrupting Zhang Kaiwu's deployment, they would have treated them to peanuts long ago.


It was already getting dark and I was afraid of being robbed.

The sister said she had to walk faster because she was afraid of being robbed, but she was wearing high wooden clogs and walking with her feet turned inward, which made her unstable. It would be a miracle if she didn’t trip and fall flat on her face.

Amid the quick clacking sounds of their wooden clogs, they looked around and observed the situation around them.

Zhang Kaiwu burst out laughing. The background music and scene of the wooden clogs have a very wasteland feel to them!

If they hold a katana or carry it on their backs, it would look a bit like Tokyo ghoul!
The two girls sneakily took him to a residential building and went up to the fourth floor.

With his keen mental sense, he could sense that the people living in this dormitory building were basically orphans and widows. There were basically no adult men, and the oldest were only about ten years old.

In some rooms, there were some Tokyo girls secretly looking at the guests of the Hanoi sisters, with only a crack in the door.

They lay behind the door and were surprised to see the guests brought back by their sisters. What appeared in their eyes was not contempt, but deep envy!
Zhang Kaiwu's clothes were bright and his complexion was rosy, and he looked like a rich man.

The two sisters were acting sneaky not because they were shy, but because they were afraid that some goblins would intercept the customers and all their work would be in vain.

There is a wooden carp hanging at the door of the room, and I don’t know how long it has been there.

After knocking on the door, I saw a woman in her thirties who was quite pretty.

She might have a cold, so she treated herself with folk remedies and wrapped her head with a towel.

When she saw him come in, she immediately bowed more than 90 degrees and said with a smile:

"Senser! Welcome! The Hanoi sisters won't let you down, they will take good care of you."

Very family-friendly feeling!
It may also be that she is skilled in her business and can understand what the guests need.

She knelt on the ground and took off his shoes. The two sisters also changed their shoes and walked barefoot. Suddenly, they were ten centimeters shorter and did not even reach his chest.

The house is very small, with only one room, a small entrance and a small kitchen.

There were only two tatami mattresses in the room, with an electric fan and a TV next to them, but there was no electricity.

Because the weather is too hot now, there is also a palm-leaf fan thrown on the tatami mattress, which makes it very clean.

There was even a car key hanging on the wall, and an old group photo on the wall, which was taken by a young man and them in front of a warship.

The family was standing in front of their car with big smiles on their faces. The two sisters were too young at the time, so they were held one in each of the couple's arms.

With a car and a house, it can be seen that this family used to live a wealthy life and must have had a very good life. Although this place is small, they live in an apartment building.

After being blocked for so long, there is no gas in the house.

There was only a simple earthen stove in the kitchen, and a few small pieces of wood were used to cook the familiar wild vegetable porridge in a pot. It was green and there was not much corn cob flour, and there was only half a pot.

There was no need to estimate. Just by looking at the degree of green, Zhang Kaiwu knew that there was less than two taels of corn flour in the porridge.

The two sisters looked at the porridge, smelled its bitter fragrance, and their stomachs growled uncontrollably.

Smelling that smell, the scene was almost the same as it was at Huairu's house before.


This scene brought back those unpleasant memories. Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"How are we going to eat this little food? I won't have the energy to do anything later. I'm going to go out and do something and come back with some food later."

The mother, daughter and three of them were probably afraid that he would run away and not come back, so they grabbed him and said quickly:

"Senser! No need! It's dark now and it's dangerous!"

"We don't eat much! This is enough! Otherwise, if you eat it, we won't have to eat."

"Senser! Don't worry, we have the strength!"

Pull it down!

He is an expert in survival in the wild. Many of the things in that porridge are not even real wild vegetables, but just some grasses.

Maybe the two sisters went to pull some grass back. There wasn’t much grass!

You look like you can be blown down by the wind, will you have the strength to do it later?!

He had already taken a detailed look on the way here. She was so incredibly thin that even the small walnut-shaped figure seemed to be there and not there!

(End of this chapter)

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