Chapter 372: The idea of ​​running away
Knowing what they were worried about, Zhang Kaiwu took out a two-jin grain exchange ticket, handed it to her mother, and said:

"Don't worry! You guys eat first. I don't like the smell of this porridge. I'll be back in a minute. It's very quick."

Kawachi Kaori's mother took the exchange voucher. This red two-jin rice ticket could at least be exchanged for seven or eight jin of corn flour, which could sustain them for half a month. She said excitedly:

"Senser! Then you must be careful, it's really dangerous at night!"

Hanoi Kaori also looked at the exchange voucher. This person was really a big spender. He paid the bill before going to bed. She said nervously:
"Senser! Do you remember the way? Do you need me to go with you?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"No need! It's such a simple route, I've memorized it. If anything happens, I won't come back."

Kawachi Kaori's mother said quickly:
"Don't worry, Senser! Since we have collected the money, we will definitely wait for you to come back. I will light a light in the corridor and you will see it immediately."

He walked to the entrance door, and several people helped him put on shoes, gently opened the door, and bowed to see him off.

Seeing him leave lightly, Mrs. Hanoi hurriedly took her two daughters to drink porridge.

Teach them some precautions, men's weaknesses, and how to save energy.

The two sisters drank their porridge and sang their clothes continuously, indicating that they would try their best to comfort the guests.

This scene is so warm!

Zhang Kaiwu went downstairs and walked into the alley. In just a few minutes, it was already dark.


The whole of Tokyo lost power and was completely dark with no lights. Even in the residential buildings nearby, no one dared to turn on the lights.

From time to time, there were shadows flashing in the alley, as if something was hidden in the darkness. Just as the two little sisters said, it was really dangerous.

He cheered himself up and walked slowly. The darkness seemed non-existent to him. He could see the two people hiding nearby clearly, even the sticks they were carrying.


The stick is the most deadly weapon in the world.

He had long understood how to use this stick. It was most powerful when it was between 1.2 and 1.45 meters long. If it was too long or too short, it would not have the same effect.

Zhang Kaiwu changed into a military uniform of the United States, but the white shirt was a bit eye-catching in the dark, so he might get shot.

The advantage of this upgrade was reflected for the first time. Zhang Kaiwu flashed by with a smile, knocked down the two unlucky guys with two bangs of his stick, and avoided the splattered blood and collected it in the storage space.


The experience value of the sap has been increased by one point!
Level 211 Stun: 500-.

Damn it!

Instead of taking good jobs in Europe, he wants to take shortcuts.

Meet the expert!

In the night!
Zhang Kaiwu flashed past, hiding behind cars and corners of houses. He mistook everyone he met on the road as bandits and beat them up with clubs.

In the darkness, he was like the god of death, harvesting at will, hitting with a club with great pleasure. Maybe it was too easy for him now, and he only got a little experience after five hits.

When Zhang Kaiwu arrived near the bank and listened carefully, he discovered many sentries and hidden guards.

Inside the Bank of Tokyo, there were still a few rooms with lights on on the first and third floors.

He walked lightly and silently to the outermost edge, walked behind the least noticeable bodyguard on the east side, flashed forward and knocked him down with a stick and put it away.

The bodyguard also had a pistol, but unfortunately, due to his absolute strength, he didn't even know the enemy was coming.

As his sap skill improved, Zhang Kaiwu liked it more and more.

One stick breaks up the gangster spirit, two sticks break up the brotherhood, and three sticks break up the heroic dream.

All beings are equal under the stick, fathers are kind and sons are filial under the stick, and there is chaos under the stick.

A man was beaten to death with a stick, and a woman was taken away with a stick.

Next came the bodyguard on the west side, who also enjoyed painless ascension.

This bodyguard method of using light and darkness to cover each other is indeed very effective for ordinary people, but it is of no use to Zhang Kaiwu because he can see clearly in the dark.

The iron fence outside the bank was more than two meters high, but Zhang Kaiwu simply stepped lightly on it and jumped over.

Zhang Kaiwu had already spotted this location. He happened to land behind an absent-minded bodyguard and beat him to death with a stick, then put the bodyguard away in the storage space.

I performed the set of movements smoothly, without blushing or getting nervous, and felt very happy.

The bodyguards, both Mingming and secretly, couldn't react at all. His extraordinary speed, coupled with the fact that the storage space was too cheating,

After dealing with the bodyguards and sentries inside and outside the Tokyo Bank in the dark, Zhang Kaiwu walked leisurely towards the first floor of the bank.

The two bodyguards were still curious about who he was. He flashed over and knocked down the last two bodyguards at the door on the first floor.

About ten meters away, I heard two people talking quietly inside:
"Captain Sekimoto! Do you think that if we can successfully negotiate in the bank, will we be able to leave here?!"

"Captain Kosuke! Don't dream! I heard that even within the Yamamoto family, the other party didn't agree, so how could they care about us bodyguards?"

"Hey! Do you think we should just quit? I heard that many people went to Europe, but the salary is very low. As long as they are men, they can apply for the job."

"Don't think about it. Going to Europe without money is just as hard. There are so many treasures in the basement next to us. Can we get some and run away?"

Zhang Kaiwu paused with interest, listening to the dream of getting rich.

"We only have the key to the outside, and there are two doors inside. Do you think you can open them!?"

"Chairman Yamamoto Sakamoto Tomohiko upstairs has the other two keys. Didn't he take someone downstairs to check things out just now?!"

"The American people didn't agree to his request, saying that there were too many people in his family and the target was too big!"

"Since the people from the Beautiful Country haven't left yet, they must have the same idea. Otherwise, let's fight, take the people and the things and run away."

"We can get a sampan and run to Shanghai or Korea. With gold, we can survive anywhere."

"You're crazy! Not to mention whether you can escape, many of those people are his cronies, what about your relatives?"

These low-level people are too naive. They can easily run away. How can it be your turn?! ?
Zhang Kaiwu was too lazy to listen to the two captains' dreams. He pushed open the half-open door and walked straight in. Before the two people inside could react, he knocked them down and put them away in the space.

Zhang Kaiwu picked up a bunch of keys on the table and walked upstairs slowly, as if he was going to the toilet at home, just strolling leisurely.

If you don’t know, you would think he is the owner of this place.

As soon as I reached the second floor, I heard conversations and quarrels on the third floor.

A voice pleaded:
"Mr. Augusto! With such a huge fortune, worth tens of billions of dollars, can't you take a few more people with you?"

"If you take our family away, I'll give you half of the reward!"

Another voice said:
"Haha! Mr. Yamamoto, it seems that you don't understand your situation. I dare not take these things away. If I could take them all away, Mr. MacArthur would have taken them for you and taken you away."

"If the truth is revealed, or if all these things here are lost, the Republic of Borneo will be furious. Don't think that there is more than 5 billion US dollars in the bank. How much it is worth is not up to you!"

"For the sake of our past friendship, I will at most choose a few antiques to leave behind, and I will take a child away with you tomorrow. To be honest, I don't have the ability to take away the gold reserves. Even if I did, I would be dead if the matter was exposed. There are many people who would push me out to die!"

Another said:
"You guys in the United States are really scared of being beaten. You don't even dare to ask for money. What are you afraid of with so many warships? If we fight them to the death, the Republic of Borneo doesn't have so many advanced weapons!"

A beautiful country accent mocked:

"Yamamoto! You are a little bit out of your mind! For your 3,000 tons of gold reserves and the silver, the United States is going to fight to the death with all its strength!?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Not to mention 3,000 tons of gold reserves, it's impossible to increase it tenfold! You don't even know the power of that weapon. It can hit targets 300 to 400 kilometers away. One shot can destroy half a city. Do you think it was the past when you could just rely on numbers to fight? Kamikaze Suicide Squad?"

"You have long been out of date. The radar and sonar technology of the Republic of Borneo is the best in the world. You have no idea how powerful it is. No matter how powerful the aircraft carriers and submarines are, they are just disposable targets. Do you understand?!"

One person was angry and shouted:

"You are a bunch of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong! You are all a bunch of cowards!" A voice mocked:

“Hahahaha! Aren’t you Japanese the same? Do you dare to charge forward and fight? Why did you surrender before? If you really fall out, the whole of the United States will fall into panic!”

"It is your current Tokyo and the entire Japan that have angered the Republic of Borneo. Even if you are armed, others can destroy you however they want. If you have the ability, don't even think about running away! Has your government ever thought about resisting? They dare not say a word, and now they are just waiting for others to give them conditions!"

The conversation inside began to heat up again.

"Mr. Augusto! Just give us a way to survive, and we can do anything."

"Haha! I could have promised you anything a year ago, but it's too late to say that now! Leave all these things behind and honestly try to find a job in Europe. That way there will be hope."

"What you said is hilarious. I needed you to agree to it a year ago!?"

"Don't think that just because you gave me money before, you can treat me like this! I don't owe you anything!"

After hearing this, Zhang Kaiwu noticed that there were several soldiers from the Beautiful Country among the bodyguards.

Among the two cars parked downstairs, one is a jeep from the beautiful country.

Zhang Kaiwu walked leisurely up to the third floor. This kind of building was similar to a brothel, with the stairs in the middle of the house.

It is spacious in European style, with a wide staircase and three rooms on each side.

There are two American soldiers standing guard at the door of the corridor on the left. Maybe they are also listening to the noise.

I saw Zhang Kaiwu slowly walking towards me and was just about to ask him a question.

He took a step forward and appeared in front of the soldiers. The stick that suddenly appeared in his hand knocked them down and put it into the storage space.

Even if they attacked openly, it would take less than a second.

Hearing the whistling of sticks outside, the two people in the room asked:
"What's going on outside?"

Zhang Kaiwu said casually:
"Sir! There's a big rat."

"Damn it! You guys made such a big fuss over a rat!?"

He opened the door and walked in, saying:

"Look how big this rat is!"

On the sofa in the room, four middle-aged men with big bellies looked up angrily. Zhang Kaiwu said with a grin:
"Excuse me! Seeing that the atmosphere of your conversation just now was not good, I wanted to play a little joke on you!"

The four people's eyes tightened, and they were in no mood to listen to Zhang Kaiwu's jokes. This man in a beautiful military uniform was not one of them, and there was blood on his body. Where were their bodyguards! ?
How come I didn't hear any noise? There are so many people downstairs! ?
Zhang Kaiwu looked at one of them with a smile, and guessed that he was Mr. Yamamoto because he had a bunch of keys hanging around his waist.

Zhang Kaiwu walked over slowly and said:
"Haha! Don't worry! Don't misunderstand me! I'm actually here to kill people and silence them!"

Mr. Yamamoto almost jumped up!

Mr. Augusto said excitedly:

“It has nothing to do with me!!!”

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Sir! I know!"

Then he was too lazy to talk nonsense, he dodged and knocked them down with a few sticks, and took the keys.

The villain died because he talked too much. He knew all these things very well. Maybe there was some explosive in the bank that would kill everyone! ?
What if they are prepared to die with honor?!
These people are always crazy.

There were also a few beautiful bowls and jars on the coffee table, which might be the rewards prepared for helping Mr. Yamamoto transport the children. There were also some decorations and a small safe in the office.

Maybe these things are very precious, but Zhang Kaiwu doesn't understand them at all and just put them away.

All the valuables in the office were put away, not only the safe, but also the printers, documents and the like.

All the bodyguards were released, as well as the people they met on the way, and they formed a big pile. They collected their belongings and released people at the same time, and the pile continued to the second floor.

Zhang Kaiwu, holding the key, whistled and slowly walked downstairs, and found a big door next to the bodyguards.

He used the key to open the three doors, entered the underground secret room, and examined the treasure house with a flashlight.

There is a lot of gold reserves inside, probably the 3,000 tons of gold. There is even more silver reserves, probably tens of thousands of tons.

Zhang Kaiwu now regards money as dirt, and gold seems indifferent to him. He no longer has the same passion as before when collecting it.

There were also tons of miscellaneous foreign exchange from various countries, various folders, bonds and the like.

This is the head office of the largest foreign exchange bank in Tokyo. All international business is handled here, and all gold reserves and foreign exchange business are located here.

When those factories need to purchase things, they have to rely on the payment system of Tokyo Bank. There is no shortage of money here at all.

It is the Japanese government organization that is short of money, just like all countries in the world.

There were also various strange old items, including bottles and jars, and some old books, which might have been looted from his own country or Southeast Asia. Zhang Kaiwu packed them up and took them all back.

There were also a few smaller safes, and no one knew what was inside them, but they were also put into the space by him.

Looking at the empty treasure house, he took out the gasoline barrels he had picked up from the warehouse in the United States and poured them everywhere. He poured four or five barrels of gasoline in one breath and felt that it was enough.

He walked along the way and watered the plants diligently. When he reached the gate, he lit a cigarette and also lit the gasoline.

I watched the flames burn fiercely, slowly spreading to the building and setting the entire building on fire.

Looking at this spectacular scene, smelling the barbecue smell, and feeling the heat wave, Zhang Kaiwu quickly put on a gas mask and slowly left the place.

The roaring fire was as high as seven or eight floors, and was particularly conspicuous in the city of Tokyo where there were no street lights.

A fire whistle sounded in the distance. Zhang Kaiwu dodged and ran away, taking off his gas mask.

The golden belt of murder and arson!

Zhang Kaiwu had been planning to have fun setting fires for a long time, but when he was in Peking he was afraid of burning the flowers and plants, so he never had a suitable opportunity.

It gets dark late in the summer, and it was already around ten o'clock in the evening. Zhang Kaiwu felt happy and proud for a moment. He was wandering on the street with a cigarette in his mouth and a smile on his face.

There is pride, honor and satisfaction in the heart, all of which are positive emotions.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Although I know that these things are nothing and they are just food in my mouth, I am still happy!

Level 315 Stun: 500-.

After the beating just now, my experience points increased by a hundred, which is a gain at least.


Zhang Kaiwu looked up inadvertently and saw a small oil lamp lit in the window of the corridor of the Hanoi sisters' house in the alley.

Big as a bean!

Look at that oil lamp...

His eyesight was so good that even from a distance, Zhang Kaiwu could see more than just the bean-sized oil lamp.

There are also the Hanoi sisters hiding behind the oil lamp, and their frightened expressions behind the windows.

They are taking risks and waiting for the guests to return! ?
He found a place and changed back into his previous clothes. He walked over slowly with a cigarette in his mouth, holding a dozen steamed buns and a braised chicken in one hand and a few bottles of beer in the other.

Although he had already paid the fee, he was afraid of getting someone killed.

As the cigarette butts, one lit and one dimmed, walked into the alley, the two sisters became nervous for a moment.

Soon the two sisters noticed the big guy, recognized his white shirt, and waved to him gently.

When Zhang Kaiwu went up to the fourth floor, they had already opened the door of the room, closed the windows in the corridor, and pulled him in.

Several people knelt on the ground, wearing light clothes, and took off his shoes. The weather in August was too hot and the room was a little stuffy, so they took off his coat as well.

(End of this chapter)

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