Water Margin: You dog official, you still say you don’t know martial arts?

Chapter 438: The wind is howling, and everything looks like an enemy! [1 update]

Chapter 438: The wind is howling, and everything looks like an enemy! [1 update]



The young man Zeng Sheng was not actually dead, he just had his arms and legs broken by Liu Gao.

So he was hanging at the critical moment, hanging neatly in a row with his father and brothers, and he couldn't understand why!
He was just stealing a horse on his own turf, something he had done many times before.

Every time he got a good horse for free, or even gained both wealth and money, and there was never any trouble.

What did he do wrong today?
Why is this so?
He watched helplessly as hundreds of Zeng family soldiers below fell into chaos after Liu Gao made his loud announcement!
He wanted to shout "Stop it!", but the hemp rope was too tight around his neck and he couldn't speak.

This is because he is strong enough, otherwise he would have been strangled to death if he was thrown down from the critical moment!
Even so, he couldn't bear it anymore. His vision gradually blurred, and suddenly he heard a cannon shot in the distance:

A raging fire broke out in the Zeng family mansion, with flames shooting up into the sky, which seemed to have triggered some preset conditions.

From the three high hills outside Zengtou City, signal gunfire rang out one after another, and the sound of the cannons made the night tremble!

Originally, the soldiers of Zeng Family Mansion were demoralized because of the raging fire in Zeng Family Mansion and the fact that Commander Zeng, Zeng Tu, Zeng Suo, Zeng Kui and Zeng Sheng were all hung up on the critical pass!
At this moment, cannon fire sounded from all directions, and the morale of the army collapsed!

In addition, a skinny soldier with a rat-like face, a pointed chin and monkey cheeks among the Zeng family soldiers screamed:
"Oh no! The government troops are coming! Run!"

This skinny soldier spoke the Jin dialect, and even though it was a bit stiff, he still set the pace!
The Zeng family soldiers immediately abandoned their weapons and fled!
Then, as if to confirm the words of Liu Gao and the skinny family soldier, war drums sounded from the three high hills!

The sound of the war drums "boom boom boom" was already loud, and it was at night, with the mountains echoing back, it was like an army of thousands was charging!
The Zeng family soldiers who came later were defeated by the Zeng family soldiers and they all lost their fighting spirit and fled in panic!
Thousands of Zeng family soldiers were leaderless and disorganized, and with it being dark, chaos reigned!

Suddenly someone screamed and fell to the ground!
This startled all the Zeng family soldiers around him, and another skinny soldier screamed:
"Oh no! Government troops have infiltrated our midst!"

His shout immediately caused even greater commotion, and the Zeng family soldiers hurriedly and vigilantly observed the people around them!
Whenever there was a strange face holding a weapon, the Zeng family soldiers would immediately draw their swords and attack:

"What? What do you want to do?"

These soldiers from the Zeng family were originally Jin soldiers who killed people without blinking an eye, and now they are like frightened birds. They started to attack if they couldn't get along with them after just a few words!

Soon, the soldiers of the Zeng family started killing each other!

The skinny soldier with a rat-like face, a pointed chin and a monkey-like cheeks slithered through the crowd like a loach.

Suddenly he came over and stabbed someone to death, shouting "Oh no, there are government troops!"
Suddenly he went over there and stabbed someone to death, shouting, "There's a government soldier among us!"

It’s busy, but effective!
More and more soldiers from the Zeng family were engaged in a fight, but a group of them escaped.

The topography of Zengtou City is as follows:

There is wild water all around and high hills on three sides.

In other words, there is only one way out of Zengtou City.

So many soldiers of the Zeng family fled in a swarm along this road.

As a result, when we reached a narrow place, war drums suddenly sounded from the high hill next to us!

The sounds of shouting and killing filled the mountains and plains!
What was even more terrifying was that huge rocks rolled down from the high hill, killing countless Zeng family soldiers!

The huge rocks rolled down and piled up into a stone wall, which quickly blocked the narrow place!

In fact, it would be fine if it was blocked. The stone wall was neither high nor steep, so we could just climb over it. But the Zeng family soldiers were already frightened, and they were afraid of everything. How could they dare to move forward?

They had no choice but to turn around and run back, but they ran into the Zeng family soldiers who were killing each other!
In the chaos of the army, the skinny soldier with a rat-like face and a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks shouted again:
"The government troops are coming to kill us! The government troops are coming to kill us!"

In the darkness, unable to distinguish between friend and foe, the Zeng family soldiers who were killing each other thought that the Zeng family soldiers who were running back were government troops, and the Zeng family soldiers who were running back also thought that the Zeng family soldiers who were killing each other were government troops!

Instigated by that skinny soldier with a rat-like face and a pointed chin, they immediately started fighting again!
Of course, there were also soldiers from the Zeng family who completely gave up fighting. They fled from the battle group and no one knew where to go.

At this time, the skinny soldier with a rat-like face and a pointed chin shouted in the chaos:
"There's a ship in the harbor! Let's get on the ship!"

Since Zengtou City is "surrounded by wild water" and "the river harbor along the ditch is like a snake", there are many small boats near the harbor.

It’s just that the Zeng family’s soldiers all came from the prairie, and they didn’t even think about this at the critical moment of life and death.

Reminded by the skinny and monkey-faced soldier, they hurriedly squeezed onto the boat!

Such a big move by hundreds of Zeng family soldiers naturally alerted more Zeng family soldiers.

As a result, more and more Zeng family soldiers who were killing each other gave up fighting and fled towards the river port!

First, several hundred soldiers from the Zeng family squeezed onto the small boat and rowed away without waiting for the people behind to come!
The result was that the Zeng family soldiers behind chased into the water, wading in pursuit, and the ones who were faster clung to the side of the boat:

"Let me up! Let me up!"

However, their comrades turned against them and stabbed them with spears or cut their hands with knives!

In a short period of time, countless Zeng family soldiers were stabbed to death in the water, and their blood dyed the river red!
There are countless severed hands still clinging to the side of the boat...

There were also some soldiers of the Zeng family who were not good at swimming but still kept their rationality at the critical moment of life and death, standing at the river port and dared not go into the water.

But at this moment, shouts of killing were heard behind him!
They looked back in a hurry, only to see several generals leading thousands of troops coming towards them from behind!

In fact, there were not thousands of troops, but it was a dark mass in the night, sweeping over, and naturally there was an effect of panic-stricken people, and every tree and grass seemed to be an enemy.

These landlubbers were so frightened that they fled into the water, and as a result, no one knows how many of them drowned!

There were corpses floating on the water like a swarm of crucian carp!


The hundreds of Zeng family soldiers who escaped by boat all breathed a sigh of relief:

Finally survived with great difficulty!
As long as we escape by boat tonight, no matter where we land, we will burn, kill and loot to vent our anger!

With so many people gathered together, they can definitely become the king of the mountain and start a second spring in their careers!
However, just when they thought they had survived and began to imagine the future, a sound suddenly came from the bottom of the boat:

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

What is Dangdangdang?

The hundreds of Zeng family soldiers had never encountered such a situation before. They looked at each other in bewilderment until someone screamed:
"Oh no! Our boat is leaking!"

(End of this chapter)

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