Water Margin: You dog official, you still say you don’t know martial arts?

Chapter 439: Hu Sanniang: I am just a younger sister? [3 more]

Chapter 439 Hu Sanniang: I am just a younger sister? [2 more]

"It leaked! It leaked too!"

Such hysterical screams were heard from more and more small boats!
The landlubbers were all scared to death!

If the Jurchens are less than ten thousand, are they invincible?
Let them try it on a boat, on a leaky boat, and they will all scream like fallen women!

As more and more water entered the boat, some of the Zeng family soldiers watched in dismay, then sank into the water along with the boat...

Someone reacted quickly and dived into the water, taking the lead in the gurgling bubbles!
Some people were lucky enough to hold onto a wooden barrel or something, and were just feeling thankful when they suddenly felt their feet being grabbed!

"Water ghost——"

The man was so scared that he screamed and struggled desperately!

However, it was of no use, and he was soon grabbed by the feet and dragged into the water...

After that, more and more soldiers of the Zeng family encountered "water ghosts" and disappeared into the water one after another with desperate screams...

"Wa hahaha!"

As a soldier from the Zeng family was dragged into the water, a big man emerged from where he sank!
His face was covered with big lumps of flesh, his eyes were big, his beard was yellow, and his body was wet with many black spots...

It’s really like a water ghost!
This water ghost was none other than the "living devil" Ruan Xiaoqi, who led two hundred navy soldiers specifically waiting here to pick up heads.

Ruan Xiaoqi waved his hand:
"Brothers, turn around again and see if there are any fish that have escaped the net!"

There were many heads floating on the water at this time. After hearing Ruan Xiaoqi's words, they all responded and dived into the water!

"Kill the duck——"

Lu Junyi and Qin Ming led three hundred cavalry, and Wu Song led five hundred infantry, and they rushed to the river port!

Clean out the remaining Zeng family soldiers who were neither killed in mutual infighting nor drowned in the water!

The cavalry led by Lu Junyi and Qin Ming had been lying in ambush in advance and had gathered their strength, so they arrived first.

The infantry led by Wu Song had to fire signal cannons, beat war drums, and drop boulders on the hill, so they were a step slow.

But in the end they all met at the river port and slaughtered the demoralized Zeng family soldiers at will!
Liu Gao once said: Leave no one alive!
The entire Zengtou City has been replaced by Jin Gou, so just kill them all!

As for the foreign horse dealers, they all lived in the inn and dared not come out when they heard the shouting and killing outside.

Liu Gao stood at the critical moment and saw that the Zeng family's situation was hopeless, so he nodded to Yang Zhi, Suo Chao and others who were eager to try.

So Yang Zhi, Suo Chao and others excitedly rode their horses out of the customs!
Hu Sanniang could no longer hold back, so she drew out her Sun and Moon swords and excitedly chased after Yang Zhi and Suo Chao.

However, after rushing out a few steps, Hu Sanniang suddenly felt something was wrong:

Why didn’t Huayue Niang compete with me?
She slammed on the brakes and looked back suddenly, only to see Hua Yueniang protecting Liu Gao!

Not moving at all, as still as a mountain!

Hu Sanniang's heart skipped a beat!
She realized at this moment that she had lost!
She is better at martial arts than Hua Yue Niang, has longer thighs than Hua Yue Niang, and has a tougher personality than Hua Yue Niang. She is better than Hua Yue Niang in every way...

But at this moment, she lost!
She had been fighting with Hua Yue Niang for such a long time for the title of elder sister. She had always believed that Hua Yue Niang could not win against her. She had always believed that Hua Yue Niang was just a younger sister...

Until this moment she suddenly realized that she was a younger sister!
How to break?
At this moment, Hu Sanniang was in a dilemma!

Her twin swords of Sun and Moon have been unsheathed, and it will be difficult to end this without bloodshed!

However, if she left, it would be equivalent to giving Liu Gao to Hua Yue Niang!
Of course she doesn't want to give in!

But even if she turned back and stayed with Hua Yue Niang beside Liu Gao, she would still be at a disadvantage...

Liu Gao laughed and said, "Sanniang, if you don't go now, they will kill all the golden dogs!"


Hu Sanniang's eyes became sharp. She looked at Liu Gao deeply, turned around and went down the pass.

A moment later, the dashing and heroic figure of Hu Sanniang appeared at the pass:
The golden hairpins on her temples are pressed down, and the stirrups of her phoenix shoes are slanted.

The chain mail is lined with red gauze, and the embroidered belt is tied to the willow waist. The frosty knife chops the brave soldiers, and the jade-like fingers capture the fierce generals alive.

The naturally beautiful crabapple flower, Yizhangqing takes the lead.


Hu Sanniang gave a tender shout and urged her horse to charge towards the Zeng family soldiers!
The twin swords of Sun and Moon flash with cold light, invincible!
Liu Gao stood at the crossroads facing the wind, fanning himself with a feather fan, and asked Hua Yue Niang with a smile:

"Yue Niang, aren't you going?"

"I go?"

Huayue Niang curled her lips:
"If I go, what will you do?"

Dai Zong: Sorry to bother you, goodbye!
Liu Gao waved his goose feather fan and laughed:
"I know how to pounce on a little boy. Look, Zeng Sheng was even knocked down by me!"

"Forget it, big brother!"

Since Dai Zong had run away, only Liu Gao and Hua Yue Niang were left at the critical moment.

Huayue Niang teased Liu Gao:
"Don't think I don't know that you have to make physical contact with the enemy!

“What if the enemy uses a knife?
"Before you even touch him, he's slashing at you with a knife!
"You only know how to pounce on a little boy, what can you do to stop him?"


Liu Gao almost tore through his attribute panel, and then he thought:
"I also have the Red Cotton Lasso!"

Hu Sanniang’s red cotton lasso?

It would be fine if Liu Gao didn't mention it, but since he did, Hua Yue Niang had to say something:

"The Red Cotton Lasso can only capture one person at a time!

"If there are two of them, what will you use to stop them?"

People are tough and can’t be broken down!
Although he didn't want to admit it, Liu Gao knew that Hua Yue Niang was right, and here he had run out of ideas...

Actually, it is not true. He also has "natural supernatural powers" and can "heal without treatment."

But there is no need to fight to the end with Hua Yue Niang.

After all, Hua Yue Niang wanted to protect him, not to harm him...

Liu Gao could only remain silent, taking out a crossbow from his sleeves and playing with it in his hands intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing the crossbow in Liu Gao's hand, which was the same as hers, Hua Yue Niang blushed and pursed her lips:

"Nothing to say, right?
"Tell me, can you do without me?"

"Of course!"

Liu Gao raised a sweet smile, put away his crossbow, and held Hua Yue Niang's snow-white hand:
"Of course not without you!"

Hua Yue Niang's face suddenly turned as red as a ripe cherry tomato, and she instinctively wanted to pull away her snow-white little hand.

She thought so in her mind, but her body was honest as she held hands with Liu Gao!
At the critical moment, there were only the two of them. Liu Gao held a goose feather fan in his left hand and held hands with Hua Yue Niang with his right hand.

Hua Yue Niang was just the opposite, with her left hand clasped with Liu Gao's fingers, and her right hand holding a silver spear!

The two stood facing the wind at the critical moment, one had a handsome face and delicate eyes, and the other was so beautiful that fishes could sink to the depths, geese could fall, and the moon could shame flowers!
They are truly a match made in heaven!

Hu Sanniang gave a delicate cry and chopped down a soldier from the Zeng family with one knife!
Just at this moment, I looked back intentionally or unintentionally at the critical moment:
I saw Liu Gao and Hua Yue Niang standing hand in hand like a fairy couple...

Hu Sanniang felt her chest was stuffy and she couldn't breathe, but she was helpless and could only vent her anger on the soldiers of Zeng family!

Just then, a skinny soldier from the Zeng family with a rat-like face, a pointed chin and monkey cheeks appeared in sight!

Hu Sanniang raised her eyebrows, opened her eyes wide, and shouted:

(End of this chapter)

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