You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 174: Courtroom Showdown! Killing Crazy! !

Chapter 174: Courtroom Showdown! Killing Crazy! !
Zhang Yifan said: "The defendant's lawyer's lawsuit request is too absurd! His lawsuit request makes me feel that the defendant's lawyer has no professional lawyer ability at all, and he cannot stand in this court!"

Zhang Yifan came up and asked Gu Chen to leave.

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong said, "Reject the plaintiff's lawyer's request and warn the plaintiff's lawyer that he cannot let the other party's lawyer leave the court without reason."

Wang Zhong: “?”

He just wanted to disgust Gu Chen, but he was warned by the presiding judge right away?
The presiding judge Wang Zhong looked at Gu Chen and said, "Defendant's lawyer, the court has received your appeal. You need to provide corresponding factual basis according to your appeal, otherwise the court will dismiss your lawsuit."

"Now please allow the plaintiff's lawyer to make a statement and explain the lawsuit request."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yifan, the lawyer from Ruimao Bank.

Zhang Yifan said: "Our opinions are as follows:
First, the first instance verdict sentenced Zhao Yishan to 15 years in prison. Zhao Yishan and his accomplices committed crimes in the bank and robbed the bank of a large amount of cash. Moreover, Zhao Yishan knew that the money was from the bank, but he still spent it on consumption, which eventually caused huge losses to Ruimao Bank. I request the court to increase the punishment for Zhao Yishan. The law needs to be fair and just. If criminals are not severely punished today, more and more people will ignore the law and rob banks. "

"Second, Zhao Yishan has caused great reputational damage and impact to Ruimao Bank, and Zhao Yishan posted the video of him and the bank staff online, which seriously affected the bank's reputation. I request Zhao Yishan to compensate the bank a total of 400,000 yuan."

"Third, I request Zhao Yishan to bear all the expenses incurred in this lawsuit, which totals 233459.93 yuan."

"Your Honor, I would like to reiterate one sentence here."

"We are the victim of Ruimao Bank. The robbers robbed the bank without any reason, causing huge losses to the bank. The criminals have repeatedly affected the image of the bank. We request the court to give a heavy sentence to the criminal Zhao Yishan."

"Zhao Yishan colluded with the robber, took the bank's money and spent it on consumption. He is an accomplice of the robber and has committed the crime of robbery. No matter what his reasons were, he has committed the crime of robbery. When facing a robber, I hope everyone can look at it rationally."

"Zhao Yishan's father needs money for medical treatment. You can seek help through other reasonable means instead of being a robber. You can rob a bank today, and tomorrow you may rob innocent people on the street. So facing a potential threat, we must strangle him! How can such a person be said to be innocent? How can he be innocent?"

"If Zhao Yishan is innocent, then in the future when criminals rob a bank, they can find an accomplice and let the accomplice take the money, because their accomplice, that is, Zhao Yishan in this case, is innocent! This will only encourage the arrogance of criminals!"

"Your Honor, I have concluded my statement."

Zhang Yifan is still very confident about this case.

Zhang Yifan wanted to laugh when he heard Gu Chen say that the defendant was not guilty.

How could the defendant be innocent?
They all robbed the bank!

Although the robber did not rob the bank directly with a knife, he gave the money to Zhao Yishan.

If Zhao Yishan had chosen to hand over the money to the bank at that time, he would not have committed a crime.

But Zhao Yishan took the money and left! !

Zhao Yishan took away the money that the robbers had robbed.

Faced with such a criminal, Gu Chen said that Zhao Yishan did not commit any crime?

How is it possible not to commit a crime?

If he had not committed any crime, how could Zhao Yishan be sentenced to fifteen years in prison in the first instance?

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong looked at Gu Chen and said, "Now please ask the defendant's lawyer to submit the relevant legal basis."

Everyone looked at Gu Chen. Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also looking at Gu Chen.

How should Gu Chen defend his innocence in this case?

They had no idea how to defend Zhao Yishan's innocence.

How could Zhao Yishan be innocent?

Although many netizens stand on Zhao Yishan's side, Zhao Yishan still took the bank's money and committed a crime.

Now he wants to defend Zhao Yishan's innocence. Can Gu Chen really do it?
In this case, even Xue Qingqing who was standing by didn't know how Gu Chen was going to fight the lawsuit.

Gu Chen said: "Judge, I would like to ask my client to explain the specific circumstances of the crime."

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong struck the gavel.

"The application is approved. Please allow the defendant to make a statement."

Zhao Yishan looked at Gu Chen, still feeling a little uneasy.

But Zhao Yishan still straightened his back and said, "This is what happened."

"I wanted to withdraw money from the bank, but the bank wouldn't let me. They insisted that I prove I was my father's son. No matter how I tried to prove it, it didn't work. Even my household registration book and ID card didn't work. Even my father's daily photos and family photos didn't work."

"The bank said they had to come in person or issue a certificate to prove my father was my father, so that I could withdraw money from the bank."

"I asked them where I should go to get a certificate, and they said they didn't know, but they had to get a certificate anyway."

"But how can I prove that my father is my father? I went to the community, the village committee, and the police station, but they all said they couldn't issue such a certificate. But the bank insisted on having this certificate, and I really had no other choice."

"I finally went to the bank and begged them to withdraw the money my father had left in his passbook, but the bank refused to allow me to do so."

"I finally had no choice but to sit in the bank and cry. My dad was dying in the hospital. He needed money to save his life and for surgery, but the money was originally his!! He had deposited $500,000 in the bank, but the bank refused to give him the money!"

"At this time, some people suddenly came to the bank to rob money. I had nothing, so I just kept crying. Everyone squatted with their heads in their hands, and I kept crying."

"One of the robbers saw me crying and asked me what was wrong. He then gave me a bag of money. I took the money and went to the hospital to pay for the surgery."

At this point, Zhang Yifan, the lawyer for the plaintiff Ruimao Bank, raised his hand.

Zhang Yifan said, "Your Honor, I heard it! Zhao Yishan also admitted it! He took the money that the robbers robbed from the bank! He was a robber!! He was in cahoots with the robbers!!! No matter what, he took the bank's money, he broke the law! Please sentence Zhao Yishan directly!! Sentence him to life imprisonment! His behavior is too evil!"

Before the presiding judge could speak, Zhang Yifan had already spoken out.

At this time, Gu Chen also raised his hand.

"Your Honor, protest!"

(End of this chapter)

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