You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 175: Surviving a disaster, what crime has there been for being innocent?

Chapter 175: Surviving a disaster, what crime has there been for being innocent?

"Your Honor! We protest! The plaintiff's lawyer interrupted our client's statement and forcibly interjected without the permission of the Presiding Judge, interrupting our statement in court and affecting our defense!" Gu Chen said.

Although Zhao Yishan had already finished speaking, Gu Chen still said this.

Who asked Zhang Yifan to interrupt?
Is it time for him to speak?
Presiding Judge Wang Zhong said: "The protest is valid. I will warn the plaintiff's lawyer once."

Zhang Yifan: “.”

Zhang Yifan's face darkened.

He didn't expect that lawyer Gu Chen was so capable.

Then he wanted to see how Gu Chen would defend Zhao Yishan!
No matter how he defends himself, Zhao Yishan can't be innocent!
Gu Chen said, "Your Honor, I would like to ask my client a few questions."

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong: “You may ask questions.”

Gu Chen looked at Zhao Yishan and said, "When the robbers robbed the bank, did you rob the bank and the financial department?"

Zhao Yishan said: "No, I just sat in the corner and cried the whole time. I didn't move at all. There are surveillance cameras in the bank, and you can see everything."

Gu Chen said: "Are you sure you didn't go to rob? Didn't you participate in the robbery?"

Zhao Yishan: "Lawyer Gu, I am sure that I was in the corner the whole time. I did not rob anyone at all. When the robbers came to rob the bank, I was very scared. I did not dare to resist when I saw that the robbers had a knife in their hands."

Gu Chen then asked: "Why did the robber give you the money?"

Zhao Yishan: "I don't know. I was crying there. I only know that a robber came over and asked me why I was crying."

Gu Chen asked: "Then what did you say?"

Zhao Yishan: "I said the bank refused to give me the money and asked me to prove that my father is my father, otherwise I can't withdraw the money. My father is in the ICU waiting for money to save his life. If there is no money today, my father probably won't be able to hold on."

"Then, I was slapped by a robber, who called me a loser."

"Finally the robber gave me a bag of money."

Gu Chen asked: "If the robbers give you money, do you dare to take it? Aren't you afraid that the robbers will kill you?"

Zhao Yishan said: "I was very scared at the time. I didn't dare to take a penny, but I didn't dare to move. I saw that the robber was ferocious. He slapped me, scolded me, and wanted to beat me. I didn't dare to move. I held the money in my arms. I was so scared. I wanted to return the money to the robber, but the robber pointed a knife at me and kept scolding me for being a waste and a coward. I could only hold the money and I didn't dare to move."

Gu Chen looked at the presiding judge and said, "Your Honor, we have finished our questioning. I believe everyone has heard clearly what happened."

"I am now applying to defend my client!"

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong nodded and struck the gavel.

Wang Zhong: "Permission to defend."

Gu Chen looked at Xue Qingqing.

Xue Qingqing immediately took out the materials. Gu Chen looked at the materials and said, "This is the verdict of the Jiangcheng Intermediate People's Court on Zhao Yishan's case. In the first instance verdict, I don't know why, my client was convicted of robbery."

"Robbery is a crime committed when, for the purpose of illegal possession, the owner or custodian of property is forcibly taken away by force using violence, coercion or other means."

Violence refers to the act of hitting or forcing the victim's body. The violence of robbery refers to the act of hitting or forcing the victim's body to eliminate the victim's resistance and rob others of their property. Other methods here refer to other methods other than violence and coercion that make the victim unaware of or unable to resist. "

"Then I want to ask everyone a question."

"I'm sure everyone has seen the bank's surveillance video."

"My client, Zhao Yishan, did he use violence, coercion, or other methods to rob money? No, if he didn't, how can it be considered robbery?"

Gu Chen continued, "In the first instance judgment, it was determined that our client Zhao Yishan had a relationship with the robber because the two communicated under video surveillance. After the communication, the robber gave Zhao Yishan a bag of money. So, was Zhao Yishan determined to be an accomplice of the robber?"

"I think this is also very unreasonable, because in the video, you can see that Zhao Yishan was huddled in a corner, crying all the time, and the robber even slapped Zhao Yishan. If they were accomplices, how could the robber slap Zhao Yishan?"

"Zhao Yishan was always scared and trembling. How could he have the subjective intention to rob? He is definitely not an accomplice of the robber!"

"Here is the transcript from the police. A total of five robbers were arrested. All five confessed. They all said they didn't know Zhao Yishan, so Zhao Yishan couldn't be an accomplice of the robbers!"

Gu Chen submitted the police's statement.

Indeed, the statements of the five people showed that none of them knew Zhao Yishan.

This ruled out the suspicion that Zhao Yishan was an accomplice.

Gu Chen has already confirmed that these people are not Zhao Yishan's accomplices, and Zhao Yishan is not guilty of robbery.

"At this point, some people might say that Zhao Yishan also wanted to follow the robbers to rob money. Although they don't know each other, it is still possible that they could become accomplices?"

"But this is impossible!"

"The robbers came to steal money, how could they allow Zhao Yishan to rob money as well? Zhao Yishan doesn't even know them."

"After learning about Zhao Yishan's father's situation, the robber chose to beat and scold Zhao Yishan, and threw money at Zhao Yishan, and the robber was holding a knife in his hand."

"The robber had a knife in his hand, which posed a threat to Zhao Yishan's personal safety."

"At this time, Zhao Yishan's life safety was not guaranteed at all. According to the laws of our country, Zhao Yishan chose to accept the money from the robbers when his personal safety was threatened. This was an emergency measure to avoid danger."

"According to Article 21 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of my country, [emergency avoidance] is an act of emergency avoidance that is taken out of necessity to protect the state, public interests, the personal, property and other rights of oneself or others from an ongoing danger, and if it causes damage, the person shall not bear criminal responsibility."

"So Zhao Yishan does not have to bear any criminal responsibility under the circumstances of emergency risk avoidance."

"Therefore, I think the first-instance judgment of the Jiangcheng Intermediate People's Court on Zhao Yishan is completely unreasonable."

"Zhao Yishan was not convicted of robbery, nor was he an accomplice of the robber. He was just trying to escape danger. He should not be sentenced for robbery! He should not be sentenced to fifteen years in prison!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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