You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 292 Gu Chen's big move! Evidence!

Chapter 292 Gu Chen's big move! Evidence!

Gu Chen said: "So, my company has never discriminated against pregnant women."

Zhang Yao said: "Your Honor, we do not agree with the plaintiff's defense lawyer's point of view."

"First, these are your company's employees. Your employees may provide false testimony, and you may also give them some benefits. Moreover, they have only been in the company for a few months at most, so they are not convincing."

"Secondly, even if your company really didn't discriminate against these three pregnant women, it can't be said that it didn't discriminate against pregnant women. If we look at the facts, the company did fire Zhou Xiaoyan, the pregnant woman, so it was discriminating against pregnant women!"

Seeing that the lawyer on the other side was still being stubborn, Gu Chen was speechless.

Gu Chen didn't want to waste any more time on this lawsuit.

After finishing this lawsuit, he will immediately go back to see the final result of Zhou Wenjing's lawsuit.

The lawsuit between Zhou Wenjing and Wang Zhihao is the top priority.

There is no way Gu Chen will lose this lawsuit today.

Gu Chen knew that he could not debate the issue of discrimination against women with the female lawyer opposite him.

Zhang Yao would always talk about firing pregnant women.
Firing a pregnant woman is discrimination? Why?
Gu Chen said: "The reason why we dismissed Zhou Xiaoyan, the pregnant woman, is very simple."

"According to Article 62 of the Labor Law, female employees are entitled to no less than 98 days of maternity leave, of which only 15 days are pre-delivery leave."

"That is, you can apply for leave from the company fifteen days before giving birth."

"Zhou Xiaoyan worked for the company for two months but only worked five days, and took a total of 56 days off, which exceeded the prenatal leave stipulated in the Labor Law."

Gu Chen was really speechless.

There are really a lot of fairies involved in lawsuits recently.

How dare the lawyer and defendant on the other side do that?
I worked in the company for two months, but only worked five days a week and spent the rest of the time on leave.

Which company wouldn't fire such people?
As a result, these people keep saying that they are pregnant women and want to protect all women and all pregnant women.

Are pregnant women immune from death?

Can pregnant women not come to work?

National law stipulates that maternity leave is only 98 days.

You end up working five days a week and asking for leave every day, and you still have the nerve to say that the company discriminates against pregnant women?

Zhang Yao said: "But the law stipulates that if a pregnant woman feels unwell and goes to the hospital for a checkup, it is also counted as labor time, so Zhou Xiaoyan did nothing wrong."

Zhou Xiaoyan said: "Look, you are discriminating against pregnant women! Discriminating against women!!"

“I want to speak up for billions of women around the world!”

"I'm a pregnant woman! You always say that I take too many days off from work."

"I just got pregnant. Do you know how uncomfortable pregnancy is? You as a man will never know. Only we women know how painful childbirth is. It's uncomfortable. I just got pregnant, and my body is also uncomfortable in the early stages of pregnancy."

"I'm not feeling well, can't I take a leave and go home to rest? Do I have to stay at work just because I'm feeling unwell? I'm a pregnant woman, and you guys are supposed to take care of a pregnant woman, so it's your problem!"

"Besides, it's not like I didn't go back to work. I just took a long break. Wasn't that because I wasn't feeling well? I had made up my mind to go back to work, but you fired me before I could. Isn't that your fault?" Zhou Xiaoyan said unconvinced. Netizens in the live broadcast room: "???"

Okay, okay, can you still say that?

"I'm going back to work soon", "The company fired me first, so I can't go to work."

Gu Chen said, "You can take leave if you are not feeling well. According to the Labor Law, if a pregnant woman goes to the hospital for a checkup, it is also counted as labor time. Please bring out the records and reports of your fifty-six days of leave and daily visits to the hospital for checkups."

"If you don't have a certificate from the hospital, so you didn't go to the hospital for a checkup, it can't be counted as labor time."

Zhou Xiaoyan: “???”

Zhou Xiaoyan: "Can't I just rest at home if I'm not feeling well? Do I have to go to the hospital? I just want to protect my legal rights!"

Gu Chen said: "If there is no diagnosis certificate issued by the hospital, it cannot be considered a reasonable and legal leave."

"According to the Labor Law, if you conduct prenatal checkups during working hours, you need to be paid for the time you spend doing it. However, you don't have a certificate from the hospital, so the company doesn't need to pay you for the time you spend doing it."

"So the 5000 yuan salary the company gave you is still too high. You are away from the company for a long time and you asked for leave. The company can only calculate your salary based on the basic salary. After two months, you can only get a basic salary of 15000 yuan at most. The other yuan needs to be returned to the company."

Zhou Xiaoyan: “???”

Zhou Xiaoyan burst into tears.

Zhou Xiaoyan: "Look, netizens, he is discriminating against pregnant women! His company paid me the salary, but now they want to take it back! Gu Chen, are you being reasonable? I am so unlucky to join your company."

Zhang Yao stood up at this time.

Zhang Yao said, "Your Honor, the plaintiff's lawyer discriminated against pregnant women and women! Our client Zhou Xiaoyan did nothing wrong! Pregnant women will feel uncomfortable during pregnancy, so it is normal for them to take leave. Even if the leave is a little longer, it is not a reason for the employer to dismiss a pregnant woman without reason! Employers cannot dismiss pregnant women for any reason!"

"You should understand that it is not easy for a pregnant woman. It is normal for a pregnant woman to take leave to rest. You fired a pregnant woman like this. Isn't that discrimination against pregnant women?"

Gu Chen directly produced the evidence.

"Your Honor, I have evidence."

"Zhou Xiaoyan said she was not feeling well and asked for leave to stay at home."

"In fact, after Zhou Xiaoyan asked for leave and went home, she went clubbing with her friends. This is the surveillance video of a Miami bar."

"Zhou Xiaoyan took 56 days off, and spent 40 of them going to Miami bars to dance. I don't think she took the leave because she was not feeling well."

"Second, this is a record of Zhou Xiaoyan's live broadcast at home. She can't work at the company, but she can broadcast on Douyin for more than three hours a day. This shows that Zhou Xiaoyan can work normally, but she deliberately does not come to work at the company. The work content assigned to her by the company is actually very simple and not cumbersome."

Gu Chen submitted both pieces of evidence.

Gu Chen got the evidence easily.

"Third, this is what Zhou Xiaoyan wrote on her Little Red Book."

"Zhou Xiaoyan said on Xiaohongshu: "Family, I am a pregnant woman. Can I not go to work for a year, and then make money from the company? After a year, I can just quit, right? This kind of life is so comfortable! I want to try it, too!""

(End of this chapter)

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