You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 320: The old man breaks the law and goes to jail!

Chapter 320: Even the elderly who break the law will go to jail!

If an outlaw wants to send someone to jail, can he just send someone to jail?

Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya were not panicked at all.

Anyway, with this evidence, they can probably come out.

Even if I can't get out, the court can give me a light sentence, right?
When he is released from prison, he still won’t pay back the money.

By that time they will still be making a lot of money, what can Wang Guosheng do to them?
What can the outlaws do to them?
Gu Chen knew it at a glance.


Why wasn’t the IOU produced at the first instance?
The Void IOUs are here?
Can IOUs be forged?
Presiding Judge Zhang Jinxiu also frowned.

Does Wang Wenxuan really think the presiding judge is an idiot?

The first trial has already been concluded, and a new IOU is brought out in the second trial?

Who doesn’t know that Wang Yunxia is Wang Wenxuan’s biological sister?
Wang Yunxia can buy a house and a luxury car for Wang Wenxuan
Between two people, it’s no big deal to just write an IOU, right?
Gu Chen said, "Judge, I know a professional appraisal agency! I can ask them to come over and do an on-site appraisal! An authoritative appraisal agency can appraise this IOU and find out when it was signed. If they come over, they can do it in just fifteen minutes."

"Let me see when this IOU was written."

"Including fingerprints, signed names, how long the paper has been stored, etc., can all be detected." Gu Chen said.

Everything in this world is very efficient.

It's not just about litigation; some professional institutions are also very efficient in providing appraisals.

Especially to identify the handwriting and fingerprints on the IOU
It was identified easily.

When Wang Wenxuan heard that Gu Chen wanted to conduct an on-site appraisal, his scalp went numb.

Is Gu Chen playing this game so seriously?

They have already taken out the IOU, can't Gu Chen let them go?

If you don’t know, you might think they owed Gu Chen money.

Why would a lawyer care so much about this?
If Wang Guosheng wants the money back, will he give a penny to Gu Chen?
It just so happened that the presiding judge Zhang Jinxiu also had the same idea.

Soon, after contacting a professional authoritative organization, an organization came to conduct an appraisal.

The identification results came out very quickly.

"After testing, the handwriting on this IOU all belongs to Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yunxia themselves, but the time of signing the IOU was within a week, and the time of pressing the fingerprints was also within a week."

"The paper on it is A4 paper that was newly produced within a year. The IOUs between the two people are not from a few years ago."

When the identification results came out, Wang Wenxuan was stunned.

Judge Zhang Jinxiu also looked at Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya coldly.

Gu Chen said: "Judge, perjury will seriously affect the judicial order and undermine judicial justice. During the litigation process, both the parties to the case and other litigation participants should participate in the litigation activities in accordance with the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, provide testimony and evidence truthfully, and shall not deliberately make false statements or forge or destroy important evidence to hinder the People's Court's trial of the case.

"The defendants, Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yunxia, ​​fabricated false IOUs and perjured evidence! They maliciously refused to pay the money back and should be held accountable for the consequences!"

"I think the first-instance verdict was too lenient."

Gu Chen took out a video.

The video shows the scene where the journalist followed Wang Guosheng to the Yunshan scenic spot that day.

Inside the Yunshan Resort, Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan, two elderly people in their sixties, were causing trouble and obstructing law enforcement.

The court was originally going to enforce the order, but these two elderly people led a group to cause trouble.

These two old men even wanted to lead others to beat people up! They were such scoundrels!
Even a law enforcement officer was bitten by Zhang Yanyan!

Another law enforcement officer was hit on the head with a slipper by Wang Hao.

Gu Chen said: "Everyone has seen it. The court went to enforce the order, but Wang Hao hit the law enforcement officer on the head and Zhang Yanyan bit the law enforcement officer."

"These two people are Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yunxia's biological parents."

"Two people deliberately caused trouble and obstructed law enforcement, which has violated the law!"

Wang Wenxuan quickly said, "No! They are all old people. It won't hurt if they hit someone at this age. Why do you care about such a small matter?"

"And how would the old man know what happened? If someone comes to enforce the law, isn't it normal for him to come out and defend his rights? This is violent law enforcement! You want to touch the old man, isn't it normal for him to resist?"

"Besides, how can an old man beat you law enforcement officers? You definitely won't feel any pain if I touch you!"

Wang Yaya also said, "Having said so much, isn't this the problem of the law enforcement officers? If you don't enforce the law on the spot and don't go to Yunshan Resort, will they come out to hinder you? You deserve to be bitten and beaten! You deserve it!!"

Presiding Judge Zhang Jinxiu: “????”

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also full of questions.

No, I’ve seen shameless people, but I’ve never seen anyone so shameless!
A classic among classics!

If an old man hits someone, does it not hurt?
Just because they are old, we can’t argue with them?

what logic?

Because you are old, I am born to give in to you?
Who doesn’t feel pain when being beaten?

Who doesn’t feel pain when being bitten?

They even said that it was the law enforcement officers' problem and blamed them for not enforcing the law on their doorsteps.

Gu Chen stood up and said, "Judge, the video surveillance can clearly see it."

"Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan brought a bunch of elderly people with them. They obviously knew that law enforcement officers were coming to their homes, so they brought a bunch of elderly people with them to hinder law enforcement."

"Among them, Wang Hao hit the law enforcement officer on the head with his slippers, causing injury to the law enforcement officer."

"Zhang Yanyan bit the law enforcement officer's finger and injured the officer."

"Even if they are both elderly, the law should punish them severely!"

"Everyone is equal before the law!"

"We can't condone them just because they are old and break the law!"

"If we pay them dividends today, more old people will stand up and try to break the law tomorrow!"

"The ancients often said that if the emperor breaks the law, he will be punished just like the common people!"

"Old people who break the law should also be sentenced!"

"Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya broke the law knowingly, which is aggravated. Not only did they provide perjury, but they also colluded with their family members to obstruct law enforcement. The sentence given to them in the first instance was too light. I think the sentence should be heavier in the second instance!"

"Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan gathered a crowd to cause trouble and obstructed public service. According to Article 277 of the Criminal Law, anyone who uses violence or threats to obstruct state officials from performing their duties in accordance with the law shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, controlled release, or a fine."

"I think Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan should be arrested and sentenced to three years in prison!"

[ps: I didn’t expect that I didn’t finish writing today. I was so excited about writing. But this case of the deadbeat will definitely be concluded in the next chapter.]

(End of this chapter)

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