You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 321 Letter of Understanding? Impossible!

Chapter 321 Letter of Understanding? Impossible!

"Except for these points, the first-instance judgment should be upheld for other claims."

"Your Honor, I have concluded my statement."

Gu Chen finished speaking and sat down.

Upon hearing Gu Chen's lawsuit request, netizens in the live broadcast room applauded.

【Lawyer Gu said it well! 】

【here you go!!】

[This is how the sentence should be for the deadbeats! You are not satisfied with the three years in prison at first, right? If you are not satisfied, then go to prison for seven years. What else can you do? ]

[Do you like to let the elderly cause trouble? Are the elderly a golden ticket to immunity from death? They must go to jail! ]

[Yes, yes, he must go to jail! Sentenced!! The elderly will be sentenced as well! Is it okay for the elderly to break the law? If this case is really sentenced like this, I don’t know how many elderly people will stand up and break the law. Anyway, it’s okay for the elderly to break the law. I will also break the law when I become an elderly in the future.]

[The elderly who gathered to cause trouble must be sentenced! I just don’t know how many years they will be sentenced. Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan are both in their sixties, and being over sixty is not a golden ticket to avoid death.]

【Justice must be carried out against the deadbeats! 】

Hearing what Gu Chen said, Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya were a little panicked.

This Gu Chen is too cruel.

They were only sentenced to three years in the first trial.

Now Gu Chen actually wants to increase their time to seven years?

Will his parents be sentenced as well?

His parents are both elderly! !
Is this how Gu Chen is going to treat two old people?
How could two old people bear it?
Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan should both enjoy their lives and not go to jail!

But Wang Wenxuan and Zhang Yaya wanted to speak up to defend themselves, but they had no chance at all.

They were completely at a disadvantage in court.

The presiding judge Zhang Jinxiu even ignored them.

Wang Yaya looked at Wang Wenxuan and said, "What should we do?"

Wang Wenxuan shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Soon, presiding judge Zhang Jinxiu struck the gavel.

"I now declare a twenty-minute recess."

"In twenty minutes, the court will make a judgment."

The court entered recess time.

Wang Yaya and Wang Wenxuan looked at each other.

There was helplessness in the eyes of both of them.

It seems that they were still eating delicious food and drinking spicy drinks some time ago.

What a fulfilling life this is!

They live in big houses, drive luxury cars, and make millions every year.

A family should be enjoying life happily.

As a result, because Wang Guosheng kept suing them and asking them for money, they had to go to jail. Wang Wenxuan said angrily: "It's all Wang Guosheng's fault! If he wanted money, he should have just come to our house and talked to us nicely? We owed him money, so how could we not pay him? In the end, Wang Guosheng just wanted money and sent us all to jail. As a result, we are all in jail now. What can we do? It's all Wang Guosheng's fault!"

Wang Yaya also said: "It's because of Wang Guosheng! If he hadn't been asking for money, would we have gone to jail? Now we have to go to jail for at least three years. Damn, it's disgusting. Who can stand being in jail for three years? And Gu Chen wants to increase our sentence and let us stay in jail for seven years. I don't even dare to imagine what kind of life that is!"

Wang Yaya asked: "Wang Wenxuan, what should we do?"

Wang Wenxuan said, "It's okay. Let's go find Wang Guosheng and tell him that we are willing to pay back the money and compensate him with interest. Let Wang Guosheng withdraw the lawsuit. Then we don't have to go to jail, right? At worst, we can apologize to Wang Guosheng! That should be fine, right?"

Wang Yaya nodded. "I think it's okay. We owe each other money, don't we? Can't we just pay it back now? We can talk about anything!"

The attitudes of Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya have changed.

The two of them really don't want to go to jail.

Who would think of going to jail if they were not forced to do so?

Isn't it just paying back the money? Why not just pay it back to Wang Guosheng?

Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya found Wang Guosheng.

Wang Wenxuan said, "Brother Wang, let's do this. We will apologize to you and return all the money to you, including interest and any compensation you want! Can you withdraw the lawsuit? Or write a letter of apology, so that we can talk about it! In addition, I will give you an extra 200,000 yuan! I will give you 200,000 yuan as compensation, is that ok with you? We really don't want to go to jail."

Wang Yaya also smiled and said, "Brother Wang, we can talk about anything. As long as you can write a letter of understanding, we will give you the money after we leave the court! Don't worry, the money will definitely be paid to you. We dare not not transfer it to you. We don't want to go to jail. How about giving you an extra 200,000 yuan in mental damages? Let's follow the first trial and we will give you the money. Is that okay?"

Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya were trying to find Wang Guosheng for forgiveness.

Wang Guosheng said, "No, let's handle business as usual. When I came to you before, you all ignored me. I'm already your grandson. You obviously have money, but you just don't give me back. Now you're asking me to give you an extra 200,000 yuan? Do I need this 200,000 yuan? I just want to fight for my reputation. A letter of apology is absolutely impossible."

Hearing Wang Guosheng say this.

Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya's eyes immediately turned cold.

Wang Wenxuan said, "Wang Guosheng, are you really going to fight to the death? We can go to jail and not give you the money. Anyway, we won't give you the money. What can you do? You can't get the money. Is it so difficult for you to write a letter of apology? It's just that we owe you one million and haven't paid you back for a long time. Why are you still pretending?"

Wang Guosheng said, "Whatever. If you don't pay me back, I'll seize your property. It doesn't matter. Your manor is still there. Once the manor is auctioned, won't I get the money?"

Wang Wenxuan: “.”

Wang Yaya: “.”

The two men looked at each other.

Wang Wenxuan: "Is there no other solution? Brother Wang, how much money do you want? I'll give you 300,000, no, 500,000! Any amount is fine, as long as you write us a letter of understanding, we'll sentence you less!"

Wang Guosheng said, "Letter of forgiveness? Are you begging me now? Weren't you very tough before? But it's useless. Your parents beat up law enforcement officers and the elderly committed crimes, so it's okay? They will be sentenced the same way, and you will be sentenced too."

"Anyway, I won't give you a letter of apology. I'll just handle this matter impartially. This matter is over. We won't have any contact in this life. I don't want to have anything to do with you again. It's really disgusting to make friends with people like you."

After that, no matter what Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya said, Wang Guosheng ignored them.

If Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya had been nicer during the first trial and returned the money earlier, Wang Guosheng would have been willing to write a letter of apology.

Anyway, just consider it as bad luck that I met a deadbeat.

But it has come to this.
After the first trial, the two people still resisted execution and tried various ways to avoid paying the money.

The two elderly people, Wang Hao and Zhang Yanyan, actually beat up law enforcement officers!
This is even more disgusting than an ordinary deadbeat!

Letter of understanding? Impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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